2006 21 February :: 2.55pm
Standing in the hall here. haha. I so did not write my paper......
That's not good.
Tonight is the Grand Culinary Affair and I'm taking my Aunt with me. It should be pretty nice.
I ran a mile and a half today. And didn't eat anything. But I'll probably eat tonight.
Bah. I missed class last Thursday cause of the weather, now I didn't write my paper...
Well I should probably actually go do something for class.
let go lightly
2006 21 February :: 11.09am
Please read this, anyone who cares about me:
wow. so yeah my life is pretty much completely effed up.
Okay, so I don't think I can make it in college. My dreams of being a nurse are pretty much shot. I just honestly really don't think I am capable of doing it. I'm sorry, but I don't. It sucks, but I don't. I really just think all I'm cut out to be is a mom. And I guess that's just the way it goes. School is not for me. I hate it and I'm just not all there. It's not in my heart I guess.
I honestly think once you get to be a senior or at least just a little older and you start to see the world and what a bad place it really is a little bit better, you really start to realize that what they teach you in school is almost all USELESS. I mean, yeah some of it sure is going to be relevant but a lot of it is pointless. Like, I can't BELIEVE I wasted a semester (haha, like that's a measure of time..) of my life sitting in Current Events class. I found some of my old papers from that class and seriously if I could rename that class I would name it Penmanship because that is ALL we did is copy things from written documents THAT'S ALL! It was totally and completely pointless. Also, I can't believe I sat through Foundations although when Mrs. Gallert came into the picture, she did teach what needed to be taught, but for the semester before her, it was pointless.
I just think I am going to find a school to go for Cosmetology. Yeah, it makes me sound like I'm going to be a nothing all my life, but really ... I feel like I couldn't succeed at doing anything much greater than that and I feel like WHY spend the money to go to college to just find out I can't do any of the things I wanted to. And at least cosmetology would be a steady job and I could have kids and still work part time and then go back and always do that job when my kids are in school. Really my main goal in life is to have a WONDERFUL family. Which is a good goal for me. Honestly like yeah I'm a little disapointed I won't be able to say I have a DEGREE in something, but at least I can have a wonderful family and good life. I just honestly don't think i"m capable of it.
I've come to realize something... it's extremely easy to say "I'm going to be a nurse" But to actually DO it is a totally different thing. It's hard. And although the words "I'm going to school for nursing" have came out of my mouth a million times. It's a hell of a lot easier said than done. I absolutely HATE school and I struggle too much in Chemistry and math to be able to handle it in college.
So basically- sorry mom and dad, I won't be your prodigy child, I won't be the one you're most proud of. I'll be the dud in your eyes. But in my eyes I'll have the best life out of all of them. I'll be the one who's not swimming in money, but enjoying a wonderful LOVING family. Something you never experienced and one day maybe you'll see it too, and wish you could have it.
And well just think of it this way: 3 out of 4 isn't bad.
f u ck school. It's just hard because I know I will forever be looked upon as the mess up. Whatever. I'm not going to be what YOU want me to be. Sorry.
I thought I really wanted be a nurse. But when it comes down to it, I don't even know if I would be able to stick a needle in someone. I thought it would be great to know I helped make a baby healthy enough to go home. That'd be a great feeling right? But what if something I did messed something up and KILLED that baby. What if I killed someone's baby that they had carried around for 9 months and waited and waited for the day it would be born and then 3 days later some mistake I make kills it. I just can't have that responsibility. It's way to extreme. Going into cosmetology the worst I could do is give someone a bad haircut.
I know my family will think I chose this because I'm moving in with Roman. Which, say that to yourself, does that really make any sense? Does moving in with Roman have anything to do with my choice of not becoming a nurse? Obviously not. It's not a decision he can make for me. And it's not affected by him. It's me. One thing might have changed my decision though. I would have at least wanted to TRY it IF my parents would pay for my college. But since I have to pay for it on my own, why would I want to take the chance to waste my money. Like, part of me still would like to go to college and maybe find a different profession that would be good for me, but it's like... why not just do this cosmetology thing so I don't have to spend money on finding out that I don't want to do nursing or whatever else.
I don't know.... MAYBE there could be something besides nursing where I don't have someone's life in my hands. But honestly I don't think there is anything I would enjoy. And I wouldn't want to go to college. I honestly just don't think I have what it takes. I can see the foreshadow already. My grades are going to s hit . And I just don't care anymore.
Oh also, how can something so "IMPORTANT" as the ACT's be messed up? On my score sheet it was correct, but I guess when they sent it to the school it now says my math score is a 31 (hahaha, impossible!) and my reading - an 18. Those should be reversed. But with this simple mistake, I could get into a higher math class or whatever or have to take a simple english class. Ugh it's just so dumb.
So good. And that's all.
P.S. I wanted people to read this, especially if they are in college.... I guess to give an opinion. Maybe a suggestion of what I could do instead of nursing. but not for just an encourgement of saying "YES YOU CAN" because I dont want to hear it because honestly, how would you know if I can or not? You dont' know. I think I know myself better than anyone else does. So I guess... opinions please but no praises.
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let go lightly
2006 20 February :: 10.36pm
and i can't wait to fucking be the one
and in 3 months i can't wait to never have to be around you fuckers.
let go lightly
2006 20 February :: 12.57pm
:: Music: The Shins
It was a really great weekend. And beautiful.Just really reminds me of why we're together.
I love him.

Sometimes it's just really nice. You have to remember the beauty in things.

let go lightly
2006 19 February :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: sleepy sleepy
:: Music: the printer
my weekend
it was a good weekend. friday... radio show, party at hunter's. that was good fun. saturday morning was band practice. then we came back here and shannon made some awesome chicken noodle soup, and kevin made empenadas. took kevin home, crashed at shannon's last night. five o clock this morning the fire alarm went off. that was obnoxious. and cold. but hey. nothing to put you to sleep like a really huge adrenaline rush. except for not.
and then today, just hung out. tried feebly to do some homework. read some. took shannon and sarah to see brokeback mountain. i didn't actually go in though, i sat in the lobby and did some honors reading. still not done though. but yeah. on the way there i spun the truck on a patch of black ice... that was fun. but i managed to not hit anything or kill anybody, so that much was good. and then the truck was acting up on the way home. it got gradually better, but it's something to do with the throttle, or the spark advance or something. just, something's not working right, and so i'll open up the throttle, but the engine won't rev... or the rev will be really inconsistent. or i'll hold the throttle and all of a sudden the rev will jump like mad. which, that one is kind of fun, because it's like somebody pushed the NOS button or something. but still, i don't like that i can't control it. i'm not sure what the problem is, but i don't have time to deal with it right now. i'll just not rely on the truck at the moment.
ryan came to practice saturday, that went pretty well. and i'm soon to be the official full time back up drummer for souls of rhythm, and that should be fun. he's gonna call me sometime this week. gaaa.
sleepy time. i wish. homework time. yup.
let go lightly
2006 19 February :: 9.43pm
this weekend i slacked off again with school.
i don't even care.
i freakin want summer. even though that means precalc.
but the trees look sweet.
it's like living in a snow globe.
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let go lightly
2006 18 February :: 10.19pm
Who knew life could throw so many pitchforks at your ass.
And then it laughs and laughs and laughs as it watches you rub your ass and cry.
Life's a muthafuckin bitch.
let go lightly
2006 18 February :: 10.13pm
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let go lightly
2006 16 February :: 7.17pm
:: Music: Vermilion, Pt. 2
I won't let this build up inside of me...
Ahhhhh our power is out!
I have like, 7 candles lit in my room. Our house will probably catch fire...
I hate this crap.
let go lightly
2006 16 February :: 3.48pm
So spill my blood.
Midnight skies turned scarlet red.
I told you I was really sick. Then you don't call or anything.
At least I have someone who cares.
I feel like falling off the face of the earth again to you. At least for a day or so.
Whatever. That whole entry probably didn't make sense!
let go lightly
2006 16 February :: 1.19pm
:: Mood: renewed
:: Music: Elvis - Gospel
"There's a heaven somewhere"
(So Valentines Day was completely unexpected. It was very nice for a change. I have no regrets. And I'm very happy to see a change in the writings I read.)
So things are good now, i'm happy. Work is fine, although we're moving the store which is going to suck, mainly because it's going to be moved into a tiny little store a forth the size of what we have now. Oh well.
I learned a few new songs on my guitar, one being a song that two lovers once shared, an Elvis song.
Must go and get ready for work, later.
(I miss you)
let go lightly
2006 16 February :: 1.05pm
Oooooh. I think I heard thunder.
Yeah. I'm not going to class today. I'd probably get stuck in GR when the storm hit.
let go lightly
2006 16 February :: 10.21am
So right now I pretty much hate anyone who lives within any reasonable distance to their significant other. So that would be like everyone except Justine.
K, try living 2 hours from your best friend and the person you need to be there for you the most and the person who lifts you up when you are down and makes you smile and makes you feel good and listens to you and cares about you.
Try going 3 weeks without seeing that person's smile.
I hate any of you who ever take it for granted.
I would give anything for Roman to live 40 minutes away from me again.
okay and why in the heck do you peole say i'm "violent"? I'm not violent, I don't physically hurt people. ;askldfj
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2006 15 February :: 10.28pm
I've never been so tired in my life.
let go lightly
2006 15 February :: 10.10pm
:: Music: wgvu jazz
hrm...the 'dust' one made me laugh...
Froy Marriage Rating = -340
"Generally speaking, no woman with an FR of under 250 can be recommended, especially to our less experienced friends. FR-minus women are out from the start."
Approximate Risk of Marriage = 100%
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let go lightly
2006 15 February :: 10.06pm
I don't know where to begin.
It's just sad.
People get replaced so fast.
A vendor my dad worked with, a really nice guy, was trying to plan a meeting for them to work out some stuff.
Thursday my dad calls saying he's kind of busy and if they can reschedule it for Friday.
Friday the guy calls saying he's not feeling too good maybe Monday.
Then he dies.
They buried him today.
My dad really didn't want to have to call the company, but they said they'd get someone to fix things.
Someone called 20 minutes later to take the other's place.
My dad felt really weird about deleting the guy's number out of his phone.
I would feel weird, too.
Everyone just gets replaced so fast.
I haven't felt very well today.
let go lightly
2006 15 February :: 8.04pm
okay i dont know how to make it a link but PLEASE do this.
please :0( Michele
and this!! Michele
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let go lightly
2006 15 February :: 3.33pm
yeah, that's all i've got.
aside from a shitpile of homework, as per usual.
which means i think i'm going to go get some money out of the bank. which i have ceased putting money into. and then i will proceed to spend said money on other people. and prophylactic lubricant. and food. in other words, everything a growing boy needs. although, not necessarily in that order.
P.S. Check out and see the funny quote of the day! today's isn't that great though. but still. it's something fun i added to my journal. and it's all in german. if anyone knows the coding to get all the other stuff in german, that would be way super fun!
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let go lightly
2006 15 February :: 10.54am
uggggggggggggggggggggggh you annnnnnoyyyy meeee sooooo mucccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
shut uppppppppppppp and stoppppppppppp braaaaaaaaaaggggggggiiiiiiiinggggggggg
. Perhaps, though, I'm just a little mad at the world.
oh and i'm not going to prom. Just so you know. And by you I don't know who I mean.
I miss Roman, as per usual.
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2006 14 February :: 9.42pm
UGH i swear . are you the only one now!?!? you are!
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