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gilded smile

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:: 2006 17 January :: 9.34pm

Tomorrow class is at 7:30. AHHH. Then Charlie and I are going out to breakfast together. Yippers. :-)

let go lightly


:: 2006 17 January :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: Painful

Well, my back isn't getting any better, if anything, it's getting worse. I might have to get a skin graph and some surgery done. we're suing the insurance company and the city of fort myers.. I had a meeting this morning with a lady from the insurance company and we talked about what happened and everything. I wish we could just get this all over with. This incident might just make me rich though. Last night I was really, really fucked up, i had to take these pills and i was puking and i couldnt even walk. I woke up this morning not able to walk or move really. I hope to god I get better soon.

On another note, I guess we're moving to Tennessee in a week or so. I don't really want to but that's what we're doing anyways. Yesterday we just got brand new 4-wheelers and im getting one once we move.

I guess that's about it for now. later.


18 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 17 January :: 3.00pm

I am bored. Oh so bored. blah blah blah blah blah blah

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 January :: 10.53pm
:: Music: Hawthorne Heights- Dissolve and Decay

Man I love you Charlie. <3

Today was kind of relaxing. I feel bad for not really working or anything...
Got up at 6 though (i haven't gotten up at 6 in almost a year!) Went to class, (i can tell Intro to Hosp. is going to be GREAT!), then got out of class around 8:10. Went home and slept then went to Charlie's and had a lot of fun :-) Now I'm watching the Bachelor. hahaha.

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 January :: 9.10pm

okay, is this odd?

"It's no exaggeration to say that the pain and desperation of cluster headaches have actually led to suicides."

...orrrrr what? lol. i'm dumb sorry.

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 January :: 11.20am

oh my gawd. lol....

i love you and i dont care who knows it :0)
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jeez louise. i'm in love with you.

(Jess you know i'll really really miss you. But) I can't wait for everything to start.

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 15 January :: 9.50pm

today was so hectic but everything turned out great. i love roman so much. i am so lucky.

we are so lucky.

and jess i totally freakin love you. we both do lol

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 15 January :: 8.09pm

I'm really excited! It's coming in 3 months! They'll start working on it in 3 wks down in Bowling Green.
The new Z06 is the fastest GM car. And it weighs 300 lbs less than the Ferrari 430, which is pretty awesome. Sorry, Char and I went to the Auto Show at Devos today and I got really really excited. I love cars.

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let go lightly


:: 2006 14 January :: 5.35pm
:: Music: bright eyes-first day of my life

i look so cute right now!
someone other than my sleeping boyfriend needs to see me.

how much does it cost to rent a billboard?
i mean, that wouldn't be vein right? like it would be brightening everyones day to see me staring back at them as they fly by going 80 on the highway. maybe i'll cause some accidents. really, that would be the best outcome. . .

um . . . yeah, i have to go now and look into this further.

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 14 January :: 5.19pm

no not really. i'm already eating a sandwich. i'm done pretending thanks

let go lightly


:: 2006 13 January :: 4.02pm

ughghghhghg i think i hate myself. maybe i should stop being a bitch to everyone. well you dont know anyway

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:: 2006 13 January :: 1.46pm

yeah i knew it'd be kind of like this. it's not that bad but i am not that strong... or something

ugh. i love you despite everything and anything. and yeah sorry but i could never deny that.

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:: 2006 12 January :: 8.25pm
:: Mood: annoyed


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:: 2006 12 January :: 1.36pm

waiting to leave for class. boring! I'm all ready to go! hahaha. I just want to get it over with. it's survey of Am. Govn't and it'll be boring. I'm hungry I guess I could eat. Wow. What an update!

let go lightly


:: 2006 12 January :: 12.04pm

wow, an update.

So I'm finally in school now, I'm actually at ferris right now. I'm majoring in international business. I came home from venezuela about mid december for christmas and I dont' think I'm going back anytime soon.

I'm really just doing my gen ed. right now except for a russian class that is actually pretty cool.

I need a haircut

/end update.

8 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 12 January :: 12.55am

wow. first week and i'm already abandoning my homework.

this doesn't bode well at all.

but on the plus side, my social life is kicking some serious ass. and hunter is the best thing ever. well, maybe not ever. but he's good for me, in that "similar, yet different" sort of way. i really need to let go of my inhibitions, and get back to my instincts. not like buck wild or anything, but just a little more in tune. i'm so far removed from all that "human" shit, it's no wonder i feel detached all the fucking time.

i think i should go to bed. and i need to take a shower tomorrow morning. ahh... i'm so fucked. what did i do? what will i do?


you're falling deeper, deeper 3 into the deepest, most relaxing sleep you've ever had 2 the most relaxing sleep you've ever had... deeper, falling, sinking, relaxed 1.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 11 January :: 11.52pm
:: Music: Elliott Smith- Say Yes

Have you watched the news lately?
Seriously, this world is awful.
It's just.... awful.

I'm just really upset.
"My job is one of the most emotionally fulfilling jobs..." -the "Abortionist"

And the whole thing going on with the body in the landfill. I was talking to my hair lady about it and she just said "Well, I mean, it's going to get disgusting with the birds and the tractors running over it..."
And that is NOT what I'm thinking about. I'm thinking, How can those 3 kids leave their FATHER there, in that landfill. Does he honestly deserve to be there? That is awful. He wanted to be cremated, but of course they don't care. Doesn't he deserve something better?

People just amaze me. It seems they're completely guilt-free.

let go lightly


:: 2006 11 January :: 10.08pm
:: Music: Death Cab For Cutie- Soul Meets Body

What did I ever do to deserve this...?
I'm sick of feeling this way.
I don't want my feelings anymore.

let go lightly


:: 2006 11 January :: 6.45pm

ughghgh this afternoon is not going well..

the search for a new job is not going at all. and everything sucks and i'm sick of driving everywhere and i am REALLY sick of writing the same thing a THOUSAND times. about where i worked and who i am and where i live. omg. and i'm sick of hearing i need to be 18.

i have 41 unread messages in my email. and i just haven't checked it for only 2 days. so that means its probably massive amount of junk that despite my blocking is never going to stop getting to me

i saw some girl lying dead or hurt or something in the middle of fricken alpine as i was leaving. ugh just not a good image and not a good thing

my headlight is out.

i hate peopl.e

i have a headache like every day of my life i swear.

and yeah i forgot my psych book so there goes my huge assignment. i KNEW i 'd forget it. ughghg i swear i can't remember anything at ALL EVER!!

i ..roman. i mis s him so much.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 11 January :: 4.47pm

major bummer
Just found out that I am most likely being laid off from work at the end of March. Damn automotive industry.

let go lightly

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