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:: 2006 27 October :: 3.30pm

Caleb James is here! He is a beautifu little boy and we love him so extremely much! I'm still at the hospital trying to walk around and stuff so I figured I would let everyone know.

He was born Oct. 26, 12:07 pm, and he weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. He is 19 inches long and has beautiful blue eyes. And we think maybe auburn hair. So it was a 12 hour labor but we've been at the hospital since Wednesday night. I had a TON of awful back labor so then on Thursday, well, I'll try to save the details, but it was the most painful thing I've ever done. But well worth it. I'll post some pictures when I get a chance. :-)

7 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 26 October :: 10.22am
:: Mood: nachdenklich
:: Music: BSC

word on the streets

yeah, so college changes people.


i know!

i have yet to figure out if it's a good change.

4 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 25 October :: 11.58am

Charlie and I are at Beaners right now :-)
I'm in early labor and have been since yesterday. We went to the doctor and I'm dilating and 70% effaced. We're so excited. Last night we had to make up one of our childbirth classes and it made me a little nervous knowing that everything would be happening in the next couple days or so. We're really happy.

Baby will be here either tonight or tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 24 October :: 8.38pm

stop me if you've heard this one before...


4 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 23 October :: 5.28pm

So. At Beaner's again. Drinking a large hot cocoa again. Yummmm.
This baby is coming, probably this week. I just organized all of the cupboards and cleaned the house yesterday. And I didn't get sick this morning like usual. At my last appt. the baby weighed about 7 lbs. 8-10 oz. So this will be a healthy baby :-) Hooray. Everything is pretty much set and I'm ready! I'm so excited.

let go lightly


:: 2006 23 October :: 5.32pm

i'm fucking pissed.

mostly at myself, i guess.

who else do i have to blame? my professor? i'm trying to be reasonable here.

and at the moment, wigging out and beating the tar out of something sounds very reasonable to me.

27 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 21 October :: 4.34am

oh my gosh.

i woke up at 4 am today .

do you want to know why?

so i can go to menards. MENARDS. what kind of crazy person shops at 5 am at menards. or anywhere for that matter.

i have no idea why they scheduled me for 5 am. i thought they had designated people committed to ruining their lives and getting up that early and working the 5 am shifts. but i guess not???

i can not believe i am going to work this early. god i'm crazy. I HATE MENARDS!

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 18 October :: 12.29am

why do people look so sad in their pictures? It's a mistery I'll never solve.

I have a feeling it's going to be one of those lay in bed and thing nights... oh well...

let go lightly


:: 2006 17 October :: 4.19pm

just a diddy runnin through my head..:

Repress and restrain
Steal the pressure and the pain
Wash the blood off your hands
This time she won't understand

Change in the air
And they'll hide everywhere
No one knows who's in control

You're working so hard
And you're never in charge
Your death creates success
Rebuild and suppress

Change in the air
And they'll hide everywhere
No one knows who's in control

Change in the air
And they'll hide everywhere
And no one knows who's in control

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 14 October :: 5.38pm

i am bored. i should be doing homework, but i really don't care all that much.
i think i may go to my grandmas house before we all go to jakes.
that would be a good time, let me tell you . . .
my grandma-she is crazy.
she's a bad ass.
for sure.

ooh now i am really excited i got myself all worked up about grandma.
now if i don't go i am going to be really sad.



you're the bomb
you rock my life
you made my mom
will you be my wife??

well, maybe that is going too far.
i don't know.
this is getting weird.

i'm so sorry.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 13 October :: 5.02pm

So the ultra-sound was today. Baby weighs about 6 lbs 14 oz. Whoooo. And I had the sonographer get a picture of the gender and then she put it in a sealed envelope so I could have it for the baby book. So now at home I have this envelope that seals the big question! And I can't open it now. Ahhhh! :-D

4 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 13 October :: 9.49am

I feel that in the onset of the recent " global warming disaster" , michigan has and will continue to remain unchanged...

I hate geography...

I love elipses...

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 12 October :: 4.58pm

I am so happy. Charlie and I are planning more dates now. Like tonight. After he gets home from work. And tomorrow. And a color-tour to Holland on Saturday. :-) I am extra extra excited.
And tomorrow we have an ultra-sound. They may take me early. Any time now...

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 11 October :: 4.30pm

so mitch told his friends that i am a lesbian.
im ok with that.

perhaps i should try it out next semester when robbys away.
heck maybe ill just try it now.

8 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 11 October :: 12.20pm

So I must vent just a tad to just feel just a tad bit better.

I have changed my major from Paralegal studies to Nursing. Reason being: my full scholarship Lettinga Campus scholarship things has JUST changed the rules and instead of only being allowed to use the scholarship at the either of the two Grand Rapids Davenport campuses, I am now allowed to use the scholarship at any Davenport campus. There are many.

There are 3 campuses that offer the nursing program. Midland, Dearborn and Warren.

Long story short, next year, if all goes well, Roman and I will be moving to the Detroit (Dearborn or Warren) area and living there and going to school and being 2 and a half hours away from any sort of Cedar-ish area.

My scholarship is renewable up to 4 years. But there is a catch. I must earn a 3.4 GPA or better. So, if my math is correct, if I am taking four 3-credit hours, I can afford to get two B+'s as long as I get two A-'s or A's. I am pretty sure I can do it, but I need to set my standards higher. I used to think that a B was a pretty good grade, not that great, but I can deal with it. Now, I need to accept nothing less than an A.

I'm scared.

Okay different subject.

I know i'm just a lil ol white girl from non-diverse Cedar Springs and I'm not saying that peoples' feelings or thoughts especially of themselves and their history and yada yada isn't important but it is really necessary to cry in an English 110 class over a fricken article? IS IT? okay, that sounds very insensitive, but come on, if anyone knows me they know i am very sensitive. It's okay to feel strongly about it and to have those feelings in you and to really be that upset about the thing as a whole but not this article. It was a thought-provoking satire. A THOUGHT-PROVOKING SATIRE. THAT'S ALL!

I honestly can't take it.

in other news. roman and i bought bikes and rode a lot and had fun and rode them all the way downtown as in ridin along on wealthy and fulton and division. it was fun. and the day before that we rode on some trail and saw a deer and a fawn and then we ended up on 52nd and rode all the way back to burlingame and then home. it was so fun. coolie cool.

"Hey popo! We're ridin dirty but I betcha can't tell!!!"

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 11 October :: 12.11pm


seriously, i'm gonna kill myself. i knew i shouldn't have came to english today. why is it that everything that people say seriously feel like knives poking into my spine. i CANNOT stand people.

"my fiance"

bull shit you prissy little bitch. two weeks ago you were screwing the milkman.

i wanna throw up and also i want to leave school. i'm so stressed out

shannon do you have my yearbook? can i get it? do you have it? whadoido

omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggg I HATE .......... it's like blah blah blah blha blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. people think everything they have on their mind is so damn important. not everything a person thinks needs to be heard by everyone in the room. shut your mouth and if you really feel like expressing your feelings, go right it in a journal. I seem to be doing a fine job of it myself...


2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 9 October :: 10.36am

i have been sitting here for a long time it seems and i am starting to think that it would have been better if i just didn't go to class today.

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:: 2006 9 October :: 10.18am

so i've decided i'm going to do nursing like i orginally wanted to do and i think there are gonna be alot of changing coming to my life.

and ps.

i love roman garcia yeehaw

let go lightly


:: 2006 6 October :: 6.29pm

Finally here!

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 October :: 12.02pm
:: Music: beatles - white album

jeez. it's just playful banter.

i guess i can dish it out, but i just can't take it.

let go lightly

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