2002 19 April :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: thursday-paris in flames
do you ever wonder what meddles in their minds? hypocracy. they say one thing and do another. sickening me. but i wont be sickened anymore. not by you. because bonds do break, stone can turn to dust. as it has. Au revoir. Je n'aime pas elle.
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see beyond what is
2002 15 April :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: cynical
Tear away from the cold. Embrace the warmth anew inside. Go for what you burn for like there is no tomorrow. Dont stop trying. Dont quit fighting. Because someday what it is you desire will be gone.forever. The day for you is coming. The day in which there is no tomorrow for you. Clock is ticking. Time is in your hands. Make it count.
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see beyond what is
2002 14 April :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: From autumn to ashes
Our ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it while its here. I know i will. <3 nite
see beyond what is
2002 13 April :: 12.17am
:: Mood: Sigh
:: Music: Computer Humm
No more games. None. Be open with me. I'm trying to climb over this mountain, but I need your help. YOUR help. <3
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see beyond what is
2002 9 April :: 9.04pm
:: Mood: Somber
:: Music: Less than jake-help save the youth of america from exploding
This world needs to change. All of it. A blanket had been unfurled over you eyes. They blind you to the system, blind you from the unequality that exists. How Is there equality in a world that is ruled by a few hundred people? How do we have the power to rule over others lives? To sentence them to death? To imprison them? To tax them? To take away their freedoms? It's simple: we don't, never have, never will. No matter how much you may detest someone or something, you have no right to take it away unless it is of your own. NO RIGHT. How society judges is something that throws me into a rage as well. Society judges me on such dimunitive levels such as grades and money. My level of intelligence is based on letters. Whats wrong with that picture? I see everything wrong. Someone give ideas about change in society. Please.
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see beyond what is
2002 8 April :: 8.55am
:: Mood: Lazy
:: Music: some kids wont shut up
In comp. class
Hi kids. Aggh some girl really angered me a few mins ago in between classes. no names, but I want to hit someone ahhhhhh asfffndfh!!! Ugggh some people just need to be shot, no questions asked. Hmm well i'm having a good chat with pat so im out. <3 peace.
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see beyond what is
2002 5 April :: 2.12pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Godsmack at Jasons
Apathy is rare in her
She is serene yet enraged
Holding on tight
Letting go, losing strength
Exhausted from all that's around
Yet she always has a smile
well i'm just skippin at jasons. I got bored. Someone figure this out. . We are going to do somethin cool. <3 bye
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see beyond what is
2002 4 April :: 5.47pm
:: Mood: Empty gaze
:: Music: Anti-flag
Her heart burns bright
Emotions kept locked inside
As she awakens, her eyes open like doors
Through that door she comes out
Her essance is releasing
Emotions glowing brighter each day
Reaching out is her hand. I think i might take it
if you get what this is, let me know.<3 sean
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see beyond what is
2002 4 April :: 10.12am
:: Mood: horny
:: Music: dumb teacher again
Im just in class again. Patrick is sleeping so i got nothin to do. Suck my dick Suck my dick Suck my dick Suck my dick Suck my dick Suck my dick Suck my dick. Someone. Suck my dick.This is worthless i'll write somethin worthwhile at home. <3 bye
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see beyond what is
2002 2 April :: 9.55am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Dumb Teacher Talkin
Haha i enjoyed reading Heather's jorual. It made me smile in this boring ass class. *yawn* Well i'm hoping everythings gonna work out, cause things are getting clearer. Im suck of fuckin negativity and people focusing on it. You can't dwell on the bad that "could" or "may" happen, you just gotta hope for the best, and whatever happens is for the best. You can't lose that hope of happiness. Keep on smiling. <3 you all. -Swan
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see beyond what is
2002 31 March :: 9.32am
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: AFI-The last kiss
me=fuckin lucky
Last night. I. Shit. Myself. After i left tom's at 2:20 i was drivin to ashley's when i saw a cop drive by. So when i got to ashleys, she told me some guy called the cops so i had to go home. So while im driving home a cop with no lights comes outta nowhere, yells at me to pull over, and checks me out and shit. Then he starts laughing and said it was all a fuck up and i could go freely with no consequences or anything. I could have fuckin died i got so scared. Then i went numb. The craziest thing is, i still dont care. And im for sure gonna do it again, just not for a fucking while. Im sorry for not gettin to hang with you ash. fuckin coppers. But i got to chill out with tom for a bit so it was cool. I dont see anything wrong with driving around tho. I am a ver cabable driver, we arent doing anything "bad", so societys laws can fuck themself in the ass. Anyways; im still dumbfounded by women. Agh. someone put me outta my misery. Someone.
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see beyond what is
2002 30 March :: 1.38pm
:: Mood: YAAWWWN
:: Music: Less Than Jake-Just Like Frank
FUcking Females
COOONFUSSING. AGGH head. spinning. from. females. ah. They say they know how to drive. Then they almost run into parked cars lol. At least spicket knows how to drive, even when she looks like a granny. <3 spicket. My world seems like utter chaos right now. I dont know where i want to go, what i want to do, it seems everyone keeps stringing on consequences to everything i say or do. Which in fact they are right, i think the same things as them, but someone tell me why people are so hung up on consequences? I say do whatever you want to do, if it brings you happiness and comfort in that period of time, then do it. Because there is no eternal happiness. How can we have eternal happiness if someday we are all going to face our day of non-existance? We are going to die. How can you be happy if you cease to exist? Tell me the point of worrying over every little consequence and detail Bonnie. Lawrence. Someone tell me.
1 paid close attention |
see beyond what is
2002 29 March :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: jay leno
i sneak out too much. need sleep. but suprise suprise im leavin again tonight. i need someone to be with. who knows what could happen. but i gtg now and pick up these hoodlums. <3 nite
see beyond what is
2002 28 March :: 3.56pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: AFI-Of greetings and goodbyes
each day makes me happier!!! reids here holy shit im gonna bust on myself. today is going to be quite awsome, as will tonight be :). I think im now able to have lots of fun again. Aw man im so punk rawk. I thought about being apathetic, but i cant see how people can do it. Boring life i think, i like emotion most of the time. Ok im going off on some weird shit now so im gonna go. My friends fuckin rock. <3 sean
see beyond what is
2002 27 March :: 4.40pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Thrice-as the ruin falls
Im sick of it all. I've seen the depression to be had in this world. It pierced my heart and broke it in two. I looked at my life last night, and decided to pick up the broken pieces, mend my open wounds, and get the fuck out of this hole of self pity i've buried myself in. To all of you who loathe in the sorrow and tragedy of this world, let it go. Be yourself. Wake up. Realize where you are going and what life is about, and be yourself. I see all these kids changing along with us. Are they really waking up? or just being yet another conformist? you decide. Im gonna go have some fun now and forever, and hopefully this is my final good bye to that now empty hole. Hello naive world. I fuckin missed you. Smile :)
see beyond what is