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:: 2006 5 March :: 10.27 am

My parents just dropped 50 on an SSR yesterday! Holy crap. They were working and saw it and then just decided to buy it. It's really cool and I get to drive it to the beach this summer. It's a convertible, too. And the color changes. Aqua Blur. AHHHH.
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1 -finally spoke up | Say something!

:: 2006 2 March :: 2.24 pm

I want to go on a trip. A big one. I'm so excited.

Say something!

:: 2006 2 March :: 1.55 pm

Hmmm. Well, my car finally did start. AHHH. That always happens. And I didn't have any class to go to or anything. I was just waiting around. Today was interesting. My table service class is going to be fun. I think.

Say something!

:: 2006 1 March :: 8.16 am


DANG YOU! ! ! ! !

Now I'm stuck here. Probably for hours.

Say something!

:: 2006 24 February :: 12.43 pm

There's a fire forming, not too far from here
Along the east coast maybe, it resides in you, my dear
Worn out on our courtesy, we've made our curtain calls
Like vampire bats deprived of blood, into the New York City night we crawl

Say something!

:: 2006 21 February :: 10.14 pm

Oh my goodness.
That was an awesome time. Went to the Grand Culinary Affair. Pretty cool. My feet ache like whoa though cause I wore stupid shoes. It was worth it. Tickets were $65 so I was happy I got to go. There was a lot of awesome food and I saw a lot of people I worked with and knew. I'm glad my aunt had a good time.
The most fun was the dart game. For $20 you get 2 throws. You aim at chef hats and then people pull cards out and the number on it corresponds to a gift. Well I didn't ever think I'd play cause it was so much, but my aunt gave me $40 to do it. So I threw and won 2 things... It was so cool. I got my knife kit for school, and normally it'd be about $250 or so...And I got a cookbook so that's pretty neat. It was a good time.

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:: 2006 21 February :: 2.55 pm

Standing in the hall here. haha. I so did not write my paper......
That's not good.
Tonight is the Grand Culinary Affair and I'm taking my Aunt with me. It should be pretty nice.
I ran a mile and a half today. And didn't eat anything. But I'll probably eat tonight.
Bah. I missed class last Thursday cause of the weather, now I didn't write my paper...
Well I should probably actually go do something for class.

Say something!

:: 2006 20 February :: 12.57 pm
:: Music: The Shins

It was a really great weekend. And beautiful.Just really reminds me of why we're together.
I love him.
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Sometimes it's just really nice. You have to remember the beauty in things.
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:: 2006 16 February :: 7.17 pm
:: Music: Vermilion, Pt. 2

I won't let this build up inside of me...
Ahhhhh our power is out!
I have like, 7 candles lit in my room. Our house will probably catch fire...
I hate this crap.

Say something!

:: 2006 16 February :: 3.48 pm

So spill my blood.
Midnight skies turned scarlet red.
I told you I was really sick. Then you don't call or anything.
At least I have someone who cares.
I feel like falling off the face of the earth again to you. At least for a day or so.

Whatever. That whole entry probably didn't make sense!

Say something!

:: 2006 16 February :: 1.05 pm

Oooooh. I think I heard thunder.

Yeah. I'm not going to class today. I'd probably get stuck in GR when the storm hit.

Say something!

:: 2006 15 February :: 10.28 pm

I've never been so tired in my life.

Say something!

:: 2006 15 February :: 10.06 pm

I don't know where to begin.
It's just sad.
People get replaced so fast.
A vendor my dad worked with, a really nice guy, was trying to plan a meeting for them to work out some stuff.
Thursday my dad calls saying he's kind of busy and if they can reschedule it for Friday.
Friday the guy calls saying he's not feeling too good maybe Monday.

Then he dies.

They buried him today.
My dad really didn't want to have to call the company, but they said they'd get someone to fix things.
Someone called 20 minutes later to take the other's place.
My dad felt really weird about deleting the guy's number out of his phone.

I would feel weird, too.
Everyone just gets replaced so fast.

I haven't felt very well today.

Say something!

:: 2006 14 February :: 8.46 pm

Turn out the lights. My life, on standby. :-(

This weekend was different. Saturday Charlie and I drove all the way up to Gaylord to go to this restaurant called Legends on the Hill. It's at Treetops resort. Three hours away. It's where I wanted to go for New Years but we couldn't. He said he never forgot. And that felt really nice. When we got there it was totally different than we expected. Freezer paper tablecloths, the works. I just laughed. I don't think we needed a bigger sign that said "We're not from around here". But I laughed. The ride was nice. The talking. The silence. The laughing. Everything. All the gas stations we had to stop at so I could pee. Haha. It's a beautiful relaxing town that looks like Switzerland. I asked him to pull over on the way back so I could give him a ring that I'd gotten him.

Monday I spent the night there and waited up for him to get home from work. I stopped The Big Lebowski and jumped out of bed to greet him at the door with a hug. But he was upset and held on tight.

His mom has cancer.

But I have this feeling and I can't explain it. I've been praying so much for her to get better. I just have this feeling like it's not her time yet. How could I know such a thing? When I told him "It's going to be okay." He asked "How do you know?" And I had no idea. I just feel like how could God take such a wonderful person away like that. Maybe it just doesn't feel real. She has so many people who love her. And a new grand-daughter. She feels that our lives are pre-destined so she doesn't want to get treatment. I don't know. But I feel like she's going to be okay. I hope so. :-(

5 -finally spoke up | Say something!

:: 2006 14 February :: 8.20 pm
:: Music: HH- Life On Standby

I need you now, more like yesterday, the last day I could see you smile.
It's felt more real than ever before.
Waiting. Waiting.
Till I could hold you.
I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all away.
I just know
It's going to be okay.
There's too much sadness.
It's going to be okay.

Say something! | Random Journal