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:: 2009 20 January :: 2.49pm

Because when I posted it as a comment, apparently it was far too crushing to everyone's overinflated sense of ecstasy this afternoon. Here are some of my favorite clips from Cracked's live blog of the inauguration.

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Whatever, Guess I'm the asshole.

8 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 19 January :: 4.21pm

See ya Gerge Dubya, I'm gonna miss that crazy fuck

Nevermind, You've reached the end of the line ...

3 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 15 January :: 1.32am

Bowling tonight wasn't bad, wasn't great but I bowled my best since I got my new ball.


And I saw somebody I haven't talked to since I went to KCTC.

4 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 14 January :: 1.59am
:: Music: cut tags...........

You Oughtta Know....
1. I put my iTunes on shuffle.
2. For each question, I pressed the "forward" button to get my answer.
3. I WROTE THAT SONG NAME DOWN, NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDED! I also added some commentary, where I liked.
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2 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 14 January :: 12.23am

I want to play a game

9 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 12 January :: 1.53pm

This was my windows 7 download speed

4 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 10 January :: 2.07am

Here is my rock band photo for my side project, CRUZ CNTL

5 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 9 January :: 2.36am

hello there, children.

sorry my last entry was so boring. but i was still gratified by the result of my efforts. and considering the length of the finished product, i was pleased by the swiftness with which the endeavor was executed.

"the point is not to see how high you can get."

i should probably start to consider this during my recreational time.

but in case i don't, and you happen to find me dead in a gutter somewhere, please call my mom and tell her that she was right all along. and that i won't be returning her steam cleaner, as i am deceased.

she'll have to pick it up sometime after the visitation.

4 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 7 January :: 6.32pm

Information warfare intrigues me very much.

8 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 7 January :: 2.48pm

I guess the advantage I have in life is that I use some sort of realism to keep me in check. I know what I can probably do, and I strive for greater things sometimes, but i don't really think beyond that. I just stick to what I know will work and I go with it.

So when it comes do dealing with certain situations I don't think about it too much if I'm convinced that there is only one really realistic solution to the issue at hand.

I see it, but maybe no one else does, but I do.

Its done me well to be in my "realistic bubble" where I know how bad things are and can potentially become...

but damn does it sure make it hard to dream...

2 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 6 January :: 10.51pm

I hate the internet and everyone on it.

5 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 2 January :: 5.30pm

5 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 1 January :: 2.54pm

4 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2009 1 January :: 7.16pm

Well that was fucking nuts. Happy New Years guys...

Thank God for this double espresso shot.

2 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 26 December :: 12.00pm

(You are now reading this in the voice of John Goodman)

You are bad and you should feel bad.

1 -finally spoke up | Say something!

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