I went and saw some old temple. I say it like that because after your 5th or 6th temple you stop appreciating the grandeur of them. Not that I have no appreciation at all... but they start to blend together. This one happened to be on top of this hill/mountain and almost naturally blended into the scenery. I mean, you had to look past the hordes of people that were there but otherwise it was quite scenic. It also helped that I had a fantastic tour guide, although I dont' think she thought so so much. Whatev, it was a good time.
Afterwards we went to eat pizza... which you don't see very often. (I've been here for about a month and 3 weeksish now and I've done pretty good, so I deserve a good cheating).
I've been progressivly losing weight... not so healthy I don't think, but I eat alot. Maybe I should just eat more?
this up coming weekend will be very hectic. Shigadai party on friday, and then kyoto on saturday (like every fucking weekend). But it's sort of the halloween weekend for them, so it should be interesting to see how they percieve the condemned holiday.
speaking of which, I still can't decide on a costume... any ideas?
... that's, like, his stomach plug on the ground, there. That's not even physically possible, if you think about it....
so yeah. i really need to clean out my email inbox. it's seriously bad.
i also need to stop failing at doing my homework. i turned in a paper today that was almost a week late, and when i was called on for discussion in another class, i just told her that i couldn't answer the question, because i didn't do the reading. not that half the class did. but the fact that i had to put it out there in words was awkward.
and it's not going to let up. theoretically i'll be starting work soon, which will only cause things to get worse. then again, maybe it will keep me busy to where i'm more productive and more motivated. hopefully that's the case.
either way, something has to change, because i can't keep going on like i am. i have serious issues with getting to bed, getting up, getting my work done, and getting places on time. especially lately. and it's very uncool.
that aside, the front moved through. that's nice. much cooler tonight. makes me happy. i'm excited for fall.
I think there is something fundamentally wrong with this country that Beverly Hills Chihuahua is the top film right now. Well it's better than Oliver Stone's piece of shit making money, apparently people aren't sheep enough to buy into his sack of garbage.
where's the beef A Vegetarian Diet Shrinks the Brain
According to a new study, vegetarians and vegans are six times more likely to suffer from brain shrinkage than meat eaters.
The link was discovered after scientists at Oxford University ran memory tests, physical checks and brain scans on 107 people between the ages of 61and 87, and then retested them five years later.
Researchers speculate the loss of brain mass in vegetarians and vegans is due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, which is found in meat, fish and eggs. This type of brain atrophy is linked to Alzheimer's Disease and other cognitive failings.
The decision to eat meat is often attacked by veggies, but it now seems as though these kinds of affronts may just be a product of small-mindedness.
2008 4 October :: 2.41am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Fuel-Hemorrhage(In My Hands)
So it's the same old story......work sleep work. 10 hour days 5 days a week and working most weekends really blows ass. This really was a f$#$ed up week, mostly because my mom had a heart attack on Tuesday which really kinda set things into perspective....a few things at least. Have you ever just wondered why in the hell we live and then we die? What the hell is the point to our lives if they are realitively short in length and typically have no bearing on the world? If you have an answer feel free to tell me because I really have no idea. Again just another mindless ramble from me so I will cut it short as not to bore the woohu population.
So I'm actually bored for the first time in a month. Go me!
Stayin alive, meetin a lot of interesting people, slaughtering english grammar and spelling, the usual...
doing good in my classes. Which is nice. I'm enjoying slowly being able to pick out one or two words that someone might throw at me. Motherfuckers talk fast.
Going to a party at the local university tomorrow followed by dinner and probably more drinking.
saturday will be yet another excursion to kyoto followed by more dancing and drinking...
and sunday morning probably even more so to get rid of my hangover...
I've eaten a few random things. Raw ground beef with a raw egg on top... surprisingly delicious. They seasoned it somehow, but none the less, looking at it would make you gag.
so I'll probably go stab myself now. TTYL!!!
*edit* also noteworthy that I experienced an earthquake. It was lame.
my prozac has taken the day (maybe week) off. I am in the worst mood ever and i would seirously suggest not talking to me today because I am bound to explode.
when someone tells you they are comig over at 1 and decide not to come to oh who knows... THREE or something? maybe you should let the home owner know. that'd be great thanks.
dont you ever EVER EVER EVER ever come up to me while talking on your cell phone and fucking show me by using your fingers what tanning bed you'd like to tan in. or by pointing or mouthing words or fucking any of that stuff. seriously i'm going to punch this business dressed man who thinks he's fucking better than me i want to kick him in the fucking crotch. god i hope he dies.
2008 26 September :: 1.48am
:: Mood: tired?
:: Music: mr. deeds soundtrack
^^^no idea why^^^
so yeah. i had class all night. also turned in my app at papa john's. and i locked my keys in the car. dad came and bailed me out, though.
we did an audio interview with a guy in tampa tonight. how many thousand miles away? with 20 to 15000 Hz bandwidth, talkback, and almost no delay. phenomenal.
then i got back and chuck and i watched mystery science theater 3000 - "Hamlet" (the "from the 1960s, german, and dubbed in english" version).
that at least made it a little more worthwhile.
only had one cigarette today. thought that was pretty good.