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:: 2008 7 June :: 10.12pm



i've always hated when people use the phrase "life's not fair" but it's so fucking true.

gAWD. don't even fucking test me because one day i'm gonna blow up.

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:: 2008 4 June :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Insanity

I forget the last time I updated, but I'm only going to start with Friday, I think. I got to go see Tom Petty at Van Andel, and holy shit was it awesome. Best concert I've ever seen, and I still think he has THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST personality of any rocker. Just...I can't describe it. If you ever liked him and didn't go, you should feel ashamed, and then totally jealous of how awesome I am compared to you.
After that was a party at Emily's, and I could take or leave that. Had fun until Chris and Kevin left, and then it was just, "How long can you deal with drunks until you snap?". The answer was not very long, save a couple people that weren't preps that were fun to be around.
Saturday night was just a crazy excuse to go pick up the new mountain dew flavors and, allow me to give you my professional opinion on the matter.
SuperNova tastes like a weak weak weak strawberry candy.
Revolution tastes like berry drain cleaner.
Charged(?) tastes alright.
I'm just as disappointed in pepsi right now as I was when they unleashed that blue pepsi crap.
Monday I got to hang out with Chris, and it was like a breath of fresh air. Nothing but screwing around, clumsy gay innuendo, and watching the red wings take a million and a half shots and miss them all, while the penguins fucked around like a bunch of tards and won. As bad as it sounds for all 10 of the hockey fans out there, watching it just made me really really REALLY want football to start up soon.

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:: 2008 30 May :: 11.42am
:: Mood: wet ::
:: Music: muse ::

hey, it's been awhile


yeah, i know, it's been awhile. i'm sorry. i'm a slacker.

since my last update i've...

been to europe.
left my girlfriend.
been unemployed.
fucked around.
gotten some stuff done.
fucked around some more.

there. now that we're all caught up, i can move on to more pressing things.

okay. i really don't have anything pressing. i've been in a funny mood lately. and that seems to pervade everything. so, there's no sense of urgency.

but i dunno. something has to change. i mean, a lot of STUFF has already changed since last we met. but i'm talking about something within myself that needs to change. because i can't continue on this path and remain successful.

which is exactly why i don't want to go back to steelcase. because i could, but it would just be more of the same old bullshit. and i want something new, something different, something that takes me somewhere else. i'm moving on damn it, even if the rest of the world won't let me.

another part of moving on involves not smoking. which is really really hard. it's hard because i don't want to. if i wanted to, it wouldn't be nearly as difficult. but i don't want to. i like smoking. i like the way it tastes and smells and feels. but we're a dying breed.

*pause for irony*

got that laugh out of your system? good. me neither.

but yeah. i really have to cut it out. out of my lifestyle. out of my budget. i need to make more room in it for beer money.

party at emily's tonight. bound to be a great time. i'm looking forward to it.

bruce wanted some help installing a door tomorrow morning. should make the job go faster, and i might get some cash out of the deal. that'd be nice.

after that is owen's graduation party. and hunter wanted to hang out in the evening. but the hockey game is on at rich's. so i'm gonna have to figure out what i'm doing with that scheduling conflict.

and rich invited me to go down to indianapolis with him to see nada surf. it's in like a week and a half. i hope i'm working by then, but i'll have to ask for that night off or something. i dunno. we'll see what happens.

and i think bonnaroo is the weekend after that. so i've got two concerts in the span of like a week. and they're both overnighters. damn man. i'm never going to get anything done.

speaking of which, time to get off my ass and do something. this has been a truly leg-numbing experience.



4 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 26 May :: 5.19pm

Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me
Oh things are gonna happen naturally
Oh taking your advice I'm looking on the bright side
And balancing the whole thing
But often times those words get tangled up in lines
And the bright lights turn to night
Until the dawn it brings
Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of the love, the love that I love.

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards
More words then I had ever heard and I feel so alive

You and I, you and I
Not so little you and I anymore
And with this silence brings a moral story
More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just dream of
And if you could see me now
Well I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of
Finally deedeedeedee
Well I'm almost finally, finally
Well I'm free, oh, I'm free

And it's okay if you have go away
Oh just remember the telephone works both ways
And if I never ever hear them ring
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside
Have finally found you someone else and that's okay
Cause I'll remember everything you sang

Cause you and I both loved what you and I spoke of
and others just read of and if you could see now
well I'm almost finally out of.
I'm finally out of, finally, deedeeededede
well I'm almost finally, finally, finally out of words <3

Say something!


:: 2008 20 May :: 8.13pm
:: Music: Saving Us

Yeah, I'm in a state of confusion these days. Don't really wanna blab about it here though.

Been trying to get a job and had absolutely no luck. I have no idea why. There isn't a 'convicted of raping children' tab on my resume or anything else, but I don't get shit for responses from anyone. I call back and its like talking to a guy I just caught jerking it.

"Oh...OH OH OH, hey there. Yeah, we hired someone last week. Sorry about that...yeah, I know I said I'd call you soon, but I'm a FILTHY LYING FUCKER"

It looks like I'll have to work at home all summer which I really really really really REALLY don't want to do, as I'm 22 and I should be doing something, but nope, no dice. Only other option is to go work at my Uncle's farm which is sadly looking more and more viable as time goes by.

Other than that, not much going on, just really bored in between failed applications, interviews, and constantly redialing the internet. Still have a few people that I need to call and hang out with, and I'll probably get on that in the coming days.

3 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 16 May :: 6.37pm

my last huge post got deleted because of my stupid ass computer long story short. mandy pj and kelly thanks for visiting sorry that i could talk go go go all day long.
andrew came and that manager that has a thing for me gave him the staredown. it was really funny. I was pretty proud of myself having some guy giving my man the fisheye. lolz.
anyway it was a good day. gonna be a good night.

1 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 13 May :: 1.30pm


i need a new job.

and i need to figure out so much and i just want to sublease our apartment and have money and be rich and not worry about stupid shit anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck. i hate the stupid tanning place midnite sun and cruise can go fuck itself they are seriously the worst company ever they dont care about their employees, customers, or even have any morals. all they care about is money so don't tan there anyone ever okay??? seriously, don't. you arej ust fueling their stupid money hungry owners and managers. fuck i hate my job.

i think we are going to elope. PEACE.

1 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 4 May :: 4.59pm

Sublease Agreement

This Sublease Agreement (the "Sublease") is made and effective [Date], by and between [Sublessor] ("Sublessor"), and [Subtenant] ("Subtenant", whether one or more).

Sublessor is the tenant in a lease agreement dated [Master Lease Date] with [Landlord's Name] for a term ending [Lease Term End Date] (the "Master Lease"). A copy of the Master Lease is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The property leased to Sublessor in the Master Lease is referred to as the "Leased Property".

Sublessor now desires to sublease the Leased Property to Subtenant, and Subtenant desires to acquire the sublease.

NOW, THEREFORE, for value received by each of the parties hereto, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby respectively acknowledged, and in consideration of the mutual agreements of the parties, it is agreed:

1. Sublease.

A. Sublessor agrees to sublease the Leased Property as follows:

Sublease Term: [Term of Lease]

Monthly Sublease Rent: [Monthly Rent Paid by Subtenant]

B. Subtenant shall pay the rent to Sublessor not later than the [Rent Due Date] day of each month. Rent payments shall be made to the address for Sublessor below or such other address that Sublessor may identify to Subtenant from time to time. Subtenant shall also pay to Sublessor any other amount or charge that Sublessor is obligated to pay under the Master Lease that arises or is attributable to Subtenant's occupancy such as, but not limited to, charges for garbage, water, sewer, utilities, common area expenses, maintenance and refuse removal. Such charges shall be paid within ten days of Sublessor's statement. Subtenant shall be responsible for procuring and paying for any utilities or services not provided by landlord pursuant to the Master Lease.

C. In the event there is more than one Subtenant party, then the obligations of each such Subtenant shall be joint and several.

[Use of Furniture]

2. Obligations Under Master Lease.

Subtenant agrees to comply with the terms of the Master Lease and shall not do or permit to be done anything that would constitute a breach or default of Sublessor's obligations in the Master Lease. Sublessor agrees to comply with all of Sublessor's obligations in the Master Lease. Sublessor agrees timely to pay rent and other charges due under the Master Lease and, provided Subtenant is not in breach or default of any obligation in this Sublease, shall not do anything to disturb Subtenant's use of the Leased Property pursuant to this Sublease.

3. Indemnification.

A. Subtenant will indemnify, protect, defend and hold Sublessor harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, damage and expense arising out of or in any way related to a breach or default of Sublessor's obligations in the Master Lease by Subtenant.

B. Sublessor will indemnify, protect, defend and hold Subtenant harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, damage and expense arising out of or in any way related to a breach or default of the Master Lease by Sublessor.

3. No Assignment or Sublease.

Subtenant shall not, without the prior written consent of both Sublessor and the landlord in the Master Lease, assign this Sublease or sublet the Leased Property or any part thereof.

4. Notices.

Any notice given in connection with this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be given to the appropriate party by personal delivery or by certified mail, postage prepaid, or recognized overnight delivery service as follows:

If to Sublessor:


[Sublessor Address]

If to Subtenant:


[Subtenant Address]

5. Headings.

Headings used in this Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not be used to construe meaning or intent.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Sublease to be duly executed as of the date first above written.


Landlord's Consent

The undersigned, the landlord in the Master Lease, hereby acknowledges consent to the foregoing Sublease Agreement.


Date:________________________ ________________________

2 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 3 May :: 7.14pm

is anyone looking for an apartment to stay in june through sep 15??????? ............

we are trying to get rid of ours... we are moving out to save money which is going to be really great but yeah we aare just trying to save so we can get married so if anyone is interested at all let me know and we can talk details.

but as far as life goes......... i have no clue.

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:: 2008 1 May :: 10.17am

1 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 22 April :: 12.15pm

Best Deal Ever

8 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 21 April :: 7.04pm
:: Music: Love is a long road

God dammit, I said I was going to keep at this, and I took another X month break. Well whatever, I'm going to try again, if only to try to be social.

These past few months haven't felt real in the least. Its just like I've been dreaming or watching everything from the outside. Everyday at school has just felt more temporary than anything else. Its scaring me because its the same feeling I had at central my first year. Where nothing was real, and I was just being pushed through something.

I'm horribly fucked for physics. Once the professor told me not to bother coming to class anymore, I took it to heart quite well. The rest of my classes are so blah. I'm most likely doing well, but who knows? Professors don't talk much til the end, though you are welcome to go to their offices that they aren't in during their office hours. Terrific. But thats all kind of meh right now. I've been in kind of an immunity type mood for now. No idea why, but I'm not going to question it.

Went with Chris, Kevin, and Chris's friend ben out to FOUNDERS, not POUNDERS like I thought I was hearing. Whoops...
But, went out and had a pretty good time. Lucas showed up with his new fiance Heather and friend Dusty. Good times. Things got and felt awkward a bit later on during the night, but I feel like that all the damn time, so I'm sure it was nothing. Was nice to see that Finger band that Chris and Kevin assured me was on par with the second coming of christ. I hope to get out and do more shit like that in the coming months since being anti social is starting to bother me, but we'll see.

Anyway, gotta get back to work on this lab report, so you woohu kids keep...uh...woohuing it up.

Oh, and go Delpha Omega Phi!

3 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 20 April :: 3.10pm

"Piss, piss piss piss piss" - Andrea's mom

1 -finally spoke up | Say something!


:: 2008 16 April :: 6.50pm

The Internet

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:: 2008 16 April :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: tired, hungry, etc.
:: Music: my professor

job hunting

i hate looking for jobs. i mean, i get excited about all of the opportunities. but i also get really depressed about how i feel like i'm not good at anything. and all the things i am good at, aren't interested in having me.

whether it's true or not, even partially, doesn't really matter. it still feels crappy.

then again, maybe i just need to eat.

and i feel guilty for not listening to the lecture today. but it's just review. so there.

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