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:: 2015 4 June :: 10.04pm

ugh I hurt so bad :(

I hate this constant pain.

I've went for walks the past three days, and am in excruciating pain. fml.

Thank You


:: 2015 1 June :: 9.06pm

New Song

Not bad for a Sunday afternoon.

2 Kelsey Grammeri | Thank You


:: 2015 1 June :: 4.53pm
:: Mood: disappointed

today marks 5 years with Safeco/Liberty Mutual. to me, this is a huge milestone, and something to be celebrated, but i'm the only one who seems to really think it's a big deal.

other than school, this is the longest commitment i have made. the longest i have ever stayed at a job. its also the best job i've ever had, and they treat me incredibly well. they are an amazingly philanthropic organization and they have given me so many opportunities to become a positive force for change in my community.

time has really flown. these past five years were gone in the blink of an eye, which i think is incredible, since my past jobs it felt like an eternity working there for nine or so months.

i just want someone to take me out for a drink. hell i'll even buy my own.

or i'll just celebrate at home on my own. just like when i passed my licensing exam. this is it, the present, the future.


3 Kelsey Grammeri | Thank You


:: 2015 29 May :: 8.25pm

a violent wind

an angry sky

calling out to those lost

an endless battle

lost in the memory of time

fallen soldiers fighting a bloody war

rivers of blood, the tides of battle churning

so few remember, even less care

Thank You


:: 2015 29 May :: 12.46pm

sexting at work is my favorite pastime

Thank You


:: 2015 28 May :: 7.05pm

self esteem is a fickle thing. one day you're on top of the world, and the next some careless tactless asshole destroys it. of course, self esteem should come primarily from within, but words hurt, and once said can't be unsaid.

over the past few several years i have had a chain of "relationships", all of which centered around sex and control. i have often felt frustrated that men would find me good enough to fuck, but not good enough to be seen in public with me. its something i never understood until recently.

and i suppose i've known it my whole life, since my whole life i've struggled with this spare tire around my waist. but i had also been under the illusion that people cared about more than our corporeal form, and could see how much i have to offer outside that. ultimately, shallowness prevails and my weight is much more of an issue than it really should be.

thus ensues the struggle that seems to define my life - lose weight and attempt to achieve our society's standard of beauty (and in that action, creating a sense of "selling out") or remain at the weight i am and feel as though i'm taking a stand against "body currency".

i realize, even though i despise body currency, i cannot help but buy into it. it's immersive, inescapable and a permanent piece of the culture in which i have been born. into which countless of women are born. and no matter how hot a woman is, how desirable she is, she still suffers harsh criticism and a constant barrage of "you'll never be good enough". Our economy runs on the constant need to be "better".

the worst part is i feel completely powerless to affect it. i am small. i am merely an insignificant speck laying on a mote of dust in an endless expanse, and yet, i'm still much too big to exist. i take up twice as much room as i should. and my mind? well, that's completely disposable.

so, let's just say "fuck it" and move on.. right?

Thank You


:: 2015 27 May :: 6.09am

beer is not my friend.

Thank You


:: 2015 24 May :: 10.47am

why does the sun keep on shining? why does the sea wash ashore?

Thank You


:: 2015 23 May :: 7.53pm

who are you? who am i?

what makes us who we are? "i am large, i contain multitudes." we all contain a universe within ourselves.. and we are free to be who ever we want to be.. or so we are told.

but are there still some things about us we cannot change? who we are is defined by the actions we execute, so the actions we choose to carry out define us, but what of desire? what about those desires we don't act on? what do these secret desires say about ourselves?

what is it that i truly desire? i have arrived at a crossroads. i feel my time running out. i seek out as many perspectives i can on the topic of my impending future, and the choices i must determine. the world we live in is so restrictive and complex. i feel lost, carried away in the endless stream of existence.

i hold out on a hope that "the one" will fall into my lap, and I will know when i meet them that this is my destiny. or at least have a slight incline that this person holds promise. but the longer i wait, the more i feel my chances slipping away.

should i just continue to wait? maybe adopt a child when i get older if nothing pans out?

do i even want a family? i think that answer is yes. so do i try out something that may not be my ideal mate, but who would be a great father, or do i hold onto the hope someone who fits my desires better will come along?

i just don't know. i don't know who i can talk to, or the right questions to ask..

Thank You


:: 2015 20 May :: 6.17pm

surrounded and spiraling

it's crazy what a couple missed pills will do

Thank You


:: 2015 19 May :: 9.50pm

I played a bass, a key board and a violin today. can you say killin it?

I love mah band. Tuesday is the best day of the week

Thank You


:: 2015 19 May :: 1.21pm

sitting next to all these slender sexy men, I can't help but fantasize nibbling on their ears. imagining how big their dicks are. imagining their bodies under their nicely pressed shirts.

i just wanna get laid on the reg.

Thank You


:: 2015 18 May :: 11.47am

insurance is like a super massive black hole.

and while you never see it as a career opportunity, if you get too close, you'll get sucked in, finger printed in 45 states and then it's 15 years later and you wonder what the fuck happened.

and I'm only a third of the way down.

1 Kelsey Grammer | Thank You


:: 2015 17 May :: 2.31pm

yesterday Zoe and I biught dude outfits and colonge and went to the parade, and people were ridiculously unfriendly. at the bars everyone tried to pick arguments with us.

people are so freaking difficult

Thank You


:: 2015 16 May :: 8.10pm

walked in to this place today after work, and all i could think was:

2 Kelsey Grammeri | Thank You

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