2011 13 March :: 10.37am
The Zombies - Time of the Season
John Mellencamp - Jack And Diane
2011 12 March :: 11.32pm
Battle: LA Review
I skipped the screening of Battle: LA this Thursday because I have 3 days of internship every week, so I went to watch it with my sis today for night showing. To be honest, the movie wasn't impressive at all. I want to like it, but I just didn't really like it. The movie title literally explains it all. It is Battle against the aliens in Los Angeles. Most of the movie was just marine platoons shooting at aliens, but it looks like they're just shooting mindlessly at nothing. Shaking camera, boring characters. There wasn't that much alien presence. It's like a mix of Saving Private Ryan, District 9 and a little bit of Skyline. It felt really cliched. I know that most movies are cliched, but this one was just not that enjoyable for me. The reason I went to watch this film is because I love post-apocalyptic films, but this one didn't really feel like it. It was just okay. I like some things about it though.
2011 12 March :: 12.28pm
This was a bitching weekend.
Honestly I forgot my pills two days and it still rocked :)
1 love |
2011 9 March :: 3.40pm
:: Mood: relaxed
My free time
My life is set. My goals are met. Everything is almost complete. The best feeling I've never had in my life. The burden lifted off my chest.
Now I learned that I'm not living life with regrets anymore. It's a dumb example, but I regret taking math classes over and over again. It actually really helped me though. I'm doing really good and I never really did my homework/study nowadays. I basically already knew my materials because of last semester. I know the stuff, but the teacher from last semester made the tests really hard, which is why I failed. This semester, the tests are so easy. I love this semester's math teacher! She's so awesome.
I decided to skip the screening of WIN WIN with Q&A by director Thomas McCarthy. I might regret it later, but today is my free day and I want to stay home. I used to watch almost every single film for 2 years. Like 3 movies a week. Yup. That sounds crazy. I'm not crazy like that anymore. I put a limit to this movie watching thing for horror/supernatural/fantasy films mostly. The latest films I saw are I Am Number Four and Beastly. I'm going to watch Sucker Punch next..
I think I'm blogging way too much lately. I love writing here in Woohu.
2011 8 March :: 1.34pm
I made up my mind and decide that I'm skipping WonderCon. What's the use of coming back to SF quickly? I'd rather not worry about that. I'm sure there are other interesting events in Utah. I want a getaway/escape for one whole week.
2011 8 March :: 1.24pm
:: Mood: creative
My Ideal 80's Town
I wrote this in one of my old blogs. It sounds hilarious going back to my old entries. I sound weird writing it.
Saturday, March 24, 2007 [12:25 AM]
I was watching Back to the Future. And I'm also thinking what if there is "a town of the 80's"? You know, a town where everything is 80's everyday? Wouldn't that be awesome? I don't mean everywhere has to be 80's. Just a town called "The 80's." Sometimes go on a vacation there, sleep in a hotel for like a month and visit the 80's town for a month. Then come back home. And do that again and again once or twice a year. That'd be cool. But of course. That's just my thinking.
I did not watch Westworld (1973) in 2007. I checked it out this year, and what I wrote definitely sounds like something in Westworld. The only difference is Westworld is set in WesternWorld, MedievalWorld, and RomanWorld. Mines would be 80'sWorld.
2011 7 March :: 10.53pm
:: Mood: sleepy
Radio Station
Listening to 103.7 The Band - The Bay's Greatest Hits really brightened my mood. My sis put on that radio station. Before, I listened to LIVE 105.3 - The Bay Area's Alternative Rock Station, but they kept playing the same stuff. Most of the time, the music choice was bleh. The Band is awesome. I feel like I'm listening to my mp3 player. Of course, without all the Gothic Rock/EBM, Dark Wave/Medieval inspired stuff.
I'll try to watch The Road before I go to sleep. Otherwise, I will not have time tomorrow.
2011 7 March :: 4.56pm
I'm so angry I could cry
2011 7 March :: 4.21pm
Today went good. I met with my teacher and I'm finally done with that accounting class. Math test today was good. I wasn't stuck on any problems. The test was super easy and I took a little more time to avoid careless mistakes. Life gets better each time. WonderCon is in April. I definitely didn't plan well. I forgot all about it. I would still be in Utah when April comes. Should I try to come back and go to WonderCon, or just forget about it and enjoy the rest of my break in Utah? There isn't much update yet. All I know is that the Green Lantern cast is going to be there.. I guess it depends if there is any new movies that interest me. If not, I might just skip WonderCon. It may be my last time to get to go though.
2011 6 March :: 10.37pm
:: Mood: refreshed
During my break from school
I'm going to be traveling alone this month during my long break. I won't want to spend my whole break staying in San Francisco. That's boring. My mom will be working almost for the whole time, but she was going to pick me up on her day off, so we can walk around and look at nature together. For the whole week, I'll probably be exploring Utah by myself. That sounds fun! I love how my movie screening buddies are preparing me with maps and guide books. That's really nice of them. I just want to get out of the city for once because I'm stuck here for way too long. I'm listening to 103.7 The Band - The Bay's Greatest Hits. Totally fits my mood right. :) The Cars, The Beatles, Elton John, etc....
Anyways, I want a real adventure outside of this city/state. I am bored. Break in San Francisco for a whole week and only going to my internship sounds dreadful. Internship is fine, but I'll just be coming home, alone, eat and sleep. That's it.
2011 6 March :: 9.51am
Going to visit my mom soon! Looking forward to that!
2011 5 March :: 9.11pm
Life is a big circle. A big repeating let down. All disappointments. All crushing disappointments.
Its hard to stay positive with all the sadness in the air. It feels like its trying to suffocate me.
Puppy comes home in 5 days. I'm really going to committ to this. No more getting angry and giving up. I need to prove I can do this. Mostly for myself. I want this.
2011 5 March :: 2.56pm
I love cell phones
I love being employed
I love tattoos
2011 3 March :: 9.30pm
Mmmmmm home baked cookies :3
2011 3 March :: 12.40am
Beastly was good
At this point, anything I watch is going to put me in a good mood automatically. I saw an early screening of Beastly, and many questions are left unanswered because it seems to be the type of movie that doesn't explain everything. I liked it because I needed some leisure time to hang out with my friend and this movie was automatically good as I'm watching it at the right time. I've been feeling blah, so it really made my day. I'm like a little kid right now. Anything funny or entertaining will definitely entertain me when I'm stressed out.
2011 2 March :: 2.54pm
Tired and Alone
I usually don't leave the house early, but today, I skipped school because of a backache from overworking myself. Yesterday was internship. I woke up super late, and didn't eat breakfast or anything. I just had a Dove chocolate, some M&M's and a small banana. Since I'm leaving for the movie screening, might as well be early to return my library dvds, and go get a falafel. I should be eating more now that I didn't eat anything this morning. Movie screenings are a long wait, but I like to just sit down and relax, then study for whatever I need. I'm glad I don't have much to study except for math. I know a lot of math because of last semester that I failed. Yupp. Very mundane entry. My mom called yesterday night when I was at my internship. I called her, but she was probably asleep by then. This morning, another missed call from her. I called her, then she was probably busy again.
I need to start re-watching some films that I can relate to like Zombieland. Any post-apocalyptic movie is great. It's comforting to watch these films because I always feel alone. Many people will probably think I'm full of silliness, but it is indeed true. Even though I'm in a room filled with people, my mind wanders far off and at the moment, I feel alone. Like right now, I'm sitting in a room alone with no one around. Many times, I find myself alone in a big room. There is no one. This is a great site about Dystopian movies.
2011 2 March :: 12.39pm
I love brownies!
I love knee-high socks!
I love baking bread!
2011 28 February :: 10.56pm
I feel like listening to Weezer. That song Beverly Hills is stuck in my head many times. I don't like tests. It makes me worry, but I'm doing good in math. There's a total of 7 tests, but so far I took 2 and got B's. First time, I actually received that type of grade. Easy class. If I pass all my tests, I don't have to take the finals.
2011 28 February :: 12.17pm
I love computers
I love puppies
I love makeup
2011 27 February :: 6.39pm
I need to start thinking positively.
I love puppies!
I love cantaloupe!
I love listening to music!
That's a good start.
2011 26 February :: 11.52pm
:: Mood: refreshed
Changes & Moving soon
I've been having an on and off feelings. Sometimes I would feel lonely and sad, then the next moment I would be energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic. So many changes of emotions and feelings everyday because I'm always going through changes until graduation. Lately, everything is pretty much unstable. My mom decides to stay in Utah, and not come back like we planned. She worked things out. It makes me happy to know that she's happy there. She's happy for sure, which makes me feel more secure. I feel insecure when she doesn't know what she wants. I also feel insecure when I don't know what I want.
The internship went great. I decide to take on 3 days of full shifts. Coming home late is blah, but at least the buses still run before midnight so that's fine. I get to eat enough meals, so it all works out well. At least I don't have to worry about 3 days of dinner per week when I'll be eating there where food is everywhere. I'm finally happier than before, but I wouldn't want to form any new friendships with anybody anymore. I don't want to have to miss them and say goodbyes. Yeah. I sound weird writing this, but that's my life right now. Unsettled.
2011 25 February :: 5.09pm
Long processes suck
2011 24 February :: 11.05pm
:: Mood: happy
Today I am happy! Why? Because my mom called and said that she'll return because she has been feeling lonely in Utah, only working and coming back to an empty dark room. So she decides to come back, and after I graduate, we'll go there together at once! That sounds neat! I miss her so much.
Another thing I have figured out. I might want to do my internship 2 days a week. I know that it's coming home kind of late, but I seriously want a Friday off. Might have to think about it before making any changes. When I do 5 hours, it's like taking off in the middle of a shift. The person who runs orders probably wouldn't like that. Someone would have to fill in for me that's why. I would be doing an hour extra, so that will fill up my time faster. I have been coming late anyway. Not super late, but I think a few more hours shouldn't make that much of a difference.
2 loves |
2011 23 February :: 10.44pm
It's not really a fair trade.
And I'm going to get jealous.
Because you never talk to me like that anymore.
2011 23 February :: 7.20pm
:: Mood: calm
Life is finally better when I get creative and not worry about what I don't have. I'm making Yellow Curry Chicken for my sister because she wants to eat chicken once or twice a week.
Another thing that makes me feel good. Gothic music = awesome. I love gothic music since I was young, and I still do even though I don't listen to 'em much lately due to being busy with internship. When I have free time, I go on twitter a lot or chat with some friends online. Reading movie updates is what I do normally also. I want to get back to listening to the old music that I used to love.
2011 21 February :: 4.01pm
Lady Gaga
I never liked Lady Gaga, but my sister has been a fan of her since the beginning. I don't know when she started listening to Lady Gaga, but it was probably before the first album came out. She knew I loved 80's music since 15 years, so she said, "I think you might like this." She turned on Ladyhawke and finally Lady Gaga. I said I didn't like it because those 2 artists are not from the 80's. Their music is 80's inspired. She said playfully, "You're hard to please." Back then, I was really obsessed with The Sisters of Mercy, Fad Gadget, Bauhaus, Joy Division, etc.. but I really over listened to those bands, and got tired after a while. It took me many years to realize that Lady Gaga isn't so bad. Her music is pretty catchy. All because my sister tells me so often saying, "She's cool. What are you talking about?" She kept saying that to me for a long time, and I'm beginning to agree. This is how siblings influence each other.
2011 20 February :: 7.29pm
I feel like the future has been taken away.
Who cares?
2011 18 February :: 8.12pm
Never wanted to be a babysitter.
2011 17 February :: 1.54pm
:: Mood: bored
This song goes well with my mood -
Bauhaus ~ Rosegarden Funeral of Sores
2011 15 February :: 2.27am
i'm tired with being disappointed in women.