Although wherever you're going is always in front of you, there's no such thing as straight ahead

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:: 2011 14 February :: 10.10pm

It's nice to have some time to do nothing, and just relax. My days aren't so hectic anymore because my mom quit the bakery, so I now have some time to blog, listen to music, cook at home(mostly vegetarian) and just think about school. Today is the first day that I didn't feel rushed or didn't have time. I can finally resume some things I used to do like watching movies. I didn't update my mp3 for a long time and the songs were starting to bore me. Usually when I go outside, I like to put in something loud because I won't be able to hear well if I put in something soft. If you walk in a city with car noises everyday, it's hard to hear. Some times I just don't listen to music at all.

So yeah, the internship was alright. I just can't focus until my teacher let me pass that class from last semester. I had a talk with him, but he still wanted to make sure that I understood it. He said he will email me tomorrow. I've been impatient. I don't have much patience because in a way, I'm ambitious. I've been ambitious since the start of the semester. I miss those days when I had time to listen to Cinema Strange, Nosferatu, etc..



:: 2011 14 February :: 7.11pm

I got the most beautiful tanzanite and white gold necklace! It even has a diamond in it :3
And a rose!
And a subway sammich!
And the best part: spending my lunch with the hottest, smartest, most amazing man in the world!

I love you Sus!! Sooo much!!



:: 2011 14 February :: 11.41am
:: Mood: confused

After graduation, I'm off to Utah!
At school during break right now. I have class in 30 minutes. My mom left for Utah yesterday. I drop her off with my sister. Came home late and slept around 2:30am, woke up at like 6:30am and went to school early to talk with my teacher about removing my incomplete grade to a C. It went well. He said I put a lot of work, effort, and studying, but he'll still quiz me on at least 6 questions that I got wrong. That sounds like a fair deal. I don't mind studying my brains off. As long as I pass and get the grade before the end of february because I can't waste time and need to graduate this semester. I can't let 1 class pull me back. So that's good. On a different subject. I know I complain so much about not liking the city, but I don't want to be negative anymore. Although San Fran is not an ideal place for me to live, it does have tons to offer. Great eduation, schools, places to visit, landmarks, restaurants, etc.. So many times I'm tired, but without San Fran, my life probably wouldn't be that great. So I thank this city for everything. It just doesn't fit a person like me. My classmate next to me said, "I heard you're moving to Idaho." I corrected and said, "No, Utah." She said, "Yeah, that place fits you." I think it does. I talked with another friend this morning and he said it's "boring", "mormons don't drink coffee", "can't really find places that sells beer/alcohol." That's why this is the perfect place for me. I love the idea when people say, "boring." haha



:: 2011 13 February :: 1.39pm

Happiness is just a fairy tale. Someone made it up so children wouldn't kill themselves.



:: 2011 12 February :: 10.20pm

People are pieces of shit.



:: 2011 12 February :: 7.29pm

What does it all mean?



:: 2011 9 February :: 11.55am

I may have gotten fubared.



:: 2011 8 February :: 9.50pm

Finally, I realized that I don't belong here at all. Moving out of SF after graduation. YAY! Almost done with school. I dream of leaving this city everyday.



:: 2011 8 February :: 1.37pm

Got an email about the total loss position which, according to my boss, was a REALLY good email :) it's not the LNI-going-to-Seattle job but it's a doorway. A big doorway.



:: 2011 7 February :: 1.30pm




:: 2011 6 February :: 2.12pm

I want to talk to you about it..
But you always get so upset.



:: 2011 5 February :: 7.36pm

Months is better than years.



:: 2011 4 February :: 8.28pm

Seattle might be sooner than expected :)



:: 2011 2 February :: 8.26pm

I often feel like an adorable puppy. Sometimes I feel like a silly kitten. Either way I love it.



:: 2011 2 February :: 3.21pm

Tired of the city
School and internship was good so far. School is easygoing because I'm only taking 2 classes. I didn't need anymore classes for graduation except math and an extra class for the credits, which is western values. Internship was good, but every time I get out of the apt. I feel like great, here goes another day. Not because I don't like going out. I'm just tired of San Francisco. My patience is running low everyday. I don't understand why anyone will find San Francisco a beautiful city. It's all crammed and crowded. Everything is expensive, the public transportation is a pain, etc.. I guess it's different for everyone. For me, I prefer to get out as soon as possible. I thought I was 90% sure, now it's like 99% sure. I never really liked the city either. I barely see nature or the skies. And people in the city have inappropriate/annoying behaviors. Like why do you gotta hang out in the streets? Spitting everywhere is not cool either. Shouting across someone isn't cool at all. Anyways, for me, I barely see any beauty in this city. I'd rather live in a small town, so I can walk everywhere freely without having to bump into anyone.

I never meant to sound negative, but it is what it is. Just stating the facts.



:: 2011 1 February :: 10.17am

Can money buy me some god damned will power? I'm such a fucking fat ass



:: 2011 31 January :: 9.49pm

Just got done with my yearly review!! I feel SO good about myself in regards to my job.

I exceeded in everything! I place 4 of 20 in my class! I honestly am SO EXCITED FOR MY RAISE!!

Even if I dont get this adjustor position, I'm still going to be making bank! Plus, I was talking to my old manager and he said that Liberty Mutual was in the black this year :) which means BONUS CHECK

Take that fuckheads who graduated college and think they're always going to be better than me. I kick ass.

Amelia! Fuck yeah!



:: 2011 30 January :: 6.36am




:: 2011 28 January :: 11.09pm

I'm tired of myself. I'm tired of how I feel. Sometimes I feel what I don't want to feel. I guess because I have high expectations of myself. The problem is that I have short attention span. My mom told me that, but I'm doing better. I tend to daydream all the time, which is why I can sit in the same spot for over 5 hours. Other than that, I'm not physically tired. Just mentally. Where I will be in the future or where I will move to. I'm 90% sure I'm not going to live or stay in the city for the rest of my life. My mom agreed with me and we will definitely move out after my graduation this year. I'm tired of not knowing where I'll be, but good thing school started to keep me distracted



:: 2011 28 January :: 8.03pm

Ahh sitting in my panties, watching loud TV, about to get a puppy and finally free!

Today's a very satisfying day :)



:: 2011 28 January :: 10.07am

I totally have an interview (2 actually EEEE!!) for the adjuster position that I really wanted! XD

My boss told me not to get my hopes up because of the large number of applicants, but OMG THEY FUCKING PICKED ME!!!

Goodbye lower paying job. Hello finally moving forward with my goals. BITCHEZ I PRETTY MUCH GOTS ME A CARREER (if I get this job. Positive thinking, positive thinking)




:: 2011 27 January :: 1.20pm
:: Mood: blah

I need to write an entry because lately I feel like all foods are bad and I don't know what I should eat anymore. I've let myself loose by eating a lot of donuts and cookies. Which means large amounts of carbs and refined sugar. Not good for health. Now I don't have an appetite anymore. I ate chicken because my mom made it, but recently I told her I can't eat it anymore. Lately I couldn't stand it. I don't feel healthy right now. I need more vegetables and less sugar to make me happy. Going to my internship allows me to stay away from those foods because I don't get to eat there. I'll just drink water when I'm hungry.



:: 2011 27 January :: 10.55am

Got the best news yesterday XD



:: 2011 27 January :: 12.51am

You don't even understand what that means.
It's lost on you.
And you can't ever be beautiful
Because what's inside is hideous

Nothing is ever good enough for you
Or will ever be.
I hate you
I hate your soul because
Through my eyes
You make my soul dark.



:: 2011 26 January :: 4.54pm

6 months. Can I make it?



:: 2011 25 January :: 9.20pm

I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling lately. The internship went good I thought. It was easier than expected. Then I was left with nothing to do. At first, I thought it was good that it was easy, but co-workers said something like, "Other places aren't like this." Trying to scare me or something. I guess I shouldn't take everything seriously.



:: 2011 24 January :: 9.01pm

I keep getting asked what married life is like or how married life is going as if I underwent some magical transformation at 5pm on October 23 and I woke up as a new species, a new life form, on October 24: Wife.

My response is always: it's exactly the same, nothing has changed.

And in a way, that's true. But really I only respond that way because I don't know how else to answer and I don't think people are really expecting an answer beyond "fantastic" or "wonderful." So I answer the same way every time I'm asked.

It's exactly the same. Nothing's changed.

And really, the day to day stuff has not changed at all. That comes with territory though and has nothing to do with marriage or our marriage. When you date someone for 6.5 years and live with them for 3.5, there's not much that changes once you put a title on the relationship.

However I'm still lying when I say nothing has changed. I have changed. Nick has changed. My name has changed.

My name has changed. I didn't think this would be such a big deal to me and I still don't feel it is that much of a big to-do but I do feel the change intimately. I never was really in the feminist/non-name changing camp as I always felt that changing your name was a part of the marriage just like middle school follows elementary school. It is what you do. So I did it because that's what you do. And despite changing my name on Facebook almost immediately (peer pressure is a thing, children) I procrastinated and didn't process the legal name change until January. And now this is who I am. I am not a Greggs, I am a Hazen. My voicemail still says Greggs, at work I am still Greggs but in the eyes of the government of the United States of America and the state of Michigan, I am a Hazen. Who I am as a person and who I identify myself as has changed.

I always thought names were strange. Nick's name isn't Nick, it's Nicholas but to everyone and to himself, he is Nick. Oliver and I were talking about this the other day in relation to celebrities. He was wondering if celebrities' spouses call them their birth name or their stage name. He used Fergie as an example. Is she Fergie at home? To her husband? To her friends? Is she Fergie to her parents?

Now I'm not the person I was for 23 years of my life. I'm someone new, someone different, someone married. I have to learn to respond to a new name, a new title. I'm a wife, I'm married, I'm a Hazen, I'm a Mrs. It's all so very strange that I don't know how I'll get used to it. I'm sure that 23 years from now, I won't be able to imagine it being any different.

I always knew that Nick and I were together for the long haul and we were in this forever, even before we got married. We were good kids and we talked about marriage for quite some time. We talked about getting married like it was some great accomplishment far off and far away from us. Being married was something that happened to other people. We would get there someday but it wasn't today and it wasn't tomorrow. Then suddenly it was tomorrow and then just as suddenly it was today. And then just as quickly it was yesterday and a month ago and two months ago and yesterday it was three months ago and I didn't even notice. We passed this great threshold, this life defining moment, this milestone, this sacrament and it was just a day. Now we're here and it's exactly the same.

But it's not.

I don't know how to describe this feeling to people who aren't married and that's why I haven't been trying. I'm married. I have someone who will always have my back. I have someone who is always on my mind, who is the most important person in my life and someone who is my best friend. All these things were true even before we signed a piece of paper and said those vows but now it's different. Now I have someone with me for the rest of my life. I have someone who will always be there and someone I know I can always turn to for help. I have someone who I can call my husband. I have someone I'm legally bound to and who is bound to me. I have someone who loved me enough to spend all that money on one day to celebrate being us. Together. Finally.

I am married to a wonderful man and someday I will be married to and will have been with Nick for longer than I've been without him (June 13, 2021 to be exact). We will be with each other for the rest of our lives. It's an amazing feeling that didn't really hit me until our "staycation" honeymoon when I cried that afternoon in our hotel room, holding on to my new life. I was a wife celebrating her marriage to her husband and the overwhelming non-change change just threw me. It still hits me hard sometimes and it always surprises me the most when people ask me how married life is. It's not exactly the same but I can't very well tell this story can I?

I also am now deeply affected by any sad/happy stories about married couples. Whether reading a story about the death of a spouse or a child or just thinking about how hard it must have been for immigrants to leave their families behind, I get upset. Thinking about how my great-great great granduncle (or whatever he was) left his wife and traveled on the world's largest unsinkable ship to America, I get teary. I know how Fahim Leeni must have felt when he left his wife of four month for something better. I know how people feel when they are separated from their spouses. I know this because I know this feeling, I know how people feel when they are together.

How's married life?

It's about the same.

4 loves | <3


:: 2011 23 January :: 11.41am

No skinny bitches please! Thanks!



:: 2011 22 January :: 4.42am

Words can't describe how shitty I feel.

1 love | <3


:: 2011 21 January :: 11.44am

Someone is a fucking moron.

Not naming any names, but you never fail to amaze me with how fucking close minded and stupid you are.

<3 | Random Journal