Although wherever you're going is always in front of you, there's no such thing as straight ahead

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:: 2010 31 August :: 8.26am

Next week is going to be hard with the shift change!
I need more potassium in my diet.
I can't sleep anymore right now which sucks cuz I don't work til 11:45 haha
bleh.. Life is so.. It's all feeling like a stasis pod. Everyone around me is the same as they've always been. I think at this point people are actually pretty close to who they'll be for the most part..
I like who I am.

I thought them knowing would radically improve my life. And it has improved it some.. But I feel like I opened this huge curtian and it was shocking but now it's just like.. ok we can live like this.. And I still need my pills. :/ damn money pills.

Ahhh!! It's almost fall!! :D



:: 2010 30 August :: 4.29pm




:: 2010 29 August :: 3.53pm

Facebook is ehhh...
I used to really like facebook back in the days, but it got more stupid each time. The things people post are really dumb. I just think, if you have something personal or feel like ranting, it should be done in a blog. I hardly ever update mines anymore. I only message my friends when we have something to share with each other or scheduling meet up. Before, I thought I really needed it or else I won't be able to keep in contact with some people, but now that doesn't matter to me anymore. I only liked my unique username.



:: 2010 28 August :: 4.29pm

baby sista is coming over..
and date night sometime this weekend..
sounds to me like things are going to be pretty exciting here..

but man i feel so bored. and bleh. i want to go on an adventure or do something really fun!

idk i hate feeling so stagnant here, but what can you do? victim of circumstance..



:: 2010 27 August :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: artistic

Art & Rock Music
Some random thoughts came to my mind. I was thinking of the band I used to listen to called "Jack Off Jill." I liked some of their songs in their old 2000 album called "Clear Hearts Grey Flowers." The album cover is also very pretty. I didn't look up the artist name back then. It was Mark Ryden. The music sounded good to me when I was young. I wasn't listening to them at 10 years old. I guess I liked them at 13 or something. At the day of The Last Exorcism screening (Aug. 12), Mark Ryden came to San Francisco for signing, but I didn't go over there to get an autograph because my friend works there at the museum where he signed, so I saved her a seat at the theatre when she arrived. She gave me a picture with his autograph and a cute Abraham Lincoln pin. Both of us gained because I didn't have to go other there and miss the screening. She did me a favor, and also got to watch the early screening with me. I didn't realize that I had liked Mark Ryden's work for a decade. I always had a thing for artwork and rock music ever since I was young.

People I know say that listening to rock music, wearing band t-shirts, interest in dark things is a phase, but I'm still that way, so I don't think a phase can last for 6 years?



:: 2010 25 August :: 4.00pm
:: Mood: rushed

SF weather
Nothing new at all. I just need to get going on reading my textbooks. I haven't been reading or studying that much because I went to L.A. last week Wednesday and Thursday for 2 days. The hot weather in L.A. was exhausting. Got home pretty late at 1am on Thursday night. Woke up at 6:30am, and made it to school on time. Only 3 hours of sleep. Didn't get a real sleeping day until Sunday. Then there's the hot weather again the day before yesterday and yesterday. That explains why I'm a bit behind in reading, but I'll catch up as soon as I can. I just can't focus entirely if I'm exhausted because of the hot weather. I get very dizzy and can't comprehend whatever I'm reading. Today's weather was so much better. I can finally focus and get to reading again. Super silly reason for not reading, but hot weather is definitely my weakness. I can't do anything when it's hot. I sit in one place for 2 hours. Can't get up or think. But I better do tonight's homework because math teacher might pick on someone to give answers. If I didn't have my answers, I'd be screwed. haha



:: 2010 24 August :: 1.07pm

Brain chemistry is a cruel master



:: 2010 22 August :: 3.12pm
:: Mood: silly

so i had many strange and amazing dreams last night
and i finally had a good dream!

it started with me going down a hill on the south hill and to my left i see this girl who's just wearing some black panties on, with perfect breasts getting some nice attention from another girl.. that was pretty awesome! so i continued down the hill and saw a group of 5 girls giggling and being flirty with each other... the neighbors all around in the complexes were watching but they were really attempting to get attention from one guy in particular (he was kinda indy, not at all cute) and I decide - hey free show! so i sit next to him and all the girls seem a little put off, but they start taking off their shirts and bras and soon enough there are 5 sets of very perky - but real - C to DD boobies all over rubbing against eachother and what not. and there are other girls running around with purple and blue hair dressed all gothy and it was just a really great dream :)

and i totally made out with some girl in it.. who was kinda like alixz mixed with kaila mixed with some other girl (she was familiar, but not recognizable) and i had my tongue pierced.. it was strange but great :)



:: 2010 18 August :: 7.30am

I had a horrible nightmare last night :(



:: 2010 17 August :: 10.08pm

Mmmm I feel nice :)



:: 2010 15 August :: 10.33pm

If i knew then whats so obvious now, you'd still be here.



:: 2010 15 August :: 8.02pm

A positive mindset for the new school semester
Most people dread going to school, but I want to be positive and make it a bearable year this time because being negative doesn't help. That type of attitude makes it impossible to be happy every time school starts. The only time I get angry during school year is when I don't understand math. My goal is to pass this class, so I don't have to take it again. I plan on skipping my usual movie watching days because I need to focus on school more. No more slacking off. I put a limit to 1 movie per week so it doesn't get in the way of my studying time. I never study or do homework often, but I'm going to do it this semester. I need to be a better student and get better grades. I should focus on school more. This year is strictly studying and understanding the subjects, and next year I'll sit back, relax and enjoy myself. I'll watch all the movies I ever wanted to watch!



:: 2010 15 August :: 1.54pm
:: Mood: happy

Kombucha Saved Me from Bedbugs!
Lately I've been gaining a lot of weight. At least 10 pounds because I let myself loose once again by eating unhealthy junk foods and I'm not on a real vegetarian diet because I eat whatever my mom cooks for me, not wanting to be difficult and annoy her. She was annoyed with me in the past for going on a vegan diet. She didn't really like the food I was eating. So that means I've been eating chicken for sometime. I don't like meat, but I eat it to make her happy. She said that I don't have a reason for not eating meat. I actually have a reason, but I would rather keep it to myself and not tell anyone. So yesterday morning, I bought a bottle of Kombucha because the health benefits includes appetite/weight control + other benefits. I put it in my bag because I was in a hurry to get to work on time, but when I was there on time, the owner wasn't there yet. I sat down, and took out my Kombucha drink and it spilled out from the seal because it was a carbonated drink, it started to spill out from the top even though I didn't open it yet. It already spilled in my bag. I took all my stuff out of my bag, and found over 6 bedbugs living in my bag! It was a nightmare for me because I've been bitten by bedbugs practically every night! I also noticed that my bag was a place for them to lay eggs. Later on, I called my mom and told her about what happened and she said to throw the bag away. I wasn't sad or reluctant even though I had my bag for over 7 years. It was time for it to go if bedbugs could live in there, that bag must be ancient too. Kombucha saved me! If it wasn't for the drink spilling in my bag, I would still get bitten by bedbugs until the end of this year! I've been searching for the problem anyway. They followed me to the theatre and bite me while I watch a movie. That's why I noticed that every screening I attend, my hands itch/hurt like crazy. I had my bag on my lap all the time.

Kombucha is going to be my favorite drink from now on. Every Saturday morning at work, I get bored and tend to find myself something unhealthy to eat. Sometimes I can't control myself because work is very boring and not a lot of customers come by. But I finally found the right alternative! Kombucha is what I want! A non-sugary/beneficial drink/tastes good and helps me to not crave sweets and carbs. I've been having trouble staying away from carbs because bread is my favorite snack. If I didn't have Kombucha, I'd be drinking Thai Iced Tea, which is made of tea and white sugar. Kombucha is only 30 calories. I'll probably have Kombucha once a week, since it's a pretty expensive drink. I don't have a lot of money so I can't drink it all the time. It's not that expensive, but for a student like me, I can't buy it all the time.



:: 2010 14 August :: 6.54am

bad smells are by far my least favorite.



:: 2010 14 August :: 4.11am

Uggg so warm and icky



:: 2010 10 August :: 9.22pm

Today: NG

Tomorrow: Prolly more NG


1 love | <3


:: 2010 8 August :: 7.48pm

Human dynamics.

I think it is interesting how some people never change and others never stop..
It's amazing how some people hold on so tightly to an identity that it will destroy beautiful relationships, while others are more than willing to attempt the other side.

Everyone changes.. Some more quickly and more willingly than others.. But at the end of the day if you're really happy and you know that deep down you were true to yourself then you've succeeded in being a human..

Whether you're a good or a bad human, tho, is a whole other topic haha



:: 2010 7 August :: 9.46pm

Dear sweet darling Sus,

Happy 2 year anniversary! This past year has been the happiest of my entire life and you have helped me make more positive life changes than any other person in my whole life. Thank you for sticking with me through the pain and the happiness. We've grown so close I feel like you aren't jus my lover, you're the best friend I have ever had.

I want the world to know how devoted I am. I love you and seeing you happy is the most rewarding thing I've ever felt. I love you so much.

<3 amelia



:: 2010 6 August :: 10.52pm

Loud. Electronic. Ferocious.

I'm so excited for 08/13. :)



:: 2010 3 August :: 5.51pm

its funny to watch campus pd. its everything i remember college being. and apparently its true for every campus in the us. and its exactly why i left. i hate all those fucking dumb ass party kids who only pass because their parents have a fat wad and they don't know how to parent.

granted, that isn't everyone in college, but srsly, freshman year that's really all those kids do.




:: 2010 2 August :: 10.53pm
:: Mood: blah

I have to start dieting again. Why did I let lose? I was in a good mood for the whole summer, but right now, I've been in a sour mood when thinking about some things. I ate a lot of junk food during the summer and watched a lot of movies. When thinking about the upcoming math class, I didn't feel like going to movie screenings anymore. If it's a horror film, I'll go watch it. I would like to go watch a scary horror film. I missed those times. I don't watch that much horror lately. Need to get back to watching it some time soon if I get any passes!



:: 2010 1 August :: 1.10am

I am finally someone I'd be friends with if I wasn't me.

It feels amazing :)



:: 2010 30 July :: 8.18pm

So.. Stateline is a little delayed..
But after super exciting threesome fun with toys and games drinks and snacks..
Leather, lace, bondage and feathers.

Man we are just so exciting, non-boring, ultra passionate couple who find great people to be involved with! Woo!

1 love | <3


:: 2010 29 July :: 8.49pm

Janelle is coming over Friday! Which means drinks, naughty games, Stateline and some extra use of the bed ;3 she's cute, funny, smart and has huge boobs! What more could you ask for?

Then Samantha possibly in the mix for Saturday or Sunday :3 she's even more into me than Janelle and I think she's fuck rad :D and probably the most successful mom my age group I've ever met! I'm so impressed with her kid!

This weekend is shaping up to be awesome with friends XD
and Sus throughout the whole thing..?



:: 2010 28 July :: 8.53pm
:: Music: Mike Posner


If I could write you a song to make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arms
I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this
But you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me.



:: 2010 28 July :: 8.18pm

I'm scared.

Today I cried. It's the first time in a long time.

1 love | <3


:: 2010 28 July :: 11.22am
:: Music: NIN - I Ghost - 3

I don't know why but this song is srsly an orgasim for my ears.

Oh Trent, there is a small place in my heart just for you.

1 love | <3


:: 2010 27 July :: 6.51pm

I hate how much time and experience changes a person..
It makes me feel so helpless to stop this spiral I see you on.
We never talk anymore and when we do it's always defensive manuvers..
We're like two fighter pilots with something to prove as we crash into this ocean.



:: 2010 26 July :: 7.24am

<3 love is putting 6 1/2 days of music on my iPhone <3

I love you Sus!



:: 2010 25 July :: 6.06pm


I need a change or I'll go crazy.

Blue hair soon :)

<3 | Random Journal