2010 23 June :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: glad
I was disappointed about my schedule yesterday, but today I'm over it. I got all the classes I wanted, so I shouldn't be too picky. I like pastry, but I might just take it next next semester. No big deal. I shouldn't overact for something small. It's really nothing.
Summer's been great! I'll write more next week.
2010 22 June :: 6.02pm
Being in Spokane is a bummer..
But we bought some awesome clothes for Sus! And I got a cute skirt! The plans kinda fell through, but it was SO much fun going to the Metropolatin Grill with Sus and his dad for father's day :D that is the ritziest resturants I've been to in two years! The calamari were so cute and tiny :D and delicious.. Everything was delicious! And fun. And it made me feel really.. Happy inside :)
2010 22 June :: 9.16am
:: Mood: disappointed
Today is the first day where I really felt upset. I registered for my classes, but the only class I didn't get was Advanced Pastry because it was full. I've been wanting to take that class. Today was the second day for registering and it's full. I hope a miracle happens so I can get in. I pray that I can get in. Just when I'm ready, things don't turn out well.
2010 19 June :: 2.46am
Nick and I set a date.
October 23, 2010.
No, he didn't propose yet. Yes, I'm crazy. Yes, I'm planning it already.
I just figured that if I'm going to get married by the end of the year, I should start planning. I made him set a date without formally proposing since I already know we're going to get married (and have known for years). Talking to my mom (she was naming places and planning and talking about dropping her dress off and food and who to was awesome), really kick-started the process.
I also realized time is flying by and it's almost July. Like I said, if I want to get this done this year, I should start planning now.
I'm not counting myself as engaged until the ring is on the finger but this is official, kids. I'm not joking.
I'm more excited about this than I think I will be about the proposal.
I love you all.
P.S. I wanted to get married earlier but Nick and I already have the days off of work for October (and we won't have the money by August or September) so I figured why not do it then. I hate that being an adult means planning our wedding around when we can get time off but it's better than never doing it!
P.P.S. I wanted October 10 because then it would be 10-10-10 and Nick would remember it easily. Also 101010 in binary? 42. Perfect. But Nick said he's not planning our wedding on a day "because it looks good in binary" and he sent me this:
public static main()
If (you == "robot")
Console.WriteLine("Are you sure?);
P.P.P.S. I don't think Nick's mentioned it to his family yet. I kind of don't want to yet because his older sister just got engaged and I don't want to ruin her moment. Everyone should have a moment that is all about them. Like birthday week. I just told people at work because I was excited.
P.P.P.P.S. Nick's grandfather is doing okay. Thanks, everyone. They ended up not giving him bypass surgery and just putting stints in because they don't think he could handle bypass. However, they give him a good 3-5 years as he is so yay for mediocre health!
3 loves |
2010 18 June :: 11.14am
Soooo it turns out since I work a late shift I get a 10% bonus to my total yearly salary. What that means:
I'll be making $21.45 an hour rather than $19.50. Seriously.
I will be out of debt so fast. I will be buying a new car. I will be able to afford the help to get the body I want. I'll be able to be completely finacially independant in under 6 months.
And you know what? If I had stayed in college I would have NEVER been presented this opportunity. So to all of you that told me I couldn't be successful without a college education:
Hahaha I feel so fucking good about myself. I'm so happy. I'm so excited! And I'm so confident I'm going to get to where I want in life.
2010 16 June :: 8.44am
Ahhh 2 more days until payday! And Seattle! And happiness!!
New clothes! Caught up in bills!
I also found ot my debt is down to $8,400 ish :D pretty fucking rad!!
Now if only Spokane didn't suck so damn much
1 love |
2010 15 June :: 3.58pm
Turning on my cell phone everyday now. Just in case I win any contests.
2010 12 June :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: blah
Summer break has been pretty good. Mostly because I watch more movies than usual. I saw Splice, The Karate Kid and then today was Toy Story 3, the movie I looked forward to so much. Toy Story 3 was great! Very emotional for a kid's film, but very cute and fun. Sad at times. I love it anyway. It was too sweet. I liked everything about, and would say that it's one of my favorites. Horror genre is my most favorite, but I also like animated children's films. I grew up watching too many cartoons. Other than watching movies at the theatre, I also watch DVDs at home.
2010 7 June :: 1.24am
Nick's grandfather had a heart attack on Saturday and had a smaller one (without knowing it) earlier last week.
He's in the ICU with very low blood pressure and a very low pulse. He was going to have surgery tomorrow but his blood pressure is still very low and the blood thinners haven't left his system yet.
He's in the hospital up in Cadillac. As long as the surgery goes well, we will be visiting him later this week. Luckily, Nick and I both have some days off already scheduled (for our anniversary but whatever, family is first).
Happy thoughts would be welcome.
Love you kids.
4 loves |
2010 6 June :: 8.27pm
:: Mood: blank
I wish my Zombieland DVD would arrive in the mail already! I want to watch it again.
2010 5 June :: 10.15am
Yesterday Sus's mom told me that she loves me and that the whole family loves me and that I'm part of their family :) and the best part was how sincere she was..
It's nice to know I have somewhere to turn if things get hard where I'll be met with warmth and understanding. Sus told me that if he and I break up Corky would still take care of me :) it makes me really happy!
I love being here! But the sun never truely sets this time of hear and it's trippy. The sun went behind the mountians at midnight and then started coming up again.. Trippy!
2010 2 June :: 7.22am
Driving to work this morning, I almost forget I wasn't in Seattle. Beautiful.
I'm really happy with where I am in life right now. Amazing love. Great job. A career path. A nice apartment. I can finally see my goals as obtainable!
Occasionally I'll wish we had friends, but things are seeming to work out with Amora.. And if Sus starts school he'll make friends there for sure! I don't really think I can be friends with anyone at work.. They are all so.. Spokane. Plus in my experience making friends from work rarely works out. Sus is the only work-turned-something-else that's worked haha
But it's nice to be happy. And have health benefits. :D
2010 31 May :: 2.56am
Nick and I are moving to the Seattle area (Redmond or Bellevue, probably) next year.
This is as long as he finishes what he's doing at CC and gets accepted to the school he wants to go to out there. Both of which are very likely and probably most definitely will happen.
So, I'm already pretty nervous/excited about this. Moving out west means higher rent, higher gas prices, higher everything but it's what we've wanted to do for a long time and now we have the chance to do it. Plus it means maybe a scooter for me which ohmanissoexcitingkidsiamsoexcited.
Things I am currently nervous about:
The actual moving process
Moving our 2 cats
Finding a job
Finding a place to live
Any tips on cross-country or long distance moving between now and July 2011 would be appreciated. I have moved states before but only when I was too young to help out or know the logistics of the whole process. And it was never more than 6 hours away. Also, any Seattle advice would be welcomed with open arms.
I love you all.
P.S. This move means we definitely will get married this year. Exclamation point.
7 loves |
2010 30 May :: 6.46pm
So I just found out today I'll be making $19.50 an hour at my new job.
And that's without an AA degree. That's without the support of my family. That's without any number of friends in my physical realm.
That is my being extremely talented, intelligent, hard working and suffienct on my own. With the support and love of my wonderfully hot, caring and intelligent boyfriend.
I'm so thankful for everything I do have. And at this point I find it so pointless to be controlled by the negativity of others. I have a couple people who love the hell out of me and I have the skills and the potential to be successful at anything I try.
I feel so good about myself. I'm so happy with where I am. And I'm extremely excited about my future!
2010 30 May :: 10.32am
:: Mood: happy
I love having a name difficult to spell.
2010 29 May :: 12.59am
im sick of this pointless drama shit.
Don't tell me how to live my life, and that I need to get my shit together.
What shit do i have that's out of order?
God damn it.
2010 25 May :: 11.47am
Almost a 3 day weekend!
Then a 4 day weekend!
Then a Seattle weekend!
XD ahhh!! And a new job!
I know I sound like a broken record.. But damn!!
2010 21 May :: 4.42pm
:: Mood: content
I think I'm going overboard with movies. I like films a lot and it's good to get away from reality sometimes. Life isn't bad, but it can be boring at times. My friends say I watch too many movies.
2010 21 May :: 12.54pm
Today just keeps getting better and better :D
2010 21 May :: 7.13am
My dr gave me a month of free cymbalta :)
met an amazing woman yesterday :)
get to see sus's amazing mom in a couple weeks :)
get to see Seattle in a couple more :)
starting an amazing job in a week :)
will be debt free in a few months :)
life is pretty FUCKING awesome right now
2010 18 May :: 7.11am
So! For my birthday Sus's mom is flying us up to Alaska!!!!!!
I love visiting! And we'll get to actually see theflaciers and animals!
Only roadblock to the final frontier is getting 2 days off work. I'm banking on my experience to get me excused.. I really want to go up north!!
2010 15 May :: 12.34pm
So.. Haven't fucked a girl in over a month :( and Stateline isn't helping.
I feel so ugly. Plus this recent interaction with my dad only makes me feel worse. I dint understand him.
He doesn't want me to do things to make him happy, he wants me to do things for me. So I am now and it's bad...? Damn double standards. I will never win.
I find that my pessimism is addictive. I don't want it but I need it to survive.
do you still believe?
2010 15 May :: 1.34am
i want a steady girl
2010 11 May :: 11.07am
I'm so tired of them making me feel like shit.
2010 10 May :: 1.45pm
I got an invite to my high school reunion. The thought of going makes me want to cry.
I just saw these people. I haven't changed. My hair is a little shorter, I guess. I got new glasses. I've been dating the same guy I dated in high school for almost 6 years now and I've been living with him for the past 3 years. I'm a supervisor in a call center. None of these things make me want to see these people.
Oh and look at what the invite says: "Remember parents, even though children aren't invited, bring pictures!!" SOME OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE KIDS. KIDS THAT I HAVE TO FEIGN INTEREST IN. I'M NOT EVEN ENGAGED. PUKE PUKE PUKE.
Also, if I wanted to reconnect or see any of these people, I'd already have done so.
That being said, I still haven't decided if I'm going.
2 loves |
2010 9 May :: 10.51am
Went to josh's birthday party last night!! Had a great time and talked to some peole I never thought I'd eve talk to haha Josh did an amazing light show for me (3 acutally) and Nik did too! And I totally kicked everyone's ass too!
And I tried shasish which was hella fun! And I found out it's just vapor.. And now I'm considering getting one cuz the smoke is so fun!
Then I got to cuddle with my cat boi and have some yummy fun :3 it was a great night!
1 love |
2010 7 May :: 7.28pm
I like that people are stealing some of my pics on facebook without telling me because this means they like my photos that I took of them.
2010 7 May :: 5.50pm
:: Mood: drained
Meat is so gross. I feel like barfing. Right now, I'm looking at this crazy website with all the heart attack foods. Makes me squirm because I never liked meat from the beginning. Imagine eating meat just grosses me out deeply.
2010 5 May :: 5.25pm
That cannoli that my classmate made was so good! I want to eat another cannoli. Maybe I should just buy it the next time she makes it because I have a strong craving for it.
I need to update my mp3, but too lazy right now. I still need to watch that vampire film. I have 4 zombie movies waiting for me.
2010 5 May :: 12.13pm
I just got hired at Liberty Mutual!
Which means:
annual salary $31,400
full benefits from day 1
11 days paid vacation per year
15 sick days per year
debt free in 2 months
ahhhhhhhh success