2010 17 March :: 2.19pm
I'm glad I have the courage and strength to know when someone in my life is making me unhealthy. Plans in motion to have myself back by Friday. I'm so proud of myself :)
2010 17 March :: 9.06am
we need more heroes.
2010 17 March :: 6.10am
This new work schedule is killing me!
Try switching from a 2-10 day to a 715-330 day!
It's brutal!!
I've been pounding coffee to stay awake haha
2010 15 March :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: tired
Not taking anything for granted
I actually like school, but not the waking up part or the homework assignments and tests. If there were no homeworks and tests, my life would be perfect. I don't mind getting up early. It isn't that bad. Enjoying the morning weather, saying hi to fellow classmates and chatting. I'm glad school isn't ending yet. I took a day off today because I don't think I can walk too far, not feeling well today. I already miss it, and I want to spend every moment as if it's going to end. I make it sound like it's the end of the world, but we should not take anything for granted because we end up missing it later. So I learned to appreciate everything. Time passes by fast, and before you know it, you're dead. So be good to everybody and everyone. School's not forever, the moments are not forever, so I never skip classes. Today was actually the first day I was absent. I didn't want to miss school at all.
It's funny how I hardly find anything offensive. Maybe I don't have that part of the brain to tell me if something was offensive. No wonder I get along with everyone. I barely know what offensive really is.
I look forward to school tomorrow. Can't wait to take that test, and enjoy an hour after that. I like veganism, but I feel like it's taking that part of life away. The part where you enjoy delicious food with friends and family. That's why I don't mind going back to an almost normal diet. Moments to cherish with someone is more important than eating the vegan diet. I miss diner food, hot dog on a stick, burgers, pizza, etc. That was my normal food anyway. It made me happy to enjoy it with people I love.
2010 15 March :: 7.52pm
First day at new job was awesome! Met an old co-worker from Premera and she's going to try and get me a permanent position there :) she's a sweetie! I feel bad that I couldn't remember her name.. :/
anyway! Awesome new job! Great hours! Good atmosphere! All the overtime I want! And a very small training class!
I'm very happy! And right on shedule with Seattle!
2010 14 March :: 4.10pm
Pills kick in fast.
Rough housing needs to be done more often.
2010 13 March :: 12.22pm
There goes 2 and a half hours I want back. 2001: A Space Odyssey is the worst movie I have ever suffered through..
2010 13 March :: 1.31am
5 months and we'll be back in Seattle.
I'll get ridof my pills.
And my family.
And everyhing negative memory.
And be happy
and in school
and excited to live :)
I can't fucking wait
2010 12 March :: 12.27pm
:: Mood: nostalgic
Last day of work was yesterday.. It was bittersweet. It's nice to know so many people will miss me! I had no idea how much they liked me there :) and it's nice finally being able to leave there.. Jeff was being so ridiculously negative to the who team, it's really hard to get excited for that. Granted idk what's waiting for me at Liberty Mutual but hopefully it's better. Plus I left on good terms so there shouldn't be any issue getting my old job back.
Yesterday was a really badass day! I have lost 3 lbs! I got my awesome new job! I have friends who care about me! Kaila still really likes me! I have made new friends! Only 5 months until we go back to Seattle! I really am excited for the future now!
Things are looking up! Very up!
2010 12 March :: 1.25am
I recently got bored of the songs in my mp3 player. I want to put some new ones, but I can't remember what I used to listen to. I'm forgetting the music I used to like. It's been a while since I listen to music. I've been watching a lot of movies. I saw Alice in Wonderland, She's Out of My League and Remember Me. I'm going to watch two more movies next week. I watch at least two movies per week. I'm forgetting about music. I loved music, but right now my mind is blank.
2010 9 March :: 9.44am
I really do have the job! :D
I start the 15th :)
2010 9 March :: 2.42am
The only people who don't cry during or don't understand or dont love Vanilla Sky are people who have never truly been in love.
2010 7 March :: 5.57pm
:: Mood: content
Should I?
I'm still considering if I should use my gift card on the Alice in Wonderland merchandise or would that be a waste? I don't intend to be a walking advertisement. I just happen to like Tim Burton's creation so much that I would go my way to getting the stuff.
2010 6 March :: 3.29pm
:: Mood: accomplished

1 love |
2010 4 March :: 7.31pm
Well.. We have this month covered rent wise..
But next month.. April.. We are fucked. And all the people we can ask for help are fucked. I'm just so worried.. And on top of the fear of eviction is the feeling that this birthday will be.. Messed up. And I won't get anything I want for it.. I don't even really have many people to spend it with cuz I'm sure everyone will be busy.
Tho I do have more friends that last year! And I'm thinking I'll just make everyone meet me at irv's who can. Heidi, Laura and their friends.. Work friends like Kaila and Ashlie and anyone else who wants to show up from work.. Hopefully we'll have enuff for cover and drinks!
2010 1 March :: 8.13am
I feel like I'm in Seattle :)
it feels like things are finally going to turn out right
it feels like I'm getting to where I need to be
and I haven't felt happier since when I lived in Everett.
2010 28 February :: 8.29pm
I am anxious about tomorrow
2010 26 February :: 8.07am
I love our kitchen. And our apartment.
And our new girlfriend :)
2010 24 February :: 12.55pm
My legs feel like jello. And I have a job offer with better pay but no incentives. I'm pretty excited :)
But I'm hungry cuz of all the calories I burned this morning. 460! Wow!
Going to get a haircut tomorrow! And a dr appointment! Going to look hawt for the weekend! :3
2010 22 February :: 7.29pm
It's nice how fast stormy days pass.
And today it's like it never happened!
Ahh go endorphines, serotonin and norepinephrine!
Praise science!
2010 21 February :: 2.51pm
you are so petty. you are such a liar. you are a monster.
i am so glad you fucked up.
2010 20 February :: 11.37am
:: Mood: Down
:: Music: Armor for Sleep
In a stone world..
It's been a while since a real update.. I've had a real armor for sleep love revival. Tho I'm less emo than when I first heard them.. They still make a big impression on me.
I've been down. I don't know what it is but I keep having nightmares about myfamily. And it's not like them dying but like them molesting eachother, lying or hating me.. Where I am in some way alienated from them. And they make it hard for me to get any rest. I think it's because of my intentions to sever themfrom my life offically. It makes me so nervous and I can't think of what words to say. I want to speak from my heart but what comes out is always simple and sounds childish.. Maybe it's the little abandoned me trying to finally get vindication for a ruined childhood.
It's a pity that something that's supposed to be so amazing and unique can be so messed up so easily by those who are supposed to make it worthwhile..
I've noticed a distinct lack of meaningful relationships in ky life. I have Sus. And he is amazing.. But other than that I feel like my other relationships are so superficial. I want a deep and raw relationship where I can speak freely without fear of hurting the other person. I miss my relatioahip with Brooke because no matter how bitchy we sounded we still remained friends through all that. And then it got all fucked up. Everyone else is busy in their own lives and have no time for me. I have this constant need to feel important to everyone and the longer I live the less and less important I feel..
Andthe sad thing about that is it makes me wish I could believe in god so I could feel like despite what everyone else does in my life there is still one being who still loves me. But I know he doesn't exist. His obvious and painful absense in my life is all the proof I think I can handle.. Realizing how utterly singular and lonely the human experience is depressing and consumingly disappointing.
When I was young I used to believe that growing up and falling in love would be a magically unifying experience where two people would become one and their lives would be shared in this incredile way that would get rid of the utter uniqueness of an individual's life. And I fell in love and I didn't happen.. So I tried again.. Gt closer for a bit but still I ended up irrevokably lonely with him. Then I tried a third time and this is the closest I've come to being joined to anoher's experience, but I'm also realizing that my dream as a little kid is an impossible one. No two lives can be intertwined they way I imagined it and now.. Now I'm understanding hatthe loneliness and abandoned feelings that have been burned into my psyche from childhood are to be a permanent fixture in my life.. At one point I would have thought this as a beautiful pain, but now I just see it as a horrid scar I wish I never recieved. I hate my family for inflicting this on me. I hate my schoolmates for helping. I hate the world for letting it be like this. I hate God for not protecting me.
My whole life seems miserably unfair and replusively disappointed. Besides a few and oh so brief periods, my life has been buried deep in putrid dark. And I have just been digging the whole deeper until recently.. The medicine helps a lot. So much that I can no longer handle feeling depressed anymore. In some ways I feel like my mental stablilty has diminished somewhat when I am no medicated.. Bu I also think that in general I am so much happie almost all the time the normal lows I've always had seem so much worse because I don't live in that constant state. And it makes me very happy to know that I can acutally be happy.
I need to work on being more independent. I'm so dependent on what others think I've lost a part of me that was why people liked me in the first place. My life since moving home has been such a wretched adventure. Words can't express how much moving back has ruined any progress I've made in my life. All the improvements I had made throuh Kirk and the start of with Sus has been erased by my proximity to my family. And my credit is a little worse. And I now have no real relationship wihy family. I've lost most of my friends and I (was) more depressed Than I had ever been. I'm slowly working at undoing this damage but it's been difficult, long and uphill.. I feel like sessifus pushing the rock.. And never getting anywhere.
But that's how it's always been.. And may always be.. Bu I have many years left to see how it all pans out.
2010 17 February :: 5.27pm
Ever have one of those days..?
2010 15 February :: 3.49pm
I wanted to watch The Wolfman on the release date, but I didn't feel good that day so I went today instead. I liked The Wolfman, but too bad those two creeps behind me had to be annoying as heck! If it's not your type of movie, don't be here then. Moving and whispering during the film is definitely not polite. I really liked it because it's so true to the genre. Gothic settings, costumes, music, acting, mood, characters, and story was perfect. I want to watch it again without the unnecessary distractions from inconsiderate people. It was a beautiful movie. I thought Danny Elfman wasn't going to the the score for The Wolfman. I read somewhere on twitter, but I saw his name in the credits for the music score. The music was good though.
2010 14 February :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: disappointed
Too much sweets
I ate far too many sweets at the bakery today. Old fashion donut, cake donut, french toast muffin, hamantaschen, chocolate shortbread cookie. That's what I get when I deprived myself of sweets for a long time. I hadn't eat much food because I wanted to lose weight. I lost a lot of weight, but ended up being too hungry, and pig out too much in one day. I'm tired of this food issue, and I just wish I wouldn't eat so much. I always work around food too. That's my life, my major. Most of the time, I don't eat that much. Sometimes I can't control myself.
2010 13 February :: 2.47pm
I hate banks.
2010 12 February :: 10.32pm
"am I shlurring that wrong..? I mean bad?"
2010 12 February :: 9.24pm
:: Mood: uncomfortable
:: Music: The 69 Eyes
Gothic house dream
I hadn't been writing about my dreams for a pretty long time. I keep a dream journal, but I didn't record all of my dreams. Sadly, I can't remember all. Today I can remember a dream I had last night. It was beautiful and creepy at the same time. So it began like this: I saw a waitress lady from the Thai place I work at. She has her own place. I couldn't see her face though. I opened the fancy door and went inside. The house is build in a strange way. It was rooms and rooms next to each other. I just had to walk straight. I kept walking into each room with no doors. It was decorated very fancy and gothic like, gothic architecture in a cathedral style. The colors were black, red, and gold. Everything was detailed, chairs, benches, walls, tables, and all the decorations. It was very gorgeous and creepy. I walked to the last room, so I turned around and walked back to get out. Then some guy gave me a shrunken head necklace. He said, "You can have this. This is your dad's head." I was freaked out. I thought to myself "my dad's head?" I felt really sad, and that's the end of the dream.
2010 11 February :: 9.51pm
I love rolling! And Sus! Oh glorious world!!
2010 10 February :: 7.27pm
Green Day Video
Listening to Green Day's 'When I Come Around' fits me too much because the music video is like my life! I just realized that. The music video was shot in San Francisco where I always go to school. I read this from wikipedia. I used to take the bus that goes through the Mission District all the time. Now I take the BART everyday. The people's homes in the music video is similar to where I live. The window looks identical.