2009 25 December :: 9.18am
(I have to admit.. I am excited to get lots of presents.. But it's a secret)
merry christmas <3
2009 22 December :: 10.46pm
I really, really love how my life is right now.
honestly I haven't been this happy since my first date with sus. i really just......
after she kissed me i got in my car and i couldn't stop smiling. i had a thin hoodie on (and its like 32 F right now) and i wasn't cold. And when she walked away i screamed.
I didn't really ever think I could feel this way for two people at the same time. But I do. And I have to really stop myself from falling in head first. I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to fall in love right off the bat, but seriously it's like having a happy version of me around all the time who has soft hands and thinks i'm cute and is good at kissing.
i sound like such a girl (hehe I am tho!)
2009 22 December :: 12.36am
I am so freaking HAPPY
I seriously think if I'm not careful I could explode. Cuz this happiness is about to light a short fuse!!!
2009 20 December :: 10.59pm
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: C89.5
best night ever in recent memory
so last week i won some free movie tickets at work.. two. so we bought 3 tickets to avatar.. in 3D... and we treated kaila to a movie since it was basically free.
so we are driving over there and its raining.. and outside smells like home.. it smells like a rainy day in seattle and it was dark and exciting.
we wait in line for a while since it was opening night.. and i sit in the middle and sus and kaila are on either side of me. i got a big tub of popcorn :3 YUM
so... sus steals the popcorn bucket.. and kaila is sitting with her hand kind of on my leg.. just laying there.. and she didn't move it when i accidentally touched it. so... my heart starts pounding and i'm getting all nervous... and i slowly inch my hand closer and closer to her's and then i'm touching it.. and she isn't moving it.. so i grab it and she holds my hand! I was blushing SO brightly. and i had a stupid goofey smile on my face.. :3
In addition to having a great time holding an adorable and wonderful girl's hand and having a wonderful and handsome man holding my other hand the movie is probably the best movie i have seen since the watchmen. and i honestly believe ALL movies should be made in 3D from now on. It was AMAZINGLY AWESOME in almost every way. plus i hate humanity so it was great to see us get our asses handed to us! plus the indigenous people of Pandora are SO HUGE and it was wonderful!
so we get done with the movie and i didn't have the horrible need to go pee.. and we drive home listening to C89.5.. and it was still raining.. and dark.. and for just those moments driving home from the movie i felt like i was home.. in seattle... doing what i was supposed to and feeling like everything was right in the world. i was profoundly happy on that drive home.. and that feeling was only intensified by knowing that both the people in the car were feeling the exact same way as me.
it honestly was the best night i've had since i moved back here. i am so incredibly happy i got kaila's number and that she lives so close and.. everything is going to well.
:) life is good.
1 love |
2009 19 December :: 2.02am
We learned today that we are getting Christmas bonuses! Yay! And then if I get my doing-my-job bonus, I will have money to pay bills and rent and school loans!
yay for crappy job that makes me feel grown up!
1 love |
2009 16 December :: 9.50pm
I am so ready for today to be done..
I just want to go home and cuddle with my catboi and watch some heroes and eat delicious food! Only 9 mins left!!
2009 15 December :: 2.33am
I should not eat when Nick is not around to edit my eating habits. He is asleep since he has to work at 7 am tomorrow.
Things I have eaten since Nick went to bed at 1:
Spaghetti with sauce and Parmesan cheese and green olives
Reheated TGIFriday's French fries (reheated in a pan with olive oil and crazy seasonings)
Green olives
Warmed up tortilla with above seasoning/spices and leftover oil along with garlic, sour cream and feta (the sour cream was a TERRIBLE idea... ugh)
More green olives
Snicker's bar
We don't have any food in the house. That is the main reason I ate a bunch of junk. Also I just went with my cravings. Usually Nick stops me before I add the sour cream. I am feeling really awful and would like to just throw everything up, please.
2009 14 December :: 6.54pm
Blah... I feel not awesome..
But I have a lot saved for the tv!!
So I'm excited :D
2009 13 December :: 12.14am
I can't believe my weekend is over already..
2009 11 December :: 3.05pm
I really want another tattoo.. Last one was march.. :(((
1 love |
2009 10 December :: 1.47am
Being happy = wants more drinks to be happier :)
today was a good day. Finally saw a dr. Got a good sale! It's almost my Friday so get drunk time is so. Fricken. Close.
Plus cute girl sexing up is the day after tomorrow! Getting laid Friday night! Hell ya!
Anyway.. Life is good.. Things are wonderful and I'm finally starting to honestly feel that. I can't wait til Xmas!! Seattle here I come!
:D aaahhhhh I love life!
2009 9 December :: 12.30am
New game rocks!
But SO frustrating.
Mostly likely cuz I'm slightly drunk haha.
New cute girl visiting on Friday. Apparently expecting to pay for platinum with sex haha so cute.. She thinks I'm so cute I'm intimidating! Ah inexperienced girls are so adorable :) (tbh girls who are really cute still intimidate me too hehe)
is it sad to say that I've done more girls than guys? Hehe idk but it makes me smile. :D
Anyway things are good. Can't wait til Xmas and I love our ps3 :3
good times (honestly ps3 pwns the wii I'm so glad we exchanged!!)
3 loves |
2009 3 December :: 10.53pm
Today I found out that I won yet another thing for being a top performer a work :) there's an award ceremony tomorrow at 3 but I'm not going since it's my day off and I'm getting sushi instead! Hella!
But it's kinda nice being recognized for doing well at my job.. And I doubt I'll ever need to worry about my job. Plus it's a lot of fun being a winner :)
I'm excited for Christmas! I know I'm probably not getting anything but I'm still excited cuz I get to spend it with Sus's family :) I get to see his mom!! Yay!!
Things are really great right now. I even found a group for friends who aren't complete basket cases!
2009 3 December :: 12.53pm
Guess who won an iPod Touch from her work?
Here's a hint: she's an amazing sales woman!
That's right! Amelia did! Cuz she rocks at selling things people don't really need! Unlike some other people in this fine state!
I'm also at 400% of my weekly goal still. And I finished November with 187% of my goal :D
Yes. I rock.
2 loves |
2009 1 December :: 11.26pm
Diet is crashing and burning. I hate winter..
I have a dr appt on the 9th. Hopefully it will help. I really need a way to cope with all these unjustified feelings of immense guilt. I just want to forgive and forget and be happy I learned from the experience.
I just never really learned how.. I never really learned to cope with anything.. And now 20 years later all my not coping is finally fucking my psyche up (hopefully not irrevocably).. We'll see how things go.
I'm kicking ass again at work. Seriously I am at 400% of my sales goal :D take that all you not amazing sales people of the world!
2009 30 November :: 6.34pm
I am tired of life, but at least Veganism makes me happy.
2009 30 November :: 4.06am
:: Music: George of the Jungle
Recent thoughts with added emphasis
I like the idea of Montreal (much like one enjoys the idea having a baby but not the pushing it out of your own vagina part or the human being inside me thing or much like one may love the idea of organizing a bookshelf by color but not actually having said bookshelf (I cannot find any book I am searching for. Surprise, surprise, I do not remember my books by color.)) but that whole French thing always turns me off. Gravy and cheese curds on French fries? I am there. Calling it poutine? Sorry, I'll pass. Maybe next time. With bacon. And a not French name. Losers.
I think I might have mentioned it before but this I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant show is insane. How the fuck do you not know you are pregnant? "Oh I had missed my period two months in a row but I just thought it was stress." "I had a craving for tacos but I just like tacos, you know?" "I thought I had to poop and then a baby was in the toilet." What the fuck, kids? And they never have any prenatal care but the baby is always fine. While people who take care of themselves have sick babies. Also, what sexually-active woman is not hyper-aware of every single thing that is going on with her body period-wise?
I am having more and more dreams that involve someone sending me back to France for some reason. And I'm not allowed to leave for some other strange reason. Like I lose my passport or I lose a piece of luggage and cannot leave until it is found. I suppose that is what I get for speaking French all day.
Speaking of...speaking French, I think I speak more French in my average work day than I ever did during my 8 years of studying it in school. Probably even more than I did in an average day in France. I really hate myself for not speaking more French while I was there but whatever. I went to Budapest, bitches. French didn't matter. Now I talk about having votre numero de reservation and combien des chambres voudriez-vous and sorry, you need a carte de credit and who doesn't have an adresse email these days? My dreams are just filled with more French.
My sister is studying in Innsbruck, Austria next year. For the whole year. My mom didn't want her to go for the entire year because she didn't want to pay for Notre Dame with my sister not even being in the country but somehow they got over that. Also, next year is the motherfucking bicentennial of Oktoberfest so my friend and I were already planning on going to Munich. She lived in Germany for a long time and knows people we can stay with for free. We would only have to pay for airfare and food/drink money. My sister and I are planning a European tour since we can handle most countries with my French and her German.
I need to learn to play an instrument. I am thinking something terribly hipster like a ukulele or organ. I've always wanted a hurdy gurdy.
I have no clue what to get anyone for Christmas. Personne, kids. Not even Nick. It is terrible. I know what Nick wants but I can't buy him a 400 dollar laptop/netbook or whatever. And I can think of things I would like for him but nothing he would actually like. You know how guys are. I can think of about twenty things I think he would like but he would just say "oh, thanks." And not really enjoy them because it's nothing he wants. You know? And of course if you ask him what he wants, he never knows.
Nick does many things to annoy the heck out of me because he thinks it is cute when I'm mad. One of these is not putting the new toilet paper roll on the holder. He knows it drives me insane, so he doesn't do it. Every single time he does(n't do) it, I fake yell at him for it. It's what we do. It's our joke. Anyway, the other day, I was joking with him about it and he said he'll always do it. It's his thing, and it won't ever stop. And I said, "Just like it's never lupus." So today when I went to shout at him about it, he said, "It's never lupus."
I am torn about Monk ending this week. It jumped the shark years ago but it has always been one of my favorite shows. I almost have Nick hooked on it but I think it will be like West Wing, I will talk about it for years and he won't watch it until it's OFN and then he'll fall in love with it and talk about it like it's something new.
I read about the newest game from Team Ico and it looks like it's going to be only for the PS3. This may be the game that forces my hand into buying a stupid PS3. Damn you, Team Ico. DAMN YOU.
Nick's parents got us an electric fireplace for Christmas (and already gave it to us, obviously) and it is awesome. The smart cat has only slept on it once so far but their favorite thing seems to being going behind it for some reason. Silly cats. We totally tripped a breaker with it already too. Which was bound to happen since it's on the same plug with the xbox and the router and the modem and the TV and the cable box and the surround sound and the Wii.
I've typed for about an hour now so I think that more than makes up for my silence. I'm out, kids.
I love you all &c.
P.S. I was watching Zero Punctuation's review of Modern Warfare 2 and the little line he always puts in the credits said, "I wonder what kind of gun fires with a noise that most closely approximates the word 'BANG.'" I read this to Nick and he replied, wittily, "An onomato-P9." This is why I want to marry this kid.
P.P.S. Earlier today, we were eating pizza and watching Away We Go and we couldn't find the TV remote. We looked everywhere but it was nowhere to be found. Finally, after the movie was over (98 minutes after it was lost) and we began a hardcore-retracing-steps mission. This mission was quickly completed when Nick found the remote in his pocket. This is why I will keep this kid around.
2 loves |
2009 29 November :: 11.59pm
It kinda sucks..
I just got over a massive hangover..
And all I want is a drink..
Damn you, spokane! Damn you!
2009 28 November :: 4.05am
Life is good :)
3 loves |
2009 25 November :: 11.38pm
I want to watch paprika
1 love |
2009 24 November :: 6.34pm
I won a wii!!! Cuz I am a kick-ass saleswoman!
1 love |
2009 20 November :: 6.43pm
I hate humanity. Why did I ever think that could change..?
1 love |
2009 18 November :: 11.48am
I am so ridiculously tired today! Driving was actually scary.. I could barely pay attention to what I was doing.. I bought a mountian dew and I'm hoping it will help..
I'm working some OT at work cuz I made 21 gross adds this week and I think I have a bitchin accessory take rate and good TEP % so I'm making extra on my check.. I would work mass OT like others on my team but honestly I can't take the boredom and frustration of this place any longer than necesssary haha
good news is we have a fairly full weekend so Sus will be happy :) and I'm excited to hang out with most of my favorite people! And we get to meet sara's boyfriend which hopefully will be awesome!
Now I just need to wake up and we'll be all good
1 love |
2009 15 November :: 6.53pm
staring down an empty highway with a million possibilities.
2009 15 November :: 12.11pm
I want to make this happen.
All I want for Christmas is help moving back to Seattle. If this is the last gift you'll ever give me I'll be happy with that because it is honestly the best gift I could ever receive.
1 love |
2009 15 November :: 1.12am
:: Mood: happy
Sometimes I feel sad and sometimes happy. My mood changes too quick. Things have been pretty cool. The assignments that I have are actually not that bad. I learned something from them. I'm glad the teacher made us volunteer. At first, I felt reluctant because the thought of doing school work just makes me stressed. I have to be honest and say that it's actually not that bad. I thought volunteering was going to suck and bored me to death, but no. I was wrong. I totally enjoyed it. I chose to volunteer for Green Festival, and met new people. I asked questions. The event was great. They have Vegetarian/Vegan food. I got a free organic t-shirt with soft and great fabric. I got myself a Klean Kanteen water bottle. That place makes me happy. I like the message.
2009 14 November :: 11.07pm
:: Mood: anxious
I must say hotwings have to be my favorite food!
We are watching the Matrix :/ nothin else is on.. I'm bored out of my freaking mind and idk what to do..
I keep choking on drinks. Like juice and water.. It goes right up my nose and burns :/ blegh.
2009 13 November :: 1.27am
So! We went to the Vu tonight! (my idea ;3) and at first it was pretty boring..
But then! this girl starts dancing to Trent and I was smitten. She came to our table after her set and good lord she is hot!! And really sweet. She offered us a couples dance and after a short deliberation we agreed :3
seriously.. Hottest thing I have ever experienced! She was grinding and purring and nibbling.. I was honestly going crazy! After the dance SHE offered ME her number and said " I should be paying you!" :3
She wants to hang out.. I think we're going to try hanging out on Saturday :3 I'm so excited!!
Ah and I didn't think I was going to have any fun!
1 love |
2009 10 November :: 7.11pm
I hate feeling like I deserve to die every day.
I'm honestly convinced I'm the worst person I've ever known.
I just hate everything about myself and I just want to say fuck it and just do whatever.
I'm so done being Amelia. And I have no clue how to be someone else.
I need to see a doctor.
1 love |
2009 9 November :: 9.28pm
More wishlist:
cast iron skillet
cast iron grill plate
a wok