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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2008 26 September :: 1.32am

sons of anarchy....

not a fan of clay or the mom, they seem controlling and shit. jax has an open mind about things and shit. its going to get really good in the next few episodes, season 2 is going to get really interesting.

5 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 25 September :: 9.13pm

Im headed to Ohio in the morning.
My Grandma is in the hospital..
I hope my cat survives this weekend.
And I am really really excited about meeting my nephew!
There is a picture of a picture of Seth Ryan! He is absolutely perfect, and adorable.


Shoot the shit


:: 2008 25 September :: 7.32pm

anyone else notice a resembelence

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 25 September :: 6.35pm


looks like i agree with mccain.

8 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 25 September :: 10.05am

Dear Bungie,
Quit making Halo games, they are shitty and only douchebags play them.

15 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 25 September :: 8.28pm

so I went to toyota city and went on a tour of the factory... needless to say it was boring. All the people there made it fun though. Then we went to the museum where I sat in a lexus I will never own, and sulked.

in other news, Trumpet playing robots!!! Im not sure if I`m enthralled or scared for man kind. It seems like will smith told me that this wasn`t supposed to happen. you could just see that the signature signing robot was about to throw down its pen and say "your soul is mine mortal... Bow to your new Empress!"

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 24 September :: 12.55pm

Life is a matter of Fortitude. You have it and keep it, or someone gives it to you and you try to make the best of that gift.

Thankfully it would seem I live somewhere between the line on that one. Like walking a tight rope.

...oh ya, the post below...I really hate that song right now...it needs to just not play on my radio.

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 23 September :: 9.49am
:: Music: Moby-Porcelain

2 x 2 = 4 = no more
Rachel and I decided to call it quits yesterday. Seemed to be a rather mutual deal for the most part.

Im not gonna lie, it stings, and Im sad to let it go. Fortunately, I hope we will both be able to keep ourselves civil and sociable enough to not let it ruin at least being friends and to continue to talk with one another. I dont really want her to just up and leave from my life.

Moving on to other areas of life, I would like to say the walls are closing in on me and I feel Im about ready to submit to the pressure. Heres hoping I dont.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 23 September :: 9.45am

started at roughly 10pm est
stop 1 356.2 miles 13.12 gallons 27.14 mpg 3AM CST
410.7 miles to go.

stop 2 432 miles
788.2 miles 13.37 2.65 16.02 gal 26.9 mpg
6:43 cst

stop 3 337.8 miles 12.5 gallons 27.02 mpg
1126.0 miles
1:22 cst

total miles traveled: 1529.6
average speed: 61.5 mph
max speed: 92.0 mph
total time gone 34 hours 03 minutes
total time spent moving 24 hours 52 minutes

basically we drove to mississippi picked up jenny, took a nap, then drove home.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 22 September :: 11.55am

Weekend Report
Ok so Im back home now. Sitting at work writting this out.
Its been a very long vacation time. Full of...eh lack of sleep.

Trip #1

Friday was filled with being busy at work, then going to pack up for the trip to Wisconsin that weekend. The event was subpar, the field was amazing, and the days were wet. Getting the yurt to sleep in was an amazingly awesome choice, so thanks Vern on that one.

Saturday was spent just kinda dinking around once we arrived at the location. The evening was spent at the field hoping to get night games going but no one showed up because of the weather. Oh ha! Weather, non stop annoying rain for the whole day. Some flooding was seen here and there along the way.

Sunday was the event; turn out for the event was subpar as to be expected. Only 3/4 of the folks, at best, we ended up with like 37(OpFor/civi) and 17(US) players. It was just plain ducks in a barrel for them. The scenario was adjusted per turnout and skewed the whole thing up big time. My day was spent walking to and from the spawn location because I Was being killed constantly as I tried to medic heal the other players. I died about 10 times and attempted 13 medic card heals, all which turned out to be dead cards. So Im gonna go ahead and say next time someone else is doing that. Once that event was over with we returned to the yurt and changed/showered then went to eat. Dinner was good. Nice relaxing time.

Monday was the return trip and it went by with nothing exciting. Got back into GR around 4:30 that afternoon. Got home around 5pm and then unpacked threw the airsoft gear to its spot and grabbed clothes for the next trip. Left the apartment around 6:00 and went to Sprint. Ive got a new phone now. Went to my sisters after that and spent the evening talking to her and doing laundry in her 'flooded'/wet basement.

Trip #2

Tuesday: train day. I was bussed into Chicago from GR because of a mudslide closing the track around Michigan City. I got into Union Station around 10:30am(CT) and awaited the next train until my CHI to KC train came in. Wandering around Union Station isnt something I like to do, fyi. The train rolled in about 15min late and we got on our way shortly after. Got into Kansas City,MO around 11pm and walked through the station to find Rachel.(<3) The rest of the day was spent in the car till the wee hours of the morning driving to Cassville.

Wednesday was spent lounging around most of the day while Rachel was at school in the afternoon. That evening I got to meet Tylor and Tessi as well as Jacob. We hung out in front of Rachels place most of the night just talking then moving inside where they all had some drinks and continued the enjoyable night.

Thursday morning was amazing. The day was largely uneventful till that evening when we met up with Tylor, Caleb, Tessi, and Jacob to go to the Casion's in the area. We ended up all wining a little cash, me only winning like $10 off the slots. Im semi mad for not clocking out earlier than I did on the video poker, I have had about $30 more than I did.

Friday was spent moving, all day. Rachels mom and Lacey's mom made us dinner and it was good. Meatballs, Corn, Potatoes.

Saturday evening Rachel worked and I went to watch the softball game for the church that they all attend. Ridgley won 14-4 over the other church they played. The evening was spent feelinging somewhat ill from fastfood.

Stayed up that evening until going to meet Rachels parents to head back to KC.
Big mistake.

Sunday was a long, long day. I slept maybe an hour or so on in the car to KC. We left late out of KC, about 45min late, and I got like 3-4hrs of sleep on that train. 2 times we stopped without warning or reason and sat waiting for like 30min. Got into Union Station around 4:30 and immediately walked over to the boarding gate for the next train. We left on time for that one. Unfortunately the trip was stalled out as we sat in Gary Inidana wastelands for an 1.5hrs moving a little ways here and there for whatever reason. Traffic was heavy out that way on the tracks I guess. I got into GR around midnight and headed home. plopped into bed around 1am.

I slept hard last night but if I had the chance I would have been sleeping till around 1pm or so.

So thats the trip in a nut shell. Id write more but my brain hasnt given me a good way to put it all into words just yet. This being thoughts/feelings about things here and there in the trip.

But I will say this. I love Rachel wholeheartedly.

So <3 to her and /sleep to everyone else.

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 22 September :: 12.00pm

Got my friday test back today and I got 95.45%!! which is really good for the intensity of the class. Granted I'm only ichinensei and the test was kind of easy but other people made more mistakes than I did and they have been studying japanese since they started school.

So we went to Kyoto this weekend. Pretty sweet. Our friend Yui pointed out a cheap (illegal) way to get around paying alot for a train ticket. Basically, we left Hikoneshi from a train station farther north and farther in the boon docks. It's about 10 bucks for the ticket there, but we didn't come back until about 8 the next morning, when nobody is at this tiny ass train station. The ticket machine vends a different amount equivalent to the different number of stops. So we just bought the cheapest one and kind of "gate hopped" when we got back. Clever eh? I justify it by saying that everything else is FUCKING EXPENSIVE. TAKAI DESUNE!

once in kyoto we all stopped at a lawsons and got ourselves a chu-hi strongu and sat by the river and talked with everyone. After which we went to some english pub (kind of tacky but they made very large gin and tonics) and watched arsenal win 2-1.

after getting thoroughly sauced up, around 1:30 AM, we hit the club. did a large amount of drinking and dancing until about 5:30 AM. TOTEMO TAKAI DESUNE!

we then hit up a food bar and made a futile attempt to absorb the acohol we had consumed.

then a fun train ride home, arriving back at the dorm at about 9:30 AM.

I guess that makes me a chachi motherfucker. But good times, all around.

tomorrow is a national holiday so we don't have class which means tonight I get to hit up yabu's. The dude loves oberon, and I wish there was a way I could get it to him.

So if anybody can think of a way to get oberon here legally let me know. How is the US?

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 21 September :: 7.38pm

going to mississippi, be back tuesday.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 21 September :: 10.51am




i am finally an aunt! :)

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 21 September :: 5.14pm

Went to kyoto last night, and didn't get back here until 9 this morning. I danced alot. Good times all around.

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 20 September :: 12.47pm

copypasta, it made me lul a bit.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that open borders and government give-aways to foreigners is a great way to grow a nation.

I'm voting Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

I'm voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my horse.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.

I'm voting Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my butt it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

7 shots | Shoot the shit

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