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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2005 19 October :: 5.08pm
:: Mood: cynical


~Kevin :)

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:: 2005 19 October :: 4.48pm

The concert was amazing. By far the best show I have ever been to. The first two bands were just so different and creative and the Dresden Dolls just topped it off. I've never seen a concert be so artisitc and energetic. I'm so glad I went.

My only regret is not bringing my camera. I want to kick my own ass.

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:: 2005 19 October :: 4.11pm

So I made Kevin take this quiz...

You are Stephen!

Which Laguna Beach Cast Member are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2005 18 October :: 11.22pm

The famous work of Mishy lol

Original Picture:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Her creation:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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:: 2005 18 October :: 9.11pm

Erika, hey it's Keegan.

Just wanted to say hi, and that I care about you. and that I love it when we resolve our arguments. no matter how long it takes or how hard it is.

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:: 2005 18 October :: 7.53pm

for all the emo fags who think life is just too hard.

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:: 2005 18 October :: 6.52am

I'm going to the Dresden Dolls concert tonight. Can not wait.

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:: 2005 17 October :: 6.03pm

Mishy made this for me. She mad tons more but I'll post them later, since this is my favorite one with one of my favorite songs on it and she just so happened to be so smart and actually put the best lyrics from the song in there too!!

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

and just in case you are blind or something it says "I want you but I'm not giving in this time" and at the bottom it says "goodbye to you"

Yeah I know, it's cute.

I'm having OC withdrawls....I've watched the first and second season so many times I can repeat every line if you asked me too. I watch it everday. I'm serious. Two and a half more weeks until it's back on.

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:: 2005 16 October :: 3.47pm

Erika, I love you. Hang in there.
Just remember guys suck and they were born idiots.
Juust kidding..

not. ;)

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:: 2005 16 October :: 2.24pm
:: Music: Ani DiFranco

what a depressing day. as much as i want to get up and wash my face.. i just lay here in a dark room wishing i was everything that right now im lacking so bad.

my car is getting to me, i dont have a ride to work tonight. i dont know when im gonna have something to drive... my mom is bending over backwards to make it easier for me, but for godsake i've had my licene for over a year now, she shouldnt have to stress out so i can drive her car for a day... if only i was just in walking distance.

for about 20 minutes i was gonna stay home, brandi was gonna cover for me, and i was gonna pick up her wednesday... but then i realized that i would rather go to work depressed and upset and beable to see him on wednesday. but thats just me, thats just a sacrifice that i'm willing to make so we can spend time together. whatever.

i just want it to be winter so i can come home and bundle up and drink hot chocolate and chai and not feel guilty about NOT being outside on a beautiful day.

i've been thinking about college alot lately. i dont know what im going to do. im a fucking senior.. and i have no idea what i want to do after high school. something about that terrifies me immensely.

i just want to be out of here. away from everything that i've always known, or maybe everything that i've never truely known.

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:: 2005 16 October :: 1.46pm

I miss you, come home all ready!

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:: 2005 16 October :: 12.54am

wow... i'm really stupid. why was out searching for someothing new? i dind't need it. i was just trying to fill a gap. i can live w/o seeing him everyday. i know we still feel the same. honestly today... wow one of the best days in along long time. it was simple and short. it was like anyother day. i loved how it doesn't have to be blown out of proporation... wow. i just wish we could see each other more often, but i know it is mostly because of me. i accept that.. i have to. in a way maybe ishouldn't of saw him today... it will be like we are starting from scratch agian.. having to say good bye agian... not knowing exactly when we will see each other. i'll live. i'll manage. i must. so yeah. i guess you can look at this as a good or a bad thing... i'll decide later.
made 47 bucks tonight doing absoultly nothing.. oh wait i painted my nails :)... gotta love babysitting.
parents coming home tomorrow.. we'll see how i can manage until when the go to flordia.. i just have to keep my distance. it is what i keep telling myself. if we don't talk we can't have an argument right? lol. j/k.. i'll talk to my mom.. just about pointless and stupd stuff.
going to bed night!!!!!

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:: 2005 15 October :: 4.39pm

I got a new cell phone and it's a camera phone too!
I'm only excited, because my old one was a piece like you wouldn't believe.

Anyway, yesterday was a lot of fun. Kelly, Liz, Sammie, and Neilee rock hardcore.

I miss Brad.
Weekend homework sucks.

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:: 2005 15 October :: 12.42pm

i guess its about time i update about homecoming. prom probably takes the cake cuz of everything we did before and after... but dancing wise... this one was the best!

me and keegan clashed, but at the same time looked really good together. the green and purple ended up looking very nice. i couldnt have been happier with my dress. it looked perfect, it wasnt to long, it fit wonderfully... *smiles. so anyways, me, keegan, stacy, brad and brandi went to timbers for dinner... i got meatloaf... heck yes! but then i made keegan trade me his steak.. giggles.

the dance turned out VERY nice. the decorations were awesome and i loved the theme. the seniors did a kick ass job.

we got our pictures taken right when we got there, hopefully it turns out good. we're not your average couple, and poses just dont work for us... so we did our own thing. thats what we usually do though... we always do our own thing...

but yeah.. the dance was great.. i danced with keegan all night.. almost as if nobody else was around. and the last song they played "you look wonderful tonight" is one of our songs.. so the night just ended perfectly. i got really good pictures, AND when keegan started break dancing... i didnt even get pushed the back of the circle... laughs.. i could actually SEE! its so cool that he does that.. i feel so cool dating him. *laughs again* i've never felt this way before.. or have ever thought that my boyfriend was cooler than me... its just amazing to think... wow, im dating keegan. i have to tell myself that from time to time...... he's so incredible.. and we're incredible together.

after the dance we just went back to keegans house and went to sleep. we were to tired to go bowling... and just feeling him close to me is all i need to make the night perfect... i know im overusing that word... but its the only word that fits.

the other day we went to klackle orchards and got pumpkins, donuts, apples, and gourds. it was so much fun. we got to ride in the "enchanted" pumpkins out to the pumpkin patch. keegans pumpkin is HUGE and mine WAS perfect until SOMEBODY broke the stem off. pshhh. but yeah.. that was a really fun day.

then last night after i got out of work we rented Crash and Call Me... we only watched Call ME cuz there was no way we were stayin up for two movies. it was ok.. but it really should have been classified as porn. lol. it was a BIT graphic to say the least. ahh well... what can ya do right?

so right now shelby has a bunch of little friends over because she turned 5 on monday... *tears.. she grows so fast* so todays her little birthday party. i have to go to work tonight... which i dont want to do... but when i get out we'll probably watch that other movie.

the good thing about having people over is that it forces me to clean my room. usually its a disaster, but my room is seroiusly the coolest room i've seen in person.. .not trying to be conceited or anything... but its pretty kick ass. so when people are over i always gotta show it to em. scott came over with keegan today... so in otherwords i was cleaning all morning. aww it was so cute. keegan came over to do some flips for all shelbys little friends. he's just so damn cool! *giggles

bad news though.... i cant drive my car anymore. we brought it in to get the breaks checked out and they said the front and back brakes are totally shot and it also needs new brake pads and roters and all that other stuff that me, being a girl, doesnt know anything about. but yeah, the cheapest they could fix it for is 650... and my mom doesnt think its worth putting that much money into. so i think we're gonna look into getting a different car.. possible an explorer. but i'll be out of a car for about a month im guessing... not like it matters.. i dont drive very often anyways. .maybe once or twice a week... if that. but yeah... thats my story.

yeah.. so i havent updated in awhile.. as a result this entry jumps all around and sounds kinda odd... but at least ya'll got the jist of my past week. alright... bye loves.

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:: 2005 13 October :: 9.00pm

I want more nights like tonight.

But, of course something has to piss me off before I go to sleep, like a stupid as fuck email..why did I even bother trusting her again? She's doing the same fucking thing that caused all that shit last time. Whatever. Fuck you.

Anyway, today was good. Thank you.

Have a good time.

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