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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2006 27 June :: 10.51am
:: Mood: awake

I dream of...

glow worms
candy buttons
fancy cars

vibrant skies
starry nights
pecan pies

total darkness
extreme light
frigid waters
my lonely fight

sorrowful mothers
holding hands
perfect kisses
marching bands

moving music
shadows of night
green tall grass
famine and blight

beautiful sorrow
dramatic scenes
exquisite jewels
Alien Beings

Perfect ends
being close
never ending
Him the most


Say what??


:: 2006 26 June :: 7.43pm

I've missed so many things already.

I don't have time for this, I don't have time, don't have time, don't have time.

There are children laughing outside. Is it wrong to want to shoot them?

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:: 2006 25 June :: 10.44am
:: Mood: contemplative

Going camping the best break from here I could have had.

It was so wonderful and smokey smelling. And I think I came out unscathed, except for, perhaps, a small bug bite that is developing on my right foot. It's itchy.

I don't regret anything I have done. If I regret it, it's like exiling a part of me. Everything I have done is always going to be apart of me, whether I like it or not. We all have room for mistakes, and some fill that room sooner or more closely than others. But you only fill that room when you feel like something is a mistake. The door to my room hasn't been open in a while, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I'm not talking about petty mistakes, either. I'm talking about huge life changing, crying for days mistakes. I use to think everything was a mistake, that I was a mistake. I'm not sure exactly where I belong, but I know I'm not a mistake anymore, and whatever I do, and whereever I go, whoever I meet, I will be lucky to be there and do that, and talk to them, and see them, because I'm here, and by some will I can, and so I shall.

I suppose a lot of that does not make much sense to anyone but me. That's fine. You never understand sex in a trashy romance novel until you actually have sex. You just can't understand some things until you feel them, and even then, you still may not be certain of them exactly. Perhaps we find solace only in the end. Perhaps we never find solace. And that's okay with me.

"She told me son, fear is in the heart of love, so I never went back..."



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:: 2006 23 June :: 2.20pm

Live life, and never look back. Never doubt your actions, and never doubt yourself. Makes getting over ruts easy as pie.

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:: 2006 22 June :: 12.14pm

Jessa I have something important to talk to you about / offer you we need to talk. How can i get ahold of you? Sign on AIM or call me @6166483769 or something the sooner the better.

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:: 2006 21 June :: 2.59pm
:: Mood: Excited
:: Music: Panic! At the Disco

Huge Kegger This Saturday!!
Anyone and Everyone Can Come! Bring as many people as you want!

Who-Amy's 19th and Kendra's 17th B-day

What-Kegger Party!!

When-Saturday, June 24th

Time:-All day and all night!

Where- 615 South Webster, Greenville

Directions- Take 14 Mile/M-57 east all the way into Greenville, passing Meijers and DQ untill you get to Main St/Lafayette/M-91. Take a right. Third street down on the left is Union, take a left. Go through a yield sign to the last house on the corner of Union and Webster and you're there! Anyone and everyone can come!

~.~The pool is open, so feel free to bring the swimwear!~.~

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:: 2006 19 June :: 9.06am
:: Mood: distressed

It's unbearably humid. And it's only nine in the morning.

Working again today. I am looking forward to Tuesday and then to camping. I need to get away for a while, and hopefully that will give me what I need.

There's always an exception to the rule,
Always a better choice,
Always a better soul somewhere,
Always a louder voice.

What makes us think we can change our worlds?
What makes us even try?
Somewhere, sometime, we think we are that better one,
We think the world we will defy.

But that is not so,
so often our words are lost,
So helpless, so frail, so terminal,
life cannot be infused in a coffin of dust.


Say what??


:: 2006 16 June :: 3.19pm
:: Mood: Happy
:: Music: Broken-Seether

So Stacy decided that I should update this, so here I am. I love Stacy so I guess this is only for her. She's pretty much the best.

I've been really busy. My weeks consist of a lot of shopping, hanging out with Luke, and hanging out with my friends.

Yesterday I went swimming at Luke's and he pushed me in the pool and when we were racing to my car he hit me with the door on acciden't and he almost knocked me out. I thought that was pretty rude! Haha j/k.

Today I hung out with Lisa and then later on tonight my cousins from Los Angeles are flying in so my family is all going out to dinner. I'm so excited to see them. I <3 them.

This weekend I have a lot of open houses to go to like always. Pretty soon they are almost over with. I have like five to go to every Saturday and they get really boring after a while.

Next week I'll be with my cousins.

The weekend after that is Emily's baby shower and my grandma from Florida is flying in.

In July we are going on vacation. We haven't decided where we are going. Last year we went to NY, but this year we are going somewhere else.

In August I'm going to California for a few weeks. I'm really stoaked about that. I'm definitely a California girl at heart.

I miss Luke. He's gone today and tomorrow for basketball. He's always gone for basketball, but I'm gone for most of the summer so it's pretty much even. I feel bad about that, but I'm always gone for the summer, and that's the way it's been for my whole life.

Oh yeah, my dad is buying a new house. It's pretty sweet and it has an alarm system in it so for all the times when he's gone for work and me and whoever stay there, we don't have to worry about being killed. That's always a plus.

So I guess that's about it.

It's weird when you think nothing's changed, but really everything has.

<3 Ashley

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:: 2006 16 June :: 7.52am

Last night I looked into the sky and saw only how lonely we all are.

I keep trying, but I don't know for how long. I'm running out of steam.


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:: 2006 13 June :: 8.35pm
:: Mood: distressed

The other morning I read a horribly depressing novella. It's call As We Are Now by Mary Sarton.

It's about an older lady who is a retired teacher, who never married, and is put into a nursing home run by two uncapable, corrupt, and inhumane women.

The woman, Caroline, slowly starts to lose her hope of ever returning to a normal life. She is constantly emotionally battered and humiliated. She becomes childlike in the way others treat her, and in the way she becomes frustrated with simple things.

Eventually she can stand her life any longer. She asks a friend to bring her lighter fluid every so often. Eventually she sets fire to the nursing home, and presumeably kills everyone inside: herself, the ameoba like dirty old men downstairs and the two women she hates.

I don't want to be like that when I'm older. I don't want to revert back to a childlike state. I don't want to know my life is almost over.

I do understand the frustration, the need to escape. However, the degenerate course of her mental state throughout the novel, slight, but noticeable, make her commit an act that she would have deemed unnatural a few months earlier. Desperate situations drive people to desperate acts. The old and incaplable are left to their own devices.

I know I keep rambling on, but the novel touched me in a way I will not realize for many years. I will probably not even remember it (the novel itself), however, I will always remember how vividly the author constructed a picture of Caroline's degeneration, and the thought I must never end up that way: alone and desperate.

I've been working a lot lately. I have fourty hours this week; a sizeable check. The future is starting to look shading and every time I do it I feel I am one step closer to fucking up my life. However, the boredom and drudgery of every day life always counter acts that feeling ( not the best choice, either, but what the hell...).

Am I falling into the cycle that other before me have? I'm at a jumping off point right now. I could choose to work at Meijer the rest of my life (oh, i know, a promising vocational choice...), become a begrudged, senile member of the working class, get married, stretch out my vagina and other organs numerous times by having children, watch them grow up not having everything they want (i wouldn't give them everything they wanted, even if I could, however), worry about debt, and how I will stay sane, and hopefully make it through all that just to retire with a broken down body and a mind lacking the refreshing breeze of valueable knowledge and thought.

Or I could go to school.

Choices, Choices...

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. ~Flora Whittemore


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:: 2006 11 June :: 6.42pm

And that's what I get for trying to be nice to you....

Some things will never change.

Say what??


:: 2006 9 June :: 5.57pm

Strange. I break things yesturday, and now they want me to run third shift next thursday.....

i still want to shave a little slit in adams head. so he's a literal dickhead. if you dont know what im talking about, go to the 10 mile meijer some night and find a blue shirt that has a hair cut that makes his head look like a penis.

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:: 2006 8 June :: 7.21pm

work sucks.

penny and negrodamous are the shit.

and so is oblivion.

oh skeet skeet mother fuckers.

Meijer is ran by Nazi's. Adolfs real name was Adolf Fredric Meijer. He still lives.

Oh yeah, i broke a 3-4 grand peice of equipment last night. ^^ Normally its a pretty sturdy thing, but this time, the handle bar never came back up. Opps. Please dont piss test me......please you Nazi fucking bastardos.

peace niggas bye

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:: 2006 7 June :: 1.03pm

Seriously just shut up.


:: 2006 7 June :: 9.32am

Started playing Oblivion again. Xbox 360 has destroyed my life...... for the better.

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