Wars come and go, but Soldiers will always stay Eternal.


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Army Strong

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:: 2012 23 May :: 9.50pm

I seriously cannot find a person to cover my shift on Friday. This frustrates me because I feel like if one of my coworkers needed a day off to go to their friends visitation service that I would cover their shift in a heartbeat. The one Guy said that he has people coming in from out of town and I'm like seriously have a fucking heart. Generally I tell my boss that I'm not coming in but he is on vacation. I just want to be with you guys. It seems to be the only thing that helps this hurt subside. There is a small chance that I can make it but I wont know until Friday morning.

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:: 2012 22 May :: 7.04pm

I remember the day he became my friend. For years I would see him at parties and he would call me Justin's sister. That night at the Sparta Beer Tent he spilled his beer down the front of my shirt and I said Bitch if you're going to spill your beer on me you'd best learn my name. Years of random hanging out and bdubs trips. Then I left Andy Clute and he became a person who I could call to cry to. A friend whom I could depend on for anything. A random Stony cruise (with me driving because he always scared the shit out of me behind the wheel). The only person who I would allow to fuck with my radio knowing that he would inevitabley turn to my across the universe soundtrack because it was the only thing we agreed on. I will miss you Andy. If I have said it once I have said it a million times. You will always be my favorite Andy.

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:: 2012 19 May :: 11.32am

Look out, we got a badass over here

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:: 2012 30 April :: 2.39pm

One exam and around 20 hours of paper writing to go.

Alllmost done.
Allllmost there.

*Que a bloke with a British accent*
"Almost where?"
"Whats there?"

oh fuck.

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:: 2012 26 April :: 10.36am

One lab accident short of being a super villain.

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:: 2012 2 April :: 10.44pm

When I shave my beard I lose like 7 years of age.

Space time travel ftw.

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:: 2012 30 March :: 4.13pm

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:: 2012 26 March :: 1.31pm

strange argument last night.

Over the smallest thing too. Not really relationship-ending by any stretch of the imagination, but strange.

Did pass that dreaded 6 month mark, which may seem like nothing to you, but means a lot to me for many reasons. So here's to that.

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:: 2012 25 March :: 10.38pm

I love my boyfriend. He makes me happy. I always get those same butterflies I did when I first met him every time I look at him to this day.

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:: 2012 17 March :: 4.36pm

Happy drinking day Mount Pleasant.

Now step it up and finish passing out so I can enjoy my music.

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:: 2012 3 March :: 1.23am

Holy shit, woohu. How ya been?!

Going through some friends' posts. Really wish woohu had a 'like' button, and also disappointed with myself for being that ingrained with facebook.

I feel like I had more to add here....perhaps not. I'm terrible with updates, even on facebook people post pointless little trivial updates sometimes every minute, and I can't seem to post one update to even sum up my week. But from what I hear people prefer that? Nah, people talk shit but they know they love the facebook. I think they shoulda kept the 'the'.

And now I'm just rambling because it's almost 3 am and I shouldn't be conscious right now. So I will stop.


Night. =]

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:: 2012 1 March :: 12.09am

I don't get today. First it was freezing rain, then it got pretty nice outside. Then it started raining. Finally snow. Mother Nature must be going through menopause or something. Michigan. The only state where you get to experience all four seasons in one day.

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:: 2012 29 February :: 3.13pm

Its been almost 2 month since Darielle has been over. She has barely said anything to Mike. I only saw her long enough to drop money of to her at school (for her mom because she forgot to give it to her before school and her mom was in the hospital having surgery) and tell her I deserve an apology. Mike saw her long enough to pick her up from school and take her home because her mom was at one of the other kids sporting events. She has asked Mike to bring her food at school and he probably would have if I hadn't been home. She told him her trip money was due in March and he told her that her attitude adjustment and better grades were due a long time ago.

I feel guilty because she hates me so that is ruining her relationship with Mike and Reagan. And it breaks my heart that she hasn't even asked about Reagan. It probably makes me seem really petty that I am really upset and hurt that she never says one thing about Reagan on facebook and on the rare occasion she has, she deletes it before too many people see it. Yet she posts tons of things about her nieces and nephews.

I can't help but think she is ashamed of Reagan and hates her or resents her. What the hell am I supposed to say to Reagan when she is older and asks where her sister is? I'm not going to lie to her but I definitely dont want to break her heart.

I want to punch someone in the face.

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:: 2012 27 February :: 7.08am

I'm sitting here on my bed.... wearing socks....

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:: 2012 20 February :: 10.44pm

My car is seriously pissing me off. I leave in a week for training and the minute I replace the starter the frigging alternator goes out wtf Patti I thought we were good.

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