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:: 2003 26 September :: 10.59pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: look below

This is so how i feel...=-\
Everybody's talkin'
But they don't say a thing
They look at me with sad eyes
but I don't want their sympathy
It's cool you didn't want me
Sometimes you can't go back
But why'd you have to go and make a mess like that?
Well I just have to say
Before I let go...

Have you ever been low?
Have you ever had a friend that let you down so?
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know?
Were you left out in the cold?
'Cause what you did was low

No I don't need your number
There's nothing left to say
'Cept I never thought it'd hurt this much to be saved
My friends are outside waiting
I've gotta go

Have you ever been low? (have you ever been)
Have you ever had a friend let you down so?
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know?
Were you left out in the cold?
'Cause what you did was low
What you did was low
What you did was low
What you did was low

I walk out of this darkness
With no sense of regret
And I go with a clear conscience
We both know that you can't say that
Here's to show
For all the time I loved you so

Have you ever been low? (have you ever been)
Have you ever had a friend that let you down so?
When the truth came out
Were you the last to know?
Were you left out in the cold?
'Cause what you did was low

-Kelly Clarkson..I love her so much...gah!


(no update tonight, just can't right now..)

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:: 2003 26 September :: 4.51pm

need i say that i love the palm beach county public school transportation system?

paper IS a weapon guys.

watch yourselves.

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:: 2003 25 September :: 11.00pm
:: Music: hillary duff <3 she rocks, right marissa <3 =D

I want the rain to come to wash away my troubles
my wrist hurts bad, tomorrow's jew night..but im only jewish one night. sunday my boss is having me work...he's sinning, all for me. haha.

saturday night stephanie's partay <3 happy bday gurlll




:: 2003 25 September :: 3.37pm

in reponse to my previous entry..i talked to hasko, she gave me some excuse...i cried infront her, didnt want to do that...and she was nice, i guess.

I got the most exciting news today but I'm not allowed to tell anyone, but i cant wait until 9:00 tomorrow I'm gonna be all smiles <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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:: 2003 24 September :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: nothing, not in the mood for music.

I hate liars, especially people who yell at me for lying..
If i hear about one more person getting into musical theatre, i am going to absolutly bust and quit drama, the end. last year when i auditioned and i didnt get it, i went to speak to hasko, and she promised me that if anyone was to drop then i would be put in...cause i was NEXT on the list..and now..olivia dropped, kyle was put in over the summer AND some new girl is randomly put in now. FUCK THIS. you have no idea how discouraging she is making the drama dept seem. I've already decided I'm not doing the spring musical...I cant take it, i try so hard to fit in with you people and to make mrs hasko like me and no matter what i do, i cant win. i'm done trying, this is over.

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:: 2003 24 September :: 10.20pm

i teach one person how to do the scrolling marquee, and i look at my friends page, and all ya'll have it...i'm not special anymore...hmm where are these journal awards <3<3


p.s. happy belated birthday kayla <3



:: 2003 24 September :: 3.30pm
:: Mood: ugh
:: Music: "radios in heaven" -Plain White T's

just another day...

well another day of O.R. had passed, i only got one more day and i'm back to my perfect life...i wonder...how it feels like to have some one in your control, like a puppet...yet she doesnt know, or does she

see i'll keep complaining about the same thing forever....but if i didnt have this to complain about, what would i talk about?
heh not much i guess...this kills me, but w/e doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.

its not just her tho, its everybody. everybodt had a sotry to tell and there onyl so much you can take in beofre you just stop caring...that why i think i'm not a good friend, ugh wat a day....

i dont have a problem with anyone, anything, i dont have a problem with the world...i'm seen very differeently then i think i am..."they" have a probelm with me, yes "they"...the world, it doenst matter how many songs i write or lyrics i scream to get it out...it doesnt matter at all, cuz in "order" to get over this, u just need to let go completly...i dont think i'll ever be able to do that, and thats my problem-some of us try and trat and try and make it....but people like me try and try and try and try once more but fail, fail at what you ask? i dont know...everything...but that everything is actually ntuhing now because i've wasted it on one thing...my invision of "love" it not one person...its every person i've "loved"....but i dont feel better now that i got this out, i feel worse cuz i'm left with this thought in my head until something else can overcome. and i'm sad that this is what i have to worry about....while other kid are out having fun and worrying about toher teenage things like a ride to a party or getting her phone number....i'm stuck here worrying about merely surviving.....surviving my remaining teenage years...surviving my ambitions, expectations, love.

this is all just way too extranuous.

...just another day...

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:: 2003 23 September :: 10.33pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: none

How could I forget, my deepest apology.
A very belated welcome, but welcome miss jessika <3

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:: 2003 23 September :: 9.48am

I have forgotten to do this, I'm so sorry my loves.

Welcome to the World of Woohu Jacks and Rachel <3

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:: 2003 22 September :: 11.05pm
:: Mood: contemplating
:: Music: no music..just me and mommy talking <3

I wanna hold my title for best journal title in the awards, i'm trying hard lol
for my journal title which one sounds better hold my breath and close my eyes...goodbye or dont cry because its over, smile..because it happened or try and see what only i can see?

and now i'm having blanks on comment links too, ugh, i'm gonna work on thist tomorrow. Goodnight <3 until then...

"Tell me u've had trouble sleeping,that u toss and turn from side to side.that it's my face u've been seein' in ur dreams at night.tell me that u wake up crying,and u're not sure exactly why.tell me that something is missing in ur life.tell me that u live for love.that forever is never enough.that u've waited all ur life to see,that u want so badly to believe,tell me that it's not just me"

((sorry for the 'slang' writting)) [thanks jenna]

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:: 2003 22 September :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: i wish you were here // incubus

I'm a product of you
Today was fun. I got up at 6:30 with the intentions of bringing Hasko my Friends of the theatre money, i didnt get to far out of my bed until 7:15, and by then I had to leave in 10 minutes to go get Laura for our field trip. I got to her house, we were on our way, almost got into a car accident, but i didnt. Got there saw lots of people i had no idea were going on the trip..David Gray went, he's nice, i still kinda like him, but w/e he likes laura, or w/e i dotn know..no big deal. We went snorkeling, it was fun, but i didnt feel good, but its ok. I wasnt sea sick, jsut didnt feel good, I'm gonna go on the next trip again, maybe it'll be better. Got home at like 1:30, took a shower, and i left for lake worth. I had a match, got there ridiculously early, and then bowled first game, we lost today =(. Paige and Molly left early, what a shocker, no more, their getting in trouble, its not fair for the team.

I came home, fixed my computer again, ate dinner with my mom, we ordered sushi and thai for dinner <3 Then we jsut finished watching WHITE OLEANDER i really liked it, aside from the fact that i love Michelle Phieffer (sp?) it was just so good. I cried, kinda, my mom did too. we're funny to watch during movies. Ok this is long, i'm out.


shout outs: laura, stephanie vaaaaz, sara stanely, scuba steve, bryan greer, mike cofer, david gray, jackie/april/kelly, alicia, coach adler, and my mom <3



:: 2003 22 September :: 7.22pm
:: Music: girls just wanna have fun..again


Goodluck Jenna! <33.

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:: 2003 21 September :: 9.01pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: girls just wanna have fun

I think it should be called incest
Ugh, i'm so mad that I missed Dave's surpise party. Happy Birthday Dave i hate work so much >:O! Wow, I'm reading journals, and it seems that last night was very sexually oriented...honostly not surprised guys. Work was fun, went by so fast, i think cause it was me and jess working. Im' beginning to think that Chuck (one of my managers) doesnt like me, cause me and jess always fool around. eek.

Tomorrow Im going snorkeling, I'm going with Laura Burstell, should be fun. (it's a TLE) then i'm off to Lake Worth, for a bowling match. wish me luck


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:: 2003 20 September :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: listening to the movie..anger management

I am not related to him
My dad just called, its 11:20pm, my mom told him he's an idiot, then he told me its my fault, cause i called him at 10:45ish, but i called his cell, he should have called me back on mine. grr.

I jsut found out Powerline might be playing at Stephanie's bday party <3 aw that would rock.

I'm out like whoaa

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:: 2003 20 September :: 5.35pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: limp bixkit // eat you alive

another one bites the dust
I'm talking to "him" and he's going on a date tonight with "her" he'll ask her out, she'll say yes, she'll brake his heart, and he'll be sad again, I'll be here for him, as usual..I'm the shoulder for everyone.

Oh yeah, Jon and Megan broke up, i think its kinda odd, they both claimed they loved each other so much, she ended it, but she said she still loves him, just wants to be single. He didnt seem to care, as much as he said he loved her, he didnt show it. I dont know, weird. Sorry Jon.

I'm off to work..like mrs moody..try and see what i see


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