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:: 2003 29 July :: 1.24am
:: Mood: disturbed
:: Music: outkast // bombs over baghdad

confrontation and me dont blend well
hiya. well since i last wrote, i ahve a sunburn, it's bad, really bad, kinda funny actually, but its bad, and it hurts, but what can you do? I'm going to New York/New Jersey on Friday, so excited <333333. Bye Bye Birdie opens tomorrow, and i have to give the show a lot more credit then i have been, it's a million times better then Cinderella. My mom's been like crazy busy lately, she cant pick me up from places, and expects me to get a ride home, but of course, not from teenage drivers...wat does she want from me?

There's tension btwn me and Joey Vetere now, and it's weird, cause i havent talked to him, but it should beinteresting when i see him, i didnt mean to say anything, it happened, and well he started it, so i shouldnt feel bad.
I asked jon, why he hasnt been my friend, adn then i felt like crap for saying anything, i'm just gonna keep my mouth shut from now on.

I hate it when people write an entry and then erase it shortly after, what's the point? I'm soo tired, but i can't sleep, so im just gonna be a grump again tomorrow. Blah Blah Blah..i'm out


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:: 2003 28 July :: 11.39pm
:: Mood: restless
:: Music: "Penny" Plain White T's

all it is...

everything is nuthing
nuthing is sumthing
sumthing is coming
coming is timing
timing is everything

11:42 and i can't sleep
usually when i cant sleep its cuz sumthing bad happned, and i love it when i cant sleep cuz i'm ecstatic, but tonite ic ant sleep because i'm stuck in another rut...sucks cuz i spend so much time trying to get out that when i do finally reach the escapse i just fall right back into another situation...ahh...how theraputic. Anyways i'm still searching for a job and finding nuthing, time is running out. tiff comes home soon. i just relaized how unpoetic i am, did u read the frigging thing i typed at the top. wow. anyways today i woke up and stayed in my bed till 3, trying to convince myself that my life is sooo damn exciting. i sing-on AIM, no-one on. cuz i have no friends. then i went to alexs house and hung out there with him and rickardo. rick left and me alex went to mission bay, i got some applications, then i went home and watch a whole bunch of TV i wish i had a guitar to play music on, i have rickt and alex to thank for that. tonite i WANTED to stay in i dunno why but everyone else is out but me b/c i didnt wanna spenad any $$$ cuz tomorrow we are all going to the RAPIDS, rapids are fun. but before i leave to go to ricks house i need to go to coconut creek and pick up some $$$ form my boss.

now on to the A-files, sicne my cell hpone has been cancelled i havent talked to her since yesterday, but i think she worked tonight so i was thinking that would stop by her work but i dunno, i'm trying to stay STRONG ...very hard maybe its for the best right? hell i've seen the better days.
she's moving closer to me too did i mention? ha! how crazy. anyways i thinkg that watching a hampster crap is more interesting then reading this, so i'll c-ya later J.


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:: 2003 27 July :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: staind (so far away)

cries turn into tries
sitting here

1. my cell phone got cancelled :(
2. i still havent found a new job :(
3. i got a sunburn :(
4. i found the camera :)
5. we didnt practice today :(
6. ricky got i trouble :(
7. i drank rootbeer :(
8. summers closing in :(
9. i havent done anything in the legacy :(
10. running out of $$$ :(

today i woke up around 11:30, cuz jose called me, i had a head ache form warped tour. me, alex, ricky, pat, and jose all went to the spanish river beach in rickys car. we had a good time, we built a hole and dug each other up, then we went to go jumo off the lyons rd bridge. then went swimming in a pool. after that we went to CICI's i drank fuking rootbeer not good. anyway i get home, and watched ALI. so now i'm bored but i'm worried. i dont know why. sumthin int he back of my head, it a bunch of lil things.

she called me today, she wanted me to come to her W/P practice, i couldnt go cuz i didnt want to go, but she got angry as usual and just blew me off, i'm gunna call her later

theres this new band i've heard of since w/t they are called Plain white t's , they are pretty good

alright this is ridicolous




:: 2003 27 July :: 12.57pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: finch // post script

stolen from oompa <3

I've got a
Mind boggling
Sense numbing
Heart pounding
Stomach flipping
Take my breath away
Head over heals
Knee shaking
Butterfly fluttering
Crush on you.

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:: 2003 27 July :: 10.51am
:: Mood: tired

im so tired... ay yi yi. yeserday was warped tour.. it didnt impress me that much. really unorganized.. really muddy.. really expensive. damn motherfuckers charging 3 bucks for a drink. lol.. saw some good bands there.. and christine apparently u have a problem with vendetta red? well i only wanted to hear two songs of theirs that sound completely different from what you heard.. and they played them just as u left so phbt. anywho.. i ddnt get to see the plain white t's :-\ ehh whatever. lol. umm.. long day. this morning i went to apply for that job and the guy wasnt there but i gave them my number n stuff.. woo. hopefully ill get it.
i hate hypocrites.



:: 2003 27 July :: 1.06am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Shake your tailfeather

get over it...
you know, i think i fall "in love" way to easy,

its 1:05 and i JUST got back from the warped tour it was awsome, good bands MEST,RANCID,DKM, AFI etc, the only problem was that we couldnt get a ride home, cuz cara couldnt find her car, no biggie though cuz we pulled thru like the powerline team that i know.

i'm talking to her right now online, i called her, she never calls me, hey maybe just maybe i'll slowly stop caring, do you think that could happ'n? i need help
listen i'm tired as hell and i'm going to bed cuz i cant listen to you shyt n-e more


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:: 2003 25 July :: 11.23pm

i gotta go soon..

*sigh* :)



:: 2003 25 July :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: too blah for music

i feel alone
tonites not a good night.
everynight isnt a good night nowadayz
i'm not too blah i need music

ok so itz been 2 days since
wow this is hard. i'm gunna start thinking that it will be last time i see her, not just a break, but now i got ntuhing to show you know? this sucks... rickys at home...jose is smoking hash...alex isnt home yet but he should be...oto got back today...pat is at home talking to jenny...i just droped chris off...i needa job! i cant get out!

i'm stuck in this deep depp rut, wow its dark down here. we pat and chris vdeo taped today for F.A.C.E. got some funny shyt the usual

the reaosn my mood is blah is because today i tried to contact but no answer and i dont think there will be one, i'm not going to TCBY... its too much of a hassle, i probably wont even go through with it. so i'm just stay here, i'm in for the ngiht cuz i wanna wake up earliy tomorrow for WARPED TOUR with TBS! oh yaaaaa

my #1 is to get over her
my #2 is to promote POWERLINE as much as possible
and my #3 is too keep on vidoetaping

my ex called me today, but i JUST missed her, i called her back but she said she would call me back but hasnt yet, eh w/e

i g2g, well not really i dont really HAVE to go or GOT to go, but i'm just gunna you know do what i always do

1. Peac-E

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:: 2003 25 July :: 9.14pm

someone get me out of this place.

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:: 2003 25 July :: 7.17pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: afi

im so tired.. today i went to the beach with chach, geor, and alicia.. alicia's board is soooooo cute! i love it. its great to ride too cause its shorter but thicker so its stable. i got a wicked rash on my armpits lol geori.. the waves were good though... except for all the pricks out in the water. they start paddling and im in front of them but to the side and theres room for them to go but they stop and give me a bitchy look it just gets frustrating after a while. lol damn surf rage.. haha.
well tomorrow is warped!!!!! its gonna be awesome... sooo many ppl are goig.. im gonna run into someone i know every 5 minutes lol. lotsa hotties too... and if i run into the chach we gotta get a choc. banana.. its just tradition. haha.. well see ya later chickies..

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:: 2003 24 July :: 11.37pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Eve 6 (think twice)

wow its been a whole days since i talked to anna, feels weird, feels like its been a week, but thats the price i pay. theres no real reaosn i just thought if i kept my distance then it would work out.

its thursday night today i woke up, went to the beach, went to burger king, went to pat house, hung out, jumed off a bridge went back to his house, went to yersenia house, went to TGI fridays. ran around and had fun as usual. tomorrow, me rivky and pat are gunna go bush jumping and video tape it. should be good, then we'll probably go surfing. then just practice. Saturday is warped tour 2003, i'm excited about going becuase this year TBS will be there and it was good last year anyway. I heard Alex comes home tomorrow. that would be cool.
wow i feel kinda mixed right now, and it hot as hell
"dont look back you can never look back"
easier said then done
i'm gunna go i'll c-ya later J



:: 2003 24 July :: 8.56pm

its hard when you see someone that you look to for strength.. hit a bad point. cause then alongside them you feel more vulerable than ever. i dunno. itll pass. im out.



:: 2003 24 July :: 5.33pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: leann rimes // the right kind of wrong

unkown source

You asked me wut was wrong and i said nothing
then you turned around
as a tear came down I whispered
...e v e r y t h i n g...



:: 2003 24 July :: 5.19pm
:: Mood: disappointed

how can people be so cold? i honestly wonder how some people sleep at night with that kind of behavior.

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:: 2003 24 July :: 1.55pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: the bum bum song

cause its not very fun... when they shoot a cannon in your bum...
hey.. nothings new. ive been going to the gym. i did the eliptical for 20 minutes!!! =o! lol well its a lot harder than u would think cause the first time i tried i BARELY did 10 minutes. like i almost passed out. lol um... i saw a kid from my past.. it was very amusing i must say. hes still very white lol. dont ask. umm.. today im not doing anything.. ill hit the gym later again. hopefully i can do some daybook. we'll see. lol. on saturday were goin to warped! yes! christine: u n sam can try to get to the front all u want.. ill wait away from the chaos.. its gonna be a tish bit larger than wing ding was lol. and i dont wanna lose any shoes. alrighty.
and on sunday im going to apply for a job in the morning then ill go to nini's to see sammy n lizzie and nini of course. should be fun. i hope i get the job! lol ash. yeah.. i volunteered at many booths where i had to handle money ;). ok off i go to do random stuff. see ya kiddos

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