2006 12 June :: 1.49pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: hello resolven - beulah
kill of the king, kill off the queen. its over, its over, its over.
i love when your normal everyday friend becomes your must-tell-everything-to friend.
when you find some common, amazing interest that allows phone calls to end in bellows of laughter, and e-mails to be typed in all caps.
and you know without a doubt, that if you tell this person something,
they will not judge or ridicule you. they will keep what you say, and will cheer you up infinitely with the silliest words.
i'm so glad to have met you.
sweet words
2006 8 June :: 1.55am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: gavottes i & ii - hagi, feat. furukawa nobuo
and the seasons went rolling into summer
i feel like there's this endless amount of hours i keep filling up with nothing. i'm already sick of the summer work for next year and i'm aching to get out of this place.
a few days ago i had this incredibly vivid dream where one of my bottom teeth cracked and fell apart. i put the pieces in my hand and was distressed about it. when i went to show my mother my misfortune, she replied that there wasn't really anything she could do about it, and that i should've gone to the dentist straight away.
i was clearly upset with her reasoning and began arguing over ridiculous things, most of them i have a hard time remembering.
it was really frustrating, the entire dream, and when i woke up i was left with this kind of festering anger, like when you fight with someone right before you go to sleep.
except in the middle of the day, after i woke up, i was eating cereal and realized that i did in fact have all of my teeth.
the thought of missing my tooth just carried over into my actual life and i just kind of.. accepted it.
i'm having a hard time sleeping, again, which is entirely aggravating since i'm not under huge amounts of stress at all. i wake up, read a bit, do some photoshop, and clean up around the house.
also, congratulations planet! you survived 6-6-06.
i didn't think anything would happen, but apparently a lot of people thought satan was going to eat their children.
good lord.
1 whisper |
sweet words
2006 21 May :: 10.47am
:: Mood: content
yesterday was one of the best birthdays that i have ever had.
2 whispered |
sweet words
2006 14 May :: 10.27pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: dawn - p&p
i don't think i will ever be content with what i do.
i was painting today,
and i was cursing my hands.
everytime i create something, i have this innate ability to make myself think its absolutely hideous.
ie: my latest painting. (this is a much larger version.)
i think its, well,
awful. on many kinds of levels.
its 9x12 and oil. and hideous.
the only thing i like doing anymore is writing, and i'm not even good at it.
5 whispered |
sweet words