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[slightly obsessive]

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:: 2019 13 March :: 10.48am

I just need someone to talk to.
but I'm a shitty broken record no one wants to talk to.

I do honestly think everyone would be better off if I was alone. I already feel so fucking alone.

2 comments | comment


:: 2019 8 March :: 11.06am
:: Music: twenty one pilots- Cut My Lip

Lean on my pride/ I'm a lion
I'll keep on trying
Might as well
If you decide
All is well
I'll keep on trying
Might as well
If you decide
All is well (all is well)
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Know I'll keep moving
Rust around the rim
Drink it anyway
I cut my lip
Isn't what I want
Blood is on my tongue
I cut my lip
I keep on going back
Even though it's me I abuse
I'll keep on going back
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Know I'll keep moving
Rust around the rim
Drink it anyway
I cut my lip
Isn't what I want
Blood is on my tongue
I cut my lip
Oh, oh, yeah
I cut my lip
Oh, oh, yeah
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Know I'll keep moving
Rust around the rim
Drink it anyway
I cut my lip
Isn't what I want
Blood is on my tongue
I cut my lip
I cut my lip
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion



:: 2019 6 March :: 8.47am
:: Mood: empty


In bad dreams
In a cool world
Full of cruel things
Hang tight
All you
Nothing like a big bad bridge
To go burning through



:: 2019 4 March :: 9.00am

I just need a lil empathy

I just need a friend who will come over to my house.

I just want to not feel alone and uncomfortable.



:: 2019 28 February :: 11.40am

violently treading water to keep my lungs filled with air

never realized it was my own tears I am drowning in

I just need a life preserver tossed out here. but the boat is too far away and no one knows what a life preserver looks like.

I'll be ok. I'll be ok I'll be ok.im always ok.


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