It is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts. It saves one having to bother anyone else with them. -- Isabel Colegate


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:: 2004 4 March :: 12.51 am
:: Mood: Scared

Sex Lady is on
So I've been tryin to get this tattoo thing done. And so far it'd fallen through everyday. So tomorrow I have an appointment... 12:30. And I have to say I am very nervous about the whole thing. Wouldnt be so bad if she didnt tell me it was gonna hurt a lot. But I guess I've always known that.
Enough about that. I'm glad that John and I are all worked out fun now. I hope that everything is ok forever. it'd be nice.
I need a job. who wants to help me out with that? Cuz I sure could use one.
Feelin kinda sad about a lot of things lately. Maybe not sad but just disappointed. Its a lot of "Why couldnt...." or "Why isnt..." or "Why didnt..." sentences. I dont like the feeling. Not at all.
Ummm what else do I have goin on in my head. "even if your penis is saggy, be sure you put it in a baggy." Ok sex lady just said that.
Bad mood right now. Cant sleep. Sorry John that I didnt call you but I slept woke up and now cant sleep. So I am writing. I'm nervous about this tattoo stuff... I think thats it. But it will be ok... it will just hurt but it will be ok. Ok now I'm gonna go to sleep cuz I'm tired. Yes back to be I go. Thanks for the sleep break everyone. Goodnight. I LOVE YOU PIGGY... oh everyone its been 10 mos. with him and I'm loving it! Isnt 10 mo a long time? I'm glad we met and I think you all should be too!

7 messages | gimmie a ring

:: 2004 8 February :: 1.19 am

You know how sometimes you just think and think and think and basically come up with nothing? Well tonight is that night and I amm freakin done thinking. Overall I've decided a few things and they are things I didnt think I would be deciding on anytime soon. I thought I had somethings all figured out then something comes up and bam sucka things all change... I dunno. Too much thinkin, my head hurts. good night.
Oh I'm living in Ravines next year... come visit

gimmie a ring

:: 2004 4 February :: 11.44 pm
:: Mood: eh

Long time no write
So its been awhile since I wrote and I don't know how I feel about that. This has pretty much been my escape to just blah out everything I dont care if people know. So now I just have a big ole pile of blah inside me. I guess I just didnt feel it building up but I'm pretty dang full right now. And I don't really feel like elaborating. I have so many questions and events attributing to my blah-ness and I dont really want to talk to all yall about them because I know that it will just piss people off. And that isnt the point of the journal. I've pretty much talked about them all to John and a little bit to Erik. I have more for John to talk about and its nothing earth shattering, nothing even relevent right now, but just something that I need to talk to someone about and I've decided that person should be him.
Whew! Thats a lot. And heres more...
School, eh its ok. I'm fairly concerned about my CHM class. I took a test and got a 76 on it... BLAH. And that scares me. Although she said that overall it wasnt a good test it kinda upsets me. Ya know the first part should be review and I should have done better. And ok this is the real part that bothers me about it. I studied.... yes I did and I dont know how much more studying I could have done for it. I honestly felt I was prepared. And looking back I dont think that I could have studied more and had it actually help... ya know how you have those things.
Ok so that is the least amount of my blah... chem. For the rest of it I plan on continuing to squish it down till I spring a leak... it might be getting close. I'm starting to notice little things are getting to me. Or is it becuase there has been an increase in big things? I dunno. Either way I'm being grumpy to people I shouldnt be grumpy to. And on the flip side, I've been taking things that I shouldnt be taking. Little things that can be traced back to when I first moved out. I dunno its getting to me and I dont know what to do. Its not worth talking about with anyone becuase no matter what someone gets mad about it... ok I'm done with that. Bye bye

2 messages | gimmie a ring

:: 2004 8 January :: 1.50 pm
:: Mood: full

So I've moved back and have been freakishly busy. I've been dancing every night from about 7 till 11. Plus the classes that I've been having. So tonight is our first dress rehursal at Zeland and I'm really excited about it. We have two shows, one Friday at 8 and the other Saturday at 7. EVERYONE SHOULD COME! Its at Zeland high school and costs $4, $2 if you are a GVSU student and can show your ID.
Enough about that. I got a sticker the other day from Mal... guess Andy gave em to her... so its on my computer and I am advertising like a mad woman. LOL.
John and I are doing great. All fights have seemed to stop and we have gone back to just being crazy. He tells me jokes again. Once the joke telling resumes we know all fights are over for awhile. Boy oh Boy do I love this guy. Seriously he makes some things so worth doing just becuase I know I'll hear a "Good Job Hunny" afterwards. (dont get sick, I mean like dance or grades). Hmm kinda squishy huh. Ok I'll stop that now. Bye bye

gimmie a ring

:: 2003 26 December :: 3.40 pm
:: Mood: EEEEE

My roomate Mal and I are gonna go out and play today YEA!!!!

1 message | gimmie a ring | Random Journal