2003 5 August :: 9.01 pm
:: Mood: ebullient
Move and love
I love john. I move out of house the 19th... life is good.
gimmie a ring |
2003 3 August :: 4.27 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
All things come to an end... but some end further away
Well I found out whats wrong with the below Kristi thing... Apparently I'm not allowed to be friends with both her and Mal and Mike. So oh well.
I started packing today. Getting ready to begin another leg of my life. The college part of my life. Moving out living with a roomate and just being away and still responcible for all things. FANTASTIC! Its gonne be so much fun.
John and I offically completed another month in our relationship. And things are great! So right now... pretty happy.
gimmie a ring |
2003 29 July :: 6.59 pm
:: Mood: disappointed
I just sent out my last life line. What are you supposed to do when one of your best friends decides you arent friends anymore? Me personally I dont know. I wish I did know what to do. Heck I wish I knew why. Pretty much eveyone in the group has said "oh well she isnt missed" But I disagree I miss her terribly. This is someone I would go to dances with and spring break and party and everything. I miss her so much and I dont know what I did. All I can say is that I went on vacation and apparently something happened then. So today I sent out my last life line my last letter of trying to understand. I hope it works cuz it sucks to not have your best friend with you.
1 message |
gimmie a ring |
2003 18 July :: 10.14 am
 you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You adorable, but a little out there. It's alright, you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
gimmie a ring |
2003 15 July :: 8.48 pm
:: Mood: discontent
JOURNALS SUCK! I never mean to hurt people by what I write. I just write what I am thinking. This will be my last journal entry because my journal does nothing but make problems. I love you John. I love you so much and I promise not to write down anything mean ever again.... not even if it is how I am feeling at the time. No more... its not worth the fights and the bad feeling. I love you John and I am sorry!
gimmie a ring |