2004 7 December :: 3.19pm
While you're at it...
Check out this site:
talk to me
2004 7 December :: 2.43pm
:: Music: Hamasaki Ayumi - Hanabi
What can you guys tell me about the bad things that are happening at the high school due to lack of funding? I tried to email Heischetter, but every time I tried to send an email it was sent back. I need this for my final paper for rhetoric, and any info from your point of view or the teachers would be great.
7 people said |
talk to me
2004 7 December :: 12.12pm
Wrote my paper. It was pretty easy. I need to stop procrastinating.
I'm doing alright. Once I get past today, I'll be less stressed.
I love you all.
3 people said |
talk to me
2004 6 December :: 10.10pm
Got yelled at by Watson today. Cried.
Wasn't feeling well. Cried.
Have a paper to write, will do it in the morning and cry.
Life is blah but I can change it if I want to.
Psych test tomorrow. ACT retake on Saturday. French project due Monday. Japanese presentation tomorrow.
I'm just blah.
I love you all.
4 people said |
talk to me
2004 6 December :: 10.27am
Ok, since Wed. I have been working every day. I closed Friday night (got out around 12:45), and went in for a double Saturday morning at 11:15 (I actually got there at 11). I had no break whatsoever and was finally cut and got out of work at 10:30. So after almost passing out/fainting/breaking down, I went home and passed out on my bed for 10 hours. Then I had to work on Sunday, but I think I got a little cold when I was working Saturday and felt awful on Sunday. I wouldn't walk without being dizzy and needing a wall near by, I was tired and just needed sleep, and couldn't concentrate on anything. So I went into work and fucked up one of my tables. If I had been feeling well it wouldn't have even happened, but it did. So I broke down in back in front of my manager and other coworkers. I got out kinda early and went to bed. I woke up late today and still feel like crap. Have a fun Monday everyone, this is my last class.
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talk to me
2004 5 December :: 12.50pm
Last night, I went shopping with my parents.
The best part of the night was when we stopped at a restaurant to grab something small to eat.
My parents and I got deep into the college discussion. My mom said that since I have, with scholarships, paid about half of the tuition for Aquinas, I can go.
I am so happy about that.
I mentioned that I want to drive. I don't know what happened this past week (I hit my head or something) but I really want to drive.
So the plan is thus:
I turn 18 at the end of January. Until then, I'll practice driving. Once I get my license, my mom will teach me how to drive the bug. My father is going to leave Meijer sometime and work with his friend Pat. Pat will give him a company car and I'll get the bug.
I'll go to Aquinas next fall.
My mom said that she does not want me to work my way through college like she did. She worked two jobs, one until 4 and the other a half an hour later until 10 or 11.
Life is looking good.
And for the first time in my life, I cannot wait until I can drive.
However, today I have to write 6 pages and a paper that I really don't want to do.
Hannah and I are going to make a radio.
I love you all.
1 people said |
talk to me
2004 3 December :: 10.58pm
I want the thong and these.

7 people said |
talk to me
2004 3 December :: 4.35pm
GVSU was okay.
I like Aquinas a lot more.
I want to check out University of Dayton, the college my mom went to.
Apparently, the students had a choice of what to put in their little commons thing and they all wanted DDR.
I don't want to check UD out because I want to go there though. I just want to see where my mom went to school. It costs too much to even think about going there.
Anyway, GVSU was the school I wanted to go to for a while but now...
Meh. I don't really like it actually.
I love you all.
4 people said |
talk to me
2004 3 December :: 9.55am
Today I'm going with my mom to GVSU. Our thing is at 11 so I don't know what time we'll be leaving.
It is only supposed to last 2 hours so, realistically, I could have gone to school and then left when we had to go. I could also return to school afterwards.
I'd have to leave third hour and today I had 6 pages and a paper due in second hour. I also had a French quiz first hour. Then if I returned to school, I'd only catch sixth (maybe the last bit of fifth) hour. The last hour of the day.
Plus I needed to catch up on some sleep and stop stressing out.
Life - school:
I went to see the play at Cedar last night. Nick was in two scenes, one right after the other, and he operated the trapdoor. w00t. It was a pretty okay production. I mean, I'm used to Rockford's plays and ours...
Nick doesn't go back to work until after New Year's Day. He has his surgery on the 15th, still.
It snowed last night. Not for very long but it came down pretty fast for a little bit.
Kelly and I have a mad French story in the works about an airplane and a mirror/ice cream.
I miss my Kittie Katie.
Katie and I need to get started on our prom dresses.
There's more but I can't think today. Or ever.
I love you all.
2 people said |
talk to me
2004 2 December :: 11.04pm
Nick said some kid who is in the play knows me as Angel Bob.
Hi, kid, great play.
I love you all.
2 people said |
talk to me
2004 2 December :: 8.21pm
So, what do people want for Christmas? Remember, this is something I can get you, not something like a pony. Though I'd love to get someone a pony, I can't afford it. Anything else?
10 people said |
talk to me
2004 2 December :: 4.15pm
Kelly, here's a French slang dictionary. It has the definition for zapper there, my huge dictionary doesn't.
Zapper: ne pas s'attarder sur quelque chose, passer rapidement d'une chose à une autre.
To not linger on something, to pass/go/move quickly from one thing to another.
Yeah. So the song's name was "Laisse-moi zapper".
1 people said |
talk to me
2004 2 December :: 3.42pm
The sad/funny thing is, this was a very good show and Hannah and I still remember the chorus.
Blue streak, speeds by
Sonic the Hedgehog
Too fast for the naked eye
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic, he can really move
Sonic, he's got an attitude
Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive
Look out when he storms through
Sonic the Hedgehog
Don't doubt what he can do
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic, he can really move
Sonic, he's got an attitude
Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive
He's the fastest thing alive
He's the fastest thing alive
5 people said |
talk to me
2004 2 December :: 6.10am
Love is a choice.
6 people said |
talk to me
2004 1 December :: 6.43pm
All you need is love.
9 people said |
talk to me