2005 26 March :: 4.53pm
: who last:
1. Slept in your bed: me and pup
2. Saw you cry: me?
3. Made you cry: tv
4. Spent the night with you: bacardi
5. went to the movies with you: jesse & kyle
6. went to the mall with you: dont remember
1. Gotten in a fight with your pet: hell no
2. Been to New York: state: yes, city: no
3. Florida: ya
4. California: duh
5. Hawaii: no
6. Mexico: ya
7. Canada: ya
8. Red or blue: RED
9. Spring or fall: spring
10.. Are you bored: obviously
11. Last noise you heard: tv in living room
12. Last time you went out of the state: July 4th 2004 (mead)
13. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
14. What book are you reading now: harry potter, but i thing im gonna re-read on a pale horse
Do you
1. Do you do drugs: alcohol and nicotine
2. Do you drink: every weekend.
3. Who is your best friend(s)? man's best friend: bacardi
4. What are you most scared of: nothing
5. What clothes do you sleep in: track shorts
6. Who is the last person who called you: jon
7. Where do you want to get married: haha probably the beach
8. Who do you really hate: no one
9. Favorite number: 13
10. Dream car: i want an m3 still but dream car would be a 1955 chevy belair
11. Are you usually on time or usually late? On time
12. Do you have a job: yep
13. Do you like being around people: Ya
14. Best feeling in the world: lol even thou its cheesy love.... second is an orgasm though
15. Are you a health freak? i try to be
1. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: obviously
2. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: obviously
3.Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?: not really
4. Ever afraid that you won't get married? not at all
5. Ever want kids? yes i do want at least one
1. Cried: nope
2. Bought something: beer last night
3. Gotten sick: nope
4. Sang: of course
5. Said "I Love You": probably to family
6. Met someone new: yep
8. Moved on: doubt it
9. Missed someone: ya
10. Hugged someone: ya
11. Kissed someone: nope
12. Fought with your parents: haha no
Crashed a friend's car: nope
Ridden in a taxi : ya
Been in love: ya
Shoplifted: i think
Been fired: nope
Been in a fist fight: not yet
Gone on a blind date: nope
Been to Europe: i wish
Skipped school: yah since oct.
Been married: nope
Hometown: RC
Age: 22
Hair color: brown/aburn
Height: 5'8"
Light it.
2005 25 March :: 9.19am
:: Mood: tired
its friday , good friday at that, and i think i am the only person that does not look forward towards the weekend, but i guess thats because i work 15 hours on friday and then 10 hours on saturday, yeah so i have no weekend and its going to be like that for the next 2 months i believe, how ever long courtney is on baby leave, im going to miss her!
saw derek's baby the other day at wallmart, she is very cute, and getting big, she was wtih her mom, so of course i got the looks and everything, it was almost 5 years ago but i guess it still seems like yesterday for her. i dont know how many times that i can say that i am sorry, but i guess it wont ever help, so it seems like everytime that i forget about it, i run into one of them...
well i gotta get ready for work and all that fun stuff so i will talk to everyone probably on sunday, i might post tomrorow morning but i am not sure,..
Light it.
2005 23 March :: 2.43pm
:: Mood: mischievous
its really sad that all one person has to do is tell the world how they feel about a person to make it a comedy for other. Kane had a run into at school, not a good one, b ut i dont know it made the story really good on are walk to class, its good to be able to laugh at someones stupid mistakes, but for that one person her stupid mistake was being born.
oh kane do u even know who that guy was that was asking you about class.. he was kinda cute!!!!! maybe you need to talk to him more....
but im off to my grandmas just wanted to post somethign real quick to make kane feel alittle bit better.. i love ya girl : )
1 Bridges burned. |
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2005 23 March :: 8.53am
:: Music: Bonus Mosh Pt. II - Taking Back Sunday
So yah I watched Closer last night, you know that movie with Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owen, and Julia Roberts. It was a really good movie, did I like it? I don't really know. You see movie-wise it was awesome, plot, cast, camara work, all this was awesome. Did I like it, yes and no. You need to see it, me 5 months out of a 4 year relationship just didn't need to see this because it pretty much just showed me what I already knew. Don't trust the opposite sex, whether your male or female. How can you show love? You can't! You only hear it, you don't see it, or feel it, or smell it, only hear it when someone tells you they love you.
The wierdest part now-a-days is that I don't get choked up by watching anything anymore that has to do with relationships. Family drama and friendships and all that good stuff still moves/affects me, but anything with a 'love' story or relationship drama does nothing. I guess its because of the whole unconditional love thing, my parents, brother, family, dog could probably never do anything to make me not love them, yet a girl/women that I am with could do about a zillion things that would affect my love for her. Strange because why do humans want that? It's like everyone just walks around trying to catch the eye of the opposite sex (whether your with someone or not) and I'm just sick of it.
I party every weekend, I talk to new people every weekend, new girls, and have a good time. Do I want another girlfriend? No of course not. Am I looking for a hook-up? Not really. Why? Because with the opposite sex and anything more than just friendship/talking comes drama. All of a sudden you need do things or think about this new person, and personally I've done my share of that and I just don't think its worth it.
So watch "Closer" and you will probably enjoy it. I'm not sure how my opinion would have been affected if I was in a "happy relationship" but I still think I would have thought about it alot, because thats what I do.
Penis Out!
5 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF |
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2005 21 March :: 3.54pm
:: Mood: awake
well i finially talked to brandin he called me friday when i was at work, and then i decided to call him back and he put me on hold, yes he put me on hold so i hung up, so he called back and asked me why i hung up and i told me he was like yea i guess you have a point and anyways i didnt have long distance on my phone soo it was understandable, he is doing really well, he finally got his house, no apartment but a house so thats a plus, he tried getting me to drive down there that night but i told him that i couldnt, then of coursen i called him on saturday, because well i was drunk and wanted to talk to him.. sorry hun for callin you at 3am, i know you had to get up early.. sorry
but this weeeknd was alot of fun, some drama but not alot so it was straight, a group of us went to watch trevor fight in kzoo for fight night , he won, he was very happy, and then the bunch of us came back to my house, since my parents went to canada so yeah i had my fair drinks thats for sure, but its all good, nothing is wrong with that, well except for the fact of getting up sunday and not feelign well, so of course i went and saw courtney to keep her company. but i was excitied cause i got to hang out with Lauren and tiffany came over, i was really excitied to see her and what not, but she only stayed for like 5 minites that was sad but she had to get up at 8am to go to work, but i miss her thats for sure, lauren and i had fun though it seemed like all we did was laugh and talked and laugh it was good to hang out with another girl instead of all guys..
and now its back to another fun week of school and work, but i have to make money so its all good, but i am going to work on some homework so i am out for now,
1 Bridges burned. |
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2005 21 March :: 9.48am
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday
On repeat
Well this weekend was almost just like last weekend. Me and Jon went to Covina both Friday and Saturday night. We start out at Noel's waiting to find out where we will end up. Friday Night it was Pico Rivera, we caravan'd there and partied till we left, when we got back to Noel's we were told to just wait for everyone but Jon was like lets go. We find out later Phillip got in a accident and they waited until like 6am for the towtruck and shit.
Saturday night started the same we ended up going to a party in Diamond Bar just to get denied entry because our group was too large. So we went to Mike's which didn't last long and we ended up at some dudes house in west covina. After getting kicked out of there we ended up at Jack in the Box where some dudes tried to start shit and Jon said the famous quote "Fuck Durock, This Is Covina" from there we ended up at Rugies and then left and went home.
"Same ol shit dog just a different day"
Light it.