Fragile, but Hidden


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:: 2004 15 February :: 1.48am

Short entry ...

I went to the hospital. 8 hours of being there, the doctor comes in and tell me I can go home because "If I'm old enough to have sex, I should be able to face the pain that comes with it sometimes" He also said "If your daughter would stop screwing around and stay with ONE sex partner, she might not have this problem now would she??" I HAVE had one sex partner for a year now. ONE. And we all know his name!! That asshole asked me how old I was when I became sexually active. I answered with 13. So he AUTOMATICALLY ASSUMED that since I became sexually active at the age of 13, I've been sleeping with different men ever since. He never stopped to think that I might have just been molested, now did he ...

So I was just basically called a whore for something I couldn't help ...

The sad thing is, I've been called a whore for a long time now. People at school, my brother, the man that molested me, and now my own doctor ...

I've been with one person and I've enjoyed every minute of that year with them. ONE FUCKING PERSON ...
And I'm called a whore for it ... *tear*

I'm really hurting right now ...

Hugs for Pixie...

Sorry for the stupid entry. Just needed to vent some ...

1 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 14 February :: 1.34am
:: Mood: Bored

The Basics
Are you certain of your sexual orientation?:No =(
If not, why arn't you? If you are, how do you know?:what ori-en....*sounds out* ta....tion mean?
Your age:15
How often do you think about sex in a normal day?:hehe...
How often do you think about other sexual acts besides intercourse?:Ummmieee...I'm not sure
Have you ever had sex?:Yes
Do you like...
Vaginal sex:Yeahhhhh
Anal sex:Nope
Oral sex:Sometimesss
Something not mentioned above that you like:BONDAGE!!!! and um... biting =)
Which of the above do you prefer?:....biting =)
What (if any) fetishes do you have?:No fetishes that are in my head at this time ...
Do you like sexual situations with more than one person? sure would be interesting!!
With several people of the same sex?:That would also be interesting
The opposite sex?:Never done it
Or even sexual situations with several people of diffrent sexes?:Never done that either
If you haven't tried any of the above, might you in the future? Why/Why not:Possibly =P
Do you have a steady partner?:Yes
Do you use protection?:Sometimes
How important is foreplay to you:Um... kinda important
The Kiss
Do you like kissing people/a person?:Yep
What is your favorite part of kissing?:The emotion of it all
Tounge or no tounge?:TONGUE!
Where is the best place to be kissed (on your body):Neck
Where is the worst place to be kissed (on your body):eh...
Who do you wish you could kiss?:*secret*
How important is kissing in a serious relationship?:Well, if they dont have a mouth, its understandable but other than that, its pretty important.
What's your favorite sexual position:One I made up =) I'll take pictures and share it with you all!!!
Where is the oddest place you've ever had sex:No odd places really .. Brandon's Mom's bathtub was kinda nice...
Where do you want to have sex:Underneath a waterfall
Would you mind if people watched?:hehe, who cares
How important is sex in your life:Not very important. Its wonderful here and there though
Name a fantasy you have:We're not goin there...
Do you like having sex...
With toys?:Never used toys :P
In the dark or light?:Dark
Outside?:Ooo.... New ideas
In costume?:hehe...
In bondage?:oh man ..*drool*
With lubricant?:...I produce my own
Flavored condoms?:They really dont taste as good as they say they do ...
With anything else unusual?:teehee... *grin*
Do you like this survey?:Yes, actually ....

Sex Survey for the Repressed brought to you by BZOINK!

Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 14 February :: 12.53am
:: Mood: Boreeeddd

I'm obsessed with this song now...
Nine inch nails =) *drool*


I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear my crown of shit
on my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stain of time
the feeling disappears
you are someone else
I am still right here
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

1 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 13 February :: 10.06pm
:: Mood: Bored

Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
Explored the pleasures of the flesh
It takes a couple of drinks
Sex Drive 73.7%
A fool for love, but not always
Knows the other body type like a map
Gayness 80.4%
Repressed, are we?
Fucking Sick70.8%
Dipped into depravity
You are 60.1% pure
Average Score: 72.6%

1 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 5 February :: 3.22pm


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your: Mysterious eyes. All in the title. Your independant secretive and myseterious. You appear cold and distant, but hey, at least no one messes with you.
Your: Mysterious eyes. All in the title. Your
independant secretive and myseterious. You
appear cold and distant, but hey, at leats no
one messes with you.

What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Apathy, well I can say your lucky, in some ways.
You see Apathy is no emotion, basically you
don't care. But that does not make you a bad
person. Some of my friends are apathetic and I
love them, but it wouldn't hurt to care a
little more. Trust me life hurts, most people
who are apathetic do it cause they were hurt.
But don't worry, life is pain, its also
pleasure. Good luck. (please vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla

2 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 5 February :: 2.47pm
:: Mood: Sick

My bladder is still hurting today. I've had really bad fevers and nausea and everything so mom said she'd probably take me to the ER later since my doctors can't seem to pull their heads out of their asses.

I think moms a little pissed at me. I slept until a little after one, watched my music videos while I layed on the couch and then when she started cleaning, and wanted our help, I got on the computer...

My doctor's secretary just called. She's putting me on tylenol 3. She said I could go to school with it but mom didn't think so cause it has codine in it. Oh joy =)
so no school until Monday.

Jerry decided he wasn't going to school today because he "didn't feel like it". He does this a lot. He had a chance at valedictorian but hes missed like 30 days (no joke) because he didn't feel like going.

Personally, I hope he fails his senior year

Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 4 February :: 2.46pm

We went to family therapy today. Yes, my family is so fucked up, we actually have "therapy" (or what they like to call therapy...) to try and fix us. Keep in mind, we aren't fixable. So I sat there while my older brother talked and tried to make himself feel like the good guy even though me and mom could both see right through him ...

I sat there, had a temperature over 100 and took all the shit he said and just absorbed it. It made me sick. And then my "Step-dad" has the nerve to tell me that I'm "15 years old, going on 21. You don't do shit your mom says ... " blah fucking blah. Well um, newsflash asshole, Mom has a personality disorder, shes a cutter, she's an alcoholic, and she doesn't eat much. I take care of all of this. No exaggeration. NOBODY, not even her own fucking husband, knew about any of that before I did. I sit there and wait for her other personality to come out and cut right in front of me and I take it all in. And all the things she says to me. I take it all in ...

Everyday, I hear ... "Kristen, I'm so sorry ... You're the only one I trust and I love you so much". And she's not lying. She's always been there for me whether she was "herself" or not. She's my mom and she's my best friend.

But I sat there, and listened to them trash me ... after they never did anything about any of it. When she got drunk, they'd all leave the house. I'd stay and take care of mom ...

Mom came out here a few minutes ago to give me Sid's address. That's her best friend, I guess only she doesn't know him in real life. She met him when he was 16 on the internet. Well, the only reason she gave it to me was so that I could get ahold of him incase anything happened to her.

And see, I guess I kinda make it sound like she's seeking attention, but really she keeps it hidden very well. I just have past experience with it all so I know where to find it all.

Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 2 February :: 6.28pm
:: Mood: pissed off

I come in the fucking door and my bladder is hurting like hell so I'm nearly at the point of bawling. I'm SO sick of this shit.

Well, I ask Jerry what the fuck is wrong with the internet and he LIES about it at first and then says that he unplugged it. After he says that, he says that its the TOWER thats making the internet not work. So, he goes outside and when he comes back in, it magically starts working again which means he had to have done what I asked him to do!! He claims that I'm a "fucking dumbass" and that he didn't do anything to it. It just came on by itself. So we're in the kitchen and hes still bitching and I accidently spilled boiling water all over my hand. Reaction --- "GOD DAMMIT!" -- Jerry says "shut the fuck up" I tell him that I spilled the water all over my hand and he can shuv everything up his fucking ass. Then! He wouldn't move out of my way because he got some wild hair in his ass and decided to stair me down so I shoved him out of the way. Keep in mind that my bladder is hurting really fucking bad and when I yell, it hurts and if anybody touches my stomach, it hurts. Well, Jerry turns around and shoves me, stomach first, into the drawer.

He's a FUCKING ASSHOLE. UGH!!!!!!!!!

On better notes, yesterday was mine and brandon's one year anniversary. He gave me roses, we went and got pictures taken in those cool little booths, he took me out to eat and then when we got back to his house (Him and his mom set this up) all the lights are off, the bathtub is filled with bubbles and water and there's rose petals all through the water, on the floor, and just all around the bathroom. There's also candles EVERYWHERE. It was gorgeous =) His family left us in the house by ourselves so we could have our time together and we took a bath and stuff. It was so pretty!

I came home last night and my little brother, Chad had totally chopped his fucking hair off with a pair of scissors. He did it because he was pissed. He also had a thing with completely pulling his hair out. It's some kind of disorder, like with self mutilation, only its with your hair. I tried to explain that to jerry too but since hes so fucking dense, he said I was full of shit. I HAPPENED to be in treatment with people that did that so I think I just might fucking know what I'm talking about.


Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 30 January :: 7.33pm
:: Mood: Annoyed
:: Music: Dizzy- Goo Goo Dolls

Hm, well, I would have posted sooner but I wasn't able to get into Woohu.
I have no idea why ...

Mom was diagnosed with some kind of personality disorder. I forgot what its called but its where you're ONE person with many personalities. It's not like schizophrenia or anything where you have multiple PEOPLE. So yeah ... I guess there's 5 or 6 personalities but ive only seen 4. She still loses time and stuff sometimes and like, if shes in one personality mode and she goes somewhere or something, ocassionally she'll switch personalities and she won't know how she got where she was.
Its actually pretty interesting ...

Chad's coming home tonight. I'm supposed to go to the airport and bring Scooter with me. Scooter is the little dog that chad got for christmas but I've adopted him since chad's been in treatment. Its gonna suck when Chad starts calling scooter his own ...

We're having a little christmas thing when Chad gets home. Since chad was in treatment through christmas, mom bought all these cool little dinky things and we're all drawing numbers for what we get. It's so cool. I think I'm the only one excited about it though ...

I'm really confused about a lot of things right now I'd just really rather not go into them. I'm depressed and I feel so lame and stupid. I think you may be able to tell by my diary entry. It's all just ... blahly typed.

I need a cigarette ...

1 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 27 January :: 6.35pm


You know the drill, ask to be added and lady luck may shine down on you.

All the HTML and other coding for this site was done by Silver of Hell's Headquarters™

3 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 27 January :: 10.58am
:: Mood: blah

Lots of excitment ...
God, this is a WAY long story so I'm gonna try to cut it as short as I can. The night before last, Me and mom got into this big fight because I asked her if I could just drop out and get my GED. Well, then she told me we should just go out onto the porch and fight so somebody could call the cops and they could just go ahead and take her.
Well, that pissed me off some more so I went into my room.
She comes in there and starts digging through my drawers and find my cigarettes. She says "Ooo, Kristen, lets go for a ride and smoke. You can tell me why you hate me so much" (Keep in mind, she's in that little state of mind where her voice has changed and she looks at you really weird like shes testing you all the time) Well, i keep telling her no and I finally go. MOM doesn't smoke but she was. We'll skip the rest and move on to the next part!

We come home and Brandon calls to see If I can go with him if Justin picks me up and takes me home. Mom says I can go .... so we go riding around and we stop at Shooters to watch everybody play some pool. We leave because brandon has to come home. Justin and Tyler, however, wanted to drop Brandon off, take me with them to go on a drug run really quick and then drop me and tyler off since all this is on "the way". We see Andy and Brandon asks Andy if he'll have the car so he can take me home. But ALL the times Andy's said he could, he ends up not being able to. Well, Brandon didn't want me around the drugs because "I can't take care of myself if something was to go wrong" and he didn't want me to get busted with them. BUT!!! The other day, brandon asked if he could sell!! Hmmmm.... interesting, eh?

Well, Brandon gets pissed and beats the hell out of Justin's truck and I told him I would stay with him. Well then he starts yelling at me to get my ass in the truck, blah blah. (This is a really long story ... DisContinue if you'd like) Then, he walks off and slams the front door on me so I get in the car. I was sitting between tyler and Justin and this just like, royally pissed me off. So, he comes out of the house and says "And don't FUCKING call me!" So his mom comes out!!! I end up getting out of the car and we go in and he just keep yelling and yelling. And then he says "Remember what happened the last time you said you'd do anything for a ride home???" Since you guys don't know what that was, I was molested. Blah. Anyway, he starts punching his dresser and his mirror shattered and so I ended up going home. On the way, he just kept fucking talking and talking and going on and on. I was so stressed I was about to just ... get sick all through the car and he still wouldn't stop when I ASKED him.

I ended up telling my mom what happened and she got pissed off and said we needed a break from eachother because she wasn't gonna have him talking to me like that. I hear ONE phone ringin and then it just stops. This goes on for a while. So I go out into the kitchen and all the phones are gone except the one in mom's room. I asked her to let me use it really quick and she's like "nope" ... So I left the house. She told me If I passed the intersection, she was gonna call SO on me. I was like ... Shit, I don't even know what SO is so fucking call them.

I'm gone for a little over an hour ... just sitting in the middle of the road crying.

I come back home and Jeff says "Where the fuck is your mom??" -- "I dunno" -- "Get in your room and don't you fucking come out"

He locks his bedroom door so I get my moms key and open it to call Brandon. Turns out, mom left to pick him up to go look for me. Brandon lives like, ten minutes away and I was only like, a little more than half a mile down the street.

Jeff pulls up and says "Don't touch the phone, the computer, NOTHING. I'm sick of your god damned bull shit"
He acts like I do something wrong every fucking day! And I don't.
Then, mom pulls up with Brandon. She just tells me to pack my shit and she went in the house. I later discovered that we were probably gonna end up moving out because our family is so fucked. Brandon sits down next to me and says he's sorry. Exactly what I knew he'd end up saying.

We go in my room and talk ... blah blah ... and I notice a lot of the skin on his arm is like, scraped off. He said it happened when he hit his mirror but I later found out he did it with an eraser.
And this is also the guy who bitched at me about cutting because it was "stupid and he didn't understand it". Wow =P

I guess that's all. There's much more but I'm not in the mood to tell it all. I've typed enough.

I'm home sick AGAIN. For like, the 3rd week. I went to school yesterday and the pain around my bladder was so horrible, oh my god. Well, the doctor called with ANOTHER thing that was wrong with me. So now, I'm going to a specialist so they can make sure all the infections are out of my stomach.

I just say they remove all my organs and fill me with stuffing ... Mom says that might cause cancer though =)

1 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 25 January :: 3.31pm
:: Mood: tired

God, last night was just ... UGH
That's about the only way I can put it. My older brother comes in the room and says that mom has GOT to have multiple personalities. I thought about this ... and I was like "why the hell didn't i think of that before???" So, we told mom, she went crazy, blah blah BUT she did let brandon stay the night!!!
She also came in my room wanting a cigarette even though she doesn't smoke. I felt a little weird handing out cigarettes to my own mom who also happens to HATE the smell of cigarettes. It was a little weird....

My brothers girlfriend had a nervous breakdown so Jerry took her to her grandmas. Mom kept trying to talk to her but she wouldn't unlock the bedroom door for anybody so Jerry had to take part of it apart to even get in.

Jeff had a fucking fit this morning because the dishes were Jerry's and he said they were MINE. Now, the WHOLE family, including Jerry, told him they were Jerry's but he still argued with us and said he did them and they're still mine. Like any of that makes sense??

1 remembered | Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 23 January :: 8.18pm

I'm so GOD DAMNED PISSED i don't even wanna fucking talk about it.

I wanna cut so bad ...
and I know I can get away with it but I'd have to cut my feet or something.

and mom came out with a towel so its fucking obvious SHE cut!!!

But see ... I'm not allowed to. Because people will call potter county on me. Its okay for HER though

Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 23 January :: 3.16pm
:: Mood: bored

Your soul is bound to the Solitary Rose: The

"When I wake up alone, the shades are still
drawn on the cold window pane so they cast
their lines on my bed and lines on my

The Solitary Rose is associated with loneliness,
melancholy, and patience. It is governed by
the goddess Merope and its sign is The Sword,
or Unrequited Love.

As a Solitary Rose, you may be summed up as a
hopeless romantic. You desire love and have so
much love to give, but thing just never seem to
work out the way you want them to. In life,
you can be very optomistic, even when things
are gray and nothing works out to your

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Night Sky Fairy!! You Love the sky and stars. You
are mystic and beautiful. Theres something
about you elegance thet is so calming. Please
please vote for my quiz!

Which Beautiful Amy Brown Fairy Are You? (with pretty pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Night Sky Fairy!! You Love the sky and stars. You
are mystic and beautiful. Theres something
about you elegance thet is so calming. Please
please vote for my quiz!

Which Beautiful Amy Brown Fairy Are You? (with pretty pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Don't Forget Me


:: 2004 23 January :: 3.07pm

These stupid quizzes make me feel so pathetic ... hehe

You are Lime.
You are quirky and misunderstood. You are
definitely your own person. You don't let
anyone tell you who you should be. You never
sell out your values and beliefs, no matter
what. However, you can sometimes have trouble
fitting in, but only because you are
Most Compatible With: Wintergreen

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Don't Forget Me | Random Journal