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:: 2011 10 June :: 5.16pm


day 09 - A song I can dance to

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2011 10 June :: 12.20pm

spud and kevin keep doing the 30 day song challenge, i'm going to do it to

Day 1 - my favorite song

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2011 9 June :: 7.37pm

Day 08 - A song I know all the words to.

Insert Coin


:: 2011 8 June :: 12.30pm

Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event

although not the best, I think we can all imagine what I'm thinking of here

and more recently this... (yes I'm aware its ridiculous)

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2011 8 June :: 3.28am

repost of day 14, for interested parties
namely, me.

in retrospect, i probably should have paid more attention in piano lessons.

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2011 8 June :: 3.06am

Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Hate me if you want to. I'm sorry, but I've heard this song one too many times.

this video might just make me love this song a second time.

3 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2011 7 June :: 1.11am

8 months old. Still no teeth, still having pooping issues (constipation) poor thing. You still ready every four hours 24 hours a day. Which means you wake up 3 times in the middle of the night still so you sleep in bed with me. It doesn't bother me though because I know that someday you won't want to be near me and then ill be sad. This way I won't regret the time I didn't spend with you....which I pretty much spend all day everyday with you. I don't mind.in fact I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not sure on your measurements right now.I'll measure you tomorrow...

Insert Coin


:: 2011 7 June :: 2.55pm

Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

This song will always remind me of the first time I road the bullet train out of Osaka.

4 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2011 7 June :: 10.48am

When a man lives dangerous, he is not afraid to DIE. When he is not afraid to DIE, he is strangely, free to LIVE...

Insert Coin


:: 2011 7 June :: 1.11am

8 months old. Still no teeth, still having pooping issues (constipation) poor thing. You still ready every four hours 24 hours a day. Which means you wake up 3 times in the middle of the night still so you sleep in bed with me. It doesn't bother me though because I know that someday you won't want to be near me and then ill be sad. This way I won't regret the time I didn't spend with you....which I pretty much spend all day everyday with you. I don't mind.in fact I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not sure on your measurements right now.I'll measure you tomorrow...

Insert Coin

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