2008 25 December :: 5.48pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "On top of the world" By: T.I. ft. Ludacris & B.O.B.
Christmas Day.
Today is Christmas, and suprisingly we woke up later than I thought we would. We were going to wake up at about 7:30, but, I guess it was around 9 when we finally woke up. It was alot of fun. It was us, the Grandpa, and Aunt Beth. She ended up coming over this morning. We had two stockings each this year. One from "Santa", and then one from Wolverine/YMCA cos they "adopted" our family to help us out. So, it was a good Christmas this year. I don't really feel like going into detail about the things I got right now, because I am going to go watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" with Ava, but, I hope everyone had a a good and happy Christmas. So, no more countdowns from me. Bye.
-Samm d'Massacre.
365 more days until next Christmas. HaHa, Just Kidding.
Have you given up?
2008 24 December :: 7.40pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: "On top of the world" By: T.I. ft. Ludacris & B.O.B.
Christmas Eve.
Tomorrow is Christmas; the day I have been looking forward to since about November. And now, it's all going to be over soon in less than 24 hours. Oh well, at least we are the kind of people that keep our tree up until the middle of January. HaHa. My Aunt Beth is supposed to come over tonight, but, we don't know if she's still going to. Then tomorrow morning she's going to be here and so will our Grandpa Bennett. So, I'm excited. I'm also really excited to see the reactions of Mom, Doug, Bri, Dylan, Montanna, and Ava when they open the presents I got them. I'm going to say what I got them all, but you can't tell. HaHa.
-Mom: A very nice photo album and I already put some pictures in there. Ranging from us kids, all the way to pictures of her as a baby.
-Doug: Two Stephen King books. The first one being "The Green Mile", and then "The Bachman Books", which is four novels in one book.
-Brianna: Fuschia Semi Perminant hair dye.
-Dylan: A Breaking Benjamin CD.
-Montanna: A Tinkerbell purse.
-Avalyn: "Parachute Pig". It's a stuffed animal pig that has a parachute with a back pack and all included. It's pretty cute, if I do say so myself.
So, that's what they got. Not much, but, I did my best.
Tomorrow, we will, of course, wake up early and have our usual Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon Rolls. We will open presents, enjoy them for a little bit, then chaos will erupt. We will have to all get ready to go to my Aunt Diane's for lunch/dinner. And HOPEFULLY we will be able to go to my Grandma Schrivener's tomorrow after Aunt Diane's. I love it up at my Grandma's. Especially around the Holidays. There's like 150 people packed into a double wide trailer(that's not the part I like, in fact, I loathe that part), and there's a million things of food, and as for dessert...oh boy. There's way more than enough to go around. There's everything from finger jello, to pies, to Ice creams, and more. I love it up there. Then the guest bedroom is always the official PS2 playing room. Everyone in the gathers and plays racing games, Guitar Hero, and more. Then of course, there is always Sabrina's husband Derrick and his Viking Hat while he's been drinking. HaHa. It's great times.
But, I have to try and stay awake because my mom and step dad need my help transporting the presents from their hiding spot to our house. And, I'm going to watch "The Dark Knight", and hopefully finish it because I have had it for 4 days and I have not been able to watch the whole thing. But, going to go do that. Bye, and everyone, Have a Merry Christmas. And don't forget to party hard. HaHa.
-Samm d'Massacre.
The strangest Christmas Enthusiast EVER.
2 All grown up |
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2008 24 December :: 11.16am
This is Mike's puppy: Tank

This is my kitty: Titty

So yesterday started off to be a bad day.
Dog got into the trash, and made messes on the floor.
But I got 75 dollars from work!
And then I waited around at my dads with my brother for my check..
Oh, and then I got stuck in the snow trying to turn around to go get my check.
So I waited for my daddy and my brother to come get me unstuck.
Quite the eventful day.
Now it is christmas eve, and I have to wrap presents, bake brownies for my dad and brother for getting me unstuck yesterday.. and then make my way to belding, and then to go up to black lake to have christmas with mike's daughter and whatnot..
4 All grown up |
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2008 23 December :: 4.03pm
I run it myself like a quarterback option
Gonna be a gooooooood end of december. christmas, UFC 92 next, then clutch. im not sure if it could get any better.
edit: it can get better, Mich State has a bowl game, and michigan doesnt. booya!.
3 All grown up |
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2008 22 December :: 3.36pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: "If I ever leave this world alive" by: Flogging Molly
Ah, Christmas presents.
So, on Saturday our dad picked us up at about ten, and then I passed out on the couch immediately after arriving at his house. HaHa. But, the best was Sunday morning. We got our presents from him, our grandparents, and "Santa". I have to say, I have my own personal favourites when it came to what I got from them. The first being a box of herbal tea I got, it has a few different kinds of tea in it. It has the following: Chamomile, Peppermint, Lemon Zinger, Wild Berry Zinger, and Sleepy Time. Then, the second is a shit ton of art supplies I got. I got acrylic paints, sketch pads, a variety of pencils, erasers, sharpeners, paint palletes, and 25 brushes of different sizes and kinds. Then my Grandma T. got me "Twilight" and the new T.I. CD "Paper Trail". Those are my favourites.
So, one of these days, you will think to yourself "Hey, where is Samm, and why hasn't she posted anything?". I will be locked in my room, painting masterpieces, listening to T.I., and drinking awesome cups of tea. HaHa. Just so you know, that is where I will be. Or dead. HaHa.
OH! I almost forgot!!! I also got a new movie! "The Dark Knight". I was super happy when I opened it and realised it was now mine. Now, I will have one, and Doug(shh. He doesn't know yet) will have one.
And there are still presents coming. From Mom and Doug, whoever drew my name from the hat on one side of the family, and then doug's parents and grandma.
But, better be off. Have to get laundry and some chores done so either Jess can hopefully come over, or so I can get closer to locking myself away with my presents. HaHa. Bye.
-Samm d'Massacre
Have you given up?
2008 21 December :: 10.24am
This snow shit, can go away at any time.
Oh, and Im getting a doggie..
8 All grown up |
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2008 18 December :: 1.12pm
sweet mother of god....
Wandy vs Rampage 3!!!!!!! i dont care about the title fights! this is going to be the fucking shit. whos down for bdubs?
Anybody see the g4 game of the year on xplay, and how adam sessler gets called out by kevin from aots? Makes pretty good sense though, how can fallout 3 win best rpg of the year, and fable 2 wins game of the year? i fail to see the logic.
4 All grown up |
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2008 17 December :: 5.52pm
:: Music: Sorry - Buckcherry
Cause everything inside it never comes out right
And when I see you cry it makes me want to die
I have watched him suffer through the death of a friend..
And exactly a month later, for the course of about a month I watched him suffer the pain of watching his mother suffer until she passed away.
I have seen him at his weakest moments, and his strongest moments and the moments in between when he was lost in his own body.
I have helped him mend the pieces of a broken heart that I caused.
I have fought with him over serious things, and stupid things.
I've seen the fury in his eyes and the anger eat at him like a bacteria.
I've felt the distance grow and then be wiped away.
I've felt the butterflies day after day after day for over three years.
He's helped me through my roughest moments.
Wiped away a million undeserved tears.
Helped me mourn the loss of two friends.
Brought me chocolate shakes when I'm sick.
Let me get a cat even though he's allergic.
Let me keep the cat even though she's had an accident or two in the chair.
Let me fall asleep in his arms and wake up in his arms.
Our love is thicker than molasses.
I could go on and on describing our relationship, and its imperfections but it would take me days, and I would end up over analyzing everything to the point where I was stir-crazy, so I won't.
Christmas makes me cherish the ones I love. Makes me think about what I have, what I've lost, and what I could have.
This time of year makes me emotional.
November 21st this year was 7 years since my grandpa passed away.
December 23rd this year will be 4 years since my grandma passed away.
8 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 17 December :: 11.53am
:: Music: "Love you till the end" by: The Pogues
8 More Days!!!
It's nearing closer and closer. And it's getting hellish at stores and malls.
Speaking of hellish, last night, me and my mom left to go to Muskegon at about 10 o' clock, and usually it takes us 45 minutes to get there...well, we were driving in a snow storm. It was hell frozen over on earth! It took us an hour and a half just to get there. And on the way there, we had a couple scares. Mom could not see the middle of the road, or where the side of the road ended, so we were basically just guessing on where we were supposed to drive. Then, the speed limit on the road we take is usually around 60 mph, well, we were only going 35, and some guy came up on our ass, at about 70 mph, went around us, and left us in a shit ton of stirred up snow, and that blinded us. The majority of the street lights were not turned on, so it looked like star wars out there with the snow flying directly into our windshield. Well, when we got to Doug's Grandma's house, we stayed for a little bit, and we would have stayed over and slept there if Doug didn't have to work, but then we were off. We had to go to Wal-Mart to get cereal, milk, dog/cat food, "white elephant gifts" for the kids' church, and something for lunch for Doug to have. We got all of that....and then some. And on top of it all, mom wasted a few dollars trying to grab stuff in the crane machine. HaHa. Well, the ride home wasn't as bad, but it was still pretty bad. And we were actually kind of surprised that the kids had school today. I mean, we were, cos of the weather and the roads, but we also weren't because this new super intendent is a dick. Yeah. But, we didn't make it home until about 1:30am. And I had to clear off the back of the van and help put away groceries on top of it. So, I didn't get to bed until 2am. Which is when Doug wakes up for work. I have to say, it was the first night in a very long time where I didn't get a headache the next day. So, I am happy that today I am not going to be depending on Excedrin or Aspirin. But, I have a feeling that might change once Ava gets home. She was kind of cranky this morning, but, I hope she got better during school. Then, I also have to clean up the dining room and clean out our back closet, which is a mountain of shoes and coats. But, it's better than the chores I had to do two days ago. Which included cleaning behind the toilet. Gahh. Gross. But the funny thing is, I would rather do gross stuff like that, than the dishes. HaHa.
But, I think that is enough from me. Bye for now.
-Samm d'Massacre!
4 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 16 December :: 12.33pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: "If I ever leave this world alive" by: Flogging Molly
9 more days..
It's 9 more days until Christmas, my favourite Holiday EVER. It's funny because I used to be all about Halloween, and I went to the complete opposite and went to Christmas. I think it might have always been my favourite, but I never realised it. Yet again, back when Halloween was my favourite Holiday I was into darker things. But, I should let you know, Christmas isn't my favourite Holiday for the religious reason. Not at all. I am an Atheist, so, I don't believe that mumbo jumbo about Jesus and what not. For me, it's the traditions we have as a family, and it's probably the happiest day for my family. Not because of the presents or the food, it's because we are all finally together. There's not as much bickering and fighting, which when it comes to the younger kids it is partially because of presents and food, but when it comes down to me and my mom and Step Dad, it's the family time.
So, it's in just a little over a week. And I am torn because I cannot wait for Christmas day, but at the same time, I don't want the anticipation to end. I like keeping the decorations up, and I love making the cookies and putting the frosting on them, I love Having the lights out at night and the only thing going is the tree and decorative lights in the dining room, I like the Candy Canes and Hot Cocoa. I love the feeling I get when I look out the window with a cup of tea or hot cocoa in my hand and I all I see is gorgeous white snow. I like the wreaths that are hung up on the door. I like making my Wintry welcome signs. I love waking up Christmas morning and seeing all of the kids smiling and laughing. I like the traditional Christmas morning Cinnamon Rolls and Coffee we have. If I could, I would live in that damn Christmas Land in "The Nigthmare Before Christmas". HaHa. I'm a dork and I am aware of it. But, hey, at least I am fine and content with that fact. Pretty Proud of it actually.
But, here comes my Christmas countdown. So, if you are grouchy around this time of year, hide your eyes from my blog. Because I can almost guarantee these posts will have at least one thing about Christmas in them for the next 9 days.
But, a grumpy little Three year old needs my help with getting colouring pictures set up. Bye.
9 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 15 December :: 7.43pm
Things have been pretty crazy lately, and are finally starting to calm down.
We have the house to ourselves.
Haven't lived by ourselves since August.
Im signed up for spring classes.
Hopefully the funding goes through.
I started talking to Tara a lot more latley, and it makes me miss the past.
When I lived a more adventurous life.
When nothing mattered but having fun.
I don't do spontaneous things anymore.
And I should.
I need to, but I really don't have anyone to do them with because I have distanced myself so much from everyone.
Put miles between us.
I really miss hanging out with friends.
Not that I don't love hanging out with Mike, but ya know..
2 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 13 December :: 1.00pm
God damn you people. Woohu gives me chuckles. thank you all for a very entertaining couple of updates.
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2008 11 December :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: Fuck it...
I'm done!
I dont see how something can go from being about David and Mindy and turn into me showing my 'true colors' and apparently being the biggest bitch in the world and losing friends. I just have one thing to say to those of you that this concerns...
Fuck you.
If I'm such a bad fucking person for not putting my nose where it doesn't belong then you can go to hell. Dont talk to me anymore and dont act like your some sort of force to be wrecken with or something because you're not.
I dont need this kind of bullshit in my life.
I'm better than this, I'm better than you, and I'm happy with my life and dont need to worry about what other people or saying because in my case, shit isn't true and never will be true.
I'm happy with or without such idiots in my life...
Have you given up?
2008 11 December :: 12.34am
:: Music: lil wayne - walk it out (chalk it out)
i have tickets to see Clutch on the 31st. Be jealous. i also spent about an hour of my day today think if i would like to start wrestling again. watching the ufc got me thinking about all of that stuff again. it was so much fun and i was actually pretty sweet at it. only thing that sucks is i would definatly have to cut smoking anything wayyyyyyyyyy down, just to get back to my conditioning. i think i could make weight at 155 and that would give me a huge advantage. i just wish i knew of a league that didnt do it at highschools. i loved freestyle but im not about to start travling to high schools every weekend to wrestle.
oh, josh koscheck = pimp. got his most destructive KO in his career tonight, and he has been one of my favorite fighters since i got into UFC.
4 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 8 December :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: productive
Don't mean to flip flop..
But I am sick of feeling angry towards my dad. I am tired of feeling like all he does is blow the chances I give him. Once again, do not mean to flip flop, but I am done. I really am. And not done as in finished with him. I think me and him just need to have a heart to heart. No, he is not the easiest person to talk to, in fact, he is the hardest person I know of to talk to. About anything. Unless it's cars, Harley's, Tattoos, Music, or whatever else he is into. But, I really am just exhausted with this whole mess. And so I believe now it is time to clean it up. Try my best to make things work. Make things decent at the least. Any step forward would be better than this, right now. I think I am doing the mature thing, and also the best thing for us both. I don't want to have a bad relationship with my dad. I don't want the only things I say about him to be bad ones. I would really hate it if me and him ended up in the future with no communication or relationship with each other. I want to hear things from him first hand. Not from extended family members or my siblings. I don't want to look back on this and think "Why didn't I just talk to him about how I was feeling?".
So I am making the decision to talk it out.
"I think you guys just need to sit down and hash all of this stuff out"...I think you're right, Mom. And I trust you. So I am going to.
No more angry blogs about my father...I hope anyways.
Wish me luck.
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