2004 24 May :: 5.44pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: The Nightmare Before Christmas-Jack's Lament
today SUCKED.
yes, yes it did.
i didn't get into advanced jazz because she had to take upperclassman, and i'm only in leadership staff if jeff is drum major.
actually, i could phrase that more positively. if jeff is drum major, i'm in leadership staff!
hmm. so yeah.
this week should be crazy with choral music. i'm hoping that for the most part this is good. :0/
soooo...voice lesson was okay. eh.
i have a ton of homework so i'll go now. :0(
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2004 17 May :: 4.14pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Jeckyll and Hyde-Facade
I'd just like to say 'hi' to everyone who reads this. It never ceases to amaze me how many people really click on this link and discuss my entries.
To try to minimize the possibility that I might write yet ANOTHER controversial or secretive thing in here about any of you, I'd really appreciate it if you'd sign below that you read this. Just click on 'sing to me' at the bottom, check 'anonymous', and type your name. Thank you!
Sorry to all of you die-hard Melissa's Journal fans, but I'll keep this post up for a week. Let's hope nothing major happens...:0D
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2004 14 May :: 7.35pm
:: Mood: bored
A is for – Age: 15
B is for - Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope. But I have my eye on someone...
C is for - Career in Future: conductor, psychologist, music teacher, music therapist
D is for - Dead person you would like to meet: Ummm...? Any suggestions?
E is for - Essential item: Bed.
F is for - Favorite song at the moment: Nightmare Before Christmas-What's This? omg orgasmic falsetto action...
G is for - Guy/Girls you've kissed: Well...
H is for - Hometown: Los Altos, W00T!
I is for - Instruments you play: Clarinet and oboe.
J is for - Job title: Student.
L is for - Living places: Home. Duhr! Second homes include the barn and my church.
M is for - Memory of the day: Today? Definitely choral union. HAHAHAHA!
N is for - Number of people slept with: Online or in person? JUST KIDDING! None in person.
O is for - Overnight hospital stays: Unless you count the weeks I was in the hospital after I was born...
P is for – Phobias: Not getting into MSS, not finding a boyfriend (lol), marching band suddenly dissapearing
Q is for - Quote you like: "So, are you going to do Main Street next year?" -Charlie
(Oh Charlie...I wish!)
R is for - Relationship that lasted the longest: I don't like this question.
S is for - Sexuality: Straight. Yes. I like men. A LOT.
T is for - Time you wake up everyday: 6:55 Monday-Friday except for 6:00 on Thursdays and during MB.
U is for - Unique trait(s): Well...I can sound completely innocent and be talking about sex. It's wonderful. Just listen in on some of my conversations...
V is for - Vegetable you love: Sweet peas. Especially Marcella's. mmm...:0D
W is for - Worst habit: Changing the subject so that it's about ME. And...thinking that every male is hot? Procrastinating too.
X is for - X-rays you've had: Teeth, pinkie finger and ankle. (Wisdom teeth impacted, fractured finger in 2 places and sprain.)
Y is for - Yummy food you make: Hahaha...ummm cookies? Mac n Cheese?
Z is for - Zodiac sign: Aquarius (I bet YOUR zodiac sign doesn't have a SONG about it!)
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2004 14 May :: 5.24pm
:: Mood: content
Yes, that is a word. It means "happiness at the misfortune of others." Today I experienced quite a bit of schadenfreude. It was very nice. VERY, VERY nice. OMG it made things sooo much better you would not believe. It was good...(or bad, as you could also say...)
But anyway, MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Ohhh it felt good. SOOOO good. Like, I don't know...revenge? But I didn't cause it to happen...guilt-free. Just ask and I'd be GLAD to tell you.
Bio test was bad. But I knew it would be. Oh well...:0/
If your name is Nicole, Ali, Sara, Sarah, Louise, or Molly, you have something in common. Please read between the lines. Thank you. :0D
Wow, this is quite a secretive entry, isn't it? Sorry.
I didn't do very well on the Bio SAT II. :0( My mom said it was an okay score, though... Ehhhh...not happy about that.
I have to have my lines memorized for Jack's Journey tomorrow. HA. Right...
My pool is being refilled. (It was just resurfaced.) Coolness.
Ummmm....I love Shannon and Nat. Shannon gave me a burned copy of Jeckyll and Hyde today, and Nat gave me a burned copy of a CD with the Messa di Gloria that we sang at the Winter Concert on it. :0D I'm not sure how obsessed I am with Jeckyll and Hyde, though. It's kind of long and repetitive...:0/
ANYWAY, I think I finally care less about stuff. Probably an effect of the schadenfreude. Yay!
Bored now. Adieu! (btw, that word is SOOO SEXY. I'm not sure why. But it is.)
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2004 9 May :: 8.48pm
:: Mood: curious
c'est amusant.
My Mormon name is Heavenly Melanie LaRose! What's yours?
we were talking about mormons and their senior pranks today in sunday school...haha!
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2004 7 May :: 7.14pm
:: Mood: better
OMG I have the greatest friends EVER. I was really dissapointed and hurt about not getting the Choral Music award, so NAT MADE ME MY OWN CERTIFICATE AND GOT ALL THESE PPL TO SIGN IT!!! SOOO SWEET!!
It's the greatest thing EVER. And it means soo much more to me than the real thing. Honestly. Thank you sooo much!
Thank you:
Emily P.
<3 you guys SOO MUCH!!
Okay I have to type what this award says, it's sooo cute!
OutstanSing Achievement
Melissa Rose
is presented the
Achievement Award in Choral Music *MB too :-)*
All Her Friends
*there's a seal that says "We Love You!" on the side!!
(and then everyone signed it!!)
Charlie added the MB too :-) part. AWWWW!!!
You guys, that TOTALLY made my week!! I was having a pretty shitty time of it too, so THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
Tonight should be fun (but I decided not to go to the band thing...the computer shall i say...umm...inviting at the moment, if you know what i mean...) ;-)
Tomorrow I'm going to see Alice and then endure a 6 hour rehearsal at church. 4 hours of group rehearsal and then 2 of principles dialogue rehearsal. OMG. Ugh. Oh won't be so bad!! :0D
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2004 7 May :: 11.11pm
:: Mood: angry
do you ever have the feeling that you'd like nothing better than to stab someone in the back and then break down in hysteria, sobbing like a maniac?
ha. let's HOPE not.
one acts were funny. some are confusing and sorta weird...
okay, can my hormones like SETTLE DOWN now?!?! can i have like a NOT DRAMATIC day for once? can bad things just STOP HAPPENING?!? PLEASE?!?!
yes, another thing has happened. terrance is not allowed to be in marching band next year.
LIFE, QUIT DEALING ME THIS SHIT! (as if that'll help...)
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2004 5 May :: 5.21pm
:: Mood: bitchy
MMM (the Mantra of Molly and Melissa)
I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing. I love to sing.
I love...Paige! I love Paige. I love Paiage. (Mackenzie: Who's Paige?!!? Molly and Mel: Voice teacher. Mackenzie: oohhh...) I love Paige. I love Paige.
*with increased fervor as we realize we STILL have to suffer through 90 mins of singing*
Well, we made it through the period. We had to make "I love to sing" gestures across the room to each other during the hard times, but we made it.
Wow am I angry...
Worked with Ellen on the french play after school. It was fun...I got to say that I met a guy at band camp who was in Broken Box, MSS, AND played trumpet. His name is Sean. LOL. :0D That totally made my day. Ellen and I totally rock at french playwriting. Oh baby. lol. It'll be fun.
The worst time to deal with bad things happening in your life is when you're experiencing PMS. Yes, it SUCKS.
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2004 4 May :: 8.38pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: My Life Is Disappointing/Fuck You, Mr. ******-The inner workings of Melissa
Not gonna lie to you. I am PISSED. Why? Oh, well, that too, but mostly because of a certain TEACHER. No, not the one I was previously pissed at. This teacher clearly forms love/hate relationships with all of his students. You can't 'sort of' like this person. It just doesn't happen.
And it's not just that I deserved an award, it's that I know OTHER people in my class who deserved it as well. Other people who deserved it even more than I do, and WERE NOT awarded approprately. In fact, I can name 3 of these individuals, 2 freshman, one sophmore. Someone is clearly...*insert mean things here*
Oh, saw a little of one of the one-acts. LOL. OMFG. Need to see this. Appropriate title as well.
Haha! I came home today and was like "Mom, I had a bad day!" and she was like, "So let's have a good dinner. What do you want?" "MASHED POTATOES WITH BACON BITS AND STEAK!! WHOO!"
And that's what we ate.
Oh, and I love a certain person. A mom, that is. She's sooo sweet. I'm thinking of getting her something for Mother's day. Because really, she's done SOOO much for me. I LOVE YOU!! *hugs and ENDLESS gratitude to a very special woman in my life :0D*
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2004 4 May :: 5.30pm
:: Mood: crappy
when music becomes depressing, my life is HELL
...and music is depressing, with only one exception: voice lessons with Paige. I love that woman with ALL of my heart. She's heaven-sent, i'm sure of it. I wish I could just LIVE at her house. Now THAT'D be nice.
Why is music depressing? Let's think about this:
church music= jerry and the musical. and we all know how the entire youth feels about that. the musical is CRAP. and jerry...need i say more? i think i've said enough.
the ONLY high of church music= andrew and the rest of the gang. courtney and christina and annie and kyle and chris' comments especially. oh, and laura and claire and ellory are cute how they all LOVE being 'my children'. :0D
school music= NOOO!!! why?
1) Guess.
2) Mr. Shaull being mean. If you've taken a class from him, you understand.
3) Me NOT being awarded the vocal music award. And who did? Sharon and Katherine. WHY? Katherine=lots of experience and G21+no will to talk in class (who would she talk to?) so she's very well-behaved. Sharon=most improved by far.
Now let's think about this: where does this leave the people who came into the class semi-experienced and have greatly improved because of their INDIVUDUAL DETERMINATION and POSITIVE ATTITUDE? (aka Molly, Rachel, Julia, and myself) Apparently not good enough for an award for OUR hard work. *grumbles*
Now for instrumental music:
Band: Nonexistant. Now why the HELL we don't march on the off-season, I couldn't tell ya.
Clarinet: Jazz=good. Not practicing except for lessons=not so good. Lessons themselves=not so good. This makes it 66% not so good at 33% good. Not the best ratio.
Oboe: COMPLETELY NONEXISTANT. *SOBS* I neither have a suitable oboe to PLAY, NOR do I have an ensemble in which to play it, OR a teacher. Fuck. I MISS THE OBOE LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!
English Horn: Too expensive. Not gonna happen. Damnit.
Piano: Teacher and time needed. Neither available at the moment.
And that's my life. Gotta love how Mr. Freeman thinks my essays are profound when I don't even breathe a word of history into them. LOL. Yay for full credit on the extra credit essay, though!! HECK YEAH! Gotta also love how we're doing Romeo and Juliet in english just as I'm feeling like a suicidal Juliet. LOL. It's just soo incredibly helpful. NOT. Too much love in that movie. I WANT SOME OF IT, DAMNIT!
and now for Eric's impressions of me. Eric is a FUNNY, FUNNY, red-headded little man.
pseudolus98: yo
Horseeyoregal: yo yo yo
Horseeyoregal: get funky
Horseeyoregal: duhduhduhduh
pseudolus98: u
pseudolus98: r
pseudolus98: w
pseudolus98: e
pseudolus98: i
pseudolus98: r
pseudolus98: d
pseudolus98: really
Horseeyoregal: yes, i know
pseudolus98: gess what
Horseeyoregal: what?
Horseeyoregal: chicken BUTT!
pseudolus98: im singing
Horseeyoregal: right now?
Horseeyoregal: or in the future?
pseudolus98: now
Horseeyoregal: sexy sexy my man
Horseeyoregal: way to sing
Horseeyoregal: heck yeah
pseudolus98: so bye bye miss american pie
Horseeyoregal: drove mah chevy to the levy but the levy was drie
Horseeyoregal: dry*
pseudolus98: do you recall what was the feel the day the music died
Horseeyoregal: TODAY
Horseeyoregal: when i found out that OTHER, STUPID ppl got the singing award
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2004 3 May :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: REM-The End Of The World
good song. LALALALA!! voice lessons are WONDERFUL things.
Its the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) Lyrics - Document Album
That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear - cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...fine...
(It's time I had some time alone)
except that i don't quite feel fine. but apparently francesco might go out with me!! and i had a date to MA's prom!! ('had' because my mom won't pay for bids...but i had a date!! and he's HOT HOT HOT!!)
oh, and andrew really DOES make me :0D. it's the best thing in the world to sing with him. he's just so cool! yay for jokes and people who want to comfort me!
and now jokes, compliments of ANDREW!!!
"Once upon a time, a beautiful young antelope had a wild date in the forest, so she was getting all gussied up—new dress, makeup, everything. Suddenly, as she was just about ready, she was stampeded by a herd of wildebeests, becoming the world's first self-dressed, stamped antelope."
"How do we know that Adam and Eve were Lutheran?
Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a piece of fruit?"
"My cousin is a transvestite. He likes to eat, drink and be Mary."
"One day the captain of the royal barge went down to address the slaves chained to the oars. "Men, the good news is that the queen will be joining us today for a trip up the river. The bad news is she wants to go water skiing."
"There's been a falling-out between Madonna and Cher. Apparently they're no longer on a first-name basis."
"What’s large, gray, and doesn’t matter?
An irrelephant."
"Why did the blonde have square boobs?
She forgot to take the tissues out of the box"
"Why can't Episcopalians play chess?
They can't tell the difference between a bishop and a queen"
"What do you get when you mix beans and onions?
Tear gas."
oooh, this one's bad:
"How are blondes like cowpies?
The older they get, the easier they are to pick up."
"My name's Pavlov. Ring a bell?"
"The blonde was so proud because she finished a puzzle in 52 days that said "2-3 years.""
"What were the best three years of George Bush's life?
Grade 5"
and from his brother, david:
"ok how do u torture an engineer?
u strap them to a chair and fold a map the wrong way in front of them"
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ahhh so we might have a church-centered rafting trip this summer!! whooo!! it'd be like my family, the two guys who were sending me jokes, annie and ruthie, and chris!! YAY!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
as for other ppl...haha nah, jk.
I LOVE PAIGE!! AHHHH!!! she is my life. seriously. that woman is convinced that i'm going to be an opera conductor. I LOVE HER!!!
*props to for supplying andrew with jokes.
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2004 3 May :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Nightmare Before Christmas-This Is Halloween
sooo annoying...
So my mom somehow finds out that I've written all this crap about a certain incident that happened recently involving one of my teachers at school and tells me, at like 10:15 as i'm getting ready for bed, that I'd better delete it all because if the administration found out and it got back to that teacher, I could be kicked out of Ambassadors. ( I basically thought the admissions process was unfair and I was being given an unfair chance at being admitted to the organization.)
So ANYWAY, a few entires have been made private (friend's only, so sign in guys on my friend's list) and I've deleted bits and pieces.
I STILL have those raidical ideas about how this is FREEDOM OF THE 'PRESS' and if not that, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, GODDAMNIT!! This is MY JOURNAL, and I think I can write what I damn well want to! And besides, I'll tell that teacher to her face if she asks that I was incredibly angry with her for her shortness towards me as I tried to apply for Ambassadors. I felt like I was being given less of a chance!! She DIDN'T really give me a chance, either!
So whatever. Just a heads up that some stuff is now gone. God, this is annoying. I shouldn't have to censor my stuff in order to feel safe from the school admin. That's definitely not cool.
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2004 2 May :: 2.33pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: The Nightmare Before Christmas-What's This?
23rd entry, 5th line
So everyone's doing this thing on LJ where they post the 5th line of their 23rd entry. Well, my 23rd entry was a conversation between me and Nicole, so the 5th line was:
Horseeyoregal: it really is hella freaky that i wud think of that window thing
haha. funnylicious. creepy times...:-p
Oh, and the church musical is STILL incredibly crappy and cheesy. YOU SHOULD ALL COME, THOUGH!! Details later. 7 hours of rehersals per weekend now. crapola. And extra rehersals for leads. That'd be me. UGH.
Jazz is fun to play. Singing jazz with all of that weird crap is not. Clarinet is cool, but my teacher is not. And that is all I have to say.
Oh, one more thing. Andrew makes me :0D.
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2004 29 April :: 7.17pm
:: Mood: quacktacular
:: Music: Let's All Quack Like The Ducks Quack-You're a Retard. This isn't a real song!
So, I'm being bored and obsessive, and I stumble apon Jeff's (the freshman in college, not the junior at lahs) journal. It gets boring reading one drunken/stoned entry to the next, so I decide to raid his friends' list. YAY! Who do I find, but Greg! (The freshman in college again, not the junior at lahs.) This would be the Greg whose ass was accidentally grabbed by Nicole backstage during an LAYT production. Anyway, he's smart. So I'm reading, and I come across this:
"Something about those ducks. People talk about how stupid ducks are, but when you watch them for a few minutes, you begin to see how absolutely brilliantly they're engineered. I mean, yes, they walk funny, but watch them swim, look at them fly, then look at them rotate through all three effortlessly. It's almost as if making them walk was an afterthought.
So it comes down to a matter of function. Ducks swim well and fly well because that's what they're designed to do. But what are we desgined to do? Yeah, we eat, sleep, move around, but every animal does that and, relative to other animals, we don't do any of it that great. "
He's a genious. Actually, I just liked that it was about ducks. (Can't imagine why...)
STAR testing is a joke, and I like it! Adv. Jazz auditions went okay, would have been better if I had practiced more. Oh well. I did okay.
*this part of the entry deleted 5/3 because my mom thought it might be potentially bad for me if the school found out what i was typing...God...*
I've got to study Bio, but I won't. Just to spite her. (My mom, that is.) She threw a fit becuase I've been HAVING FUN with friends and spending NOT THAT MUCH of her money. I swear, it's been 2 weeks and I've borrowed $10. Yes, ten. I got a $20 so I could see Ali in Sleeping Beauty. I consequently spent it all when Sarah forgot to put extra money in her wallet. Did I care? NO! I'm a good friend! But then, when I ask for lunch money, I CAN'T HAVE ANY!! THAT $20 WAS APPARENTLY MY LUNCH MONEY AS WELL!! grrr...
Well, at least there's ONE MAN in my life who's good at comforting me!! The other's just a depressed old man who SEES LIFE THROUGH DARKENED EYES. Damn this depression of so many of our world's teens! BE HAPPY, DAMNIT!!! *snarl*
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2004 25 April :: 11.13pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Once Apon A Dream-Sleeping Beauty
it's kinda late...
i'm turning into much of a nocternal creature once's the curse of break, along with people online who'll talk to me at like 1 in the morning. haha. i'm sitting here eating cheescake, which i should really save for breakfast, seeing as i'm not hungry AT ALL right now.
gotta love sarah's family. my mom just goes crazy when i'm like 'i love their family. i love her mom. she's so cool.' she like flips out. she was like 'well maybe you should get BECKY a mother's day present.' ha. maybe i will. i'll write her a cute card that's like 'you're the coolest mom i know!! (aside from my own...but i can't tell her that. teenage mom's aren't supposed to know that they're loved. but you are! yay! way to be a super cool mom and hostess!'
now THAT would be nice. right well.
ate at the cheescake factory with the daddy-o and the rents. you'd think these mom, dad, mom's bf, me interactions would be awkward, but they're not really. maybe i'm just an extremely adjusted teenager. i love maggie. she's my pastor. she's always going on about how wonderful i am. ANYWAYS.
some people are just dipshits. i think they're cool anyway, but ya know. i love that word. DIPSHIT! YAY!
should be a sad, sad choir rehearsal tomorrow. 4 hours of HELL. yeah, the dance connection people think that THEIR rehearsals are bad, try singing with a lady who can neither conduct nor play piano. she's always going 'oh, and to think i was a piano performance major...' MY GOD. and our leading man, who i'm sort of crushing on (it's the annual spring melissa thinks andrew is hot thing that never amounts to anything but a lot of drama during church) won't even BE there because he's got a gig in soCal. HA! (band trip. he plays trumpet. YUMMM. he's good, too.) i mean wahhhh! haha. but yeah. operation: mel is going to get a date to the gunn jr./sr. prom begins next week. HELLZ TO THE YES! haha. dontcha just love how i go for the guys who totally aren't ready/into girls yet? it's wonderful! at least i'm being safe...
and i digress. anyway, went to sarah's house for dinner tonight. i love her family! nice conversation in a nice outdoor setting and yummy pasta. mmmm... sarah's room is AWESOME. full of ribbons and horse stuff. i felt right at home. :0D she has a rat!! it's awesome!
oh, and now i'm skipping around again. ANYWAY. we went shopping after eating and ran into becky and jeanette. i love becky. oh wait, i already said that. (this is my mom's cue to begin her hysteria.) ANYWAY. oh, i bought 2 cute tops and a lil skanky skirt that really isn't all that skanky. i could have gone for REALLY skanky skirts (that were sooo cute) but i didn't think i'd wear them in public. besides, NO ONE LOVES MY ASS. *tear* omg someone (i think it was ali or sarah) was like 'WOW, YOUR ASS IS FLAT!!' the other day. it was very sad.
went to see sleeping beauty (featuring our own alison and ruthie!) with nicole and sarah. twas fun. we bugged the people around us by saying skanky things and laughing quietly. nicole kept whispering funny stuff to me throughout the ballet. and then we guessed which classes each group was from. *sigh*
and omg james is hot. EAT ME. yeah. and prince desire was just so DESIREABLE. except not really. it was great.
and now i have idina menzel and christin chennoweth stuck in my head. quick! which musical is that? WICKED! (no, that's the name of the musical. HA.)
i'd better get to sleep. must read scripture in church tomorrow with the *evil* pastor. ha. don't tell anyone i said that. i might go to hell. NOT. ha. i am loved in thy sight. how nice. now may i please find a date to ANY prom? thanks.
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