2003 18 July :: 8.17 am
:: Mood: feh
3 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 16 July :: 7.08 pm
:: Mood: meh, feh, neh
:: Music: Abenteuerland
this may be a little longer than usual (fer me) cuz o' lyrics and fables...cheers
~~~~~Der Frosch und die Kuh~~~~~~~~~
Ein Frosch kommt mit sinen Kindern aus einem Teich. Eine Kuh trinkt as dem Teich. Der Frosch sieht die Kuh und denkt: ,,Welche ein schönes Tier! Wie gross und schön es ist! Ich bin nur ein kleiner Frosch, aber ich will so gross und schön werden wie diese Kuh. Wie kann ich das machen?" Dann bläst er sich auf, so stark wie er kann. ,,Bin ich nun so gross und schön wie die Kuh?" fragt er seine Kinder. ,,Nein, Vater, noch nicht", antworten die Kinder; Der Frosch bläst sich noch stärker auf und fragt wieder: ,,Bin ich nun so gross wie die Kuh?"-"Nein, Vater, noch nicht", anworteten die Kinder wieder. Da bläst sich der dumme Frosch noch stärker auf, platzt und ist tot.
~~~~Die Biene und die Nachtigall~~~~~~~
Eine Biene fällt ins Wasser. Eine Nachtigall sitzt auf einem Baum und sieht die Biene im Wasser. Sie sieht, dass die Biene ans Land schwimmen will. Sie nimmt ein Blatt vom Baum und lässt das Blatt ins Wasser fallen. Die Biene setzt sich auf das Blatt und kommt in wenigen Minuten glücklich ans Land.
Einige Tage später sitzt die Nachtigall wieder auf einem Baum. Ein Junge kommt, nimmt einen Stein und will die Nachtigall mit dem Stein töten. Schnell setzt sich die Biene auf die Hand des Jungen. Der Junge fühlt den Stachel der Biene, schreit, lässt den Stein fallen, und die Nachtigall fliegt weg.
Okay, now i'm in english (the crowd cheers in the background)...too bad i make just as many typos in german as in english ^^;
So, lake michigan...tis a good lake...i love it muchly, especially in the summertime (and it's summer now, so i love it especially)...too bad my fave season is fall...meh.
Ben, i kinda majorly need ter use yer cd burner...as i have many cd's that i need to have burned...some for Tina and some fer Pickerd. Dun worry, i'll ask dad to help as well, tho his cd burner isn't as good as either yours or Rachel's.
Der triste Himmel macht mich krank
ein schwere graues Tuch
das die Sinne fast erstickt
die Gewohnheit zu besuch
Lange nichts mehr aufgetankt
die Batterien sind leer
in ein Labyrinth verstickt
ich seh' den Weg nicht mehr
ich will weg
ich will raus
ich will-wünsch mir was
und ein kleiner Junge nimmt mich an die Hand
Er winkt mir zu und grinst:
komm' hier weg
komm' hier raus
komm' ich zeig dir was
das du verlernt hast
vor lauter verstand
komm' mit
komm' mit mir ins Abenteuerland
auf deine eigne Reise
komm' mit mir ins Abenteuerland
der Eintritt kostet den Verstand
komm' mit mir ins Abenteuerland
und tu's auf deine Weise
deine Phantasie schenkt dir ein Land
das Abenteuerland
Neue Form
verspielt und wild
die Wolken mallen ein Bild
der Wind pfieft dazu dieses Lied
in dem sich jeder Wunsch erfüllt
ich erfinde, verwanle mit Zauberkraft
die Armee der Zeigefinger brüllt :du spinnst!
ich streck den finger aus
ich verhexe, verbanne, ich hab' die Macht
solange der Kleine da im Spiegel noch grinst
komm' mit
komm' mit mir ins Abenteuerland
auf deine eigne Reise
komm' mit mir ins Abenteuerland
der Eintritt kostet den Verstand
komm' mit mir ins Abenteuerland
und tu's auf deine Weise
deine Phantasie schenkt dir ein Land
das Abenteuerland
Peter Pan und Captain Hook mit siebzehn Feuerdrachen
alles kannst du sehen, wenn du willst
Donnervögel, Urgeschrei, Engel, die laut lachen
alles kannst du hören, wenn du willst
Du kannst flippen, flitzen, fliegen und das grösste Pferd kriegen
du kannst tanzen, taumeln, träumen und die Schule versäumen
alles das ist möglich in dir drin in deinem Land
trau dich nur zu spinne, es liegt in deiner Hand
*if y'all want translations, just ask and i'll try my best*
5 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 8 July :: 5.38 pm
:: Mood: good bye
:: Music: sayonara
it's all my fault, i can't help but say...
it's my fault that she is hurting this way...
i spoke my mind
i shoulda had more control...
and she took it in
and was hurt by the truth that i unfolded...
because i spoke about her
in a truthful way
but made it sound harsh
and it made her cry...
because i was her friend
her confident
her accomplice in crime...
but i blew it all
when i spoke my mind...
i shoulda told her sooner
or not said anything at all...
but who can let something like that simmer in their mind
for many months long?
i have talked w/ a friend
and tried to sort out my confusion
and in the end
i have come to a conclusion...
i can no longer
type what i think or feel
on these journals of mine
here online...
but instead confide my thoughts and feelings
in my journal offline...
don't stop me
don't point
or cry...
because it's my fault she's hurt
it's me to blame...
but one request i have before i go
please have her read this
so that she will know
that i am sorry for not telling her
too soon or too late
and that you reap what you sow
and i'm learning that the hard way...
so good bye friends
new aquaintances and old
i won't be hearing you anytime soon
because of my writing being so bold...
bie liao
au revoir
that's all i can say
and hopefully i'll see y'all
again someday...
1 Bite |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 7 July :: 2.24 pm
:: Mood: grrrr
well, looks like i got wangled into goin to a dumb ol youth group dealy tonite, against my will of course. I guess Chad called while i was in the shower, so i called him back and found out that we're havin some open youth center dealy tonite and Tews (the evil youth dude himself) said that i was goin (and of course i wouldn't go, even if i was dead) so i mumbled and said sommat aboot evil capitalist pigs and commies making people go to sommat that they dun wanna go to...and well, Rachel doesn't wanna go cuz it's my youth group (and that explains alot, those conceited peeps who don't like me just cuz i am who i am)...yep, it's a monday. I hate mondays. And mum's goin on and on aboot how wonderful and mighty Chad is (i cough as i think about my wonderful dream w/ him) and how sweet Brit is and all that dumb flowery stuff...i hate my life, please take me outta it before i do it myself...i frown and spit and do The Insult...sorry, just ramblings today from the mind of someone who, if she had the chance and guts, would probably run away from home and never come back. maybe i should just go to my room and cry, if i could cry...now i'll just repeat my favourite phrase over and over for a little bit. Moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru moeru...i wanna die, or swim, or burn, or die, or swim, or burn, or do a ben (skip), or lose my sanityness, or burn, or die, or swim, or squirt someone w/ water, or shoot something, or kick something, or watch a depressing movie, or watch Trigun, or watch Hellsing, or set fire to the house, or...
4 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 6 July :: 11.45 am
:: Mood: bikeriding
:: Music: Spiel mit mir
So...Tina and i might be agoin' bike riding today, would anybody like to join us???? Please say yes!!!!!! I'm all lonely and need a break from the family!!!!!!!! If y'all wanna come, we'll be leavin...ummm, i dunno, but we'll pro'ly be aridin ter Belmont and then back (a good 10 miles) so if ridin is yer thing, just call me!!!!!! I'll be happy to take yer call!!!!!! And if you don't know what me phone # is, just ask Rachel, Ray, Ben, Kelly, or who knows who else ^_^
Cheers! (and please call!!! please!!!)
1 Bite |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 3 July :: 10.03 am
:: Mood: sleepy yet satisfied
Well y'all, i finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesserday!!!! w00t!!!!!! So lemme see...i read it in...a day and a half? I finished it around 11:50. Twas a good book, i know i'll be purchasing it and reading it over and over once i get money...anyways, i wanna comment on a few of the characters (i'll try not to give any spoilers)
Percy is a big humongous git
Professor Umbridge can burn
I actually pity poor teenager Snape
Neville can be pretty brave
Voldemort is one evil dude
Ron needs to practice, or learn to ignore slytherin's remarks
I kinda like that Tonks person, i wish i had her gift...it'd be fun!
Fudge can roast in a pit of them fire newts w/ professor Umbridge
Goes to show everyone that Hagrid can't tell the difference between a dangerous animal and a safe one
Hermione won't ever give up the house elf fight
Kreacher shoulda been beheaded years ago
Malfoy is an annoying, twisted little prat (sorry Jackie, but in this book he was)
Dumbledore is very cool
J.K. Rowling is brilliant
I simply adore Fred and George...i want to buy some of their stuff
Ginny is an interesting character, i hope she continues where Fred and George left off
Sirius Black...he's like a dad/bro to harry...
Mad-eye Moody is sw33t!
I don't like Cho Chang...never have, never will
Luna Lovegood is an interesting person
Mrs. Weasely makes me laugh when she yells
Lupin is pretty cool himself
Mr. Weasely needs to stay out of muggle medicines and whatnot
Harry has a pretty nasty temper, it reminds me of my own...
You represent... anger.
Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to... freak out easily. Overly emotional about everything, you're most prone to bouts of cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be afraid of the fact that you explode so easily, but at least you're honest... even if you're honest about not liking anything.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
3 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 28 June :: 10.02 pm
:: Mood: ach neh
:: Music: t.v.
Dear Die-ary,
Well, we went and got Tina today!!! w00t!!!!! So now she'll be here until July 31st...hnnnn...i'm sleepy...
I touched the 5th Harry Potter book today and drooled over it for about 5 minutes, then put it back up on the book shelf dealy in the airport store and looked longingly at it (shooting looks at the parental units to see if their hearts would soften. Big woop, they didn't) i really wanna read that book...meh, i'll get it at meijer sometime when i get money...that's the problem, i don't have money at the moment...well, hardly any
Well, love y'all!!! Jackie, i LOOOOOOOVE the keychain!!!! ^_^
3 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 16 June :: 3.49 pm
:: Mood: DDR
:: Music: DDR
*gasp twitch* need...DDR...*twitch*
Quiz By
2 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 14 June :: 10.31 am
Your ideal mate is Nightcrawler. His appearance may be a bit off-putting, but his heart and personality more than make up for it. He is shy and isn't very sociable and comes off as a bit of a loner (but you'll fix that). He is also devoted and strong, and he always seems to just *pop* up whenever you need him the most. : )
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only) brought to you by Quizilla
Well, the friends from WI came a little after 7 last night. I felt very ill at ease...and nervous. Sarah and i have like nothing in common anymore, it's kinda scary. Sarah's sister, Michelle, is a lot taller than i remember, and she has glasses. David, the older brother, celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday, and no he didn't go down to the beer tents at the dealy down town. Sarah looks like she usually does, long brown hair and a smile that brightens up a room. Michelle has semi short blond hair and is almost as tall as Sarah. David looks like himself, tall and skinny and cute in a geeky sort of way (don't groan, it's just an observation)...
I can't wait til tonight!!!! Being w/ Sarah again is great, but i just don't feel comfortable around her the way i feel comfortable around y'all...i must vroom, i'm computering illegally right now ^_^
3 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 12 June :: 10.11 pm
:: Mood: meh
Just some quick notes
Hola, just ta let y'all know (if you don't know already), some friends from wisconson are coming tomorrow. They'll be stayin' until sunday...
Rachel: Mum and dad basically chewed me out when i said i wanted you here tomorrow to be w/ me when the Sebalds come...not even for FLCL-_- so i went ahead and watched the first 2 dvds (please don't kill me!!!) but not the last one, it's a bootleg and can only be run on the computer. I sorry!!!!!!!
Kristy: I know you're already gone, but have fun muchly in France!!!
Ben: I miss ya!!!!!!!
Kyle: Glad you're back!!!!!
BenG: Hola ^_^
Kelly: I dunno if you'll get ta read this, but i miss ya and hope ya have fun in WI!!!!!
Esther: I'll keep on postin' me story until we get to Rachel's fave part *cough cough*
Jackie chan: i think i'm gettin' better at DDR (tho only a little), but you are the m4d l33t ruler of DDR!!!! ^_^ w00t!!!
Brett: Hola dude i hardly ever talk to!!! How's life?
Jessie: I hope you can come to the start of summer celebration w/ your family tomorrow!!! Cross yer fingers, toes, legs, arms, and anything else!!!!!
6 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 12 June :: 12.16 pm
Kira stared. Willow was sitting on the floor and playing with what looked like balls of energy that were floating in the air and juggling themselves. Willow looked up and flashed her trademark smile, the balls of glowing light disappearing in an instant.
“So, how did it go?”
Kira smiled weakly, “Looks like you’ve got yourself a new partner and trainee.”
“Really?!” Willow’s green eyes brightened up. “How nice of master! I’ve been wanting to have someone to work with, I get so lonely sometimes, and now master’s letting you work with me!!!” She was jumping up and down like a child who’d been given $100 for five minutes in a sweets shop. Then she cocked her head, “I’m sorry, but I’ve never even asked what your name was! How rude of me!”
“It’s K-Itami,” Kira tried to run over her new name, but her tongue still wanted to say ‘Kira’.
“Itami. . . that’s a different name,” Willow puzzled. “Doesn’t it mean pain?”
Kira nodded, “To show the pain that I’ve gone through.”
Willow reached out a twig-like finger and brushed a stray lock of hair back from Kira’s face. “Hopefully life hasn’t been that painful,” she murmured, emerald eyes shining with tears, “at least not the pain that I’ve gone through.” Then she smiled, shaking her head as if she could rid herself of the rears, “Come with me now dear, might as well show you how to find everything without getting lost.”
~*~ 6 months later
Kira stood in front of a n elf who was still sleeping, she had been trying to wake him up for more than half an hour, but he was as stubborn as a mule.
“Get up!” She whispered in his ear, but he only turned around. she threatened in broken elvish, holding up a bucket filled to the brim with water that she was to use to clean the floors.
The elf grumbled and sat up, eyes opening slowly. “Oh, it’s you Itami. I thought you were Silu for a moment, she always threatens for dump something on me if I don’t wake up,” he yawned and stretched, purposely brushing against Kira.
She groaned and spoke with a measure of ice that hadn’t been in her voice before, “Come on, the master wants you to go and see him after you’re done with your daily battle of wits with Cookie.”
The elf got out of bed and walked past Kira to the door, brushing seductively against her on his way. She glared daggers into his back, then smiled innocently as he turned around to face her.
“Do you want to watch the battle?” he asked, hope shining in his eyes.
Kira allowed an affectionate smile to grace her face for a moment, “Sorry Lee, I can’t. I have a lot of work to do today.” And with that she started to make the elf’s bed.
“Well. . . okay. . .” he sighed, “but promise me you’ll escort me to the master today.”
Looking up from the bed sheets she was straightening, Kira nodded, “Of course.”
Then Lee walked out, and Kira let out a sigh of relief. Ever since she had started working at Nemphis’s castle, Lee had made it known that he wanted her in his bed, though he wouldn’t force her . . . much. Finished with cleaning the elf’s room, it never was too messy, something Kira couldn’t stand, she went over to the kitchens to bring breakfast to Nemphis’s private breakfast room. She caught a sight of Cookie in a passionate embrace with Willow; they had become bedmates not long after Kira arrived. Shaking her head and making a thumbs up sign at Willow, Kira went over to where the platter was for her to take to Nemphis. It was a little larger, and heavier, than usual, so she assumed that Nemphis must be entertaining guests. She balanced the heavy tray on her shoulder and started the complicated walk to the private breakfast room, which was in the center of a garden maze.
Kira looked up at the sky as she wove her way expertly through the maze, the sun had risen only a few hours ago and now it was lighting up the sky, making Kira feel magical even if she was only a human.
An angel passed her as she reached the entry to the breakfast room and bowed to her before taking off, a feather falling as he flew into the sky. Juggling the breakfast tray for a moment, Kira bent down and picked up the feather, whish was as black as coal. How strange, she thought to herself, I’ve never seen an angel with black wings before . . .But she didn’t have a long time to brood, her master was hungry and she didn’t want to turn into anything because she was late.
Nemphis looked up from the piece of parchment he was reading when Kira entered, silver tray full of food balanced expertly on her shoulder. His eyes roamed over her body, noting that she was looking womanlier than ever in the uniform she had to wear. It was a short, black, tight dress that hugged her body, showing off her curves, with a crisp, white apron tied around her slim waist. She looked fresh and strong from the work he gave her.
“Here’s your breakfast milord,” Kira spoke, interrupting Nemphis’s musings and set the tray full of food down on the white marble table. She looked blankly ahead as two daemons and a centaur entered the room and sat down at the table.
“Thank you, Itami,” Nemphis motioned with his head for her to lean over and whispered in her ear, “there’s something I’d like to tell you, but I can’t tell you here and risk blowing your cover. Come t my study after I’m finished with talking to Lee.”
Kira nodded and stood up, bowed to Nemphis and his guests then departed the breakfast room, wondering what the hell Nemphis wanted to tell her.
5 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 11 June :: 8.53 pm
:: Mood: rammstein!!!
:: Music: you guessed it, rammstein!!!!
Rammstein lyrics
i can't help it, but i'm puttin some rammstein lyrics in here. For translations go to www.herzeleid.com/en/lyrics/sehnsucht
It's a gread site...
*Spiel mit mir*
Wir teilen Zimmer und das Bett
Brüderlein komm und sei so nett
Brüderlein komm fass mich an
rutsch ganz dicht an mich heran
Vor dem Bett ein schwarzes Loch
und hinein fällt jedes Schaf
bin schon zu alt und zähl sie doch
denn ich find keinen Schlaf
Unterm Nabel im Geäst
wartet schon ein weißer Traum
Brüderlein komm halt dich fest
und schüttel mir das Laub vom Baum
Spiel ein Spiel mit mir
gib mir deine Hand und
spiel mit mir
ein Spiel
spiel mit mir
ein Spiel
spiel mit mir
weil wir alleine sind
spiel mit mir
ein Spiel
Vater Mutter Kind
Dem Brüderlein schmerzt die Hand
er dreht sich wieder an die Wand
der Bruder hilft mir dann und wann
damit ich schlafen kann
Spiel ein Spiel
mit mir
gib mir deine Hand und
spiel mit mir
ein Spiel
spiel mit mir
ein Spiel
spiel mit mir
weil wir alleine sind
spiel mit mir
ein Spiel
Vater Mutter Kind
Sie sagen zu mir
schließ auf diese Tür
die Neugier wird zum Schrei
was wohl dahinter sei
hinter dieser Tür
steht ein Klavier
die Tasten sind staubig
die Saiten sind verstimmt
hinter dieser Tür
sitzt sie am Klavier
doch sie spielt nicht mehr
ach das ist so lang her
Dort am Klavier
lauschte ich ihr
und wenn ihr Spiel begann
hielt ich den Atem an
Sie sagte zu mir
ich bleib immer bei dir
doch es hatte nur den Schein
sie spielte für mich allein
ich goss ihr Blut
ins Feuer meiner Wut
ich verschloss die Tür
man fragte nach ihr
Dort am Klavier
lauschte ich ihr
und wenn ihr Spiel begann
hielt ich den Atem an
Dort am Klavier
stand ich bei ihr
es hatte den Schein
sie spielte für mich allein
Geöffnet ist die Tür
ei wie sie schreien
ich höre die Mutter flehen
der Vater schlägt auf mich ein
man löst sie vom Klavier
und niemand glaubt mir hier
das ich todkrank
von Kummer und Gestank
Dort am Klavier
lauschte ich ihr
und wenn ihr Spiel begann
hielt ich den Atem an
Dort am Klavier
lauschte sie mir
und als mein Spiel begann
hielt sie den Atem an
*Eifersucht (Jealosy...Rachel, you might like this one...)
Bin ich schöner
zerschneid mir das Gesicht
bin ich stärker
brich feige mein Genick
bin ich klüger
töte mich und iss mein Hirn
Hab ich dein Weib
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
Bin ich ehrlicher
beiß mir die Zunge ab
bin ich reicher
dann nimm mir alles
bin ich mutiger
töte mich und iss mein Herz
Hab ich dein Weib
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
doch leck den Teller ab
Es kocht die Eifersucht
Hab ich so glatte Haut
zieh sie in Streifen ab
Hab ich die klaren Augen
nimm mir das Licht
Hab ich die reine Seele
töte sie in Flammen
Habe ich dein Weib dann
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
doch leck den Teller ab
Es kocht die Eifersucht
Was macht ein Mann
was macht ein Mann
der zwischen Mensch und Tier
nicht unterscheiden kann
Er wird zu seiner Tochter gehen
sie ist schön und jung an Jahren
und dann wird er wie ein Hund
mit eigen Fleisch und Blut sich paaren
Was tust du
Was fühlst du
Was bist du
doch nur ein
Was macht die Frau
was macht die Frau
die zwischen Tier und Mann
nicht unterscheiden kann
Sie taucht die Feder in sein Blut
schreibt sich selber einen Brief
entseelte Zeilen an die Kindheit
als der Vater bei ihr schlief
Was tust du
Was fühlst du
Was bist du
doch nur ein Tier
1 Bite |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 11 June :: 10.05 am
:: Mood: half awake
Oh the things you can talk about w/ someone when you're half asleep and have aching muscles and whatnot. Y'all missed the fun...except for one.
2 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 9 June :: 4.32 pm
The first thing Kira noticed was that the room she had entered was dark except for a fire in the fireplace. The rest of the castle had been bright as daylight, but it felt like she had entered another world, one filled with night. She stood quietly, looking down at her feet, not noticing that the master of the castle had grown impatient sitting in a large armchair and was now striding towards her.
Do come in,” he purred silkily, proffering a gloved hand, “must I lead you?”
Kira looked up, startled. Her eyes darted over the master’s body, recognizing him at once as her captor, Nemphis. He grinned, sharp teeth shining in the dusk of the room. She noted his proffered hand, “you wanted to see me, Nemphis?”
Yes, we must have a bit of a chat as I imagine you have a few questions,” he smirked, red eyes darting over the girl’s profile. “Come with me and I’ll answer all that I can.”
Kira followed him back to the fireplace, where two plush, red chairs stood before it, facing each other. Nemphis slouched down in one, waving a lazy hand towards the other. Kira sat down primly, taught at an early age to sit up straight when talking to someone she didn’t know to set a good first impression.
“Okay,” she said, “first question; why in the fiery pits of hell did you take me here?” She spoke firmly and softly, never giving away how truly pissed off she was.
“Ahhh. . . “ Nemphis sighed, “I brought you here because I need a hostage. As you can see, the relationship between Morlat and Glentithe is rather. . . “
“Exactly,” he paused for a moment, examining a spider that was crawling up a log in the fireplace. “My father before me allowed himself to be walked upon by your grandfather and father, so when he died, may he rest in peace, I decided to take matters into my own hands and show that Morlat cannot be trodden upon.” A flame broke over the log and the spider scuttled away, nearly being pulled into its fiery embrace. “With a hostage taken from my enemy, your father, and no other heirs to the throne except for you, your father will cooperate.”
“And if he won’t. . . ?”
“To put it briefly, then you’re screwed.” Nemphis grinned as his captive turned away, digesting what he had told her. The spider, brave again, crawled up onto the now-blackened log, only to meet a fiery death as the log crumbled under its light touch, dropping it to its doom.
“So you killed my sister. . .” She stopped, unable to go on.
“Because she would have still been heir to the throne, and a few months later given birth to the real heir. Oh, and I finished off your brother-in-law as well, “ he smiled cruelly at Kira’s stricken face.
Kira struggled to keep herself under control, she could just imagine herself jumping out of her chair and pummeling the smiling man’s face into a bloody pulp with her fists, then strangling his neck.. Fighting the urge to do something that might put her into Nemphis’s dungeons, she asked, “ And the abandoned battlefield?”
“Classified information,” he stated simply.
Kira could stand it no longer, she found herself standing up and shouting in her native tongue, “Oui hu kuut tendo nuddah vysemo sinanehk pycdynt!!!!!!!!!!* How dare you do such a thing! Lara and Kentaro never did anything to you! I never did anything to you!! Why take out your fuckin’ kingdom’s woes us?! Why not just my fuckin’ father?! E reda oui**! E re-“
Kira found herself pushed back into her seat and one of Nemphis’s gloved hands pressed against her mouth, the other holding her hands above her head as he leaned in, crushing her body against the cushions of the chair. “Haven’t we gone over this before? I am not a bastard; never was, am not, never will be, “ Nemphis whispered forcefully into Kira’s ear. “My my, what a temper you have, and such language! You really should have had red hair, it would match your fiery attitude perfectly.” He removed his hand from her mouth to stroke a silky tendril of her hair.
Finding her mouth free, Kira did the only thing that came to her mind and stuck out her tongue. Nemphis grinned and purred seductively, “Are you inviting me. . . ?”
Eyes growing wide, Kira withdrew her tongue and shrank even farther back into the chair, hoping that she could sink through and escape back to Willow.
“Now, to discuss what you’ll be doing while you’re here at my castle,” Nemphis let go of Kira’s hands and place his arms on the arms of her chair, caging her in. “You will be working with Willow, doing basic house cleaning and caring for other inhabitants and visitors. The wok will be hard sometimes, but I will hear no complaining out of you unless you want to be turned into a spider or a lump of coal.” He stared at her, egging her on to say something.
“Yes Nemphis,” was all Kira could say.
“Also, you must call my Lord Nemphis, master, or sir. I can’t have a mutiny at the moment.”
Kira nodded.
“And another thing, what’s your full name?”
“Kiraten Itami Tithe de Glenn, “ she stated, looking nervous.
“No one must know that you are the princess of Glentithe, and the legitimate heir to the throne, not even Willow. From now on your name is Itami, to show the pain you’ve gone through.”
Kira nodded again, shoulders drooping ever so slightly.
“Now answer me Itami. . . Itami?”
“Yes Nem-Sir?”
“Go on out to Willow, she will show you around and give you some clothes. I don’t think you’d want to get your new dress dirty.” With that, Nemphis stood up and led Kira to the door.
“Thank you, sir, “ she murmured, curtsied, and walked out to where Willow was waiting.
5 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |
2003 7 June :: 5.06 pm
:: Mood: j0!
Rachel's got mail!
Hola y'all!!! I'm over at Jessie's house, in her brother's room and on her computer...just to be advised, NEVER close the dude's door, it'll burn yer virgin/not-so-virgin eyes ~0.0~
I'm wondering if i should continue putting my story on me journal...Rachel would want me to of course, but then again she's read most of it. So just tell me if i should or nein...oh and Rachel, I got Love Hina #2, Demon Diary (it's a manwha, and looks to be Shounen ai...), and Chobits #4, so Tracy might wanna read that too ^_^
It's nice to be away from prison fer now, but the tyrants are gonna pick me up tonight sometime so it'll be back to hell. Rachel, Sara wrote back and i'm sure you'll wanna read the letter, i also got a pic of her and her boyfriend. It looks like you'll be meeting Sarah, her little sister Michelle, her older brother David, and her mum and dad...i'm sure she'll like you and vice versa.
Well that's me spiel!!! i miss y'all already!!!!
4 Bites |
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? |