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The Darkest Void

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:: 2003 16 February :: 3.16pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Missy E Gossip Folk

Well well well
hey i havent written in a while. I got acepted to Kent state iam suspose to go there tomarrow but all the DAMN SNOW
I am happy about Kent State i just hope i like it. I also applied to WVU and rutger and Pitt sent me an application asking me to apply so i might be going to pitt after all. too bad Pitt basketball is statrign to suck.. they cant shoot for shit anywys.... I hate school still that priest who came and gave us all TB, Sally Wiggin is great! I hope kerstin had fun in TX even though she is stuck there casue the pittsburgh airport shut down.. ALL THE SNOW!!!!!! iam going to flip out if i cant go to Kent tomarrow. I was suspose to go to WVU. i dont care where i go to school as long as its away from here. I am going to miss my parents like no other. they are great and i love them like crazy. it great to hear your parnets say they are proud of you. its just somethign you cant expess i appreicate them and my borther and mellissa and my wole family and friends.. ok enough mushy stuff tiem to rip people apart. Oh peopel in school need to gow up not just kids but teachers as well this is not grade school. if you are mad at someone go to them dont go though your " friends" casue peopel are immature and stupid. and if the problem has nothign to do with you stay the hell out. Seriously if highschool is the best 4 years of your like. Kill me now!! Grow the hell up. i mean teachers need to grom up this isnt grade school. peope are suspose to have degrees and be educators but cant handle a simple problem and students who are going to highschool act liek its a 4th grade fight about someone who stole someones crayons ok one last time! GROW THE HELL UP. ok iam hungry and now upset.. DAMNED JOUNARL>> I PRAY IT STOPS SNOWING !!!!!!!!!!!

Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 12 February :: 1.40pm
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: 's take a ride - Justin Timberlake

well hello. No school. I love the SNOW! anyways i dont have much to write here, I just got done watching MY BIG FAT GREEK WEEDING. that was a good movie! anyways i have nothing to write for once. I do have alot to wwrite about his war and all this crap the the wonderful United States is doing. anywys i will write about what i thnk later. iam 2 tired to write and i dont feel like getting all pissed when i am "peaceful" I didnt go to school yesterday. i havent been out of the house all day so iam goign to go insane! anywys iam gooing ot go watch abother movie (Trapped) I will write later,Leave a comment!!

Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 5 February :: 5.36pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: 50 cent

Hey people
hey whats up? I want more people to read this. i only know of one person who reads this and it is ANGE. He ia have been a real bitch with peope latley. I am tired. People need to grow up. over the whole prom forreal. take a friend, take someone you always wanted to ask, someone yo unever asked before casue you were afaird to get rejected. I mean we only have so much time left together as a class. its about the last moments that we have that will be memories you tell your grandchildren. be yourself.. fuck what other peopel think of you. Back to the part where i have been a bitch. I know i have been in a bad mood, iam just tired. Tired as hell. anywys i should be happy i got my report card. it was good. I made honor roll! and iam excited ebecasue peopel are geeting asked to the prom. i think everyone should go. i rather see my friends go before me. I would be happy jsut seeing other people happy. well i have to go to a meeting at St. Mary's. Oh yeah Spirit week sucks! oh yeah i need to find a college to go to. and i dont want to be catholic anymore. I want to start a cult (CAMM) ask Selina about that! Man i hate school. i am bored to death in school. MY GYM CLASS IS THE BEST FOR REAL
I hope stop getting sick. casue if i get sick i will puke lal over you! and Chick hit me today in the face w/ a comic book. i didnt know what to do back. i can normally hit any boy and get away with it. but i idnt know what to do . so i did nothing. anywys. i hate religion. I am way to holy!!Oh yeah abotu the cult thing dont refer me to SAP! and another thing, your not cute. get over yourself!

Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 1 February :: 9.56pm
:: Mood: lethargic
:: Music: Common-Come Close to me

Hey whats up people.
This moring i thought i was having a heart attack. Sharp pains that wake you up isnt a good sign, god do i hate gas pockets! i havnet written for a few days. Its called iam tired as hell. anyways my knee doesnt hurt that much anymore. I took a spill at LH the other day yeah it hurt. if i saw me fall i would laugh too. it was embarssing. iam not angry today. besides the point iam sick of thinking aboutthe next 4 years of my life. I was supose to call selina so me her and rachel could go mess some stuff up but i forgot (sorry) i wen to eat at some place in called LEo's in Mt.Pleasant. it wasnt too bad! then on to home depot. we are geeting ready to fix this crap hole of a house! anyways i cant wait to get my own place. its going to look great. i think doning that kind of stuff is fun so i have to make a alot of money or marry someone w/ money.( iam joking about that last part) Iam listening to Erkah Badu.. Love of my life. thats the best song! Oh yeah people need to clam down about the freaking prom, its a dance.. a geibel dance at that. I personally dont think freshman should be allowed to go casue i mean what do you have to look forward too? i dont know people are looking at dresses and crap. i am not excited at all by this. i mean iam not an excitable person. i dont i have ever been EXTREMLY excited about anything. I was happy a few times but not excited. I am way too laid back( yeah right) anyways.. who can i make fun of... there are too many people in the world... lets see. people in our school need to realize the love doesnt last forever. it is highschool. Grow up and move on. I swear some of you are in for a BIG wake up call. Move on, do your own thing, become a human, become an indivdual! I mean dear GOD. do what is good for you not what someone wants you to do. Grow some balls. iam not saying go become a man, but grow up. I dont know what eles to complain about for once. I need to go to a dance. Speaking to stupid things. spirit week is coming up. i dont know our theme. I am sorry but the REPLACMENTS is just flat out stupid. casue it was a shity movie. i mean a football movie with Keanu Revees or what ever his name is. We should do the GOdfather. The mob is great!!anyways iam off to sleep i have to go to chruch like the good Cahtolic girl iam.

Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 29 January :: 10.52pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Chritina A - Walk away

Hey people
I know another pop song. hey i like all music so sue me! anyways i just read Andrea's journal. Hey dont beat yourslef up over what you said. Its about damn time you said something. I think it was great. You called hima COCKASS eventough it is kind of a strnage word. it was orginal and i appreciate that. Who gives a shit about people at Geibel. I swear everyone needs a damn reality check becasue some of you have 4 mounts to grown the hell up. iam tired and if i keep wrting about school i am goign to punch this computer. Oh by the way... snow= school, rain= no school. Oh and another thing. Some of you need to stop running your mouths about people complainging about having to come to school today. Ok i want to see you all get your asses up earlier than you should have to then drive or ride an1/2 and hour or more to school. you all dont have to come up or down 119. Unitl you live where some of live then tell us not to complain. iam really mad now since i wrote this.
YOU BETTER WAKE UP BEFORE REALITY COMES AND BITES YOU IN THE ASS. oh yeah all that drama over the musical. GOD DMAN GORW UP. its our last year live it, quit bitching about what you didnt get, be happy you got something casue at public school half of you wouldnt of gotten stage crew or clean up. so be freaking happy. If your pissed of by what i say be in my shoes and have to listen to all the bitching. Ok iam done fo rthe night of my bitching. maybe toamrrow will be better. if not then oh well.

Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 28 January :: 9.19pm
:: Music: TH ePres. and Justin Timberlake * Like i love you*

Yeah i know. one day john mayer the next Justin Timberlake. even though jusitn is my future husband! anyways. I failed TRIG who didn't? i dont care( do i ever care about my grades?) anyways i can run Geibel Catholic better than the people who do now! me a girl the got turned down by Pitt can do a better job! anywys. i was thinking of fear factor last nite. I not eating pizza for a while. anywys The stupid president is on every damn station so thats why iam writing. Why does he have to be on every station. they should but him on AM radio so we dont have to hear him. He is such a dumbass. The bun outside the mall is smarter than him. oh well i better go do my homework. What is all this religion about? i have double the work becasue i took 2 religions.( the genius i am) anywys i have to go find a newspaper article for Faith and justice. OH YEAH I WENT TO WALMART TODAY. I LOVE THAT STORE!! well iam signing off good buddy. by the way i use to love photography. Key word use to. Oh well people better take what they get and another thing i was in a really good mood today. maybe cause i havnet been around anyone for a week. I just love people. i should be a hermit. then i wouldnt haave to think of things to say to someone, i am running out of things to say in responce, soon iam just going to have to nod or shake my head, and give people the finger to get my point across.
WAIT i already do that! well good nite to you all.

PS! Let me know if you read this crap. leave a message in the Guestbook

2 Souls Left | Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 27 January :: 6.17pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: John Mayer-My stupid Mouth

Hey everyone. No school today so it was a good day. happy birthday to shane g. wow i was thinking time flies fast. I remeber her and I at Miss. beth's being chased around by robbie zeller with his pants down. I watched Orpah and the topic was " what am going to do with my life" I dont know what iam going to do with my life. there are too many options. i just want to be good at what ever i do in my life. I take faiuler well.. but when it comes to something that is close to my heart its not all good and dandy. anywys. i was thinking about my grandpap to day its been about 3 weeks since he passed. its odd being home. and hes not here. i look over at the sofa expecting to see him sleeping( snoring.. sucking up the oxgen in the room) or him talking about judge judy, It sucks to think of everyday happenings as memories. soon highschool.. everyday is goign to be a memory.. you all know how bad i want to leave school. but its staeting to set in." what am i going to do with my life" Iam going to play life by ear. i am not going to go to a fortune teller to tell me things that are going to happen in my life. thats why we have life. to make mistakes, to win, to loose. to gain respect. to tell people and not feel bad about it.
I know my gandpap's life is over and he never complained casue he didnt know what to do in his life. he did what he had to and lived life well. So i dont have a damn clue about what i want to do. i will figure it out sonner ot later. well that is my rambling for the day. i have to go Study Trig....wait me study?? i mean i am no dummy but good lord do i hate MATH!!

Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 26 January :: 10.23pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: Man on the side-john mayer


Leave Your Soul


:: 2003 26 January :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: John Mayer

~ i haven't been in school for a long time, oh well, nothing like wasting good money on a crappy school!!
Hey I am new at this. Here is what you will see on my page! Random thoughts, inner thoughts, negative thoughts, and maybe i will throw a few threats in there.
Anywys iam watching the SUPER BOWL right now! Iam glad Tampa is winning i hate wes cost teams,they are way too cocky.
anyways i dont feel well and i have way too much Benedryl in my system
and if you know me I CAN'T Spell worth crap. so if you have a problem with that then dont try to read this. I am real and i write what i want, so if you want perfect grammar and crap then go read some other losers journal, well you all have a good night.

Leave Your Soul

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