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leopard spandex

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:: 2006 28 March :: 1.10am
:: Mood: my body is sore

Dedicated to: blue sheets
So I think that t.v. knows me. And my shows know when to be on because they know when I'll be watching and when I have returned to the t.v. life. Today, all day, I watched Gaunlet II till the finale and caught up. It was a pretty good challenge, I have to say. It seemed really long. And I don't think the producers succeeded as much as they thought they would with changing the voting system. I thought it was brilliant how Derrick got kicked off one challenge before the last. Brilliant but sad. Sucks for Jillian too. And this must be the first challenge in history to end with a "forfeit". How do you spell forfeit?

Also.. I got to watch 8th & Ocean and Real World Key West since I've been home. Too bad I can't watch t.v. at school because I'd probably love to shamefully watch 8th & Ocean. And Key West seems ok... I'm not sure yet though... I don't know... I need to watch more...

I've been working on my chess set but not as much as I should be. But I realized that, it's physically impossible to work alll day with only a few short breaks. My hands are ridiculously sore. My right thumb, has no feeling. My back, is just plain mean and won't let me sit in one position for more than 8 seconds. Even my arms are hurting because they're connected to my hand muscles. I can't even push myself because, or else, I will die.

My brother is going to korea on thursday. He found out today that he's leaving Thursday. He's supposed to be gone for a month, or maybe a year. I'm jealous and can't stop having dreams about shopping in korea.

I want to do yoga. I must get these kinks out. Pronto!

I miss certain people a lot. ............

What do you guys think about in your free time? When you daydream... or drift off from watching t.v.? Or, when you're trying to fall asleep.. or when you're driving. What is your first thought when you wake up in the morning? Do you think it's weird if your first thought is about a specific person? What does that mean... is that good?
I've realized that whenever I daydream... it's usually always about a person. Not one specific person, but always A person. It's never about something going on in the world... or work I have to do... or summer plans... it's, about a person and stuff involving that person. I don't know what this means. Maybe it doesn' t mean anything and it's normal and I've been looking at brown cardboard for too long. Last week Elisa had to pluck a peice of cardboard out of my hair. I had actually started to grow cardboard...

Gosh! I just remembered! I have to go back to school to water my eggling! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



:: 2006 24 March :: 5.04pm
:: Mood: good

Dedicated to:
So, spring break has officially started.

Blanche Elisa and Francesca are all already gone. Julian is gone too. Today is Francesca's birthday. Jenni is gone too. People are leaving, one by one, oh so quickly. I feel so in peace right now. Probably because the three people I see every second of the day are not around. If I'm not with one, I'm with another, and if I'm not with that one, I'm with the other. And if I'm not with any of those three... Julian is in my room talking my ear off about what? i don't know because i never listen. Also, I finally locked my door. My door hasn't been locked for maybe 3 months now (because Blanche lost her key and refuses to buy another one). It feels way too good to be lying on my bed in such peace. No one can barge in. I can't here anyone next door. There is no Julian in my ear.

I was so excited for spring break. For just this. Being alone. But when it came to actually realizing that no one is going to be around, I got so lonely. I wanted to be alone.. not feel alone. I realized this last night at Francesca's birthday day when she asked, who's leaving tomorrow? And everyone except me and one other raised their hands. It was a really sad feeling. I really have to suck it up and do my chess set. Which is why I'm here.

I was supposed to go home for a few days.. but I might go home for... a few days and then some... I'm going home on Sunday and I'm supposed to come back Wednesday. I may get stuck in my state of mind and stay till Sunday... Tee hee. Well, I don't know. We'll see I guess, right?

Yesterday we went to Urban to get Franskeezy a present. I got her a flask, and myself a cute tank top. I also stole some gold hoops.


1 bananafish? | banana


:: 2006 21 March :: 2.25am
:: Mood: sreepy

Dedicated to: hello, kitty!


well. here i am. 2 25 am. so tired. eyes are hurting.

i guess i've been busy. starting last weekend, into this week, i started to feel the weight coming down. i started to wake up thinking about which assignments i had to work on that day. i hadn't done that since... first semester... december... And today is monday and i always fool around on mondays and play with people because tuesday is my liberal art day but... tonight i had to study for an art history assessment and an informal logic assessment. gosh!but this is art school!gosh! i really felt like i was in high school tonight, because it reminded me of when i would be so worried about having more than one assessment in one day! gosh.silly bean.

today i had a FREAKING seven hour crit. Seven? Seven. There is a knot. In my back. That throbs. And pokes. And pinches. When I'm just standing. Or sitting. Or lying. Because of my seven hour crit of sitting in the most uncomfortable stools in the most uncomfortable positions listening to a small british man bitch out some unlucky sleep deprived students. But he liked my shit so no worries. I know you all were scared that I was bitched at by a small british man, but no worries! No.. worries. ...

Spring break is after this week. Everyone is so excited. And looking forward. BECAUSE WE ALL NEED TO GET OUT. Everyone is getting so fed up with eachother. And this school. And so much work. And so little sleep. WE NEED TO LEAVE PROVIDENCE. But I know when we leave... we'll all want to come back like a big happy family.

Gosh I'm so tired. Bon Night.



:: 2006 13 March :: 11.10pm
:: Mood: pretty pretty good

Dedicated to quick start!
I've been away for a while.

I've been busy. I guess.

I started my chess set. Woop! It's the beginning of a long, painful, sleepless, callus-ed, cuts, cardboardy era.

Well, that's all. Because I don't feel like updating.



:: 2006 8 March :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: content

Dedicated to: woop
Getting out of class early is the best. 2D is a pretty slack class. We start half an hour later. Get out half an hour early for lunch. And leave half an hour early. Or, whenever we're finished with our work. But, it still adds up to 6 hours of class. Today in class we created our self portraits with newspaper. Yuck.

I woke up at 8 15 am today. And class started at 8 30 am. I also decided to nap during break (11 30 am to 1 pm). So I had to eat my falafel in class.

I don't know why I'm sleeping so much lately. I am just so tired.

Yesterday, after class, that ended at 4 20 pm, I went to Starbucks with Elisa. And I got a triple shot grande vanilla latte. Which tasted gross by the end so don't really do that, ever. After we came back to the quad I went to Thayer to go to Kinkos to start my chess set! Yay. And then Ben met me there and we had sush-for-din. And then I drove us to the mall. And at the mall, I Got So Tired. I was dragging my feet all o'er the place. And at Borders, I layed down on one of the wooden benches and almost passed out. Even with my triple shot latte! Gosh. Oh after the mall we went to Ben and Jerry's and got smoothies. Except the retard messed up my Strawberry Lemonade and made me a Strawberry Orange Banana. I was pissed. And Ben was scared. I just wanted the Strawberry Lemonade to thoroughly quench my thirst!

Lately I've been so cranky, or happy. I think I might be sick. And therefore, my mood swings are a result of that. Because I'm also sleeping so much. And sometimes I get dizzy.

God Damn Julian. He left his Fudge Shoppe cookies on my desk and now I just ate (3) of them.

I should go finish my drawing homework so I can do nothing again tonight. So I can watch Goong! My new Korean drama that I watch :D:D:D:D. My friends get so intrigued.

I guess roomie got out of class early too. But she's sleeping. It seems that one of us is always sleeping. If not one, the other. Or, if not us, someone else, in our beds. Our room just pours sweet slumber into your eyes. and your ears. and through your pores. Beware!

i'm so sleepy.

1 bananafish? | banana

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