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Holy Shit Guys

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:: 2006 21 October :: 11.04pm
:: Music: The rolling stones- luxury

so, i got the 2nd job, and now i just have to wait until life calms down.
i didn't eat for over 24 hours because i was working and then just wasn't given the option. I haven't gotten nearly enough sleep and homework is the only thing making this worse.

I am already distant... now, i may as well be gone to the kids who called me their friend.
I am so insanely busy. the next few months should be interesting. but they will be covered, i won't have to worry about being short on paying my bills... it should all be normal again.
just me, and being a workaholic to stay out of trouble. i like it.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 15 October :: 1.28pm

i don't know how much i have to say other than
lol, my dad had heart surgery last week so, i was home. but i didn't see anyone. which is neither good nor bad.
I am now being a hermit in my quiet dorm, where i can peacefully do homework and ignore the girls down the hall. go figure.

anyways, i plan to finish my homework, find a second job, aaaaand paint or knit. something like that.

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 26 September :: 9.01am

well here we are. school again. the so-called happy place.
no, things are pretty good. i have a few crazy teachers this semester but it really isnt that bad. except for the damn cold that i have recently acquired.

my parents got a new puppy. His name is riley and he is adorable. but i think i should go get ready for class, so i will see you.... wait, no.... well maybe i will run into one of you this weekend when i am at home.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 18 September :: 11.08am

yay gilmore girls, sugar cookies, and cleanliness.

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 6 September :: 3.37pm

My literature teacher is a polish Mrs. Dolbee!

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 4 September :: 1.27pm
:: Mood: content

If you would like to see my life in Poland, go here periodically: http://public.fotki.com/Kate-in-Poland/ There is also a journal there that you can read about my life too. I probably won't update that much, but check now and then. I'd update this, but I think it's easier to just keep it all together on that site.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 27 August :: 6.58pm

It is so beautiful here! I think I will like it here a lot. What a long flight.. what a wonderful start. I've been here about an hour and a half and I'm already in love!

3 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 26 August :: 12.20pm

By the time you read this, I'm probably on a plane to Warsaw, Poland.

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 24 August :: 2.44am
:: Music: Death Cab For Cutie - Sound of Settling

Just so you know..
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1 - | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 22 August :: 12.59pm

"i chimed in with a havent you people ever heard of closing the god damned door."
yeah a sense of poise and rationalitiy would be fantastic these days.
i havent posted in a grip
just chilling waiting aroudn for jes jes to get here because we are going to look at apartments.
iam moving out of the one I am currently in because well that is the right decision.
ray and I arent breaking up we just arent living together anymore.
because face it living together and working together are kind of a lot of each other.
we are still just kids and we need some space from each other.
outside of that work is awesome because I love being a csm
im a bitch so its the perfect job for me.
and i have been hanging out with matt and katie and loving every minutes of it.
peace out

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 14 August :: 2.03am
:: Music: Snow Patrol - Headlights on Dark Roads

I am back in Cedar. Ten days left before I leave for Poland. Tell me if you want to hang out before I leave and which day is best for you. I'm having a party sometime, the day is undecided for right now.

I have photos, lots and lots of photos from my summer at Camp Nicolet. I didn't really want to post them all on here, so I uploaded them to facebook because it's a hell of a lot easier. If you want to see them, go to facebook and look. You'll have to have an account to do so, I'm sorry. If you don't want to get an account, but want to see them, talk to me and I'll give you my username and password for a bit so you can see them.

It's nice to be back, guys. I'll miss you when I'm gone again. But I just can't seem to stop moving now that I've started.

2 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 29 July :: 11.49am
:: Music: Snow Patrol- Chasing Cars

I smell a little disdain in your mind... but why so much towards me?
i just had to come on to thank gunny for putting the color codes up since i am lazy and like to have things in a place that i don't have to spend an hour to change my site.

aside from that, i wish that it was the end of next month already b/c i would really like to get back to camp carthage. i miss my friends, but am concerned about the roommate situation for the coming year. this will either be very good or incredibly aweful. only time will tell.
gah i need food, before my insides deside to eat them selves.

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 26 July :: 11.30pm

WoW is gei.
almost as gei as scales

Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 16 July :: 10.12pm

Join www.facebook.com. (It's better than myspace.) Find me. Add me.

4 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket


:: 2006 13 July :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: tired

Camp Nicolet.
Here are some photos from camp so far.

Read more..

12 -Buckets Kicked | Kick My Bucket

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