2006 25 February :: 8.48pm
i hate to bitch and complain soo much but im gona and if your my friend youll listen.
i hate this, i feel like a ass hole. i feel like im a horriable person because im mad at my mom. it pisses me off to see how shes acting how shes milking this for all its worth, i feel like it might not be as bad as it really is. everyone is making her think shes completely helpless and is gona die and thats how shes treating it, its like shes giving up and that makes me mad as hell.
my car is a piece of shit, i was suppose to be getting a better car when i got ride of my thunderbird insted i got a car with a leaky gas tank and on top of that i get in a god damn accident.
i get my hopes up because of chad and getting a job at a shop but nope. once again i think im gona get a job and of course i get let down.
not to sound like a depressed emo kid or anything this is just how i feel......i feel like the whole god damn world is out to get me, i need a break.
4 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 24 February :: 4.57pm
well god damn
i was driving home from sand lake and some smart ass pulled out of the bank and just kinda waited for me to hit him.... my shoulders alittle sore and my car is too but its all good. the guy seemed nice, poor basterd only had the car for two days.
4 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 21 February :: 7.16pm
well im alittle bumbed, i was suppose to be getting a job at a tattoo shop that chad (the guy to is teaching me ) was going to start up. it would be his second shop and he wanted me to run it. well turns out that one of the guys didnt want to start a second shop with him and the third guy ended up in jail so im not getting a job, oh well i guess its best i need to stay home and take care of everone. today was my moms first kemotherapy treatment. i guess it went well shes sleeping now, she has been sence 4:30 i guess kemo takes alot out of you. i have a favor for all my friends who still go to school or see me ever. to start collecting pop taps and send them to me, it helps pay for my moms treatment and it helps the kidney dialisas (i dont know if thats how its spelled). so if you see me and your nice enough to but some taps in a baggy that would be awsome. i got a nintendo game cube yesterday and i went out and got some games but i need a memory card or everything that i do dosent get saved. any one have a gamecube memory card they want to sell me for broke.
well thats it.
7 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 13 February :: 10.59pm
well i did a sparrow tattoo on my left leg and im pretty happy to say besides acouple bad lines it turned out pretty good. im happy. tommorrow is valentines day and i have no money to get erica anything. good thing she doesnet care that much. well i just wanted to say i did a good tattoo and hopefully ill get a picture on here soon.
4 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 8 February :: 7.51pm
chads opening a shop in grant and he wants me to work there. i think this is gona be good for me i think. gona go to colledge, take some art
classes, gona work a real tattoo shop. yea its all falling into the big picture
2 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 8 February :: 1.44pm
well mom is doing alittle better it seems she didnt have to get a spinal tap she just got her bonemarrow takein from her hip.
so ive decided that im going to go to grcc for some classes, id like to take some art classes and some business classes, now im not sure if im going to get a degree or anything but i think it would be best if i did take some classes.
any one want to let me practice tattooing on them?...well it was worth a shot.
6 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 6 February :: 5.09am
:: Music: Lennon- 5:30 saturday morning
early to drink, early to wake up thirsty as fuck...
i figure, i should update. i am becoming an alchie. b/c there is nothing better to do. i have lost all ambition, and don't believe in love. there is just sex, and lust. over the last month, and the whole time that i have been here, i have been hardened to the outside world.
i have to come home thursday for a bonescan
i polevaultt again... or at least would, if i wasn't injured.
i am single, and need lovin.
i saw justin dupey, and carter johnson at our indoor track meet last weekend. i was shocked and excited. and never thought i would be so happy to see someone i went to school with.
i just wish i was happy. i can't say again, b/c for as long as i remember i never was. but the idea looks apealling.
Kick My Bucket
2006 2 February :: 9.02pm
i just tattooed tony weirs's girlfriends leg. i did a hello kitty head and i did a awsome job i also re-did a kids heartogram on his back so i had a freakin awsome night. im so happy but yet im still a little down because of every thing thats going on but this still helped alot
Kick My Bucket
2006 1 February :: 2.09pm
creepy lady from my dads work.
stop reading my journal.
its creepy.
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Kick My Bucket
2006 31 January :: 7.58pm
so yea basically things got alot worse. my mom pretty much has cancer which sucks big time for my family.
but on the good not i did my first tattoo on erica and me there nothing big just little doodles but its still a step in the right direction.
but i got to stay positive, things will be fine i hope.
8 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 25 January :: 10.47pm
shuting house phone off soon if you need me call my cell 1 616 520-1993
Kick My Bucket
2006 24 January :: 6.04pm
Kick My Bucket
2006 23 January :: 2.17pm
well my mother has limphoma of the stomic which is bad but not as bad as it could be but she needs to get kemothearapy so everyone wish her luck.
i talked to my friend chris reich who just came back from florida and he told me hes "probably" going to open a tattoo shop because thats what he does and he said if or when he does im getting a job with him as his piercer and eventually a tattoo artist even tho once i get the chance which isent going to be soon im going to open my own as well.
i havent really been doing much of anything except nothing.
2 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2006 22 January :: 10.07pm
I hate Jake Delohmme.(sp)
more than anything in the whole world.
he is suckfest wrapped up in a panthers uniform.
I want to play softball real bad
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Kick My Bucket
2006 20 January :: 7.38pm
Im at eDen right now with Tony and Ryan. I was playing Battlefield 2 for like, an hour and a half, but then I got bored. I think Im ok at that game. Tony is playing World of Warcraft, and our characters are under the same account so I have to wait till he is done. Its no big deal though... I mean, he has been wanting to play forever and every time we came here I would play the entire night. So its his turn for a long while. Good times.
Im really glad that this week is over. Its been hell. But now its the weekend...and its time to cool down. The end of the semester is always stressful for me, butn ot as stressful as this time. Now graduation is on the line. I want to go back in time to my freshman year and kick my ass for being so damn stupid and lazy! Things would be fine if i hadnt been so immature!
BUT....thats all done and over with, and I think things will be good. There is only like..a few weeks till Spring Hill. Im looking forward to that. It will be fun.
I guess thats it for now.
Kick My Bucket