2009 7 December :: 4.50am
a whole lotta messed up
so, i saw my man today... drove across the state when i should have been doing an essay that is due in 3 hours. It was good, at first. Then less so, and now worse. I am married and i still feel like a rag doll, that just makes me feel all sorts of fucked up. I try to be happy, and yet i still feel down... I wish i could explain it all to mike, but at this point i am not convinced it will ever matter.
just throw on a mental bandage once again, and hope that i forget... although that hasn't been working so well as of late... seeing as past bandaids are falling off and i can't help but be overwhelmed by the past. ugh.
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Kick My Bucket
2009 30 November :: 10.28pm
It is always nice to have one place that is pretty well private. I feel awful that I try to hangout with my friends and just leave because i feel like a wallflower. It makes me want to relive novels, and suck into my own world. But, I have 2 weeks until school finishes up for the semester. Mike will be coming home, and its about time because i need some sweet lovin. Time waits for no one and i have to keep pushing through the next few weeks until the break comes. Not that i want to go back to CS for anything, but at least it will be plenty of time with Mike. *sigh*
Ready to sleep, and have dreams of a day approaching quickly. I need to expand my music library, and my book collection. I have years and years, but I would like so much to know it all now. Oh well, back to reality.
Kick My Bucket
2009 15 November :: 2.36am
come home to me is all i request...
Kick My Bucket
2009 17 July :: 7.38pm
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Kick My Bucket
2009 10 July :: 7.06pm
:: Mood: calm
Not about anything
I didn't expect it to be so strange when I merged worlds. It's not bad, but it's different. I brought Poland, Australia, and America into the same place. I have Kara, who is experiencing what the real Shelton family is, and marveling at how I came from it. I have Prudence, who counts as both Polish and Australian to me, who is experiencing the American life. And then I have my American friends, who are experiencing the people I spent most of my time with abroad. Surprisingly (or maybe not,) I make friends with a similar type of people anywhere I go. Not that everyone doesn't have their own unique qualities, only that I tend to surround myself with people who will get along with each other. I really like my friends.
We're going to be traveling soon. Next trip will be about two weeks and we'll see Boston, New York City, Washington DC, Cincinnati, and Columbus, as well as everything in between. I'm really excited about this because I've always wanted to see New England more than ANYWHERE else in the USA. I know it's not a really thorough trip, but it's going to be great nonetheless. It's sad Prudence will have to leave about a week after we get back to Cedar, and Kara will leave in about three. I wish I could go with her.. I really hope I can. It all depends on the Australian government. I've already applied for residency; all that's left is waiting.
I'm going to miss my friends and winter Christmases. But Melbourne gets colder than Brisbane, so it will feel a little more like home. I can't WAIT to start studying, but once again, I'll have to wait. Two years. :S
I don't want to think about the future. My life is made up of a lot of phases. I'm always in a position where I can't do one thing until I've done another, and usually, it's time that's holding me back. Such as, a visa needing to be approved, or having a visa that won't let you study for two years. I'm not really in a hurry, but I like to feel like I'm working towards something. At least it never hurts to save money for a while.
I'm not going to complain about anything, or say anything contemplative, because I don't really feel like it, even though God knows I could. But it's been ages since I've written, so I thought I would. I used to keep a journal that I wrote in regularly, ever since I was little, but I haven't for the last year. I've never lived with anyone before in the sense that your lives actually affect each others, and ever since Kara and I moved in together, I haven't needed to write. Not much, anyway. We used to go to bed every night and just talk while laying there. It's harder to do here in America, where my mother is creeping around, making sure we're not being ourselves. That must be why I feel like writing right now. But also, Kara and Prudence are taking quizzes on some website right now. Instead of joining in, I went to woohu. I even forgot my password. I had to ask Kara--good thing she stores memories like a computer.
Well, we're going to drink some vodasz tonight, and watch Harry Potter movies (god help me.) The wine will help. :P
3 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2008 2 August :: 7.12pm
here is me:
I currently live with my fiance in my parents house.
I am looking for a house so i don't feel like i am in a very awkward reflection of my life in High School
I have made new friends, i have lost some old ones and i am happy with how that has worked out.
yes, i gained weight, but i am also working out again and not depressed and thus i am not only loosing weight but also fighting demons so to speak...
Mike (my fiance) is leaving for Iraq next april, and i am working full time at my dad's store doing design and running most office operations. I dropped out of school because chicago is full of greedy lying bastards and scary places. But, it is a nice place to visit, and in my opinion not the best place to live (i fully admit that this statement is debatable, but i had bad experience where as you may have had good ones.)
No i am not pregnant nor have i had a kid, seeing as i have heard rumors. Other than that, i work and pay bills so i can hopefully in the near future go back to school, or at the very least buy my design programs.
Kick My Bucket
2008 1 August :: 10.48pm
so uh yeah
hey wassup
how are all you peeps that i see and never have time to talk with?
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Kick My Bucket
2008 1 July :: 5.01pm
:: Mood: peaceful
July 1st.
I was standing in the Warsaw airport at 6am having gone to bed only two hours earlier. I felt sick from getting food poisoned in Ukraine and everything felt very surreal. Rafael, and Prudence watched quietly, Monika gave me an eiffel tower keychain from her recent trip to Paris, Nella smiled and joked in the discrete way that she does, Britt stood anxiously beside me, and my host mom Danka held an American flag. I was feeling nauseous from the food poisoning, but also the added nerves of leaving the country. Daniela smiled at me warmly and lead me to the bathroom where I threw up. As we walked back to the small crowd, she rubbed my back and mothered me. Minutes passed, Britt and I went through the gate, and a strange calmness came over me as we boarded the plane.
It's been one year since I left Poland and my exchange ended. Today the exchange students after me are coming home. The first time I saw them they were timid but excited to start their own exchange and everything about Poland sounded strange. Then I saw one of them when I visited Warsaw six months ago and she knew better Polish than me.
A year later and I'm sitting on a blue couch with glass sliding doors in front of me watching the Aussie sky turn from day to dusk. I have a beautiful girlfriend, an awesome cat, and I wash dogs for a living. A lot of things can change in a year. A lot of things changed for the year I was in Poland. But right now, things are starting to feel more stable. I have the person I want to spend my life with, we have a place to live, and we're building a savings account. We've got the simple things down; it's just the future that remains unknown. But that's ok.
2 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket
2008 16 May :: 6.37pm
my last huge post got deleted because of my stupid ass computer long story short. mandy pj and kelly thanks for visiting sorry that i could talk go go go all day long.
andrew came and that manager that has a thing for me gave him the staredown. it was really funny. I was pretty proud of myself having some guy giving my man the fisheye. lolz.
anyway it was a good day. gonna be a good night.
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Kick My Bucket
2008 11 February :: 4.20am
R.I.P Karrl Bitch LoWeather(my dog)
Kick My Bucket
2008 16 January :: 4.21pm
SOooooo we are downgrading our place and so if anyone wants to buy any of my stuff just let me know.
We have a pretty extensive dvd collection that is all up for grabs as well as a Wii that I am willing to sell with all of the accessories also. my number is 516-0563
We also have some books and cds. pretty much if you want to buy anything just let give me a price and I will probably sell it to you.
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Kick My Bucket
2008 6 January :: 1.16pm
in detroit for the day hangingg out with family.
mike is makeing me irritated.
my computer, stay back fool!
Kick My Bucket
2008 6 January :: 2.58am
just the line
"im already pregnant, really what other shenanigans can I get into"
that line by itself has me dying to see Juno with ellen page.
anybody who has seen it throw your opinion at me because honestly this is one of the those movies that if it sucks I am going to be really pissed because im so excited for it
I wish I had some money
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Kick My Bucket
2008 4 January :: 12.17pm
i am tired.
bored and tired. I wish I had some money and something worth doing to do. valentines day is coming up and I am still not sure what i am supposed to get for andy. shit. money is tight. again. but it is okay
liveable. yar. I think that I may make a toasted pb and j and eat it with a tall cold glass of milk. mmhmm. yall got my number use it.
Kick My Bucket
2007 18 December :: 3.51pm
i am moving back to cedar. there is nothing in this godforsaken armpit of america.
move home at the end of the month. much work and debt repayment will follow.
then 21. then enjoying my life and planning my wedding.
oi, there is way to much to do before october.
4 -Buckets Kicked |
Kick My Bucket