2005 5 February :: 11.14am
:: Mood: exhausted
So yesterday was okay. I stayed home from school; then around 6:00 Jim and his mom came to pick Gabrielle and I up from my house, we went to his house.. ordered some things from up Kuzins, I drove up and got them.. teehee. Jim doesn't like that I have my permit.. I don't think he wants me to have the freedom to just go do what I like. I don't know if he thinks I'm gonna go out and "meet boys" lmao, yeah.. I know hundreds of guys just lined up waiting for me. hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
I came home at around 11:00, I called my mom and left a message on her cell phone saying that I would be staying up Aunt Loraines because I didn't feel like walking the 20 steps home.. and then at like 12:35 [I remember the time exactly, because she fuckin' woke me up.] she called and was like "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU???? I TOLD YOU TO BE HOME EARLIER, YOU BETTER BE HOME IN 5 MINUTES." I was like "I am home, I'm up Aunt Loraines, I called and left you a message on your cell.. LIKE YOU TOLD ME TOO, so shut up." then she was like "No you didn't. It doesn't say I have a message." I was getting really mad, so I just hung up. It really pissed me off. Don't fucking call me at 12:30 at night and start screaming at me just because SHE didn't check HER messages. Haha, grow up and think before you speak. Ahhh.
On another note, Kelly and I's party is today.. I don't even feel like going- but I will. Blah. I know I'll perk up by then though.. I just hope some other friends come beside Amy and Becky.. I know I forgot to invite a lot of people though; so if no one shows up- it'll be my fault. But for real, don't make up excueses not to come, if you don't want to come just say so. Nothing pisses me off more than lame excuses.
I'm tired and bitchy, so I'm gonna go.
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2005 3 February :: 8.31pm
:: Mood: tired
Well, today was pretty shitty again. I feel like shit, so I got up didn't get a shower, went to get my permit.. *PASSED* [now I'm a drivin' gal!!!] haha.. then I went to get MORE meds. I have a "Bad Virus" thus I have a 2 terrible ear aches, my upper back hurts, and I'm still coughing. I want to die.. and I'm not going to school again tomorrow. Wow, I've been missing a lot of school. I want to just finish school online or something.. which I just should because I'm so behind in everything already, but I don't know. I guess I should talk to my mom about it.. I was going to do that in the first place, but I changed my mind. I don't know what to do. I'm just so tired right now..
Kelly and I's birthday party is this Saturday.. I'm STILL sick; but we're not changing it again. I will go if it kills me. Jim and his mom are going to see Jeff this weekend again.. they wanted me and Gabrielle to go with them; but since I'm sick and the party- I can't. I hope Jim stays home.. but I don't know..
I'm going to bed. Night.
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2005 2 February :: 6.38am
:: Mood: crappy
No one will ever guess what I did in the shower this morning.. it was something I hardley EVER do.. now GUESS before you read more..
Read more..
I know, it's to overwhelming. Like whoa!
[Edit//5:23 pm] I didn't feel like writing a new entry, because I didn't feel like it, so I'm adding to this one. I feel like shit, but I went to school for the FBLA trip. Nichole and I placed 5th in Desktop Publishing. I feel like shit, I have an ear ache in each ear, and I'm very hungry. Jim called me and I yelled at him for no reason, basicly because I'm just tired, sick, and I just want to sleep.. but can't ever seem to do so because I'm always being disturbed by my sisters, the phone or Gabrielle. It just sucks. My Aunt Loraine just called me back and told me that I needed to either go to the doctors tomorrow or to the Emergency Room tonight because it's not good to have ear infections for long because it can cause damage or something.. I don't know. I got my report card today, I pretty much suck in everything. But I'm too sick to give a shit. I'll worry about that later. Gabrielle is hungry.. time to go be a Mommy. [//edit]
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2005 1 February :: 9.31pm
:: Mood: blah
I just wanted to update saying that.. I miss Jim.
and that if you have a myspace to add me. Because it is way cool. ['Cuz I said so.. duh.]
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2005 1 February :: 5.08pm
Nothing ever seems to go my way no matter what I do, it always gets fucked up.
God, fuck it. I don't give a shit anymore. Everyone and everything can go to fucking HELL.
[Edit//6:45] I want some orange juice.. right now and I don't fucking have any. Why? Because nothing ever goes my way. Piece of shit. [//Edit]
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2005 31 January :: 7.21pm
So today was dumb.. I woke up went to school felt like shit, Kellys dad came to pick us up from school so Kelly could get her permit.. but the place was closed.. So we're prob. going tomorrow. After that I came home, did my chores [yes.. we all have CHORES now.. lmao] then I learned that my.. BIRTH CERTIFICATE came in the mail today.. I almost peed my pants. I can finially get my permit. So I'm going tomorrow with Kelly.. hopefully I don't fail. Teehee.
Wednesday is the RCL or RLC [I forget the order???] for FBLA.. Nichole and I are competting in Network Design. I'm gonna get all dressed up on Wed. WATCH OUT!
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2005 30 January :: 9.34pm
:: Mood: sleepy, tired of coughing
It's kinda weird how everyone agrees with me on this entry. And the notes I got about it.. But anyways.
Amy got a journal on here now. I don't think she's written an entry or anything yet. But hello Amy, now you can be cool like Becky and I!! Nice. And yes, that's cool because I said so.
Today was boring.. I woke up around 6:20 with Gabrielle, went back to sleep for an hour or so then my Mom woke up and we started putting away our Christmas decorations. Yeah, we just put them away today. Haha. After that I sat around the house.. then around 4:30 we all went up my Aunt Loraines to eat dinner. That was very good. Greg and Tiffany were up there [the ones that lost the baby..] they seem to be doing okay. I don't think seeing Gabrielle bothered them any. I was scared at first; but towards the end of the night they both held her; and I just hope they're okay.
My gram is doing great. My Aunt Diania on the other hand isn't. She can't have kids and her husband is a jerk. [as you know.. right Kel?] Well, she went home crying. I just wish things could be different for her. It's kinda hard to explain what exactly is wrong with her.. you just have to be part of my family to understand.
In other news my brother Dustin is going to jail on Feb. 18 for his second DUI. Jim called me a few days ago.. or maybe a few weeks ago; I'm not sure. But he called and told me. I just remembered today. He's in there for a month but he has work release.. which is a good thing. I'm scared for him; I don't know what it's like in jail- and I don't want to find out- but I know he'll do alright.. I'm just hoping for the best.
Back to school tomorrow.. I'm so behind in everything again. I doubt I'll ever get caught up.. but that's life for ya. Haha.
Tw1st3dxDr3ams (9:34:21 PM): pssh, I wanna be cool.
BECKY, YOU ARE COOL. Because I said so.
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2005 29 January :: 10.33pm
:: Mood: sick, but in a GREAT mood
:: Music: Meet Joe Black [the movie] on tv
Well, if people don't care about what I say, why read? Why pay attention to just some 17 year old girl that makes everyone try to feel bad for her because her life is so much harder than everyone elses. I don't think I said or implied that, but I did imply that you shouldn't think that your life is so hard, because things could always get harder.
People do read, and I think some people get mad because I actually have the balls to say shit that normally would not be said. Is that wrong to say those things? No, I don't think so. I say what's on my mind.. if you have a problem, please don't read. It's not hurting me any.
In other [sad] news, a few days ago my cousin Tiffany lost her baby.. she was 3 months along. She's not doing well. I feel horrible about it; but what do you say to someone when something like that happens? I don't want to hurt her feelings, and I don't want to pry.. so I'm not sure what to do. I'm scared to even bring Gabrielle around them because I don't want to set anything off. I would feel more terrible than words could express.
In better news my Gram is home from the hospital. She was only in for 2 days, but ANY hospital time is bad. I don't like when she's in the hospital. But she's up and ready to go to the mall already. [lol Kel] So I'm glad she is. That's why Gabrielle's up there right now, she makes my Gram feel better.. and plus it will be a year that my Pap died on February 14.. so that date is coming up fast.. no one is going to do well then.
I still have a fever or 101.4 and I'm coughing non-stop. I've been on meds for 4 days now. It should be stopping.. but I don't know. My mom is getting worried. But I think everythings okay. This is the first BAD things I've actually had all year.. except for my kidney infection when I was 5 months along with Gabrielle.
Kelly and I moved our birthday party to Feb. 5. Because of just a whole bunch of things.
So for the past week or so, I haven't been calling Jim. He'll call me but I'll only talk for a few seconds. I think it's starting to bother him, because he's calling more and more.. today he actually asked me to his house. I usually just say "Jim, I'm coming over tomorrow" or something like that.. So yeah, I definitely like how he's acting really cute and caring.. like it used to be. Now all we need is some together time withOUT his mom, or my mom. Just him Gabrielle and I. That's what I think.. I'm going to call him as soon as Gabrielle falls asleep. Right now she's just laying in her crib talking, cooing and just making little noises. Too cute. Way to cute.
I know, this is probably stupid.. but I kinda miss Jeff. [Jim's brother] Yeah, he was a little pain in the butt sometimes.. but he was nice sometimes to. Things are a lot different since he's been gone. I mean we weren't close or anything. And I really don't think that he even liked me.. I think he kinda disliked me; but anyways he was so cute around Gabrielle. Almost like he was a different person. I liked that person he was around her. But I know he's not coming home for a while.. and I don't really know what even made me think of him..
Amber had her baby today, Mason Ryan. Congrats Amber and Josh!
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2005 29 January :: 5.25pm
once again.. read >>this<< before you read my journal. k thanks.
2005 29 January :: 2.51pm
:: Mood: bitchy
Once you enter highschool things change. Your best friend becomes a backstabbing bitch, your boyfriend becomes a prick, homework goes in the trash, cell phones are being used in class, detentions becomes suspention, soda becomes beer, gum becomes weed, bikes becomes cars, lolipops becomes cigarettes, lipgloss becomes makeup, french kissing becomes sex. Yeah highschool does change everybody.
I think it's funny how little 9th graders like to use words like "Muah" and "hun" okay, those aren't cool.. and you're not either. Or how some people get a lotta slack basicly because they're sluts that play sports, or how people think because they "give it out" they can get any guy they want, or think because they have seniors as friends they think they're "safe"? What is "safe"? "Safe" from being beat up? "Safe" from what exactly? I think it's also funny how just because I had a baby that I'm now considered to be a whore; but I've only had sex with one person. Yes I've had sex with Jim probably a lot more than most people would with their boyfriend of 2 years but that's my business.. not everyone elses. It's great how just because you miss school you're considered "skipping" haha, I'm sick you whore. I have a fuckin' doctors excuse. Call me, I barely have a voice.. and when I do get it back; I cough so much that I loose it again. It's rad how when the tables are turned and your boyfriend is caught cheating on you.. kinda sucks huh? It's halarious how everyone thinks one/two months of dating someone is SUCH a longgggggg time. Grow up; try 2 years bitches. It's not as glamorous as it seems. Think you "hate your Mom"? Try thinking what it'd be like without her.. My Mom owns a bar and is never home.. when she is home she's sleeping in her bed and the only time you get to talk to her is for 2 minutes on the phone a day and the only time you get to see her is when she's leaving at 11:00 in the morning. Asshole, appreciate your Mom.. who knows when she'll be gone, and when she is; you'll want her back. Think schools soooo hard? Bitch, try having a baby, doing homework keeping a house in order, 2 little girls from killing each other and keeping yourself sane, fuck off because it can be a lot worse than just having homework.
Stupid little whores think lifes all about sex, drugs, and getting in everyone elses business. Grow up a little.
COMMENTS ARE WELCOME, GOOD OR BAD. Leave it Anonymously if you'd like.
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2005 29 January :: 12.14am
:: Mood: TIRED AS HELL.. ahhh
Yes, read this song.. it'll make you think.
Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It’s a natural plant that grows in the dirt. Do you know what’s not natural? 80-year-old dudes with hard-ons. That’s not natural. But we got pills for that. We’re dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect, but we’re putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt?
You know we have more prescription drugs now. Every commercial that comes on TV is a prescription drug ad. I can’t watch TV for four minutes without thinking I have five serious diseases. Like: “Do you ever wake up tired in the morning?” Oh my god I have this, write this down. Whatever it is, I have it. Half the time I don’t even know what the commercial is… people running in fields or flying kites or swimming in the ocean. I’m like that is the greatest disease ever. How do you get that? That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy.
The schools now… It is all about self-esteem in the schools now. Build the kids’ self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves. If everybody grows up with high self-esteem, who is going to dance in our strip clubs? What’s going to happen to our porno industry? These women don’t just grown on trees. It takes lots of drunk dads missing dance recitals before you decide to blow a goat on the internet for fifty bucks. And if that disappears, where does that leave me on a Friday night with my new high speed connection?
Masterminds are another word that comes up all the time. You keep hearing about these terrorists masterminds that get killed in the middle east. Terrorists masterminds. Mastermind is sort of a lofty way to describe what these guys do, don’t you think? They’re not masterminds. “OK, you take bomb, right? And you put in your backpack. And you get on bus and you blow yourself up. Alright?” “Why do I have to blow myself up? Why can’t I just…” “Who’s the fucking mastermind here? Me or you?”
Americans, let’s face it: We’ve been a spoiled country for a long time. Do you know what the number one health risk in America is? Obesity. They say we’re in the middle of an obesity epidemic. An epidemic like it is polio. Like we’ll be telling our grand kids about it one day. The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004. “How’d you get through it grandpa?” “Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere.”
Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle. I’ll sit at a drive thru. I’ll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter. Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large. You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fucker. There’s room in the back. Take it! Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It’s only three more cents.
Sometimes you have to suffer a little bit in your youth to motivate yourself to succeed in later life. Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there’d be a Microsoft? Of course not. You got to spend a long time in your own locker with your underwear shoved up your ass before you start to think, “You’ll see. I’m going to take of the world of computers! I’ll show them.”
We’re in one of the richest countries in the world, but the minimum wage is lower than it was thirty five years ago. There are homeless people everywhere. This homeless guy asked me for money the other day. I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was going to use it on drugs or alcohol. And then I thought, that’s what I’m going to use it on.
Why am I judging this poor bastard. People love to judge homeless guys. Like if you give them money they’re just going to waste it. Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do? Save it up and buy a wall unit? Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack? He’s homeless. I walked behind this guy the other day. A homeless guy asked him for money. He looks right at the homeless guy and says why don’t you go get a job you bum. People always say that to homeless guys like it is so easy. This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants. Outside his pants. I’m guessing his resume isn’t all up to date. I’m predicting some problems during the interview process. I’m pretty sure even McDonalds has a “underwear goes inside the pants” policy. Not that they enforce it really strictly, but technically I’m sure it is on the books.
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2005 28 January :: 9.49am
:: Mood: blah
all my happy birthdays from people..
daddysbaby414519: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
anna banana15330: HAPPY BIRITH DAY JENA!!!!!!!:-D:-*
anna banana15330: ps ilove you!!:-P
cutegirl1012006: HAPPY BRITHDAY !!!
ch3rriXkiss3s: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Caster Troy 2k3: Happy Birthday:-D:-P
Tw1st3dxDr3ams: Happy Birthday Love!!!
vanished x heart: happy birthday! love yaaa! :-*
honey7child: happpy birthday!!
x Trisha Paul x: Happy Late Birthday!
ajenkins2005: oh yeah Happy belated birthday!~
Penguinattack22: hey! sorry I didn't IM you yesterday, but happy birthday!
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2005 28 January :: 3.52am
:: Mood: sick, coughing, tired
I woke up about 10 minutes ago.. I woke myself up coughing.
YESTERDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY. and I didn't even get a happy birthday from ANDY. *sighs* I guess I'm not good enough. On that note; I didn't get an IM from anyone on woohu. I guess everyone hates me. *looks around* :(
I didn't have cake and ice cream for my birthday like "normal" people do for their birthdays; I got Pizza Hut Pizza and my mom took a piece and stuck 17 candles in it, they sang I made a wish then I only ate one piece. It really pissed me off though because I TOLD George to get the "dinner for 2" at Pizza Hut which is 2 med. pizzas and you can get 2 things of breadsticks for like 17 bucks, which is pretty good. Because I wanted there to be enough so I could invite KELLY OVER.. but nooo- what the fuck does he bring home? NOT WHAT I SAID. He brings home 1 med. pizza,[that cost $16!!!!!] and expects that to be enough? Ugh, I was so mad! It's like "No, don't worry about what Jena said.. she only FUCKIN' EATS AT PIZZA HUT EVERY OTHER FUCKIN' DAY!!!!!!!!!!! But NO; she wouldn't know what the deals are." So Kelly, I apologize for not inviting you over.. I have stupid assholes that live in my house.
So in other news I was quite upset that Jim hasn't even offered to help watch Gabrielle since I've been sick.. I would have THOUGHT that he might come over and be like "Jena, you rest you're sick.. I'll take care of our daughter." But what do I get?? Nothing. *sighs* He didn't even come over to see me on my birthday yesterday. But hey; he called.. yeah..
No school again today.. sorry kids. I'll be back Monday.
My Gram's in the hospital again. I guess she's dehydrated, and she's very weak because she doesn't hardly eat anything, so we're all praying for her.
Amber is getting induced today; good luck Amber!
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2005 27 January :: 8.19am
:: Mood: sick
today's my 17th birthday.
*sighs* i'm sick.
lets xx hug <--AIM SN; IM me and tell me how much you love me/happy birthday.. that'll definitly make me feel better. :-P
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2005 26 January :: 10.27am
:: Mood: sick
A pictures worth a thousand words
But not worth the words I need to hear
I miss you so much that it hurts
And tonight, I wish you were here with me
So I could make you see
The stars, they lay across the sky so perfectly
They remind me of
All the times, when we used to sit underneath them,
those summer nights
And fall in love
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2005 26 January :: 9.04am
:: Mood: sick
..No school again, I don't have a voice because I'm coughing every 5 seconds. I can basicly only whisper. Kelly stayed home I think.
I just want to get better.
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2005 25 January :: 4.10pm
:: Mood: sick, in PAIN, wanting to die
No school again, sick. Upper respitory infection, asthma, and a slight kidney infection. Yes; I went to the doctors today at 11:30; I have 3 perscriptions. They cost almost 70 bucks.. but I definitly think I'm worth it. haha, yeah right. Anyways they are Amoxicillin for my kidney infection, Cyclobenzaprine which is a muscle relaxer.. [they fuckin' knock you out like BOOM] because part of my problem was my headach that went all the way down my back into my spine ect. and Theophylline which is used for asthama, bronchitis, basicly to help me stop my chronic cough that hurts like hell.
I ordered a new birth certificate. Yes, I lost my original one. But in better news I got my physical again; so that means all I need to do is wait for my birth certificate and then I can get my permit. Hahahaha, I still don't think it's gonna happen; but lets hope for the best. *sigh*
Sorry I haven't replied to notes/noted anyone back.. hello- I'm sick. *cough* *spudder* *pain* I'm not on the computer much anymore and when I am it's just looking something up or writing an entry.
I'm gonna go get something to drink. Only 2 days 'til my 17th birthday.. I'm expecting some big gifts in the mail gals 'n' guys!
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2005 23 January :: 10.05pm
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2005 23 January :: 9.12pm
:: Mood: amused
sorry; but I have to say it.. Xanga is really quite retarded, gay, useless, "trendy", and in about a month or so; no one is going to use it anymore.
yeah, sorry if I hurt anyones feelings on my FRIENDS LIST.
other news; I think I have a kidney infection. Yay. [sarcasm] I'm not going to school tomorrow; so eat it.
and now; I am tuning back to the Steelers game.
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2005 23 January :: 12.04pm
:: Mood: cold
4 days until my 17th birthday
I'm still very sick. What's wrong you ask? I don't know. But I feel as though I am dying.
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2005 21 January :: 8.48pm
Dumb little girls need to choke on a dick.
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2005 21 January :: 7.21pm
:: Mood: in pain, cold, hot, sick, ect.
When I gave Jim the letter, I don't know if it made things better or worse. We talked about it.. and things are "okay" I guess? I dunno right now.
Today sucked pretty bad. I went to school and Nichole and I took our FBLA test, which we kicked ass on. Then after lunch I started getting really sick. I went to take a nap in the wrestling room during gym.. so after that I went to study hall in Mr. Maleckys room.. I was "tardy" because I was in the bathroom; I was getting so sick. I had a headache that went all through my room and down my spine. So I asked him to go to the office to go home. I stopped at the bathroom before I went down there to call my mom. I started crying because it hurt so much.
I went down to the office then I called the nurse, and she called my brother to come get me. When he finially got there we went home, I was so cold but burning up at the same time. The bumps going down my driveway hurt like hell, shit the whole car ride home hurt really bad. So I got home changed and got under the covers.. I was shaking so bad because I was so cold. I don't even know why though. I kept trying to fall asleep but I couldn't because I was so cold. I took my temp. and it's 101.5. I called my mom and she's coming home early tonight. I'm still hurting; I took some IBprofin. It helped a little I guess.
Jim is going to Grove City with his mom to see Jeff.. I am so mad. I yelled at him because I might be going to the hospital and he's still leaving.. but then he said his mom is making him. But whatever, she's fuckin' dumb.
Right now I'm just watching CSI in a blanket, HOOVING down PILLS, and talking to Becky. What a Friday night..
I'm a loser.
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2005 20 January :: 5.54pm
:: Mood: worried
So I wrote Jim a letter about what I talked about in my last "Friends Only" entry.. Amy gave it to him around 4 I think.. he still hasn't called me.
What's done is done I guess.. I hope he can understand my point of view though.
We'll see.
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2005 19 January :: 9.33pm
 A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?
I'm Evangelion. Fear the power of my religious symbolism!!! RAWR!
*becomes a giant incorporeal mother goddess of destruction*
*is naked*
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2005 19 January :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: SPUNKY
SOOOOOOOOO.. today Kelly &I were late for school because when I called the snow line at 5:30 am it said we had a 2 hour delay.. but when I called again at around 7:30 am it said we had regular school hours.. So Kelly and I were really pissed, my mom called the school, so did hers. We went in at about 9:08, and they said that it was the schools fault and that we won't be counted as tardy. DAMN RIGHT. So I was supposed to go to 2nd period because it ends at 9:18, but I just walked around until it was about 9:17, then went in. It was Geometry and I hate that class.. *yawns*
I went to English, I was Banquo, the ghost.. [we're reading MacBeth] so I had to sit in a chair with a white over-coat thingy on my head while DJ read the part of MacBeth.. sexy.
Accounting was.. accounting. Boring, but educating. ;)
Then LUNCH, which is my favorite. It's definitly the best time to get all of your talkingness [word??] out.. I sit by BECKY, Rachel [Jims cousin], Janelle, Nichole, Steph, and sometimes this other girl.. Becky, what's her name?? Today was okay, but Steph wasn't here; so it coulda' been better.
Then 5th period I had gym with Beck.. I forgot my Tenners, so Mitch just let me take gym without them. Nice. Becky a few freshman and myself went in the mat room to JUMP ROPE with the BIG one. Nice. Fun. I hurt my ankle. Ouch. I'm over it now.
After that I have STUDY HALL WITH MR. M. Hahahaha, all I do in there is talk, walk around and play rock paper sissors with the teacher, he's funny. I basicly just sit there and talk to him the whole period, do arrands for him, or talk to George. But it's definitly fun in there. I'm bringing cards tomorrow to play. Nice.
7th period I have Child Development 2, definitly one of my favorite classes, though today we just took this Child Development test for IEP or something like that.. [is that right Becky??] and our class gets bonus points for everyone we get right. [Do you get bonus points to Becky??]
8th period is definitly one of the 2 least favorite classes. Being that I don't like/aren't friends with anyone in that class. They're all freshman.. so I kinda just chill out in that class. Biology is dumb. *sigh*
I came home then went up my Aunt Loraines.. took a nap on my cousin Donnies bed for about an hour.. then Donnie woke me up to eat. After we were done eating.. Kelly came up to play Dominos. Nice, I kicked everyones ASS. During my ASS KICKING time, Kelly and I were talking about when we were going to have our birthday parties. We talked for about I swear an hour; and every day that we wanted.. something was going on or it was supposed to snow and all this shit. So we finially got 2 seperate days picked out, then I said "Hey, why don't we have it together on the same day at the Sand Bar?" and then BOOM. Plans were made, people were called. Party on January 29, at 5:00. Be there or be square.
Since Kelly and Is birthdays are only 3 days apart, and were practicly sisters we're cool enough to do that.. but no one else is. ;) So we have everyone we want to invite written down.. all our friends [no Becky, you AREN'T invited.:)] It's gonna be great. Definitly.
After we were all done I fed Gabrielle her cereal and fed her some formula.. now she's fast asleep in her bed. God, she is so pretty. But anyways, I'm gonna go call Jim..
Read more..
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2005 18 January :: 5.06pm
:: Mood: calm
..haha funny "revised" nursery rhymes.
Mary had a little lamb
She tied him to the heater
Every time Mary went by
He'd burn his little peter!
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Her clothes all tattered and torn
It was not the spider
That crept up beside her
But Little Boy Blue and his horn
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a spider, that sat down beside her
And said "What's in the bowl Bitch!?!?"
Hickoy Dickory Dock
Three mice climbed up the clock
The clock struck one
And the other two escaped with minor injuries.
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To Have a little fun
Stupid Jill forgot the pill
And now they have a son
Hey Diddle, Diddle,
The cat had to piddle
All over the bedside clock
The little dog laughed to see such fun
When the cat died of electrical shock
Georgie Pordgy Pudding and Pie
Kissed the girls and made them cry
When the boys came out to play
He kissed them too 'cause he was gay.
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2005 17 January :: 8.21pm
The best time to talk about
everything and anything is at night,
when you're falling asleep right
next to the person you love.
<3 Jim
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2005 17 January :: 7.26pm
:: Mood: bitchy
Well, I think maybe I'm in a better mood now to write some more things that happened this weekend.. but very sparsly.
Friday Rochelle came over, we hung out- did nothing except eat. But it was definitly fun. She stayed the night- we watched movies and did "girl stuff" hehe. Then her mom took me to Jims house Saturday morning arund 2 or so. The roads were bad.
[insert last entry here]
Then today BECKY CALLED ME.. but I will never uncover what she said to me on the phone; because she's a dumb bucket.
So I came home today.. and what else is new it's hell, as always. Being that the girls and I just cleaned the house on Friday, I came home today and the place is a dump already. I don't understand anymore. IT PISSES ME OFF SO BADLY.
"happy birthday" lmao.. sorry.
I can't wait.. 18 here I come. Next year
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2005 17 January :: 4.50pm
:: Mood: blah
So yesterday I stayed at Jims.. I played his PS2 a 'lil, then we had a roll in the sack. Haha, I'm just jokin'.. anyways, I didn't eat anything all day 'cause Jim didn't have anything to eat at his house. His mom came home at around 9:00 at night and took Gabrielle off Jim, that just ticks me off anymore. It's his baby, not hers. He barely gets to see her as it is, and then she takes her off of him.. anyways, Gab was getting really fussy and starting to cry and everything so I was getting really antsy, I hate when Gabrielle cries, and I especially hate when she cries and someone else has her. So I was trying to let Donna handle her; but she kept doing the wrong things. I knew what was wrong with her; she was tired. I tried to say that but nooo.. she "ate too much" uhhh.. okay, I think I would know if my own daughter ate too much. So finially I just took Gabrielle off of her and went up stairs so I could put her to bed. When I was on my way down I heard her talking about me, lmao.. do you think I can't hear you? ANYWAYS, I got mad at just stayed upstairs for like 5 more minutes then went down. She went upstairs and took the phone to call Ronnie. Jim and I went to bed about 30 minutes later.
We woke up around 9:00 the next day and just chilled. Now here I am. School tomorrow. *sigh*
[[edit: 6:09 PM]]
It never fails, when I come home; it gets worse every time.
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