"Man hits pedestrian at Home Depot and runs down a state trooper before leaving the lot. Hits a van, backs up and hits it again. Drives off screaming "WOO HOO" as he strikes several vehicles before crashing head-on with a semi. TA-DA"
So i'm feeling better than I did on Friday.
Much much better.
I just really wish I could find another Boston terrier for me or at least a Boston playmate for my dog.
I'vr narrowed things down to the fact that I hate my job more than anything. Seriously, to the point where I am miserable every single day and I don't want to get out of bed.
Life was better on prozac..
I've been at this place before..
Where nothing makes sense, but at the same time, everything makes sense to me.
I have everything most girls dream of, yet I am lacking so many things that other people have and dream of.
Sometimes I think that I want to be single and live alone.
But the problem with that is, I haven't ever lived on my own. I hate being at home alone. I tried living on my own once, and Mike was over everyday, and then he moved completely in.
I need to balance independent and dependent.
I'm back to where I was when I was in high school..
Crying about every little thing.
Making everyone miserable because I'm sad all the time..
Even though I really have no reason to be unhappy..
And seriously, I have no idea how Mike deals with it.
He tries to cheer me up, but it only lasts for a little bit..
Until I start thinking about how much my life is lacking in different areas..
I have so many hopes and dreams that I don't put into action.
So many ties..
And sadly I think the only fix is prozac.
And the problem with that is, I don't have health insurance!
I woke the same as every other day except a voice was in my head.
It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads.
Things are starting to look up.. Other than I have 6 exams due by thursday.. and being that I have to work monday-thursday, I have no idea when i am going to be able to make it up to the college before the lab closes so that I can get all my exams in..
Kind of worried about it.. but who knows.. maybe something will work out for me..
I still have work for 2 classes to do yet.. And there are a couple of assignments for one class that I can't figure out how to do certain things.. so yeah, im screwed!