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:: 2004 31 May :: 2.58pm

its funny how time and time again everything repeats itself.

i leave August 17th.

i still feel as if there are some holes that need patching up. things shouldn't ever be left this long unresolved... really, thats how you lose the people that you care about the most.

to end an old life, to start a new.



:: 2004 24 May :: 2.02am

graduation was nice. when the flowers fell. the end appeared. I hate the fact that i'm going to miss high school. content is not a permenant visitor.

i'm sick of hearing stupid lectures from flapping mouths. school can only get you so far. meaning can be the most meaningless. pursuits are just staves in boredom's path.

Anything you say, think, or feel can be contradicted. Never forget you are not the only opinion in town. And "right and wrong?" It's just a fairy tale, baby.



:: 2004 24 May :: 12.23am
:: Mood: surprised

the perfect date with the perfect guy
wonderful you. my hero. my knight in shining armor. who saved me from all of my bad luck. from all of our bad luck. after the worst night in my life. i can't speak of how much it meant to me. a hidden side of you that fought its way out. just one more time. and the way you looked at me. the way i always want you to look at me. a smile every second. and all my favorites. surprises. flowers. the beach. quiznos. melting pot dessert. my happy ending.



:: 2004 23 May :: 12.23am
:: Mood: thrilled

so... I graduated!
Today was a long day. A really good day. It was THEE day. My first breath all over again. Helloooo world!



:: 2004 19 May :: 3.13pm
:: Mood: weird

what now
how is this world to be filled with sweet nothings when there arn't any? how can someone forgive when no one asks to be forgiven? how can we go on in a world that seems to be fading? maybe i'm going blind. maybe you're covering my eyes to surprise me. maybe i'm a dreamer stuck in a nightmare. where art thou? when i need thee most?
thy lips taste so sweet, but thy tounge is bitter in thy mouth. i don't know your language. i don't want to speak silence anymore. show me through mine.
if this is love,
why don't you run after me?
why are you a stranger?



:: 2004 12 May :: 11.13am

The end.
It's over. I've learned so much. About people; about life. I cherish the experience. Though I wish some things never did come to an end. I'm relieved. Excited where I will go from here. It's time to forgive, remember, but don't regret. And start new. Just enjoy the ride.
Summer starts now.



:: 2004 2 May :: 11.27pm

this marks a new beginning.

thy heart will always beat for thee.
mark my words.

1 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2004 2 May :: 2.48am

skirted by shadows
two birds fly through
a world full of gray
on into the blue

2 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2004 29 April :: 1.04am

your tounge be not coiled on that silo of less use
for to the bear tounge sweet is the honey, while the bee grows numb



:: 2004 22 April :: 11.17pm

your sticks. your stones. touch not. my bones.

snap snap snap

love not. live not.



:: 2004 18 April :: 10.25pm


and so said the dying man
"time has taken none
but my fears
and all these years
it was the one that ate me all
and the all that ate me one"

sitting on young, deaf ears
these words did fade
into a spectre to
loom and vex her
until a day she did awake
to these words; they did greet her
and were soon to eat her
questions stored
so her thoughts abhorred
so her thoughts seethed
while the words teethed
on her former self
sharpened, they carved her
anew: so did they give her new life
wise and true


all in the one
that cradles us all



:: 2004 5 April :: 11.21pm

I am the closest you'll get to perfection, and the farthest from it you will ever be.

1 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2004 1 April :: 8.14am

It is the things we deem insignificant that are in fact the most. Calm your superficial mind and allow the inner voice to guide; infinity is bonded in you, but will never become realized until you stop talking and start listening.



:: 2004 15 March :: 11.02pm

this die we cast
on this sea of glass
is all but entropy
reflecting for eternity

or perhaps chaos it may be
to those who cannot see
or a calculated precision
to those posessing vision

but to theorize
is to lobotomize
and to criticize
is to demise

so you live you
and i'll live me

1 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2004 14 February :: 11.28pm

envy me for I have been graced with the Godly sounds of Modest Mouse<3

it was soooooooo wonderful x a bagillion & a half!! Muchas gracias to Josh/Eric/Taylor/everyone else <3<3

got dumped in Miami & did the whole UM honor band thing. It went well I guess besides crappy music and bad players. The other bassoonists were cool (and cute lol) so it was all good. <3s to Chris & Eun Joo who made 2nd and 1st chairs!!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Alfred Reed was at our concert tonight!! We all got autographs and pictures, it was obbber cool!

going to Orlando tomorrow. busy. bye.

6 People Fired | Ready..Aim..

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