2003 12 May :: 5.47pm
:: Mood: tired and hungry
bleh bleh bleh.......... may isn't supposed to be rainy and gross...it's supposed to be sunny and happppppy!
Kiss My Ass
2003 6 May :: 9.11pm
Well, hello there.
I could have posted much more before this. I just prefer to sit back in the shadows and let the rest of you talk.
The history paper below = 87%
I ended up with a B+ in the class.
I've been trying to control myself lately. So many wants, so many things I need. Or, so many things I think I need. So much future out there. I mean, two more years and I could be done with school. Two. That's it. AP credits are so nice. Well, not really two. Two after next year. It just seems so short.
The job is a dead end. I guess I could possibly spend the rest of my life working there, but why would I want to put myself through that? I wouldn't.
I feel alone, I need some fellowship.
I feel alone, I need a hug.
I feel alone, but I feel good.
I feel alone and I feel confident.
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2003 5 May :: 10.27pm
:: Mood: sleepy/regretful
:: Music: mercy me- i can only imagine
ahhhhhh....i love this song!!!!!
oye....why did i do it. i'm realllllllly going to regret this. bleh......
i wish i could just go flamingoing forever. that's it...just flamingo houses with our various costumes and funny war paint. i think i just love my youth group even more every time we get together. they're soooooooooo much fun! hahaha...anyways, i have no idea how to tell him and ugh........me and my freaking self. i hate it sometimes.......i'm terrible.
Kiss My Ass
2003 1 May :: 5.12pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: sugar ray
out of sheer bordem i'm doing this....however, it feels nice to be bored for once :)
[ series 1 - your ]
-- Name : Dani Lynn Lauer
-- Birthday: August 8th, 1987
-- Birthplace : Petoskey, Michigan
-- Current Location : Cedar Springs, Michigan
-- Eye Color : greenish-blueish
-- Hair Color : brown with highlights
-- Righty or Lefty : righty
-- Zodiac Sign : leo
-- Font : georgia in size 10 on messenger and verdana on woohu
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : Clemency, Ben Folds, John Mayer, Rebecca St. James
-- Cartoon : Spongeboib! what else?!
-- Color : yellow
-- Slushy Flavor : hmmm.....coke?
-- Magazine : Seventeen or YM
-- TV Show : i don't really watch tv...but when i do, i watch boston public or some reality show crap
-- Song at the Moment: Something from Clemency
-- Language : English I guess
-- Spice Girl : bleh..i refuse to answer that
-- Food & Beverage : popcorn and water
Subject in School : English
-- Weekend Activity : ahhhhhh......chillin with fuzzy logic
-- Ice Cream Flavor : moose tracks
-- Roller Coaster : i dunno...... magnum?
[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on aol : LOL and i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : tons...usually whatevers on my mind i guess, it varies
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : face
The Best Name for a Butler : Carlos
-- The wussiest sport : um...haha...cheerleading?
-- Your best feature : you tell me :)
-- Your bedtime : Around 11:00 give or take
-- Your greatest fear : heights or depression
-- Your greatest accomplishment : getting a total of 4 one's and 4 blue medals at solo and ensemble this year!
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke : vinalla coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King : burger kings fries rock my socks
-- Single or group dates : Groups at first, then just single.
-- Adidas or Nike : adidas
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : nuggets!
-- Dogs or cats : dogs
-- Rugrats or Doug : rugrats
-- Single or taken : dunno.......i've never been taken....so i guess single
-- Monica or Brandy : no
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : no
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : Shania
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : dont like either
-- One pillow or two : twooooo
-- Chocolate or vanilla : depends on what it is
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : what's the difference?
-- Cappucino or coffee : cappucino! woo!
-- Boxers or briefs : boxers
[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : yes
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : who doesn't?
-- do you think you've been in love? : no, not real love...just puppy love :)
-- Want to go to college? : yeah
-- Like high school? : sure
-- Want to get married : yeah sometime
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : yes
-- Believe in yourself? : always
-- Have any tattoos/where? : nope
-- Have any piercings/where? : yeah ears and left cartilage
-- Get motion sickness? : sometimes
-- Think you're a health freak? : not really
-- Get along with your parents? : usually, yeah
-- Like thunderstorms? : depends on who i'm with
[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : when I’m good and ready
-- Number and Names of Children : i dunno!!! that's crazy to think about it now
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : in college with maybe a boyfriend?
-- Describe your Dream Wedding : on the beach with the love of my life
-- How do you want to die? : in my husbands arms
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : a music teacher
-- What country would you most like to visit? : AFRICA!!!!! oh wait...that's a continent...haha...well, i'm going to zimbabwe, africa...there!
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : blue
-- Best hair color? : blonde or light brown
-- Short or long hair? : short is nice...but long enough to run my fingers through
-- Best height? : around 5'10-11"
-- Best weight? : i dunno..fatter than me! haha..but not too fat...around 150-165
-- Best articles of clothing? : kacki shorts and yellow shirt (drools) :)
-- Best first date location? : it doesn't matter, just something not too intimidating
-- Best first kiss location? : ummmmm...not telling :)
-- What facial feature do you find the most attractive? smile !
[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : last night...i can't sleep without jarvis!
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : no less than 2, no more than 3 1/2
-- What's on your mouse pad? : my freshman year school pic :)
-- How many houses have you lived in? : bahhh...... i don't even know...something like 14 or 15 maybe!
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 4
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : sea foam green
-- Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars? : probably not
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : camp
-- Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? hell yes
-- Would you marry for money? : nope, only for love
-- Have you had braces? : nope! :-D
-- Do you pluck your eyebrows? : yeah, but not often...heh
-- Do you ever cut or hurt yourself? : no
-- When was the last time you had a hickey? : never
-- Would you live without a computer? : yeah, but i wouldn't like it much
-- Do you drink enough water? : yeah, probably too much
-- Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: both
-- What is your favorite fruit? : oh dear...i can't decide!
--Do you eat wheat bread or white bread? : wheat
-- What is the last movie you saw? : ummm...tuck everlasting with danielle at home and in the theater......um....i think chicago, but i'm not sure...i don't remember these things well
-- Do you kiss on the first date? : depends on who i'm with :)
-- Are you photogenic? : i guess...some are alright...some are terrible
-- Do you dream in colour or black and white? : colors!
-- Are you wearing fingernail polish? : mmhmm
-- Do you have any dimples? : yep...4 of 'em!
-- Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? : both are nice...it depends on who i'm with...*cries*
-- Do you want to live to be 100?: not if i'm unhealty and a veggie
-- Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair? : it's personal prefrence i guess..
-- Do you like salty food or sugary food the most? : depends on my mood...
-- Is a flat stomach important to you? : to an extent
-- Do you or have you played with a ouija board? : no! ha!
-- Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? : of couse
-- When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? : off with a lamp on...i'm afraid of the dark
-- Do you believe in magic? : what kind of magic?
-- Do you have nightmares frequently? : not really
-- Do you like your nose?: yes!
-- Do you think you can draw well? : No
-- Do you listen to music daily? : yeah...i'm addicted i think :)
-- Do you like to watch cartoons? : i don't watch tv much
-- How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? : enough
-- Do you like your friends? : haha......no...they're awful, terrible people...that's why i bake them cookies and love them and hang out with them, confide in them and spend almost all my time with them..........duh....if i didn't like them they wouldn't be my friends now would they? hahaha
wooooo......fun...i'm done with the whole thing and jacob c. potts STILL isn't online! what's up with that?
Kiss My Ass
2003 30 April :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: crushed
i know a hundred times i'm supposed to forget.....
okay, so ryan has been home from florida for almost a week now. no, i have not spoken one word to him. i tried callling but nooo...he was sleeping plus he hasn't been online. i just want to die. yeah yeah, i know i'm supposed to move on but you don't understand how i just can't. ryan has every single little thing i've ever wanted in a guy. he's like, a home made guy. if that makes sense. if i could make a guy, he would come pretty dern close i tell ya. and yeah, i just miss him sooooooooooo much. it happens. aw shit...i just realized today was the 8 month anniversary of not seeing him. woo hoo. like i really wanted to remember that. not. i just had a crappy day. but wow.....just think...exactly 8 months ago was probably one of the best days ever. like, i can't even think about it because i remember everything so vividly. and when i think about it, my heart literally hurts inside. anyways, enough depressing for today. i need some cheering up so i'm going to say this for the first time in my journal. leave a comment if you love me :) it'll cheer me up, trust me.
1 Kiss Ass |
Kiss My Ass
2003 29 April :: 10.19pm
:: Mood: content
take the time to read this.........it's good stuff....most of it
Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older their
conversational skills will be as important as any other.
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you
When you say, "I love you", mean it.
When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
Believe in love at first sight.
Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who
don't have dreams don't have much.
Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt
but it's the only way to live life completely.
In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.
Don't judge people by their relatives.
Talk slowly but think quickly.
When someone asks you a question you don't want
to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
Remember that great love and great
achievements involve great risk.
Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Remember the three R's:
Respect for self;
Respect for others;
Responsibility for all your actions.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you've made a mistake,
take immediate steps to correct it.
Smile when picking up the phone.
The caller will hear it in your voice.
Spend some time alone.
Kiss My Ass
2003 21 April :: 10.19pm
:: Mood: perturbed
:: Music: rebecca st. james- song of love
just a thought
Okay, I was just thinking to my self. Why do Non-Christians celebrate Chirstian holidays? I mean, this is stupid. People who don't have faith participate in Chirstmas and Easter. I'm not Jewish, so I don't celebrate Hanacha (beans, correct my spelling because I know it's wrong) or any of their religious holidays. So why on earth do people who don't have a relationship with God celebrate his birthday and ressurection? This is funny to me. These people celebrate these holidays for the wrong reasons. The holidays are not about getting presents or eating big dinners or seeing family members. They are about celebrating Jeasus Christ. It's all backwards now. Yeah, I didn't get an Easter basket this year. So what? I had one of the best Easter's ever. I spent most of my day at church with and with my family and it was great. So yeah, if anyone has any ideas on this subject, i'd like to hear other people's opinions. thanks :)
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2003 19 April :: 11.25pm
:: Mood: tearsssssssss
:: Music: lonestar-amazed
i was just listening to the cd and not expecting this song to come up anytime soon......and bam...there it is. mine and ryan's old song. and bam...there they were, the tears. iiiiiii mmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss him. and i know you've heard enough and you don't care.......but you know what... i don't care. ha ha ...wow...that sounded kind of mean, but it just makes me feel worse when you tell me it's over, i know it's over. you don't need to tell me to rub it in more. it makes me sad.
the concert last night was really nice. all 3 bands did a great job. it was really the first time i had really heard bright lit city and i liked them alot. they have some great lyrics and awesome voices. fuzzy logic, as always rocked the house in my eyes. it was nice to hear steal and last night, my 2 favorites that they wrote. it was good to see all the bands getting along and helping out. bruce said checkers did a nice job as well. i don't really like the kind of music they play, but that's okay. everyone has their own types. they do have a lot of talent. they can really play fast! haha... anyways, the concert was just a nice end to a good week.
happy easter... church @ 7 am with the youth group to cook the easter breakfast and then we're all going to the 10 am service after we clean up. i bought a new skirt. it's cute.
we took the puppies to the dam in rockford to see how they would do on leashes.. (insert the dukes gay laugh from moulin rouge here) they were sooooo uncoriptive. haha oh welll, we saw some people we knew from our old church and lots and lots of people stopped to pet them... even hotties :)
other than the above discussed events, not much has been going on. i bought some new music books, one for flute and one for guitar. and grandpa is here and we listened to music together today while i painted my nails for church. we got in trouble by mom for having the music so loud :) i love my grandpa so much. everytime is see him we get closer. he's so much different than my dad and i'm closer with my grandpa than i am with my dad even though i don't see my grandpa as much. he's just a magnificent man. i don't know what i'll do when it's his time to go...which shouldn't be for a while since he's so young. 65 i think...not too bad! heh
anyways, hope whatever you're doing for this blessed holiday is enjoyable for you. God Bless!
1 Kiss Ass |
Kiss My Ass
2003 15 April :: 11.10pm
:: Mood: better
:: Music: clemency- rescue me
actually, this made me feel better... a little...but when doesn't roger make me feel better? :)
danibean05: did i tell you im' going on the missions trip now!
dothack INF: cool
dothack INF: where to?
danibean05: appilations
danibean05: in west virginia
dothack INF: ?
danibean05: i didn't spell it right
dothack INF: the mountains?
danibean05: ha
danibean05: yeah
dothack INF: appalachians?
danibean05: yeah yeah
danibean05: !!!
danibean05: i can't spell.......sorry
dothack INF: lol
dothack INF: well i gotta go hun
dothack INF: I love you lots Dani
danibean05: okay
danibean05: i love you more roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
danibean05: ahhahahaha
dothack INF: you're the greatest and I'll pary for you
dothack INF: *pray
danibean05: thank you soooooooooo much
danibean05: i miss you like no other:-)
dothack INF: c-ya lata
dothack INF: bye bye
danibean05: night night
danibean05: !
Kiss My Ass
2003 15 April :: 10.59pm
:: Mood: cranky
eh... i don't feel good. not sick..but just ... bleh.........it might be sleep or who knows what. actually, i don't even feel like writing anymore.........sorry.
Kiss My Ass
2003 14 April :: 12.46pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: i have clemency- its about you stuck in my head...
phew! we're home. safe. so now i can just actually sit back for a bit and relax before i'm back to normal routine at school. bah...i spent the night on a plane. woo hoo. oh well. anyways, just wanted to tell everyone we got home okay just in case you were wondering. you can call me now. i'm calling a few of you, but if you aren't sure if you're on the list, give me a buzz :) see yall at school!!!!!!!
Kiss My Ass
2003 13 April :: 10.49am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: i have some song stuck in my head...haha.....................heart of worship
well, today is offically my last day in california. i'm kind of sad, but happy too because i miss yall. we're getting ready to go down to the beach now and i'm going to go take my last shower...outdoors. :) i hope everyone had a fun and great spring break. i called my dad today and he said the weather was nice and warm. woo hoo! i can't wait to see yall!!!!!!!!!!! love and hugs!
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2003 13 April :: 12.17am
:: Mood: silly
Is there a real life-
Or is it fantasy-
Outside of basics,
My escape from reality.
Open your eyes,
Though we're in disguise, they see
I'm just a band geek,
I need no sympathy
'Cause I march in the sun, in the snow,
Sick or tired, I still go.
Even when the wind blows,
Or if it's two hundred degrees, degrees.
Mama, I'm in the cult
Marched twelve miles eight-to-five, it's a wonder I'm alive
Mama, band camp's just begun,
I've tossed my hopes of sanity away
Mama, ooh, so what if I'm a wreck
You know that I'll be there again tomorrow,
Marching on, marching on
Because marching really matters.
Too late, the drill has come
Panic running through my mind
'Cause the back field isn't lined
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to play
Gotta rehearse John Williams still today
Mama, ooh, ('specially when the wind blows)
I just wanna die- I sometimes wish I'd never signed up at all!
I see a little silhouetto of a block,
Back left slide! Front right flank!
Can you pull the maneuvers?
Mark time to the ankle,
Hope seniors don't mangle thee!
People's Choice! GE visual!
People's Choice! GE visual!
GE visual? I don't know
Still flags to sew...
I'm just a pitster, nobody follows me
He's just a pitster, pathetic as can be
He doesn't march, his problem I can't see!
Fingers are turning blue- what's a flute to do?
Play trombone! No, we'll never play trombone!
Play trombone! On your life, we'll never play trombone!
Play trombone! On your life, we'll never play trombone!
Play trombone! Never play trombone!
Play trombone! Never, never, ever play trombone!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
John Phillip Sousa, Mr. Sousa, Mr. Sousa let me go
The sousaphones have no intervals beside of me, of me, of me!
So you think you can mock us and say that we're weird?
Hey, that's just your opinion, we know that we're feared!
Oh, baby, are we crazy, just maybe!
When we watch films starring the Knights Who Say Ni!
Marching really matters, anyone could see,
Marching really matters, marching really matters to me
Even when the wind blows...
You know you've been in band too long when (some new ones, some of the same...i found them on msn):
10.You walk in step with any one you walk with.
9.You always step out with your left foot.
8.When you hear a song you can distinguish individual notes and instruments.
7.You mark time to songs on the radio.
6.Your right foot always hits the line in the pavement.
5.You can tell who is a drummer, even from another band because he's hot and stupid.
4.You hear another band and you cringe when they play anything you've played because you KNOW you play it better.
3.When ANYONE asks "Are there any questions?" You always think "No sir."
2.You walk in the mall & you can tell who else is a band nerd because they walk in step with their friends.
1.When you just want to kill the next person who says : "This one time at band camp..
2 Kiss Asses |
Kiss My Ass
2003 11 April :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: i'm not listening to anything, but rebecca st. james-song of love is stuck in my head :)
okay, so today i felt alot better. haha...no throwing up!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo!!!!!!!!!! we went to a really cool museum today and ahhh... i saw so many hot guys today. i was getting kind of worried, like there wasn't going to be any in CA. but no, today proved to me there are many hotties. i talked to only a select few. ha ha ha ha ha ha. wes... sigh...he was in the museum. oh my gosh. what a looker. he could have come out of a magizine. and then, my aunt goes to the health club to swim laps so my mom and i just walked around. ahhhhhhhhh.........i turned around! and there was one! right there!!! then i went out the door! and 2 MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right in my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew..what a day. ha ha ha ha... but i really needed that. i hadn't seen hardly any the entire trip, then school for them gets out and the hotties just start swarming the city! we also went to the exploritorium... that dome thing you always see on tv. you'll know what i'm talking about when i get you guys pictures. anyways, i'm getting tired because i'm still not used to the stupid ass time change. i'll probably be used to it on sunday, but we're leaving sunday night/monday morning, so i guess that will just screw me up more. oh well. heh. hope everyone is having fun, i heard it was warm the past few days! awesome! i miss you all....a lot........... i'll be home soon!!! love and hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiss My Ass
2003 11 April :: 9.25pm
:: Mood: sick... am i ever healthy?
ick..today was not the best. bleh... i started my morning off by throwing up twice in the toilet. finally, i got the courage to get a shower and clothing on. on the way to san fransisco i managed to throw up something else i didn't eat. hmmm... we went to a marine mammal rescue for a little while to visit the seals. very cute :) then we did some driving around and visited three small villages just outside of san fransisco. at the end we rented some movies and now i'm getting ready to crash to bed. hope everything is going well. love and hugs to all :)
Kiss My Ass