2002 1 August :: 3.29pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: your own disaster - taking back sunday
me + kevins escapades
let me set the mood for this a second. the day before this my girlfriend whom i love dearly (were ok now) told me she was loosing the feelings she had for me and was thinking about breakin up. anyways, a few days ago kevin and i went to guitar center because kevin needed a new pick gaurd for his bass(guitar). we drove there and to our suprise it was closed, monday afternoon and it was closed. anyway thats not the point. we thought we'd got to a pawn shop or something on 28th street so we went looking. we stoped at a pawn shop that sold a buch aof music stuff but nothing we needed. so we went to rit music but on the way there i hit the back of a womans car (not my fault!) and the stupid ho stops in the middle of 28th street for a dented licence plate. so we got to rit music kevin get his thing and still pretty pissed at this point. on the way home kevin buys me food (thanks kevin ;)) and i go visit my girlfriend for some comfort after the shitty day i had and the first thing she tells me is about how her and her friend met these guys at mich. adv. and how much fun they had. needless to say that didnt help. then me ,kevin, and robie meet at robies moms house to practice on our songs witch is therapudic. but robies sister was sleeping so we couldnt. enter: my house. my "girlfriend" calls and yells AT ME explaning how shes a flirt and wants to expand he horizions and how it made her fell better about herself that someone was hitting on her but what bothers me is how she still maintains a social anx. problem (hmm). some times i wish shed pay attention to me (pitty...oh well) but in the end i guess it worked ok.i guess.
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