So, I was driving home tonight thinking about music, and this entry. I was thinking death metal would be good for my mood, but as I was selecting I realized something much softer and friendlier would be much better. Then the thought continued that death metal would not be a good choice of words.
Tonight, we decided to put Callaway down, to sleep, what is the best choice of words for that? Made me a lot sadder than I have been in a long time. As I took her out for the last walk of the night, my eyes started watering. I decided I needed to think of something completely different to get my mind off it and to clear up my eyes. Guess what subject I picked, porn.
So we need to call the vet and schedule the time. I need to decide if I want to be there when it happens. This would be so much easier if her mind were gone. To see her so alert and happy, but realize that her body can no longer cope is just so sad.
It is hard to drive and blow your nose at the same time. I settled on resting my forearms on the steering wheel and leaning into my hands.
For those wondering, I settled on the latter half of the soundtrack to Twilight. And no, I did not proofread this entry.
The Experian saga continues. I hate that fucking company. How can they be so fucking stupid? Why does anyone trust the information they collect? Why does this shit happen to me? How can I default on loans before I'm born? How can I have multiple social security numbers? The number of problems goes on, and on, and on...
"You know, this is the type of person who 12,000 years ago would venture outside the cave, try to pet a cuddly looking sabretooth tiger and then get mauled into a thousand bits and pieces. She wouldn't get the chance to procreate and her useless, stupid genes would be eliminated from human kind. Not today. In 2009, survival of the fittest has been replaced by a first-degree misdemeanor charge of child endangering, a minor misdemeanor for unlawfully restraining a child, and a consequent six-month jail maximum. "