2009 27 February :: 10.57pm
Sophia: I need the money for my old age.
Dorothy: Old age? You don't leave fingerprints anymore.
Sophia: I'm not leaving now. It's just getting good.
Dorothy: Shady Pines, Ma!
Sophia: I'm right behind you.
Rose: I just had a thought...
Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche: Congratulations.
Rose: Well, I'm off.
Sophia: Totally.
Dorothy: Hi, ma. Where are you going?
Sophia: To the boardwalk. I like to watch the old guys rearrange themselves when they come out of the water.
Dorothy: You couldn't sleep either, huh?
Sophia: No, I'm sleeping so good I thought I'd come try it in the sink.
Blanche: I treat my body like a temple.
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.
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2009 26 February :: 9.52pm
:: Music: Revolution - The Beatles
This is in response to my last post...
What can I say... I'm a trend setter.
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2009 25 February :: 9.30pm
:: Music: Beck- Girl
fists pounding on a vending machine/ toy diamond ring stuck on her finger/ with a noose she could hang from the sun/ and put it out with her dark sunglasses
(It starts tomorrow.)
Hmm... this week is dragging. Work is aggravating. I drink way too much wine.
I think I am ready for 2009 to be over...Get me out of here!
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2009 25 February :: 6.06pm
He touched me with his creepy serial killer hands.
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2009 25 February :: 2.51pm
:: Music: Radiohead - House of Cards
A Prayer
Got this from a friend of mine in the program. I pretty much love it/want to take it out behind the middle school and get it pregnant:
Our Skinner, who art at Harvard; Hallowed be thy box; Thy Walden come, they work be replicated; On people as it is on other animals; Give us this day our daily reinforcers; And extinguish our deviant responses; As we withdraw reinforcement of deviant responses in others; Lead us not into satiation; But deliver us from deprivation; For Science is the method, and the results, and the data, for Problem Solving forever.
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2009 24 February :: 7.04pm
:: Mood: pissed off
Honest people are never touchy about the matter of being trusted.
The libertarian portion of my being has been turgid ever since the fifth of November. It has ebbed and flowed in steep juxtaposition with the markets and my 401k. I have become enraged with the demonization of profits and the exaltation of the ignorant. I have screamed over the snowy beaches of Lake Michigan passages of our Declaration of Independence, that "...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." And to my surprise, I heard an answer coming back from the other side of the lake.
When Rick Santelli called for a Chicago "Tea Party", my libertarian essence wasn't the only thing that was turgid. I set myself a goal to read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" so that I can quote relevant passages to a willing audience.
So you think that money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?
Long story short, I ordered a hardcover edition on Amazon for $22.92 from a user named noah74. However, what I received was a sodding used paperback edition worth $6.39!
The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.
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2009 23 February :: 9.50pm
:: Music: MGMT- Kids
The memories fade/ Like looking through a fogged mirror/ Decisions to decisions are made and not bought/ But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot/ I guess not
I'm not looking forward to the next step.
It sucks that this is the way we have to do it.
yeah...i'm bitter.
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2009 22 February :: 7.52pm
:: Music: Ben Kweller- Lizzy
Like momma said/ dont ya let it go to your head/ when your town is painted red/ I'm so proud to know you
Went to the Ben Kweller concert on Thursday with Eliz. It's weird to see that he's gotten old (and we've gotten old, too).
Good times. We ate a lot of food, gambled $3, gave fake names and numbers to some parking attendants, rode the (homeless) people mover, and mostly made (drunk off our asses) fools out of ourselves.
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2009 22 February :: 4.43pm
"Do you know the difference between a nice girl and a good girl? A nice girl will help you put it in." Paula Dean
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2009 19 February :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: rejuvenated
Is what they say true?
that time and space heals all wounds?
Good morning, woohu!
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2009 17 February :: 11.23pm
Family planning advice: Use Rear Entrance.
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2009 15 February :: 8.02pm
Men are like coffee. The best ones are rich, warm, and can keep you up all night long.
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2009 14 February :: 11.14pm
:: Music: Matt&Kim- Daylight
I have five clocks in my life/ And only one has the time right/ I'll just unplug it for today
trying to keep up with this a little better.
we went to Olga's in the mall for vday. totally an old married couple.
i think that i don't update anymore because i dont do anything interesting anymore.
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2009 13 February :: 9.11pm
:: Music: Keane- Spiralling
I fashioned you from jewels and stone/ I made you in the image of myself/ I gave you everything you wanted/ So you would never know anything else
pretty sad that I have less than page of journal entries in a year.
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2009 8 February :: 11.15pm
I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that you have prostate cancer.
What’s the good news?
Well, as part of the treatment you are in for a lot of ass play. I mean, so, if you’re into that…JACKPOT!
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2009 5 February :: 10.40pm
[B]How Will I Die Quiz[/B]
[B][COLOR="Red"]You will die at the age of 95[/COLOR][/B]
[B]You will die trying to be the first person to mail yourself around the world[/B]
Find out how you will die at Quizopolis.com
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2009 4 February :: 9.44pm
:: Music: Lupe Fiasco
working, working, working
going to Chicago for valentine's day...invited Brad...we'll see wat happens.
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2009 2 February :: 11.21pm
You say potato, I say double penetration.
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2009 2 February :: 12.12pm
:: Music: the lonely island
not fair
"But that's the part that's so unfair. I have nothing else on
my mind. How come I have to be the one sitting around
analyzing him in like microscopic detail, and he gets to be
the one with other things on his mind."
So tis is exacl how I feel, oh and also pathetic...i feel pathetic too.
Anne predictd nothing would happen til i am 30...nice round number and also completly possible considering what a chicken I am and that he seems to be completly indifferent. The problem is really that I have NO IDEA if he even thinks about this at all. The really unfortunate part is that I feel like it is all in my mind. When we lock eyes I don't kow what he is thinking, don't know if he sees me the way he always has or if things are finally shifting. And he does, he looks into my eyes, semi-often. We hang out without other people now too. But HE never calls ME, eiher i call im unasked or asked, never the other way around. And he never touches me, not really even accidentally. He keeps a distance that makes me hesitate. It is weird because I know him in this way tha not many people do, but that is the exact thing that makes me uneasy. I like how things are and I also hate this torture I am inflicting on myself.
It really sucks that i am carrying around this Rob baggage still. i mean it has been over a year since that shit wnet down, but I still second guess myself all the time. pangs of memory will hit me and I will just spiral. I tied so much up into him that really I cant think of Prague, Kalamazoo, writing and a muliue of other things withough cringing, sometimes physically. There are 2 things wrong with this, well ther are more than that, but there are 2 i will address here and now. The first being that some of the things he tainted(haha) were things that i reall enjoyed before, the second is that i am not completely sure I didnt make up tat whole relationship too. Was it even real or did i imbue it with meaking it had never earned? Was there ever anything really there or did I just want it to exist so much I deluded myself? i am really afraid all the time that no one will ever look at me like he did again, but what if I completely misread that look to begin with? He hurt me really badly, but I don't think he even realized it, so does that make him a dumbass, or does it make me one?
(that is a retorical question, you don't have to say him)
I know i shouldnt still be thinking about him even, but in that stupid drama i lost 2 people who were helping me shape a different me and then I sort of lost that person too. i feel like i gave so much of myself hat when i lost him i lost me. I have been searching for something to fill the void ever since and I dont want to need someone else in order to do that, I want to make myself whole again on my own so that if I find someone, I can love myself enough for them to love me.
the bottom line is that i can analyze all i wan but nothing has happened and nothing is likely to happen in the near future, so i have time.
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2009 1 February :: 6.40pm
How I Met Your Mother
Read more..
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2009 31 January :: 3.58pm
:: Music: MGMT
Ok, so I haven't been online much this week...or at all. it seems that whne ther is crap on my desk or it my computer chair is covered, i dont get on my computer....parts of me are still super lazy i guess.
last night i went to taste of thai w/ brad and we had 2 delish dishes, and even though i was afraid beforehand that it would be weird or awkward, it wasnt, it was fun. I shouldnt have been apprehensive i guess since bowling was good last sunday. everything could just change in a second and that is scary. i want it to change i think, but i also like what i have and dont want to lose it...waah i know, you have a great friend who you like spending time with alicia, big problems there. he is coming to the superbowl party we are having at rum runners tomarrow too...yay
now i am off to GR to help choreograph the dance for anne's wedding...i am not too great, but maybe i will help lower the difficulty.
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2009 29 January :: 10.32pm
He's giving you the full cowgirl.
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2009 29 January :: 6.17pm
Ok, cocksucker. Fuck with me and we'll see who shits on the sidewalk.
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2009 28 January :: 8.28pm
Holy Godalahbuddhakrishnayoda!
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2009 27 January :: 11.29pm
Napa, CA: Where the Jews are annoying, the homos are well dressed, and the blacks know their place.
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2009 26 January :: 9.51pm
You got a condom? Never mind, I got this Milky Way wrapper.
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2009 25 January :: 11.51pm
I like him. He says okey dokey.
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2009 25 January :: 11.28pm
I got caught in a pornado.
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2009 25 January :: 11.24pm
And I jizzed in my pants.
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