2004 11 March :: 5.10pm
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2004 10 March :: 11.55pm
It's kind of funny how I manage to break my own heart.
I'm freaking Arthur Stupidsdale.
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2004 10 March :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: uncomfortable
beautiful day
except for the angry part
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2004 10 March :: 9.57pm
People these days lol...Whats up everyone? I am sittne here bein bored. My 1/2 day sucked alot. Woo. I am going to Kevin's this weekend and then Sunday I am going to have friends over to watch wrestlemania.
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2004 10 March :: 1.46pm
i just did a right sided rainbow jester...hell yea!!
finally...i couldn't even do a right side jester before today, i just tought myself how
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2004 10 March :: 1.23pm
Hey...stop being a such a crappy person. You big meanie. I won't be used. Thanks.
And yay, I get to come home for real tomorrow.
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2004 10 March :: 12.14pm
I broke last night. Almost 6 times, but I guess I fell asleep.
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2004 9 March :: 6.07pm
Hey stacy i went to that site www.badgerbadgerbadger.com lol
Its a Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger.....Its a snake! snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake...its a badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger...
Yeah...there ya go
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2004 9 March :: 4.33pm
i made tv productions
screw lent, screw it in the ear. I'm breaking, tonight. I would right now, but people are in the room, and i'm not yet that desperate.
I've had two good days in a row. I only hope it continues for a stretch of three.
I'm going to hold all of this happiness inside of me for a rainy day. For when its time to be sad. Then I'll let it out.
Then I'll make your day.
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2004 8 March :: 10.51pm
i'm sad
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2004 8 March :: 10.57am
Sitten here in lunch, bein bored as hell. Anyway, I am just chillen and hangin out wishin I could go home and sleep. I got my glasses back on friday and gor drunk all weekend. Anyway, what did everyone do this weekend??
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2004 8 March :: 3.09am
*Get up The neighbors house is on FIRE!!!*.....i got up this mourning at 1:00 because my neighbors house was ablaze. all i could see through my window was smoke...or big fiire....it was aweful. I got dressed real quick....and ran outside all my neighbors were there including the ppl with the house on fire....i ran up to amanda and gave a huge hug and was like *THANK GOD YOUR OK!!* and the kids were ok too...
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2004 7 March :: 9.29pm
not a day goes by that i dont think of you, after all this time, somehow you remain oh so deep inside.......not a day goes by.
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2004 7 March :: 5.12pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: VROCK
Life has gotten boring, I'm constantly wondering about what I should be doing. I can't wait until summer. I have no idea what classes I want to take next year except for TV Productions. But, the other classes...everyones making a big deal about it, like its going to affect my whole life. Which it might. But I don't know what I want to be when I grow up so how am I supposed to be able to choose classes that will get me there? I can't. This is stupid.
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2004 5 March :: 5.11pm
Another friday night spent at home, without any plans.
And I bet it will be another weekend at home alone.
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2004 5 March :: 10.12am
So, I am sitten in the computer lab bein bored and was typing my bibliograhpy and now I am sitten here with Jena, So many things have happened this week and I wish they wouldn't have. 2 days ago during 6th hour I was called down to the office and told that I if I do this one thing again I am gonna get suspended and I said great and I laughed. Mr. Annerino said he was gonna call my dad and I told him all he was gonna do is laugh at him. Alisha is not on my good side right now cuz she keeps think she can hit me and she can't.
I am going to Wyoming this weekend to chill wiyth my boy Chris and Spoons and Cindy which that will be cool. Wel, I am gonna go now so anyone want tot alk comment in here!!!!
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2004 4 March :: 10.47pm
I should stop everything.
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2004 4 March :: 9.50pm
:: Music: Stunt 101
There is nothing in the world I would like to do then Kill someone right now!! My mom and dad are fighting and they are being messed up. Thats okay though cuz I ma leavin tomorrow and I don't care cuz I am not gona be here...
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2004 4 March :: 9.16pm
I started crying today....I miss her so much..
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2004 3 March :: 7.30pm
:: Mood: stressed
*My prayer to God*....Lord...what is happening to me? Is my life changing for better? or for worse? I miss my mom a lot...and my dad is havin problems with money..I dont know if i can survive livin sometimes...my sisters fight so much...and it feels i have no where to turn...except you of course...and now thats what i am doin..i have this Gut feeling that something bad is happening in my life...does it have to happen now? all of a sudden boom everything in the world has landed on me...with so many questions about my mom...if my dad can make it with out my mom sending child supprt even though she is suppose to....theres so much....i just cant imagine what would happen....I miss my mom...I wish my dad was ok with life...I wish my sisters would grow up and not fight so much...well if you can figure this out for me i am here for your advice..thanks.
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2004 3 March :: 7.27pm
well Here i am again...today i had an alright day...I think i figured out my problem i am noticin how much i miss my mom. I have so many questions that cant be answered....Where is she? why is she doing this to us? Why cant she ever call us? does she love us anymore? does she want to be a mother? how can a mom do this to her kids? why would she just leave like this and not call...write..anything?
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2004 2 March :: 9.09pm
well today i am down in the dumps for some reason....I dont know...I want someone besides all my friends to talk to my problems about...not a counseler just like another guy that i can get along with or something. And I still have the feeling about my looks....i forgot about it for a while...but then saturday kevin had to bring it back up...and now i am back down in the dumps i think its cuz i like him...but i dont know why i do. it dont make since, oh well nothin ever will. But i also like another guy...he's really nice..but i kinda just met him. well anyways i have to go . Im out.
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2004 2 March :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: annoyed
Hey, today was one messed up day. Alisha Shepard said she wanted to do rounds with me cuz Her and I got into a fight. I said lets go and I will show her how it feels. Anyway, people these days wow, they are messed up. I hate most people in Cedar Springs cuz they don't know how to mind there business and if they do they are fucking cocky as hell. Chris and I are comin up on our Year and 9 month and I can't wait. I Love him so much and he makes me happy. Well, I'm gonna go...
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2004 2 March :: 11.06am
I took the day off today. I figured, my brother gets to sleep in for 10 days just because he smokes pot and got caught. I deserve a day for being good.
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2004 1 March :: 8.02pm
Well not much goin on....I went to Ashley Price's house tonight and we went to admiral gas station and ran into her dad there then we went to kevin and kellis and hung out with kevin in his room for a lil while...then went back to her house and i had to come home...so yeah....
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