2004 1 March :: 6.20pm
:: Music: LFO
Hey everyone. I had a great weekend. I hung out with Kevin, Mike, Chris, and Randy and all there friends. I had a good time. I can't wait until we hang out again. Anyway, I had a fun yesterday. We went to Dennys and chilled and when we were done we didn't know what to do so we decided to go to Chicago and visit. 2 1/2 hours there and back it was cool. All the people but I couldn't believe that it was 2.08 for gas and that was crazy. I thought. I mean people are rich out there and stuff. Well, in 2 weeks we are gonna go back and stay the weekend. Thats gonna be cool. So I was sitten on aol right and Autumn started calling me names on my aol name and I didn't even say anything to her at all. So, I am okay now. I have better things to do then listen to her at all. So, Chris and I will be together for a year and 1 year and 9 months and its gonna be cool. Well, I can't wait to talk to any of ya!!!
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2004 29 February :: 10.27pm
I just wrote the craziest story I've ever thought about writing. I never write stories, but, tonight is different for some reason. It's posted in my other journal, and for those of you who would like to read it, but do not know that i have another journal, I shall enlighten you.
I have another journal.
There. Feel enlightened?
The username is alastar. Feel free to read, but do not complain. And please, tell me what you think.
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2004 29 February :: 9.33pm
:: Music: train
Now that I'm done being a frurk, I can move on and be happy again.
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2004 29 February :: 12.12pm
:: Mood: content
You know....I just went and saw the movie *The Passion of The Christ* and it changed my whole perspective of things....we really dont know how much shit we are in for untill I seen him and how he took the whips and chains....it was aweful..I never cried so hard and so long for in my life...I was in shock at the same time. You would just have to see it...i am plugged up from crying so much....and my eyes are like swollen....they feel that way at least. I just cant explain it....you have to go see....its worth your money to go see. Unless you dont like to see bloodshed...or ppl seriously hurting other ppl cuz it has a lot of that in there.
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2004 29 February :: 12.12pm
:: Mood: content
You know....I just went and saw the movie *The Passion of The Christ* and it changed my whole perspective of things....we really dont know how much shit we are in for untill I seen him and how he took the whips and chains....it was aweful..I never cried so hard and so long for in my life...I was in shock at the same time. You would just have to see it...i am plugged up from crying so much....and my eyes are like swollen....they feel that way at least. I just cant explain it....you have to go see....its worth your money to go see. Unless you dont like to see bloodshed...or ppl seriously hurting other ppl cuz it has a lot of that in there.
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2004 29 February :: 12.12pm
:: Mood: content
You know....I just went and saw the movie *The Passion of The Christ* and it changed my whole perspective of things....we really dont know how much shit we are in for untill I seen him and how he took the whips and chains....it was aweful..I never cried so hard and so long for in my life...I was in shock at the same time. You would just have to see it...i am plugged up from crying so much....and my eyes are like swollen....they feel that way at least. I just cant explain it....you have to go see....its worth your money to go see. Unless you dont like to see bloodshed...or ppl seriously hurting other ppl cuz it has a lot of that in there.
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2004 28 February :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: angry
EVERY way is wrong.
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2004 28 February :: 9.33pm
:: Music: elton john-your song
oh god.
I can't do this again.
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2004 28 February :: 7.28pm
6 hours of hacky sack, I can't get enough of that game. I broke my legs into shape today. For awhile I thought I was losing it, since all I do is sit on the computer all the time, but I guess I'm not.
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2004 27 February :: 9.59pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: edwin mcain-i'll be
I'm so dumb. It's like a destructive path I've taken. I find people that are very good and then...something bad happens. I get really mean. I don't know what my problem is. Must not let my fantasy take me too far, I'll be in big trouble. Again
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2004 27 February :: 8.58pm
I don't know if I can take this lent thing any longer....
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2004 27 February :: 7.45pm
YEEEEEEHAAAAWWWW! LOL Getting ready here for the Ho-Down...lol this should be fun..haha..
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2004 26 February :: 11.02pm
I finally finished this poem I've been working on for almost 4 days now, and it usually doesn't take me that long. I posted it on my other journal, username: alastar. I really like this one.
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2004 26 February :: 10.01pm
No, it was way nice. I think I was really overreacting because of my frustrations. It will be sorted out soon if it hasn't mostly been already. I'm being so silly. But there's the whole point. Something stupid like that could have happened and then I'd be very sad and very tainted.
But that scary thing happened. Shudder shudder.
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2004 26 February :: 10.06pm
OK...lol I'm not kidding janice stop arguing with me...for real. Because do you think anyone care....do you think anyone gives you sypathy...because your fighting with me....no. Not even me. so shut up really and this is the last time i am writing about you in my journal because 1. i am sick of it 2. other ppl are sick of it 3. No one cares 4. I dont care 5 and five....you just need to shut up..OK well ttyl! *smiles and waves in a great mood* byes!!!!
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2004 26 February :: 8.33pm
does anyone else see the orange and green underline, thats under random words all over the internet?
cuz...i do.
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2004 26 February :: 3.12pm
Maybe I'll look for a girlfriend, so I don't end up exploding. Or breaking my lent thing.
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2004 26 February :: 6.55am
i went to bed at 6 last night, and woke up a half hour ago. 6:18. My parentals tried to wake me up three times but i guess i just told them to "shut the fuck up," or so they say.
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2004 25 February :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: okay
I think I have a lot of explaining to do.
Let me see...today sucked. But not when my Canadian Life Partner was around. Then I didn't feel so crappy...and I'm pretty good now.
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2004 25 February :: 9.54pm
:: Mood: excited
Ok i am really happy about a lot of things...things i dont even know about. that really dont make since its just that i am really happy lately for some reason...anyways ok I need to know ONE thing though....Janice seriously why do you put stuff in your journal about me...and then tell me to fuck off and say you dont care about me...really..it dont make any scense to me...but anyways other than that life is just PEACHY!!! nothin will get me down!! WOOWOOO! lol Im out..PEACE!
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2004 25 February :: 6.07pm
Today in science there were these three African Americans (black people). FROM AFRICA! And Reyburn decides, i have to tell them about what we're doing in the class, and describe these plants to them.
And they don't speak English!
So i had to pause between the things i said, to let this other guy translate for them. And i said some pretty stupid stuff, and the africans laughed at me! and there was three other classes in there. But, I don't think I made too big of and ass of myself.
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2004 25 February :: 6.15pm
Yeah, Heather. Nothing is your problem cuz you can't handle it anyway.
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2004 25 February :: 5.56pm
Well I think that many of My problems...are being solved....I dont know how...but i just been feeling really good lately.
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2004 24 February :: 11.42pm
I better do a quicky before midnight comes.
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2004 24 February :: 8.51pm
I find nothing unusual or wrong about two people getting married even if they can't procreate. They're people...isn't there something about being created equal somewhere?
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