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:: 2004 10 February :: 3.33pm

for surely it was an act of god

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:: 2004 10 February :: 8.11am
:: Mood: bored

hey i'm in us history and its some what boring!! LIKE ALWAYS!! I have not been on here for a very long time and i think its time to update! John and i have been together for 5 months and a few weeks now! In 2 weeks its my birthday!! FEB 27!! Brad's b-day is tomorrow ya'll!! He'll be 18! Anways, i'm bored adn i have to get going so thats it! I miss you Gunny!!!!

Buh bye!!

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:: 2004 9 February :: 9.58pm

I feel so crazy about it. I just want to know what happened now that secrets are coming out.



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:: 2004 9 February :: 9.39pm

Things that I do not hate:

Interpretive Dancing to European Marches


and Jessie Wilde

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:: 2004 9 February :: 9.05pm

Yeah...Maybe Cybering Could Be Fun.

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:: 2004 9 February :: 5.27pm
:: Mood: crab
:: Music: our lady peace-innocent

Yesterday was nice. Today was not.

Things I hate today:
Three Chinese Minis
Fasle Advertising
Being awake
Roger Chillingworth
Having to read my history book
Double Standards
Crazy Women
Getting yelled at for some of the reasons above

It's so nice to delve into a mind. But I will have to be more eloquent. Sometimes I say things that don't make any sense. I say things backwards and I stammer. It's frustrating because I know exactly what I'm attempting to say. I want to be clear.

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:: 2004 9 February :: 4.11pm

well....i went to swirl with my friends.....friday i didnt do anything....saturday i went to audies and ashley cut my hair..while she was doin it i blacked shaky...started sweating and i almost couldnt hear the music that was was scary so i sat down...than ater that was done...then we went to big boy...back to her house for picks....then we went to the dance...had fun...then i went home with manda and we we snowmobilin sunday...then we called my cuzin and wished him happy bday. well ttyl

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:: 2004 8 February :: 6.09pm

I wonder if cybering is fun.

*scratches chin*

Probably not.
I don't think reading something would get me horny.

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:: 2004 7 February :: 9.39pm

i am sixteen going on seventeen
i know that i'm naive
fellows i meet
tell me i'm sweet
and willingly i believe
i need someone older and wiser
telling me what to do
you are seventeen going on eighteen
i'll depend on you

ha ha hah ahaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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:: 2004 7 February :: 8.37pm
:: Music: Finger Eleven

I show up at the school: 7:06 PM
No one is in the parking lot.
No lights on in the school.
Figuring I'm retarted, and it's next weekend, I go home.
That would make sense anyway, Swirl on Valentines Day.
Valentine Ticket.
But is tonight.
And I have no ride.

Maybe Dreams weren't meant to come true.
Maybe I wasn't meant to beat him up.

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:: 2004 7 February :: 8.26pm

Some Random Stuff
If you the opposite sex, what would your name be?:Edward
Birthdate;:February 16th 1987
Birthplace;:Blodget Hospital
Astrological Sign;:Aquarias
Current feeling/mood;:Excited/Hungry
Current worry/annoyance;:Currently...nothing
Natural Hair Color;:Some say it's black, but i say brown
Current Hair Color;:"
Eye Color;:Brown
What color is your bedroom?:Alabaster
Is there a theme to your bedroom?:Childish Book Worm
What size bed do you have?:Twin
What color are the sheets and blankets on your bed?:Rainbow
How many people can you fit comfortably in your bed?:Two plus a cat and dog
Who is/are your best female friend(s)?:Dani, Jess, Jess, Alice, Becca, Hilary, Ellie, Amy
Best male Friend(s);:Romar, Troy, Spud
Which of your friends have you known the longest?:Amy
Which day of the week is the best?:Sunday
What do you usually do on that day?:Relax, and enjoy myself
What are some of your hobbies?:Reading, sitting, making out
Are you popular/nerdy/an outcast/ or just another face in the crowd?:Depends
About how many hours a week are you online?:maybe six
What is your screen name?:2hot4u69
What does it stand for?:slut
What is your ethnic background?:eastern and western european
Who in your family do you look up to most?:Sam
When you grow up what do you want to be?:A cunning linguist
Do you plan on going to college?:Yes
What do you want to major in?:Languages
Do you have a crush?:Henry Clay
If so, how long have you liked them?:Never met him
Do you care to mention names?:Henry Clay
Whats the longest you've had a crush on someone?:Three Stupid Years
How long have you gone withOUT having a crush on anyone?:A While
Have you ever been dumped?:Sort of
How many bf/gf's have you had?:Five Boyfriends, lotsa girlfriends
Have you ever been in love?:Yes
Still a Virgin?:Yes
Ever recieve/give oral sex?:Yes
Ever have a crush on someone you had no chance in hell with?:Yes
Ever had a long distance relationship?:Yes
Ever made out with someone?:Yes
Ever done 'anything' with a member of the same sex?:I kissed Jessie once or twice
Are you sexually active (as of late)?:No
Do you believe in god?:Yes
Do you practice your religion often?:Little less than often
Do you worship God, Satan, or are you an Atheist?:God
Do you think you look good?:Yes
Do others think you look good?:Yes
Do you intentionally cause damage to you body?:No
If you could change 2 laws what would they be?:I would allow Gay Marriage...and....that's it
Do you think Jesus Christ Superstar was a bunch of crap?:I didn't see it, but I like some of the music
Your Favorites
Type of Music;:Anything
CD you own;:GRD Bootleg
DVD you own;:Moulin Rouge
Place to go;:Fallsburg or Wolverine
Thing to do;:Laugh
Person to talk to on the phone;:Beans
Person to talk to online;:Debbie
Animal;:I'm not an animal person of late
Name for boy;:Ben
Name for a girl;:Barb or Alice
Actor;:Ewan McGregor
Actress;:Gabby Donder
Comedian;:Adam Sandler
Movie;:Happy Campers
TV show;:Trading Spaces
Thing you own;:My scarf
Broadway/Off-broadway Musical;:Cabaret
Sport to play;:Marching Band
Sport to watch;:Marching Band
Football team;:The Spankers
Baseball team;:The Wankers
Basketball team;:The Prankers
Hockey team;:The Flankers
Type of Clothing;:Comfy and stylish
Clothing Brand;:anything
Place to travel to;:Western US
Time Period;:Progressive to the 40's
Word Assosciation
Horse;:of course
The devil;:not
The tooth fairy;:old
St. Valentine's Day;:hate
Your Friends;
most outgoing;:roman
most shy;:jess w.
best hair;:jessie w.
best smile;:becca
best personality;:jess b.
best body;:tim
best sense of fashion;:hilary
most preppy;:don't like that word
most punk;:becca or hilary
most unique (style, personality);:eh
best singer;:jake
best actor/actress;:hmmm
biggest drama queen;:dani
best driver;:hilary
best cook;:tim
has the best house;:either jess
dumbest;:dummy mcdummerson
blondest;:also don't like that
has the most common sense;:debbie
crude sense of humor;:kevin
best sense of humor;:anyone
dry sense of humor;:spud
most trustworthy;:anyone
least trustworthy;:greg
most musical;:dani or jessie
got the best car;:jessie
lives in the best neighborhood;:neighborhood?
most annoying;:dani
most friendly;:eh
Other Random Questions
Lucky Number;:8
Favorite type of food;:chinese
Favorite food in general;:fruit
do you have any pets?:yes
if so what kinds and names;:fat fatter and fatest
If you can have one thing, anything one thing, what would it be?:a clue
If you could talk to anyone dead or alive, famous or not, who would it be?:henry clay
What is your favorite drink?:strawberry daquri
Do you drink?:no
Do you smoke?:no
Do you take any drugs?:no
Do you want to have sex before you get married?:yes
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?:no
Do you like new york city?:yes
Are you athletic?:no
Are you flexible?:yes
How lazy are you on a scale from 1-10?:6
If you had the power to cure one disease what would it be?:aids
If you could change one thing about they way you look what would it be?:my legs
If you change one thing about your personality what would it be?:my moodiness
What are some of your bad habits?:i'm lazy, materialistic, gossipy, exagerate, i pick my nose, i can't do laundry,
Good habits;:i am quiet and i do my homework
If you dye your hair any color what would it be?:wouldn't
If you could peirce any body part what would it be?:nothing
Do you have an body/facial peircings?:yes
If so, where?:ears
How about tatoos?:no
if so, where and what of?:no
If you could get a tatoo, what would you get?:i would not get a tattoo
If you were offered 2 or 3 million dollars to be in playboy would you?:if they airbrushed my legs
Do you like long surveys?:yeah
Did you enjoy this one?:yeah
did it take you more than a half an hour to do this?:i don't know
Was it long enough for you?:yes
Are you glad you're done?:yes

Very Random Information brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2004 6 February :: 5.12pm

im sooooo happy! omg i have been hyper all day....i am going to swirl!! lol woowooowooowo!
anways i havent been writeing a lot lately....idk feel like know one cares anyways....well ttyl byes

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:: 2004 5 February :: 10.06pm

This is how I feel and no one cares. I care and thats why I wrote these!

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:: 2004 5 February :: 10.06pm

For I am an outkast
I shall not be free
I hope to be restless
Soon you will see
People don't know me
But I know people
I am lonely
I am sad
I wish my mom and dad were still alive
I am not the only lonely one
People don't know me
I am to restless
For I am an outkast
I shall not be free
I hope one day
That you will see me
I hope that you
Will be fonder of my life
To where I love thee
I love my happy life

Janice Marie Toelle

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:: 2004 5 February :: 10.05pm

Lets make this last forever
what we said the first time we kissed
lets make this last forever
what we said the first time we made love
lets make this last forever
what we said when you held your new child
it didn't last forever
because you walked out the door as I stood alone

Janice Marie Toelle

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:: 2004 5 February :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: Lil Jon (salt shaker)

Never say I love you
if you really don't care
Never talk about feelings
if they aren't really there
Never hold my hand
if your gonna break my heart
Never say your going to
if you don't plan to start
Never look into my eyes
if all you do is lie
Never say hi
if you really mean good-bye
If you mean forever
then say you will try
Never say forever
'Cause forever makes me cry

Janice Marie Toelle

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:: 2004 5 February :: 6.44pm
:: Music: Brand New

Inspiration from a Dream
Memories Not Meant To Be

With you, my wish is granted
And apart, I’ve lost all chances
But with you, I won’t forget
That is to say I haven’t yet

With you, my heart is beating
Faster than it ever has
Without you it slows
I could never get that mad

With you, I see myself clearly
In a pond reflection from your eyes
And apart I’d like to think you can hear me
I have never been surprised

And you grant all my wishes
And you hold my memories
You’re eyes are lakes of emotion
And you hold no penalties

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:: 2004 4 February :: 9.07pm

Things you say won't always help you being mad at me. Anyway, Kyle and I talked and him and I are okay. Yeah, and Heather you have no right talking to Chris about me. Anyway, what have people been up to? Someone should call me and we can hang out. 696-2302! Anyone know when I should have a party?


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:: 2004 4 February :: 8.02pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Dave Matthews Band - Busted Stuff

Depression sets in.
I'm losing friends, and realizing that I don't have as many as previously thought. So I can't afford to lose the ones I have. But...I can't help it, I'm not as funny as I used to be. And that is all I have ever had. Funny. That's it. I've never been too good looking, and until recently I was always fat. I don't know what to do. I'm starting to hate myself. And it's so hard not to scream right now.

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:: 2004 4 February :: 6.10pm

PPL ARE SO DUMB! anyways i dont know if i am ungrounded or what so anyways ill ttyl

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:: 2004 4 February :: 5.38pm

I wish it was summer. Everything is better in the summer. Even if we had school it would be great, it wouldn't matter. I know for one thing, when it does come around, I'm getting the internet turned off. Last summer it wasn't on at all, and things were great. So...this summer shall be the same.

but...we have a whole two months more of winter....

i despise winter. its ok for about a month...but then it just gets old

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:: 2004 3 February :: 9.28pm


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:: 2004 3 February :: 9.09pm

Ya know what Heather? I am sick of you, you called me a whore and thats wrong. How can I be a whore? I didn't do anything wrong. I thought we were friends and I think your a bitch and you can go to hell cuz you stabbed me in the back, its nice to know I had ur ip address!

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:: 2004 3 February :: 7.31pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Brand New

Yup...I'm depressed.
I woke up about an hour ago, almost crying, for no reason. Then I just laid in my bed for a half hour, trying to figure out why I was so sad. But I wasn't just sad, I was mad too. I hated something. But I don't know what.

I want to love someone. I think I need, love. Simply. In the simplest form.

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:: 2004 3 February :: 6.27pm

well lots goin on.....idk if i am going to swirl i hope i can.....ill be sad if i cant.....ummmm yeah i dont know if i am ungrounded yet...well i have to go byes

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