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:: 2005 20 July :: 4.13am

Taste it.

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 19 July :: 11.12pm

im missing purity. i want that simple feeling of an open house and a warm hand. i want the soft music and the notebook. i miss wed.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 18 July :: 4.02pm
:: Music: Death Cab For Cutie - Debat Exposes Doubt

Balls...I grew em.
Ok so i finally mustered up the strentgh and went to dad and told him that i dont want to go to a regular college for any audio visual shit. i want to go to fine arts school so i can learn how to perfect my talents. i want to act for a living. i want new york more than a fucking heart beat. in fact, i fucking need it. he looked at me and said. "youll be going to fine arts school" ...i fucking stood there speechless. expecting something more along the lines of "thats bullshit, stupid heartfilled dreams dont make you money" but i got what i wanted from him for the first time in my entire life. "ill help you get through fine arts school matthew, i know this is what you really want with your life. I'm proud of you for being the only child i had to want to do something with his life." my father said....proud....somethings not right here and i still think it was all a dream. but i guess when i come back in ten years ill be telling you all my stories of broadway. but for now. cc will tide me over. can you beilive this...

10 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 18 July :: 12.10am
:: Music: Random Ass Sounds - Nature

Frothy, Smooth, Delicious, Inviting, Fruity.
Hello, my dear loves i have written here today to let you all know that i fucking love you. *hugs everyone who will read this* I'm fucking scared...of what though? College? NO! What im scared of is what kind of life style im about to go into. School and school work should be the most imporant things in my life....but sadly i have to add in regular work just so i can get to and from college. With the independent study class for drama ill have to spend alot of time doing what i love, acting. Which isnt a bad thing BUT it means i wont have as much time for working...BUT! I will have to find a way to get acting to work around both my college schedule and my work schedule. SO first ill see how i can get acting to fit around my school time, then ill have to figure how to fit in some school work time (2-3 hours of outside class time for each full hour of in class time) and then whatever time is left over (Estimate: 2 hours and 34 minutes per week) i will spend doing a job so i have money for A) Gas. B) Food. C) Fun. ok wait scratch off fun...i dont think ill have much of a life this year...and social contact is a must for matthew wayne whetzel. im just scared im going to over load myself. *hugs again* everyone just hold me.

3 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 16 July :: 2.53pm

I went and got my classes for grcc....god damn im so stupid for waiting this long. im taking a socioligy class (see i cant even fucking spell it !!) it looks interesting. im looking forward too it. i am taking a improv class. and a journalism class. im also taking a independent study drama corse. im totally looking forward to that...i think i should be scared cause that class was one of the first ones to show up empty...that either means its hardcore killer OR theres alot of kids who just wanted regular drama corses. i dont know but im still scared shitless about school....hold me please.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 15 July :: 8.02pm
:: Music: THe Dresden Dolls - Bad Habit

So, im driving through town and i had my window down music banging enjoying the weather on my way home. These two girls waving signs about a car wash are standing on the side of the road. As i drive by one girl screams "come to our car wash its fun yay!!!" i just wave. The other girl then screams "we only accept hot guys anyway so you should go!". No honestly this dosent bother me because they were like what 12? Plus they are stupid little church group kids. But, it made me think about how little attention we pay to the feelings of others. It's so easy to just dish out a random insult on a whim without any regard what so ever towards the persons feelings. This is something we should all give a little more thought to, and ill be the first to admit that i do it all the time. I just hand them out like nothing at all, im sorry and i just realized this. I'm done with that, because something so minuite can really affect a person if they dont know the whole context of what your saying. So im sorry, and we should all thingk about this.

P.S. those girls were either A) blind and couldnt see how hot i was OR B) blinded by my magnificent hair and couldnt see how hot i really was.

4 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 14 July :: 7.50pm


Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates aten
your best quality isyoure a sweetheart
your worst quality isaww, nothing =)
this is becauseyoure unique
Quiz created with MemeGen!

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 12 July :: 7.33pm
:: Mood: chipper

ACT results are in.

I'm a little disappointed.

I got a 27.

My highest score was in science, it was 29/36.

It figures, the subject I hate the most is the one I score best in.

That's how it goes I guess.

I'm working a lot now. I never knew how bad people could be until now. God, what asses. All you can do is nod and smile. I didn't even take the weird guy screaming about the dollar on his gas can personally.

Even my manager looked shook up.

It actually made me happy. Is that odd?



5 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 10 July :: 1.52pm

my 18th birthday is in 21 days...im not excited at all. im actually getting more and more depressed as it gets closer. its really eating me alive and im not totally sure why. i mean ive got ideas but i dont know. i yelled at my cat today...thats how serious its getting. im dreading my 18th birthday. i dont want it to come at all.

5 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 6 July :: 2.56am
:: Music: A Pletheria Of It Bitches

Its Only 26 You Should Be Able To Do It.
Heres a list of songs from my favorite bands A-Z. You should try doing this with your favorite bands its really fun and shows you how well you know your own favorites. Post them here kids lets see how well we know our music. can you complete the table? i did bitches HA!

Name A Song for Each Letter:

A - Arinette by Bright Eyes
B - Bug Bytes by Alien Ant Farm
C - Carve Your Heart Out by Dashboard Confessional
D - Debate Exposes Doubt by Death Cab For Cutie
E - Extraordinary Girl by Green Day
F - Flustered/Hey Tomcat! by Death Cab For Cutie
G -Give Me One Good Reason by Blink 182
H - Harold Weathervein by Cursive
I - Is This Thing On by Less Than Jake
J - Jamie by Weezer
K - Keep On The Sunny Side by The Whites
L - Long Time Gone by The Dixie Chicks
M - Michael by Franz Ferdinand
N - No Good Deed by Cast Of Wicked
O - One-Eighty By Summer by Taking Back Sunday
P - Padriac My Prince by Bright Eyes
Q - Quarter Moon by Cheryl Wheeler
R - Rocks Tonic Juice Magic by Saves The Day
S - Ship Wreck by The Good Life
T - This Ruined Puzzle by Dashboard Confessional
U - Untitled by Dashboard Confessional
V - Violence by Blink 182
W - Wish by Alien Ant Farm
X - X&Y by Cold Play
Y - You Will? by Bright Eyes
Z - Zolar Czakl by Uncle Meat

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 5 July :: 7.30pm

You just suck
OK, i dont remeber exactly "bitching" about the draft card. i just made a simple fucking statement about how i thought it was the only bad part of being 18. I am afraid to serve my country, ill take advantage of its freedom and other birthgiven rights without feeling i need to die for it. I'm terrified of losing my life for my country. I'm Also not sure if liz was burning me...i think that she was burning the dick named annoymous if not then 'what liz?' and as to phil...fuck history. and whoever annoymous is, get a life. There we go kids, once again you blew something small widely out of proportion. I'd make a shitty soldier, I'd die the first day on the field, and above all i would be of NO use to the army other than one more body to take a bullet in the name of power driven rage.

6 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 2 July :: 11.57pm

i got a draft registration card in the mail today...i forgot the bad part of being 18.

17 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 2 July :: 11.28am

I'm back from LLC and Girl's State. Both were fun. I almost died at Girl's State, no air conditioning (anywhere). We were in the middle of Lansing and there were 90 girls crammed into a classroom at a time. With no fans. I think it was around 110 degrees.

I'm at the service desk now. I just checked my schedule, i have to work until ten monday (the fourth). That's dissapointing, but okay because fireworks aren't until 11pm and I still get to eat with my family at 1pm.

Ah, what fun working almost fourty hours a week!

Band camp is in a month.


4 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 2 July :: 3.04am

So college...still havent gotten my classes done. they wont call us back and we need them to do that afore we can set up an apointment and im nervous...im almost 18. fuck im fucked.

Where is the love?


:: 2005 29 June :: 8.05pm

If its gonna go down, i want it to take me with it. Clean fucking slate, the eternal dream.

Where is the love?

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