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Can you practice what you preach?

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:: 2005 26 January :: 7.21pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Variations on a Korean Folk Song

Solo and ensemble in a couple of days. Blah. I just practiced for an hour. Got some things on the duet worked out, my solo, I cannot find anything else to work on for it. It just IS. My whole score is going to depend on whether I can find that THING or not. I hope I will.

We had pit practice today. That was terrible exciting, except, not really. And Jess, don't worry, you were doing great today. No one knows what they are doing, so don't worry about it, just have fun.

Saxophone solos would be the bomb, if I could play them. I think I'm going to start practicing Sax starting monday, because I don't want to practice too much before solo and ensemble. There's about two months before the musical, and I'll have it good and learned by then.

I am so multi instrumental.

I think it would help if I knew what I was doing.

After talking with Michael Monday at work, I just feel, happy. He just is that kind of person that can just make so many things better just by talking your ears off and not letting you get a word in. He's a great guy, but I like my Rueben better.

History is a bit better, educational wise, yet, I almost miss the way it use to be, just because I didn't have to do ANYTHING, and I could do all my homework.

Teacher assisting for general chem is a hoot. They did a lab today and I got to help them and mix chemicals. 12 molar HCl is not some stuff you want to get on you (it has a tendency to burn holes in your skin within a few minutes of exposure). I got to dilute that today. The fumes are nasty. Ah well, finished my AP chem lab. Our class is a lot of fun because it's so small, not to say we don't miss those who use to be there, but everything is a lot more on track now.

Tomorrow Mrs. Spinella is helping me with my solo after school. Hopefully she'll approve, and I'll be set. Friday I'm practicing after school with Dani for our piccolo duet. That has gotten laid by the wayside in recent weeks, just because the quartet and both our solos are more important, and we've agreed on that. It's just a throw away, something to warm up with, really, to get use to the judging. I bet it'll go to state.


4 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 25 January :: 11.07pm
:: Mood: Fantastic
:: Music: Blink !*@

Feeling It Too?
Dude Some Of My "Friends" Fucking Suck

8 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 25 January :: 6.52pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Less Than Jake - Hotel California

In Dier Need
Does Anyone Know A Drummer Who Would Be Able To Do Something With Us For The Talent Show? So Any Drummers Known Please Tell Me.

8 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 24 January :: 2.45pm
:: Mood: crappy

Okay so the day was going good. Then when we got to my house he was so quiet. He fell asleep for 2 hrs and then woke up and told me he couldn't hang out with his friends and be with me at the same time. Meaning he wanted to break up. But he doesn't say this. He asks me what I think he should do and expects me to take over from there. I totally can't even hate him.
I mean,I really fell for this kid. He says he can't so everything he use to do.( Hang out with girls and be free with it.) He can't commit to anyone because he wants to be frivilous with his life.
I understand, cause that's what character he has but how can he just up and throw away everything we work toward. I can't believe it happened. Just out of the fucking blue.
He says we can just be friends... but how can you be friends with someone you are totally in love with and not have them feel the same way. It's too hard. I'll write more later. Gotta go to fucking work.
I've gotta quit soon. I hate it here.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 24 January :: 3.23pm

This is going to be a very looong week. I work tonight until ten thirty, or until the lot is clean, but i don't think they can keep me much past that because i'm a minor. Tomorrow I have lessons after school in Howard City. Wednesday I have a debate meeting and pit practice. Thursday, all work for my solo and ensemble things. We're playing them for the class Thursday. Friday debate, and maybe something else. And, in the culmination, I get to wake up at five thirty Saturday morning to go to Mona Shores for district solo and ensemble. My first performance (piccolo duet) is at 8:08 am. My solo is around 9:30, and our quartet is at 11:27am. Then I'm done. Done Done Done Done Done.

I really can't wait.
Well, then I'll probably have state solo and ensemble, which, of course, is the day after the last day of the show, which i have pit rehearsal EVERY DAY for the two weeks before. Where is all the time?

Oh, and flute choir is comming up.

Oh my.

Well, no one can say that I'm not well rounded in my extra curricular activities and work experiences.
I actually miss those days when I came home from school and watched tv and was bored. I always wished I had some activity to do, something that was fun.

I think I bit over did myself, don't you?

Ah, well, going to go eat something and straighten my hair. And watch tv, and relax, and chill, and whatever.....just not think about going to work and how cold and horrible it's going to be clearing the lot by myself.



Where is the love?


:: 2005 23 January :: 8.06pm
:: Music: Less Than Jake - Beer

The Darkest Day For Night Time Television
Johnny Carson is dead. I dont know what to do. I mean we still have Cohnney to keep us awake late into the night with comedy and fun. But no one can ever be our Johnny. We will miss you Johnny.

Johnny Carson 1926-2005

Where is the love?


:: 2005 23 January :: 6.06pm
:: Mood: accomplished

Your Icecream Flavour is...Chocolate!
You are the all time favorite, chocolate! Turning white kids black since the 1800s. Staining carpets, car seats, and bed sheets for centuries. One thing is for sure, you will never go out of style. You can't go wrong with chocolate!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

6 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 21 January :: 11.21pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Less Than Jake - All My Bestfriends Are Metal Heads

Random Question
If I Was Dating You....Would You Cheat On Me?

8 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 20 January :: 10.36pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Less Than Jake - Look What Happend

Subjective Evidence
Are they out to get me? cause i really feel like it sometimes. like they are right next to me im hugging them and saying i love them....they could just be waiting to fucking slash me down. what if i say one thing wrong strike the wrong key cut the wrong wire so to speak. im afraid. i feel like im walking on eggshells around them. im really scared. the evidence is pilling up and im shooting it all down with concreate truths. but still, is any of it real? or would it all fall to peices and shatter around me if i said one thing wrong, one thing happened if just one note was sung out of key?

4 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 20 January :: 8.26pm
:: Mood: Fantastic
:: Music: Bright Eyes - From A Balance Beam

What Makes Me Smile
Mandy drew me another picture today *smiles super big* i dont know if theres anything else that makes me as happy as when she draws me pictures. it makes me feel special cause i know they are just for me. they make me so happy *hugs* i love you mandy. i love when she does it.

1 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 19 January :: 9.03pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: The Postal Service: Such Great Heights

Stuff I Did
Okay. so just some stuff that happen to me over the last couple days and junk. well sunday i called in sick to work cause, well i didnt want to go. it was only a 2 hour shift and i dont think any of the elderly church goers died waiting for their fucking big montanas super sized curly fry and a diet soda (like i fucking care what kinda soda you want, when you come in to the store do you not see a huge fucking machine that says self serve center. and its all soda "mmhmm i wonder what kinda soda i want, i better tell matt at the register cause if i dont the machine behind me where i get my own soda wont know what i want..." fucking retards) andway so then i come home to a nice sleep for no school monday. i had to go all lllllll lll lll the way back down to GR i mean its like the other fucking side of the world....i had to get my purse back (messenger bag, urban travel pack, satchel, whatever you want to call it. HEY LOOK A PIC OF IT!!!)
as if you've never seen it on me in the hall.... and if you dont look at me, do it more, im pretty hott. yeah i put an extra t. cause well i like it that way.

so i get my purse back at morningstar and i stay long enough to buy and irish car bomb (fantastic drink, like sex with mints in it) and guess whats playing over the speakers? thats right stray light run. i was like singing out loud everyone around me is like. "who the fuck is this?" im like "thuggie g how you not be knowing up on my stray?" they was then all like up in my grill with this shit "o im sorry homes i back up off and get up on that cd". so yeah things went from there. and i went home and stopped on the way to get taco bell. Grilled Stuft Burrito. no fiesta extra baja...and a small Mt. Dew. on the way home some chick cuts in front of me i pretend to beep my horn cause you all know i dont have a fucking horn curtosey of joey domina you bastard lol i still love you. so i get home and then i sleep. tuesday comes. 2 hr. delays are useless. wednesday comes. NO FUCKING SCHOOLLLLL YEAH BITCH. wait back to tuesday. dad was a dick over me not scooping the cat poopy hes crazy. back to wednesday. i go into work to get my paycheck and the bitch says to me, as i walk in the door. "feeling better today matthew?" im like (to self) "when did i feel bad...o shit sunday" (to the bitch) "yes im still a little quesy, bad fish we think" (the bitch bought it HAHA) she hands me my check and im off. i come home dads all like "blah blah im sorry im crazy blah blah blah im a bad father" im like "yes, yes you are" hes off doing shit hes gone till saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so anyway i just got done watching some crazy ass movie called The Forgotten. its good i liked it. didnt think it was going to be about aliens though. seriously that was a big fucking twist in the plot (realize i just ruined it for anyone who hasnt seen it) but yeah it was really good. well im winding down from a taxing day of sitting on my ass so ill see all of you later *hugs for all*

3 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 19 January :: 7.00am

Well another snow day....when am I ever going to get my AP chem exam done?

Well, this morning was nice. I woke rueben up a little bit ago because he spent the night, with all the to do over his dad and all, and Zach came and got him a few minutes ago to carpool to GRCC.

It's really wonderful seening the person you love first thing in the morning, even if we don't exactly looking our chipperest.

Now I'm listening to flute music and freezing my ass off in this corner.

I hope this does something for Manwel (okay, i really don't know how to spell it, but that's how you say it).

And Ema. I bet he did a lot of this for her. She's the cutest baby I've ever seen.


3 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 18 January :: 2.40pm

Yeah. I tragic thing happened. Edgar died.
3 hrs after returning from the animal hospital, pumped full of meds, getting the best care a girl can give him and capoot. He's gone. It's sad cause I've almost had him for 3 years now. He was just a pet yeah.. I know. And I'll get over it. But he was also a friend. Gosh. I'm gonna miss him.

2 found the love | Where is the love?


:: 2005 18 January :: 7.37am
:: Mood: calm

So we have a two hour delay for some unknown reason.

This means I'll have a lot less time to complete my AP chem exam, that's only half finished (after 2 days of working on it).

This means that I got an extra hour of sleep, I'll be awake when I get to school, and I get to catch up on Good Morning American.

Gotta love those 66 year old women who give birth and those college presidents who say women don't have the aptitude to be at the top of the science and mathmatical fields.
I think he was from Harvard, but how should I know? According to him, I probably don't have the aptitidue to listen to the tv.

Ah, well, have to go and straighten my hair into oblivion. I swear someday all my hair is just going to fall out because I do so much crap to it. Oh well, then I can just give more away to locks of love.


p.s. First day without modern business!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like a new person.

Where is the love?


:: 2005 16 January :: 2.41pm
:: Music: Matthew Whetzel - Anything But Stationary

Hey so yeah i got not to much to say. i watched a bunch of movies with brad and jay and nate last night we had lots of fun and i fell asleep on my cell phone and i guess like i called like 8 people lol sorry liz, sorry dad, sorry mary, sorry jake, lol. anyway i just wanted to let you all know that im bored and i had fun last night *hugs and love*

3 found the love | Where is the love?

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