2004 10 December :: 8.57am
:: Music: Death Cab For Cutie
In Econ
Hey so yeah im totally bored casue econ sucks. and i stole dani L.'s comp. and she is super cool and a total hottie so yeah what about that? well i guess ill just act like im working now cause i hate busen so hardcore. *big hugs* for all ~ Tails
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2004 9 December :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Saves The Day
24 Hours
I've been back on this site for 24 hours and im already wrapped back up in the drama of it all. It's all just so wonderful don't you think? But anyway, Hi everyone and thanks for adding me again i love all you guys. Sorry i was gone for so long though. prolly should've paid my 2 dolla lol. but anyway gonna not do to great on my drama presentation, but i dont think i care to awful darn much now. well love you all and big super big hugs to all
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2004 9 December :: 10.02am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional
I'm Back
Hey, I'm finally back you guys i got my account back. Sadly i have to start all over again with my posts but dear god im so happy im finally back on. I love you andy you are a hard core kid lol. so anyway everyone add me to your friends again you guys. *hugs* love you all WOOHU ROCKS.....
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2004 8 December :: 3.53pm
:: Mood: creative
I've had Floris stuck in my head all day long. It's such a sweet melody.
When I grow up I want to live in a house overlooking the water and write music. All kinds of music. Beautiful music.
That would be heaven.
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2004 5 December :: 12.13am
Everyone needs to cry once in a while.
I told him the truth tonight. By the look on his face, I knew it was the right thing to say after debating it all night. I'm happy he knows what he means to me and how much of a difference he has made, to me, and to everyone. I think he knew, but he wasn't quite certain. He told me it meant a lot to him that I told him that. It meant a lot to me, too, to be able to tell him that.
The cast party was a very sad event. Everyone was crying.
We will never forget this. We could never forget this. I never realized how much this had meant to me until tonight. I'm so happy that I was a part of it all. I'm so happy that I was wanted.
Where is the love?
2004 4 December :: 10.58am
:: Mood: cold
Happy Birthday to me. I'm seventeen now.
I don't feel much different. Well, maybe a little gray, from all the stage make up that has been applied to my face in the last two days.
If you haven't seen SCROOGE yet, you should go tonight. Last time to see it, folks. It's really a wonderful play, ask anyone that's gone.
Tickets are $7 at the door. Show starts at 7pm. Get there early, word is that tonight is going to sell out.
I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow, because I have the play tonight, so really, it doesn't seem like my birthday.
I have one more year until I'm 18. That seems really old to me.
Time to leave the past behind, and look for what is in store in the future. My day has been going very good already. My mom bought me a dozen roses. They're beautiful. Tonight after the play Jessie and I are going to get shakes at arby's. Then I have the cast party.
It's been a long week, but the best is finally here, and being with everyone is what has helped me through it.
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2004 2 December :: 12.38pm
I'm thinking since I'm not doing anything for the play anymore I'd go to the concert and have a little fun. Maybe. I'll check with the husband.Hope he says yes.
Do you think there is still anytickets for the concert left or is it a buy ahead of time thing?
You know what- I'll talk to you in person.
Everything's easier that way.
I really am pretty bored. I think I'll get another journal or something. I guess I'll see. Xenga?
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2004 1 December :: 12.37pm
Today is Mommy's B-day. I'm not doing anything special for her today but I was the first to wish her happy B-day.
Anyways, last night was fun. David, Mike, Daniel, and I all hung out and we were gonna go skating but it was closed due to rain (DUH) but David was pissed anyways. And then it started snowing when he drove me home and it was really pretty. I think it's cool how he was so amazed the snow looked so cool in the headlights and stuff. He's sucha dork. I love it.
Mike and Dan were being really nice to me. And then kind of teasing me. I don't think they hate me anymore is the point, because it would be aweful if his family and friends hate me as muchas they hate Mike's girlfriend. She's really pretty and high matinence (totally opposite of me) and i think she's nice but they think she's a bitch.
I am tired of school and can't wait till break.
I wanna go home now. I hate the freaking bus. See ya if I don't die.
Where is the love?
2004 30 November :: 12.53pm
Where is the love?
2004 30 November :: 12.43pm
Proffessor Snape!!!
A former DeathEater!!!!! Is that Hot??? Oh YEAH!
A Werewolf!!!
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2004 30 November :: 12.30pm
Well, my break was pretty good... until my guinea pig got sick and I rushed him into the emergency animal hospital at 12:00 on Sat. night.we were there for 3 hrs and he has a urinary tract infection. At least the meds that he is on are working so it must have been that. I hate it when doctors guess. But it must work. At least it's an educated guess.
Anyways, then I went to work on Sunday morning around 8:30 and I was up until 10 that night. I was literally dragging my butt around the house Monday morning. I was just about to walk out the door when I saw Dina sitting in the chair and she was talking to Kassy about how she was gonna stay home alone. There was my chance!!
I got undressed and brought my pillow and blanky upstairs and slept ALL DAY on the couch. It was nice. Lazy day for Becca. Well, someone had to keep her company!
Well, I am just tickled pink Edgar is recovering and I hope he never has to get sick again. He's alot nicer now that he knows I can hold him down and let people shove things in his butt.
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2004 30 November :: 12.10pm
I am such a selfish bitch.
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2004 29 November :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: depressed
At play practice I was very hyper. Now I've crashed into oblivion.
Good night.
Where is the love?
2004 24 November :: 5.08pm
It's snowing outside.
It was a very eventful drive home this afternoon from play practice. I rear ended a guy at 17 mile road and white creek at the stop light, because, well, my car wouldn't stop. Everything is fine now, though. He just looked at his car, nothing happened because i hit him going like 10 miles an hour, and he drove off, and i drove home going 25 miles an hour.
What a wonderful day.
Where is the love?
2004 22 November :: 1.13pm
I am just so glad it is not raining today. Rainny days really put a damper on my moods. I love being happy and awake. I really have not felt that way in a while...
I hope work on Thurs. is not to boring with cleaning and the like or wlse I will regret not taking it off to sleep. Hmmm....
Aww.. I want to Bowl. It is fun and I haven't been bowling for like a year. I'm not to good but that's okay. Gotta go.
Homework at school calls.
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